
Beyond the Happily Ever After

NOTE: The fairytale-like beginnings in the teasers will not be in the story. I made them match the teasers. The actual beginnings in the story will match the WHOLE chapter :)



 Ji Eun


Mirror mirror on the wall, am I setting myself up for one huge fall?


"Funny, because I was under the impression that you're just the rebound," my reflection cackled.


"T-that's not true," I replied tremulously, ignoring the fact that talking to a mirror was plain crazy.


"Please," the girl in the mirror rolled her eyes, "Didn't Taemin confess to you after Joo-yeon unknowingly broke his heart? Did you really think he'd fall for you so easily?"


I clenched my fist and tore my gaze away. My reply was caught in my throat.


"Joo-yeon is everything Taemin has ever wanted. She's beautiful, rich, kind, and perfect for him. And what are you?" she continued maliciously, "Not as pretty, dirt poor, and full of insecurities. If I was him, I'd be so tired of all your jealous accusations."


A small smile played on her lips before she delivered the final blow.


"And if you're so sure that he loves you, then why did he deny it in front of the whole world?"







Hye Ri


 A dirty horse should be kept in the stables. Or else, who knows what secrets could come out?


I the convertible's glossy black top longingly.

 Stupid Jonghyun. Does he seriously think he'll get rid of all his problems by buying a new car practically every week?!

And today the new addition is...

A dark green jeep covered in mud. Lots and lots of mud.

It drove up the driveway noiselessly, to my surprise.

And out stepped Kim Jonghyun, looking as disheveled as always.

His now chocolate-brown hair almost stuck up on one side. His black shirt and dark jeans almost looked crinkled. Almost, since he manages to defy nature by still looking good no matter what.

No matter how many sleepless nights he spends. No matter how much partying he does.

Not that I care.

Except I HAVE to stay up and wait for him to get home. And I'm the one who ends up fetching him things when he's in bed with a hangover.

Life's a peach, isn't it?

"Good morning," I finally  rolled my eyes sarcastically when he was within earshot, "I'm so glad you decided to make it home after all."

He raised an eyebrow and came to a stop in front of me.

"...Young master," I added through clenched teeth.

Jonghyun shook his head with a laugh before tossing me his new set of car keys.

"Can you wash it then park it in the garage?" he didn't even wait for an answer before walking away.

Rolling my eyes, I opened the garage door and saw that his three oldest cars were gone. Leaving enough space for future additions.

Okay, might as well start.

With that, I walked towards the jeep.


It was huge up close. Does a stepladder come out when you open it or something? Because it was TALL. Really tall.

Curiously, I unlocked the car door.

Nope, no stepladder.

Instead, there was a suspicious manila envelope sitting on the passenger.

I glanced towards the front door to make sure Jonghyun wasn't coming out before dumping out the envelope's contents.

Oh. My. God.

I flipped through the papers quickly.

Some were obviously old. Joo-yeon's hair was a bit shorter.  Others looked recent.

...REALLY recent. After all, most of them had her with Key.


Too afraid to see her in person so he has to resort to this?

"For awhile, I really thought you were over her," I whispered to myself before putting the pictures back in the envelope.

Just in time too, because at that moment, Jonghyun came running out the front door.

Fir the first time in weeks, he wasn't wearing his arrogant-jerk face. Instead, he looked panicked. Super panicked.

Without a word, he ran past me and fished the envelope out of his car.

"What's that?" I raised an eyebrow innocently.

"Nothing," he said without looking me in the eye. With that, he turned and slowly walked towards the house. Slowly and deliberately.

Too late though. It's obvious that the contents are secret.

A smile slowly made its way onto my lips.

Tsk tsk. He of all people should know that airing out your dirty laundry in the garden can lead to consequences.





Eun Ri


Even after the happily-ever-after, there's still trouble in the kingdom.


"I'm worried about Minho," I replied unwillingly.

"Minho?" Kevin raised an eyebrow incredulously, "Why him of all people?"

"What do you mean 'him of all people?'" I frowned.

Kevin shook his head.

"Well, Ji Eun practically exploded at that party, then she ran away. Taemin didn't even chase after her," he recalled with a wince.

I waited for him to continue.

"Jonghyun would be all over the newspapers for his scandalous behavior if his father hadn't paid off all the companies to keep his son out of the headlines," he rolled his eyes.

"Then Joo-yeon's lonely because she's home alone while Key practically lives at the company."

Right. He would take over soon. Without getting married first, since his advisors decided to take pity on him.

"He wants to take over though," I reminded Kevin.

He shrugged.

"And with all their problems, you're worrying about Minho?" he finished.

"He left for Japan, Kevin. Just JAPAN," I gulped, "Then he comes back with a girl whose face he keeps hidden?"

He opened his mouth to interrupt, but I cut him off.

"And he's been avoiding Key ever since," I added darkly, "...What if his halmeuni is the reason?"

"Huh?" Kevin shot me a confused look.

"Well she is exiled to Japan. Imprisoned within her own private estate," I gritted my teeth.

If it was up to me, she would be in a dark cell. A REAL prison.


"So..." I continued, "What if he visited her? What if she said things to him?"

"What kind of things?" Kevin asked cautiously.

"Horrible things."

I remembered my time in America.

My father telling me things that cut deep.

They hurt.

Because they were true.

He said I was ungrateful and waiting for something that would never come. That I was worthless.

If his halmeuni is the same way, what did she tell him?






When choosing between two very desirable options, what do we call that? A royal dilemma.


"What if you had to choose between someone you love and someone you can't live without?" she raised an eyebrow.

"What if they were the same person? What if the person I love is the one I can't live without?" I replied defiantly.

She shook her head sadly.

"But that's not the case, is it?" she murmured.

I bit my lip and stayed silent.

"Either way, one of them gets hurt," she continued.


"One of them gets their heart broken," she said sadly.

"That's not true," my lip trembled.

She ignored me.

"It would be easier, you know..." she sighed.


"If you didn't have feelings for both of them."



Just thought I'd post this :)

I'm updating "Love's Battlefield" and SIYSCMG today so wish me luck <3

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ProudPrimX3 #1
Please update soon ! I really want to read this. Once Upon A Fairytale was amazing :3
etchasketch #3
Chapter 1: ooh this sounds like its gonna be really interesting. i liked the magic/fairy tale elements in the first story but it feels like this one will be darker/ more realistic. cant wait for an update!
please update soon! :D
Please update soon~ :(
Please update sooonnn.. I'm going to come back here soon again..
Could you please update this fic? I really love it, and totaly in love with this fic.. please update. Jebal?
UPDATE soon?! I really like your story... please? update.. I WILL WAIT FOR YOU!!!
i hope you're gonna update this fic soon... i'm really looking forward for this sequel c: