Pinterest Perfect


High waisted shorts, check; bustier top, check; aviator sunglasses, check.

My hair billowed behind me as I drove with the top down on my brand new convertible into the parking lot of the place I had once thought was hell. All eyes were on me, and I loved the attention for once. I had always shied away from watchful eyes, but I welcomed them all as I strutted into the building.

I burst through the double doors and stood at the head of the familiar hall. There were people bustling everywhere, several of which stopped to stare at me. Everything was still the same as I had remembered when I left halfway through my sophomore year. I, on the other hand, had changed completely. No longer was I the slightly chubby, poorly dressed freak. Now, I was the iest in the building.

Satisfied with myself, I walked down the hall to where I knew my homeroom would be. As I walked, I looked at all the familiar faces that had once taunted and teased me. Today, those eyes watched me with everything from envy to lust to admiration, and I loved it.

Suddenly, however, I stopped in my tracks when I saw the one person I was hoping had left that god forsaken school.

"You," I said with slight distaste, my lip curling up.

"Me," he replied.

"You still go here," I said, more a statement than a question.

"And you came back," he said in response.

"I was...busy." I shrugged, watching him with cautious eyes, unmoving.

"Changed a lot." He jerked his chin towards me as if to address the entirety of my change.

"And you haven't," I shot back.

"I hardly recognized you," he added.

"Yeah, that was the point. How did you recognize me?" I inquired, still frozen to the spot.

"We grew up together. I'd recognize you if you decided to crossdress." He shrugged as if it were nothing.

"Been a long time, Daehyun," I said, allowing a small smile to my old childhood friend.

"Yo! Daehyun!" A loud clatter of voices shouted from the other end of the hall, pulling Daehyun's attention away and giving me a chance to really look at him.

In the almost two years I had been gone, Daehyun had matured well. Where before I had seen a dinky kid whose only friend was the school outcast, I now saw an attractive boy on the way to manhood. Not only was Daehyun now sufficiently good-looking, but so were his five friends that were now greeting him.

"Gonna introduce your childhood friend to your new hot friends?" I called out, reconsidering my former distaste in running into Daehyun. "Or are you too popular for me now?"

"Ah!" Daehyun turned around as if only now remembering me. "Guys, this is Acadia."

"Eh? Acadia as in the Acadia?" One of them looked so shocked that I almost became worried about what Daehyun had said about me.

"She really doesn't look like the pictures you showed us..." Another one noted, trailing off in uncertainty.

"Yeah, I had a self image intervention and decided to not look like a homeless man," I said. "You gonna give me some names or am I gonna have to call you giraffe, old man, muscles, pretty boy, and teeth?"

"Why am I teeth?" The one I had pointed to cried out.

"That's Youngjae," Daehyun said.

"Because when you smile you do a dumb thing with your teeth, it's weird, really," I explained, shrugging when Daehyun shot me a look.

"I'm Junhong," giraffe said.

"Yongguk. Why am I old man?" He asked, looking slightly embarrassed.

"There's no way you're younger than eighteen. You've got to be a teacher or something," I laughed at his reddening ears.

"The other two are Jongup and Himchan," Daehyun said before I could open my mouth again.

"Well, nice to meet you boys. Thanks for taking care of this idiot while I was gone," I said, throwing my arm around Daehyun's shoulders and leaning into him.

"Acadia, we have to get to homeroom," he said uncomfortably, moving out from under my arm.

"Who you got?" I asked.

"The Stub." His nose wrinkled up in distaste as it had when we were younger and I would have laughed had I not received the same fate.

"Dear Jesus, I was afraid I would have to deal with her all on my own." I shuddered.

"The others have her as well," Daehyun said, smiling at my response.

"The Stub?" Himchan asked, looking slightly worried.

"She's missing one finger and one of her eyes is totally wonky. You can never tell when she's looking at you, it's just impossible and you have to accept that now," I explained as our group walked to the room. 

"Well, she can't be too bad, can she?" Jongup asked with hope.

"Oh, she can be." I nodded, opening the door for them. "Welcome to hell."


Sorry for the short chapter. I was having a really hard time starting this story off, but I hope to write more soon. Please comment and enjoy!

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Chapter 2: I love the conversation between them. ^^~ I totally ship her with Daehyun. ^^
Another story? Nevertheless, I'm excited for this one since you have great plots and writing skills too. Can't wait for the first chapter!
Another story? Nevertheless, I'm excited for this one since you have great plots and writing skills too. Can't wait for the first chapter!