Winter (1/1)

Four Seasons of Love


The wind had gotten chillier this time of the year but then, the warm smiles everyone despite the age made everything around warmer and livelier. Winter, the time when everyone is forgiving, no fights, no worries, and no hatred. The season everyone is anticipating every year, the time of the year when the holidays are spent with their loved ones in every unforgettable manner they can celebrate it with. Be with a party, or a simple dinner, what matters most are the spirits of love and happiness everyone is emitting and is willing to share.



He sighed deeply as he took a sip of his hot chocolate on hand and gazed outside the moving car, his brown fringe brushed sideways slightly covering his eyes. He took note of the smiles the children walking their way to school showed as they playfully threw small snowballs, obviously having real fun with their friends. He pursed his lips as he decided to face forward and kept his blank face on. He noticed the look his driver gave him through the front mirror making him look questioningly at him.

“It’s been a while since I last saw you played outside.” The driver commented with a warm smile showing his small dimple placed on his cheek.

The other raised his brow at the statement. “Why should I? Besides, I’m not a kid anymore.” He plainly stated and motioned the dimpled man to focus on his driving.


“No Leeteuk hyung. Please just.. drive.” Donghae interrupted and fixed his gaze to his shoes clearly telling the other to drive silently. Leeteuk, or the driver slash personal butler, sighed and finally fixed his eyes towards the road, making their way to Donghae’s school safely.

As soon as the school gate came into view, students started crowding by the entrance as they smiled widely, some even squealing. Donghae merely rolled his eyes at the scene as he was already used to the attention.

“Prince, we have arrived.” Leeteuk formally announced and the other sighed as he picked his bag and swung it on his shoulder.

“I really hate it when you’re being formal with me especially if it’s just the two of us.” The prince commented as he gave the older man one last look and opened up the door, stepping out of it. He maintained his stoned face as he walked away from the car and towards the school building.

Leeteuk glanced at the young prince as he once again sighed and shook his head. He followed him with his eyes and when sure the other made it inside the building, maneuvered the car and finally drove away.



Morning greetings from the other students welcomed him but he paid no attention to them. He kept his chin high as his feet led him to the old library, a room he requested to be his private place, one of the perks of being the Crown Prince. Since the school built a new building, they planned on destroying the old library but because of Donghae’s request, they decided to just let it be and even left the books behind knowing the prince’s love for it. He always spends his free time there away from the eyes of the public. He doesn’t have any friends. He prefers to be alone. Being born as the crown prince, he was raised with the thoughts of being cautious with people around him. Having that kind of position entitled him to such dangers and trusting other people easily was the first thing that was crossed out from his vocabulary.

He went inside the library and as soon as he closed the door, his shoulders then relaxed as he heaved a sigh. He looked around and smelled the air around him, loving the smell of old books. A small genuine smile automatically appeared on his face, the first real one for the day, as he stepped further into the room and sat on the small red sofa placed beside a medium-sized window that he opened widely, allowing the cool winter wind to come in.

He placed his bag on the side and glanced at his wrist watch; 8:15am. He smiled. His classes won’t start until 9am. He decided he will just spend his spare time today listening to music than reading his books.

Grabbing his mp3 and earphones from his bag, he placed the earphones on his ears and started browsing his music library. Clicking on a random song, he lied on his back and closed his eyes, loving the peaceful atmosphere around him plus the cool air that embraces him.

But then, the peacefulness of the surrounding was short lived.

Donghae jolted up from his seat when the library’s door suddenly opened with a loud bang. He furrowed his brows as he cautiously got up from the sofa and looked at the direction of the door. His eyes widened when he focused his eyes at the most beautiful creature his eyes had ever landed on.

The boy looked an angel from heaven. He has blond hair that accented his pale yet flawless skin, single lidded eyes, red plump lips -obviously a non-smoker- and sharp jaw line making his image a bit manly, contrast to his small body built that can be mistaken as to a girl’s. The angel-like guy was leaning against the door as he panted. He slowly slid down the floor sitting there as he wiped the sweat from his forehead, his school bag placed carelessly by the door.

Donghae stood there dumbfounded. The other must have noticed his presence since he looked up and the prince felt his breath hitched when their eyes met. The blond has dark brown orbs that seemed to captivate you if you’ll look against them and that was what Donghae was experiencing at the moment. He was taken out of his trance when he saw the other let out a relieved smile.

“Thank goodness I didn’t end up in a wrong room.” The blond said as he showed a tired smile. He stood up with difficulty as he walked towards the prince but much to the latter’s surprise, he walked past him and sat at his sofa. The angel heaved a contented sigh as he felt the softness of the sofa and the wind softly brushing against his sweaty form despite the early hours of the morning. Donghae looked confusedly at him from where his stood, unable to form any words at the moment.

