

Let me start by telling you that this is, in no way, a story to take life advice from. I am, in no way, a role model that people should look up to. I'm not exactly proud of what I have done or the decisions I made. I will say that I am glad where I ended up after all that happened. But, as I'm sure you'll find out, the results do not justify the means. 

But I do hope you know that this is not some stupid angsty story by some moody teenage girl about trying to find myself. You will not hear me whining or crying about stupid like "who am I?' or "why am I on this Earth?". If I do start up with that bull, you are cordially invited to no longer listen to me and just go about your merry life not hearing my story out. Also, if you could punch me that would be great. I hate people like that.

Now on to the important stuff.

I am not going to sugar coat this. As much as a certain someone wants me to cut down on the profanities, I can tell you that that is not going to happen. That certain someone also told me to write down my story for you guys to see and they're not going to get their way with me twice in one day. 

"Who's that certain someone?" You may ask, to which I tell you to shut up and listen to my damn story without interrupting. Also, telling you who that is would ruin the story and would defeat the purpose of me telling it to you. That's no fun, now is it?

Before we begin, I'd like to tell you that this is all true. When we're through, I do hope that you won't judge me too harshly. As I stated before, I'm not proud of what I did. If anything, I'm writing down my story in hopes that other people will learn from my mistakes and not have to make them on their own.

Well, without further delay, here's the story of how I went from zero to the baddest .

xoxo Acadia

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Chapter 2: I love the conversation between them. ^^~ I totally ship her with Daehyun. ^^
Another story? Nevertheless, I'm excited for this one since you have great plots and writing skills too. Can't wait for the first chapter!
Another story? Nevertheless, I'm excited for this one since you have great plots and writing skills too. Can't wait for the first chapter!