Human, I Like You.

N I N E .


It has been 26 days I live on the land.

And guess what? Tomorrow is my birthday!!


So, what should we do tomorrow?

I’m thinking hard when Chanyeol asks,


“Are you thinking of tomorrow Baekkie?”

I nod.

“What should we do tomorrow? Go to a waterfall in the forest? Riding a deer? Watching movies?” I ask. I am so excited.

“You know what .. I have a present for you”

“Really?” I ask because Chanyeol never give me one. We just spent our time together the whole day.

“You can spend your birthday with Haneul. That’s my birthday present for you”


I am speechless.


“But why?” I ask. I’m quite sad. Does he think that I love to spend time with Haneul more that I love to spend time with him?

Yes. I do love time to spent time with Haneul. But spending time with my mega best friend is priceless.

“Because you get a rare opportunity to be a human and your crush finally can see you after you’re stalking her for so many years”


I laugh.

Stalking? I’m investigating!


“Chanyeol, thank you” I say. I am so touched.

“So, what are you planning for tomorrow?”

“Really? You should say welcome. Geez, so heartless” I say. Chanyeol chuckles.



I’m not sleeping yet. I’m thinking of what should I do tomorrow with Haneul so she can be happy.

When I’m investigating her, I know that she never goes out of her house except to go to school, to the park and to a library.


Should I go to a mall with her?

Or should I go to the amusement park?

Or should we go to eat those colourful icy things? What they call that, ice-cream?


“Have you made your decision yet?”

“Ice-cream” I say.

“Ouh, you always want to try those icy colourful things”

“Will it be a good idea?”

“It’s your crush. Not mine”

I laugh. I feel embarrassed.




“Your eyes!”

“Why?” I ask. I’m shocked by his tone.

“You should do the mission hurry”


“I don’t want you to fully transform into a human”


“Didn’t you know?”

“Know what Channy??”

“If your grey eyes turns bronze completely, you’re fully transform into a human”



I don’t know that I have dateline.



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heyyy. hello. :D thank you for spending your precious time to read my story! >


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i like the story make a sequel for this plsss :3