The other looked up to him and smiled widely. “Oh you can sit here beside me if you want.” He commented and the brunet doesn’t know if he’ll laugh or be offended with the way the other addressed him but nonetheless obliged and cautiously sat a few inches away from him.

The prince shamelessly looked at the blond as he observed him intently. He looked like a carefree type of person, too carefree though for his likings. But then, staring at him closely, he looked quite familiar. He blinked a few times as his mind tried recalling on where he saw this guy before. Well that was quite a dumb question considering they obviously study at the same school.

Setting that aside, doesn’t this guy feel a bit too comfortable around him? Doesn’t he know who he is?

“You…” He started catching the blond’s attention. The latter looked at him with his brown eyes and the prince awkwardly cleared his throat as he looked away.

“What is it?”

And even before Donghae could stop his stupid mouth, “Don’t you know who I am?” He immediately bit his lower lip as he cursed his mind for sounding a bit rude in front of the blond. With a scrunched face, he looked at the other, anticipating a shocked or even angered expression but much to his surprise, the other laughed. The prince tilted his head to one side as he eyed the other like he had grown another head.

“W-What’s funny?” He tried to sound as intimidating as he can but unfortunately stuttered.

The blond’s laughter ceased as he shook his head and casually wiped the tears from his eyes because of too much laughing. He stared at the prince fondly, the wide smile never leaving his plump lips.

“Nothing.” He breathed out. “Of course I know you. You’re Lee Donghae, the Crown Prince of South Korea.” He continued with the same bright smile plastered on his face Donghae couldn’t help but blush.

“Also my classmate since middle school although I know you never noticed me before.” He added making the prince frown. With the way the other said it, it’s like he’s used with people not knowing who he is, not because he’s talking to the prince.

A pregnant silence filled the air but both of them felt that it was a comfortable atmosphere. The prince stared at the blond whose eyes were closed as a small smile was pasted on his pretty face, the sweat on his face long gone because of the wind.


Donghae blinked. “W-What?”

“You wanted to ask something right? Then shoot.” The blond pushed as he opened his eyes and stared at the other encouragingly.

Donghae pursed his lips, weighing on whether to ask or not, afraid that it might be personal but because of the other’s encouragement, he cleared his throat and positioned himself comfortably, facing the other. “Who are you running away from?” Even though he didn’t see everything, Donghae knew the blond was running away from something or rather, from someone. Based on how he sweat terribly because of running, and how relieved he was when he saw which room he ended up hiding.

The smile on the angel’s face faltered for a second the brunet have missed it if not because of his sharp eyes. “Oh nothing. Just some bullies who got nothing to do with their lives.” The blond said nonchalantly.

Although Donghae begged to differ.

Bullies are never to be treated lightly. They may never hurt someone physically, but the words they threw towards that someone were enough to scar them emotionally or even psychologically which are considered worse than physical pain. He looked at the other, pure concern seen on his own dark brown eyes. The blond stared back and smiled reassuringly at him. His eyes left the prince’s as he darted his gaze towards the abandoned mp3. He grinned as he picked it up and started browsing its music library. He put one earphone on his ear and offered the other to the brunet. The latter reluctantly get it and plugged it to his ear.

Love. Makes you yearn.

Who will light up the darkness of the night?

Lonely and unbearable. Loneliness as deep as the ocean.

Love is a tunnel.  Searching blindly in the darkness.

Who is the main character that I’ve been searching for?

I yearn for a warm embrace.

I dream that your beautiful smile will suddenly appear from a corner.

Donghae stared at the blond who was listening to the song with a soft smile on his face he can’t help but feel captivated. He slowly placed his hand on his chest, feeling the fast beating of his heart. Why does it seem like everything stood still? He can’t hear anything else, just the song, just his heartbeat.

No longer want to waste one more second.

In this tunnel, I search for your every clue.

I sincerely pray

That when I open my eyes,

A ray of light will take me towards your embrace.

The love that he has been searching, finally, is this it? But, isn’t it too early to assume things?

Is love even measured with the length of time you met and spent time with someone?

Or it will just come to you in an unexpected circumstance you could ever imagine?

Donghae was still lost in his thoughts when the school bell rang throughout the place surprising the two of them. They removed the earphones as the blond immediately stood up and faced the other.

“Thanks for letting me stay here even though this is your place and I just kind of barged in. Well,” He sighed and picked up his bag. “I guess I’ll see you around Prince Donghae?” He continued and the prince surely heard the hint of hope in his voice.


The angel who was about to go out halted in his steps when he heard Donghae’s voice. He turned around and stared at the other with curiosity.

“You.. What’s your name?”

A genuine smile appeared on his lips as he eyed the royalty in front of him who was surprisingly blushing. He giggled a little because of how cute the brunet was.

“Hyukjae. Lee Hyukjae.” He answered and was about to turn around when he saw Donghae opened his mouth. He waited for a few seconds but nothing was heard. Hyukjae turned to his heel when he once again heard the prince’s voice.


Hyukjae faced Donghae once again. “Yes?”

The brunet scratched his head, the blush never leaving his cheeks. “You.. You c-can stay here i-if you w-want to and..”


“Donghae. J-Just call me D-Donghae.” The prince finished in a small voice Hyukjae thought he was talking to a small innocent boy. He smiled widely, showing his pink gums, and nodded enthusiastically at the other.

“Sure! See you around then, Donghae-ah.”

With one last wave, the blond finally went out still with a big smile, leaving a smiling Donghae as well, both happy with their new-found friend.




Days passed and Donghae, much to his own surprise, waited everyday for Hyukjae at the library who, to his glee, always visited him there. They’ll simply spend their time there reading random books, or listening to music (lucky for them for having the same music taste), and sometimes just sitting still at the sofa, no words exchanged between them but deep in their hearts, contentment was there.

Just by sitting beside each other, they’ll immediately feel their hearts to be at peace, and as confusing as it may be for the two of them, they already feel complete.




Donghae frowned as Hyukjae sat beside him, the exact opposite of the prince’s expression on his pretty face. The blond placed his bag between them as he opened them and took out several food containers earning a questioning look from the prince.

Hyukjae stopped his movements and looked innocently at the prince.


Donghae shook his head. The blond shrugged and continued on placing the foods in front of them and smiled widely. The brunet eyed everything and felt his stomach growl. As far as he remembered, he was still full but seeing how appetizing the foods were, he can’t help but drool.

“Y-You made all of t-these?” He asked in disbelief and the other just smiled sheepishly at him.

“I’m a frustrated chef so..”

“So you decided to cook everything and make me your little hamster?” The prince finished and fought off a smile when he saw the blond pout.

“Yah I’m sure those are delicious okay?! And I won’t do that to you.” Hyukjae mumbled the last words as a faint blush painted his pale cheeks. Donghae stared at him, curious on the sudden change of attitude.


“”Because..” The blond paused. “You’re special to me.” He once again whispered but the prince was lucky enough to catch it. He looked away and smiled widely before tapping his cheeks and once again faced the blond, his face already calm.

To break the awkwardness, Donghae picked up a piece and shoved it to his mouth. He slowly chewed and his eyes immediately shone as his face brightened up.

Hyukjae on the other hand dreaded the reaction he will get from his new friend. He slowly lifted his head and came face to face with a smiling Donghae. The latter gave him a two-thumbs up he wasn’t able to control himself and jumped on the surprised prince.

They both stumbled with Hyukjae on top of Donghae, thankfully no food was wasted. Both opened their eyes and immediately blushed at their close proximity. Donghae’s eyes automatically darted towards Hyukjae’s plump ones and visibly gulped. The blond blushed even more when he saw the action and cleared his throat. He scurried to his feet and got off the prince. He sat at the other end of the sofa and stayed still.


“Let’s eat now before the foods get cold, hmm?” Donghae suggested with a small smile the blond smiled back grateful at the act of the other. They ate the food silently, with the two of them throwing subtle glances at each other, both hearts fluttering against their chests.




Hyukjae was casually walking down the street towards the nearest bus stop from his school, his own earphones plugged on his ears, listening to soft music. He was in his own world when he noticed a black sleek car driving slowly beside him. The blond pursed his lips in slight annoyance and decided to finally turn around to scold the owner when his words were caught in his throat at the sight before him. The window at the back seat was rolled down and there he saw Donghae staring straight into his eyes, his expression unreadable.


“Get in.”


“I said get in. Hurry you’re starting to catch attention.” Donghae mumbled leaving the other with no choice. Hyukjae reluctantly opened the door and slid beside Donghae, mind clouded with many questions.

The drive was silent still with thousands of question marks floating inside Hyukjae’s brain but he did not dare ask the prince. He glanced at Donghae who was relatively quiet as well, his gaze darted outside. The blond sighed as he stared forward and froze when he saw Leeteuk watching him through the front mirror. He blushed and looked away, embarrassed when he was caught by the elder.

Leeteuk chuckled silently as he shook his head and continued driving, not before giving both Donghae and Hyukjae one last glance.



Donghae chuckled as he went beside Hyukjae who had his jaw dropped as he stared at the big mansion in front of him. The prince coolly put his hands inside his pockets and gently bumped the blond with his elbow. “Let’s go inside hmm?”

“I-Is this t-the r-royal p-palace?” The blond asked in awe while Donghae dragged him, once again, since he was still in shock it was hard for him to even move his feet.

Donghae snorted. “You’ve watched Princess Hours right?” He asked in amusement and the other just nodded at him.

“Well don’t believe everything you watch on t.v.” The brunet commented and thanked Leeteuk who opened the wide door for them. Hyukjae turned around and bowed at the elder who smiled warmly back at him.

They passed different art pieces placed everywhere in the house with Donghae casually walking while Hyukjae had his mouth hanging wide open, not used to the expensive things he was seeing. The prince finally stopped and the blond, being the clumsy guy that he is, didn’t notice the action and bumped right into the brunet’s broad back. He muttered a small ‘ouch’ as he pouted and massaged his nose.

Donghae opened the door, revealing his very own room leaving Hyukjae breathless. It was a simple room but it was so.. Donghae-like. There was a king-sized bed in the middle of the room covered with blue bed sheets and blue blanket, a monkey plushie lying cutely at the middle of it. On one side a small study table was placed and a rather large bookshelf beside it filled with different kinds of book, but mostly of fantasy and mystery themed ones. On the other side was his walk-in closet with the door slightly opened giving Hyukjae the chance to glance inside it.

“Have a sit.” Donghae offered as he removed his scarf and vest and hung it back to his closet. The blond nodded as he too removed his own scarf and vest and carefully placed it on top of the bed. He took a sit on the swivel chair by the study table and turned around, facing the huge glass window. His eyes immediately lit up as a huge smile appeared on his face.

Donghae went out of his closet, all in his comfortable clothes, and stopped when he saw the blond looking outside. His breath hitched when he noticed how stunning Hyukjae was. He had that amazed look on his face like a small innocent child getting all excited because of a simple lollipop given to him.

Hyukjae stood up and hurriedly ran towards the large glass window and stopped near it to get a proper view of the outside. He turned to face the prince with a bright smile on his face.

“Hae! It’s the first snow! Can we go outside?” He asked and pouted when he saw the uncertainty on the brunet’s face.

“Pretty please?” He continued and despite the great urge to disagree, seeing that look on Hyukjae was enough for him to give a small nod. The blond gave a triumphant grin as he grabbed his scarf and placed it around his neck. Donghae was about to grab his own when the blond beat him to it. He was surprised with the action until Hyukjae went near him and carefully placed the warm cloth on his neck. He blushed at the close proximity but Hyukjae was too excited to notice it.

Unconsciously grabbing the prince’s hands, Hyukjae excitedly dragged the other outside. He breathed out a sigh of contentment when cold winter air hit his body plus the view of the snow slowly covering the whole area making the atmosphere more winter-like.

“It really is winter.” Hyukjae commented with his gummy smile. He received no response from the prince since he was so absorbed into admiring the blinding smile of the blond. It’s as if he’s looking at a painting of a very beautiful angel that he won’t get tired of it.

Hyukjae turned his gaze to his side and immediately his cheeks turned light pink when he noticed the way the brunet looked at him. It was so full of..


“Love.” Leeteuk breathed out with a small smile on his face as he observed the two teens from afar. He sipped on his hot tea as his body was leaning on the door frame of the house.

A small lone tear fell from his eye. No it’s not a tear of sadness but of happiness. Even though Donghae’s not telling him anything, the happiness clearly seen on his eyes because of that certain blond was enough for the elder to also be happy for the young prince.

Donghae had been practically alone all his life. He only had Leeteuk as his companion. He had always treated the elder as an older brother and not his personal butler and Leeteuk was very thankful for that. It’s not that his parents don’t love him. But they’re too busy with their work and as the royalties they don’t have enough time to spend with the crown prince. So seeing the prince truly happy with Hyukjae, all he can do is to thank the blond from the bottom of his heart.





Donghae turned to the voice and was surprised when he was unexpectedly hit by a small snowball. His face turned red and glared at the blond who, instead of being scared, just playfully stuck his tongue out to the prince.

The brunet smirked and hurriedly bent down to gather some snow and rolled it into his palms, creating a small ball as he eyed the other playfully. Hyukjae gasped when he noticed the look and squeaked out a yelp when Donghae threw the snowball at him full force.

“Yah!” Hyukjae complained. He pouted as he dusted the snow off his coat. He was about to start nagging when he froze hearing how Donghae laughed whole-heartedly. It was the first time he heard the prince laugh that way, or laughed, in general. The crown prince was known to be a cold person, not showing any expression on his handsome face. This was clearly the first time and Hyukjae suddenly felt his heart swelling with happiness.

Donghae noticed how Hyukjae became silent all of a sudden making him stop laughing and eyed the other confusedly.

“W-What? Is there something on my face?”

Hyukjae shook his head and smiled gently. He strode towards the prince and cupped his cheeks with his cold hands. Donghae’s cheeks automatically blushed, not sure if it’s because of the blond’s cold hands or because it’s just Hyukjae.

“I love your smile. Can you, smile, for me? Always?” Hyukjae said in a sweet voice and looking at his eyes, Donghae found himself nodding at the words. He’s not used to all of this but maybe, he can make Hyukjae an exemption.




Donghae furrowed his brows as he looked at his watch. It has been an hour past the dismissal time and yet Hyukjae was nowhere to be seen. He carelessly threw the book he was reading to the side and picked his bag up.

It was weird though. Every time the blond won’t be able to come, he’ll always make sure to text the prince beforehand but not today. He even tried calling his phone but there was no answer.

Feeling the panic rising into his chest, Donghae hurriedly went out of the old library and started searching for the other. He ran everywhere, ignoring the curious stares of other students and searched for that very familiar blond.

He doesn’t know why but his feet suddenly brought him to a very secluded place at the back of the gymnasium. He stopped for a while to catch his breath when he heard cries for help. His eyes widened when he found the voice very familiar.


Donghae felt his heartbeat fastened as his breathing became rapid. With slow cautious steps, he walked towards the voice, keeping his senses on alert for any danger. Along with Hyukjae’s small cries, he also heard maniac laughter that surely belonged to the bullies and it made his stomach churn. He stopped by a pillar and peeked only to see a group of four crowding by the wall on the opposite end.

The prince roamed his eyes and caught sight of Hyukjae’s bag abandoned not far away from the crowd. He slowly clenched his fist in worry and anger for the blond.

Should he intervene or let them get away on their own first before he’ll approach Hyukjae?

Although all of his rational thoughts seemed to flew out of the window when he heard Hyukjae let out a loud cry of pain. Donghae cursed as he immediately went out from his hiding and immediately threw a punch on the first person he got close to.

The bullies were about to hit back when they saw who the intruder was. Their eyes widened in surprise when they saw the crown prince glaring at them as he stood protectively in front of Hyukjae, blocking the blond from them.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” He shouted in fury. His fist hurts since he’s never the type to get into fights but that was the least of his priorities. He needed to ensure Hyukjae’s safety first.

The bullies decided to just run away knowing they won’t win with Donghae in any aspect but not before sending Hyukjae a hateful glare first.

Once he’s sure that the bullies were gone, Donghae immediately turned to face Hyukjae and kneeled down in front of him. He visibly winced when he saw the bruises on the blond’s face. He’s sure there were also some on his body too.

The anger on his face immediately disappeared and was replaced by pity and worry when he saw the pained look on Hyukjae. He brought his hands up and gently cupped the other’s face, careful not to touch the bruises now turning purple.

“Hyuk-“ His words were caught in his throat when Hyukjae weakly held his hand, the one he used to hit one of the bullies. The blond lifted it off his face only to inspect it with worry written all over his face.

“Are you hurt? You shouldn’t have done that you know.” Hyukjae calmly stated as he continued to inspect Donghae’s hand, not paying any attention to his own injuries.

“Hyukkie..” The prince mumbled in disbelief. How can he still care for his hand when his own body’s screaming for cure?

“I can take care of myself. This kind of scenario’s not new to me anyway. But you… do you even know how to fight? Those bullies are not to be taken lightly. Be thankful that you’re the prince that they’ll surely be scared to hurt you.” The blond nagged still in a weak voice, the pain now starting to take over his system.

Donghae sighed as he lightly hit the blond on the head. He smiled gently at Hyukjae who smiled back in return only to frown when he felt his face aching. The prince moved closer and carefully placed Hyukjae’s arms around his neck then he slowly placed his right arm around the blond’s shoulder, his other arm under Hyukjae’s knees. He slowly stood up, balancing the other in his arms.

Hyukjae leaned his head on Donghae’s chest, tired and in pain, but feeling the prince’s warmth made him smile. It really feels great when someone cares for you. The brunet looked at the angel in his arms warmly. Slowly, he lowered his head and placed a kiss on the blond’s forehead.

”Lecture me later but now, rest. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

‘‘I’ll take care of you’, I like that.’ Hyukjae thought as he slowly closed his eyes and let sleep take over him.




Hyukjae let out a groan when he shifted his body he even heard some of his bones cracking. He slowly opened his eyes and noticed the familiar surroundings. He gasped when he it finally dawned to him; he’s in Donghae’s room. His head suddenly ached making his hand automatically move to ease the pain when he noticed he can’t move his hand. He lowered his gaze and saw another hand holding his own. His eyes travelled to its owner and noticed him sleeping with a small frown on his face, his head resting on the bed and his body sitting uncomfortable on a chair.

He looked at the bedside table and noticed the clock placed on top of it; 09:21 pm. He has been out for that long huh? And Donghae has been beside him all that time?

The blond’s eyes softened as he raised his free hand to Donghae’s soft brown hair. He noticed the prince’s expression softened as his body relaxed to his touch.


Donghae moved a little and slowly opened his eyes. He raised his head a little and saw Hyukjae staring down at him with a gentle smile on his lips. Widening his eyes, he abruptly sat up then stood up from his seat.

“Hyukkie! Are you okay now? Are you hurt? Want me to call the doctor? Wait, are you hungry? Let me call one of the maids to prepare something for you.”

Donghae panicked and turned away but halted when he felt a hand stopping him. He slowly turned around and saw Hyukjae’s delicate fingers wrapped around his wrist. He looked up and noticed the blond bowing down, his ears red.

“Hae..” Hyukjae called with a small voice. Hearing how Donghae called him with a pet name made him blush deeply plus the butterflies roaming crazily inside his stomach.

“W-What is it?”

The blond finally looked up and locked eyes with the prince with a bright gummy smile despite the slight cringing because of the pain, enough to make Donghae’s heart beat rapidly against his chest

“…Thank you.”




Okay, so the fact that he saved Hyukjae from the bullies and even treated him in his own house will have the impression of everything between them getting better right?


Donghae had that sour look on his face for days now. He felt it, he’s sure about that. The soft loving stares of Hyukjae, the care the blond had been giving him, the hearty laugh of the other that he always loved to hear every time they’re together, everything. Then he made sure to return the affections as well. Heck if not saving him from those bullies even for his lack of experiences in that kind of matter plus when he brought him home to be treated and he even personally stayed beside him weren’t enough, then he doesn’t know what is. Weren’t those things enough for Hyukjae to somewhat get a hint on what he’s truly feeling?

“Darn it.” He mumbled as he sighed deeply. He carelessly tossed the book he had been reading, or rather holding, for a few minutes now. How the hell can he concentrate on what he’s reading when his mind kept on screaming Hyukjae?!

He ruffled his hair in annoyance. “This is hopeless.” He whispered and messily wept the tear from his eye. What’s happening to them was really frustrating on his side. He never wanted someone like this before. Okay he never actually cared for anyone before or even liked a person the way he does to Hyukjae but he’s sure, it’s love.


Donghae lifelessly walked around the campus, not sure on where he’ll go. People around him stared at him with surprise. This was the first time they saw the Crown Prince walking around and not locking his self inside the old library. But then, although thrilled at the sight of him, they still don’t have the guts to approach him.


They’re already used to his cold attitude but this was the first time they saw him that down. The aura around him screamed ‘don’t come near me or else I’ll kill you’.

Of course they all loved their poor lives to even dare come near him.


He was completely puzzled how Hyukjae was giving him the cold shoulder. Why is he even like that in the first place? He remembered the dramas he used to watch with his Leeteuk hyung. There, the hero will save the heroine from a traumatic or dangerous situation then from there, their relationship will quickly escalate. The lady will feel grateful for the heroic deed and then they will confess their feelings for each other and then, they’ll live happily ever after.

“This is not the happily ever after I’m expecting.” He mumbled as he let out a soft sob, so soft you won’t hear it unless you’re just inches away from him.

His feet led him to an abandoned place somewhere around their building and decided to sit on a vacant stone bench. He deeply sighed as he closed his eyes, feeling the cold wind hitting his body that visibly shivered. Now that he remembered, he felt so broken and lost that he forgot to even wear his scarf. Good thing his coat was thick enough to cover his body but of course, it was never enough.

He then furrowed his brows when he noticed someone stood in front of him, that someone covering him from the slight warmth of the sun. Donghae was about to scold that person telling him to go away when he froze as he felt a soft scarf being carefully wrapped around his neck, the same manner he felt when he wrapped his scarf around him last time, soft warm breaths hitting his face making him aware of their close proximity.

He was never the type to let a stranger invade his personal space but somehow, this someone gave off a very familiar vibe, the presence of that someone he has been missing for days now.






Hyukjae’s hands froze midair when he heard Donghae mumbled his name as he was silently fixing the scarf around the prince’s neck whose eyes were still fully closed. He straightened up and turned around, his back facing the brunet and started walking away when a cold ungloved hand held his wrist.

He bit his lower lip as his body began to tremble with longing and the need to hug the other started to once again invade him.

“Don’t you dare run away from me Lee Hyukjae.” Donghae’s voice was threatening but the blond didn’t miss the slight tremble in it. He sighed deeply as he mustered the serious expression he could put up then turned around to face the brunet, the latter’s hand letting go of his.


“Please,” His eyes widened when he noticed how the prince’s eyes were red and slightly puffy, staring back at his own brown orbs with a painful stare. “D-Did I do s-something wrong?”

Donghae’s words pierced through his heart making his chest feel a lot heavier than before. His vision unconsciously started to become blur as he slightly tilted his head upwards, trying to fight off the tears from streaming down his pale cheeks.


“No Hae you didn’t do anything.” Hyukjae cut the prince off, words coming out in a hushed manner. He was feeling so down right now he can’t even trust his voice at the moment.

“Then why?”


I’m only doing this to protect you from them.


“This is for the best.” Was his only response. It may be stupid but this is the only way for him to be sure they won’t harm his Hae.


Donghae’s face scrunched up fully discontented with Hyukjae’s answer. The best? For the best of what? For them? How in the world can this be the best for the two of them when they’re clearly suffering at their current situation?

“Is this about those bullies?” He hissed and he saw how Hyukjae visibly flinched in his place. He can’t blame him though. This was the first time he had used such cold tone towards the blond but he just couldn’t help it. Everything’s very confusing for him and Hyukjae’s answers weren’t helping him even just a little bit.


“Godammit Hyuk! Why should you worry about those douchebags?! I’m the prince for Christ’s sake! They can’t touch me that easily or else the whole Korea will be after their heads!” He shouted in a frustrated manner as his hand wiped his face in an equally frustrating manner and started walking back in forth, the habit he has grown with every time he’s stressed.

Hyukjae remained standing there, his whole body unable to move as he started to sob uncontrollably. Fat tears finally rolled down his cheeks. Donghae’s outbursts got the best of him, sending him to the edge.

Donghae stopped his steps when he heard the loud sobs of Hyukjae. He faced the blond and his eyes immediately widened when he noticed how the other was having a hard time to breathe because of too much crying. He moved closer to him and wrapped his arms around the blond, his one hand automatically guiding Hyukjae’s head to lean against his chest as his other hand started to softly draw circles on the other’s back, trying his best to calm him down. His worry however doubled when he heard how the other only sobbed louder and felt his hands started gripping on his shirt as if he’s holding onto him for his dear life.

“Hyukkie?” He asked carefully in a gentler tone, knowing fuelling everything will be hard for Hyukjae. He now regretted shouting at the other like that.

“I… I j-just wanna m-make s-sure t-that they w-won’t do a-anything t-t-to you.” Hyukjae tried to explain between his sobs. After that incident, the bullies went back at him, not to hurt him physically, no, but to threaten him about Donghae. Sure the latter is the prince but those bullies all came from such influential families. They all know how to move under the table. And even though he wanted to protect Donghae, he can’t do anything. He’s just an ordinary skinny guy, just smart enough to obtain a scholarship from the school for the elites. That actually was the main reason why he was always being bullied. He doesn’t even have a family. He’s merely an orphan striving everyday to survive and he was thankful because Donghae came to his life. He was so close to giving up but after meeting the brunet, he finally had a reason to love life.


“You know I can’t do anything for you. That’s why… that’s why…”

“That’s why you decided to avoid me at all cost knowing it will satisfy your bullies and they will keep their hands off me.”Donghae finished with an exasperated sigh.

The brunet slightly pulled Hyukjae away from him, just enough to create a small distance between their bodies as he reached out and cupped Hyukjae’s cold and wet cheeks with his cold hands. The blond looked at him with his swollen eyes, guilt and pain within them but of course, Donghae didn’t miss the love in them. He offered him a small smile as he slowly leaned forward and gave the other’s nose a small peck on the tip.

“What am I supposed to do with you huh? You kept on making me worried like this. How am I supposed to rule the country when my own future queen kept on having me preoccupied?” He scolded playfully as his thumbs brushed the tears that kept on flowing down the blond’s cheeks.


“I’m used to being alone. I don’t have any friends, only Leeteuk hyung to accompany me. I never punched anyone before. Heck I never involved myself with any fights just to save someone not related to me.” Donghae said, his words making Hyukjae flinch with guilt.

“But now.. ever since you came to the library that one fateful day, when your angelic appearance was presented right before my eyes, your hearty laugh that instantly made me melt inside along the cold hard ice I surrounded my heart with. When you made me laugh and smile again because of your childish yet very adorable games, made me feel those emotions I never felt before, just because I was afraid. I was afraid of letting someone into my life and giving them the opportunity to hurt me. You.. you made me do the things I was surprised I could actually do. Who knew I could punch someone like that? Who knew that I could get extremely angry at someone for hurting my angel? Who knew that I would actually be that scared when I saw them surrounding you like that? And who knew I will long for someone like this it’s making me crazy already?” Donghae paused as a small smile graced upon his lips.

Hyukjae once again started sobbing hard after hearing the brunet’s words. He never knew he had such effect on the prince. He felt his heart swelling up with so much gratitude and love towards the other. He thought all of his feelings for Donghae were one-sided but, with those words, he knew, he was finally loved.

“Now don’t you ever tell me that it’s for the best okay? Do you think I’ll let you go after turning me into such a mess? You have to take responsibility you know.” The brunet continued as he playfully glared at the sobbing figure in front of him.

He once again brought Hyukjae to his arms, letting his chin rest on his blond hair. “This is the first time I’ll be doing this and probably the last since I’m not really letting you go –well, unless you don’t want to be with me anymore but I won’t give you such choice so yeah you’re stuck with me now for the rest of your life- anyway, what I mean to say is,” The prince cleared his throat. “I love you Lee Hyukjae. Please be mine, forever.”

Hyukjae froze on Donghae’s arms as his eyes went wide. His heart beat faster as he felt his blood all rushed up to his face, making him resemble to that of a very red strawberry. He abruptly pulled away from the prince and stared at him with his mouth wide agape it made the brunet chuckle at his cute reaction.

“I-I’m n-not dreaming r-right?” He stuttered and he even had the audacity to pinch his cheek. He let out a cute yelp then pouted as he rubbed his swollen cheek.

Donghae laughed out loud as he removed Hyukjae’s hand and kissed the reddish cheek. “I know I look like a prince charming found only in dreams but, I believe you’re not dreaming.” He commented smugly earning a soft smack on his chest.

“Conceited much huh.”

“So…” Donghae trailed off.

“So what?” Hyukjae asked, still sulking because of his painful cheek.

“I told you I love you. Aren’t you supposed to say anything?” The prince asked innocently as a childish frown appeared on his handsome face.

Hyukjae giggled. He then slowly wrapped his arms around the brunet’s neck and pulled him close, bringing their lips together in a short love-filled innocent kiss. Donghae’s eyes widened at the sudden action but later on closed his eyes and started kissing back. He felt the blond smiled on their kiss making him smile as well, his whole being started to be filled with pure bliss, happiness, and most important of all, love.

The blond finally pulled back, much to their disappointment, and flashed his signature gummy smile. “I hope that was enough answer for you.” He commented with a smile that was replaced with a confused expression when he saw the other pouting.


Donghae pulled him and connected their lips again, this time more fiercely and hotter. “I’ll tell you when it’s enough already.” He growled lowly against the blond’s lips yet his eyes on Hyukjae’s were gentle with a glint of mischievousness. The latter chuckled and started giving the prince short pecks on his lips.

“I love you too, my prince, Lee Donghae.”


And they lived happily ever after.




After rounds of whines of persuasion –with small pecks here and there by Hyukjae to Donghae- the prince decided not to push charges against the blond’s bullies. The latter reasoned out that he should not make a big deal out of it anymore, much to the brunet’s dismay. He let go of the issue but not before threatening not only the bullies, but also their whole family, into things only the royal family has the power to do if they won’t keep their filthy hands to themselves and will still hurt his angel.

Leeteuk was very happy for the two young lads, immediately giving them his full support the second they announced their relationship to the elder. He was also with them when Donghae formally introduced his lover for support (the prince smiled on how he addressed his Hyukkie) to his parents.

They knew the road to being together is tough since same- relationships are still not fully accepted, giving the royal family worries. Donghae’s parents were of course, shocked when they found out about everything. But when they finally met Hyukjae, the Queen immediately cooed on how cute her future son-in-law was plus the way the two lovebirds stared at each other, eyes full of love, gave the King and Queen the feeling of relief that somehow, everything will work out for their son. They may still be young for ideas of marriage given that they’re still in high school, but within their hearts, Hyukjae and Donghae both are rooting for their relationship to go as far as they can and then maybe, just maybe, being together ‘til they aged and soon take over the throne was not a bad idea after all.


A/N: aaannnddd... this is it!thank you to all of you who supported this one-shot collection of mine. I hope you all had fun reading these stories and won't kill me for it XD

see you in my other stories~ annyeong~/waves 

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Chapter 5: Reading these oneshots again because I love them so much 😭💕
Chapter 3: I badly want to know how hyuk was able to come back but as long as they’re together, then just like donghae, we don’t need to know
Chapter 2: I love this story so much 😭 I’m glad donghae was patient, they deserve to be happy
Chapter 5: I just finished reading the entire story. it was really fun to read. just reading the synopsis from the foreword made me excited to read every chapter and see how you end it. I love it. You are a good author. I really enjoyed reading your story.
Chapter 5: What I love about the oneshots is how accepting their parents are. These are so cute and light I feel like floating looool thank you for this authornim ^^
Kyattchan #6
Chapter 5: Aww.. I really liked all the oneshots, especially the last two. I wonder if it's because I'm Autumn/Winter biased? lol
Anyway.. they were all lovely! :)
Chapter 2: I cried so much in this chapter... *sniff* but it is beautiful! <3 love the ending of this chapter!
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful! I love it!
Sepanta-ruby #9
Chapter 5: Cute and beautiful stories. TnX for sharing ^_^
Chapter 5: so beautiful! amazing!