Summer (1/1)

Four Seasons of Love


Little feet lightly touching the ground as his small white wings flapped on his back, little Hyukjae kept an adorable gummy smile as he played by the beach with an older angel sitting by a large rock watching his every movement to keep him from harm. The little angel will slowly place his feet by the water and will shriek cutely every time the cold water will hit him then will giggle afterwards. The older angel also has that stunning smile on his face as he watched little Hyukjae enjoy the surroundings.


When Hyukjae finally decided to rest, he ran towards the older angel and flung himself towards him, enveloping the other in a tight hug with his small chubby arms.


"Teukie hyung!" Little Hyukjae exclaimed with a wide smile. His Teukie hyung, or Leeteuk, smiled gently back at him as he too wrapped his strong arms around his little angel and gave him a peck on his blond fluffy hair.


"Tired already?" Leeteuk asked in a motherly tone earning a small nod from Hyukjae. He lifted the small angel and placed him on his lap facing each other as to not do any damage on Hyukjae’s still little white fluffy wings. They remained silent until the little blond looked up curiously at the elder.


"Teukie hyung?"




"Does love really feel good?" Hyukjae asked curiously making Leeteuk look at him in surprise.


"What's with the question?" The elder asked as he stared down at the other, his dirty blond fringe slightly covering his eyes.


Hyukjae shrugged. "Nothing. It's just that.. people seemed to be obsessed with it. They're always trying their best to search and feel love." He explained innocently.


Leeteuk stayed silent for a while as he thought of proper yet simple words to use on explaining it to the small angel.


"Love feels good, that's true. The best feeling in this world a person can feel is to love and be loved in return. It always has to be that way though. If it is unrequited, most of the time, it only brings pain and tears to that one person." The elder explained slowly but unfortunately it only brought a small frown on Hyukjae's face. He chuckled at the sight and slightly squeezed the little angel in his arms.


"Aigoo our Hyukkie is still a baby so you won't understand everything very well. Once you've grown up, I'm sure you'll understand every word I just said." He assured the younger who reluctantly nodded his head in agreement. He'll just worry about things once he's a lot older and wiser.





Large white wings gracefully moving against his lean muscular back, his golden eyes sparkling with pure curiosity and mischievousness, soft long blond hair swaying as the wind blew past him, he grinned widely as he sped up his flying and went down near the sea and let his slim fingers touch the cold liquid making a line on the water as if he's dividing it into two. He raised his head up and realized that he was near the shore where lots of people were having fun. It was summer after all, the season to experience the fun under the sun. He smiled wider as he flew his way to the humans and gracefully landed on his feet, his white robe swaying against the wind. He needed not to worry since no one can see him unless he wanted them to.


Walking calmly by the shore, he glanced around with his hands behind his back, eyes observing the every movement of the people. He noticed how their eyes shone with pure happiness as they interact with their loved ones. He wondered how simple gestures such as hugging and giving their loved ones water to quench their thirst from the heat of the sun could produce such genuine reaction from them.


He continued walking until he heard flapping of wings behind him. He turned around and smiled when he saw his best friend Siwon staring back at him with accusing eyes and disapproved look on his handsome face.


"You should really learn how to ask permission on coming down here on Earth. Leeteuk hyung went ballistic when he found your room empty a while ago." The taller angel explained earning a sheepish grin from the blond.


"Oops?" The blond laughed. "I still don't know why Teukie hyung even worry about me though. I can handle myself pretty well now." He continued as he hooked his right arm on Siwon's left and resumed walking. The tall handsome angel eyed his best friend and sighed.


"Hyukjae…" The taller angel started.


"I know Siwon." Hyukjae, or the blond, cut him. "Don't worry okay? I'll be fine. Now," He unhooked his arm from the other as he skipped a few steps forward and turned to face Siwon. "Let's go home. Loser will be the winner's slave for the whole day tomorrow!" The blond exclaimed as he hurriedly opened his wings and flew high, leaving a dumbfounded Siwon behind.





Donghae smiled widely as he drove his car with his windows wide open, letting the fresh provincial air in. His body had been craving so much for vacation and now that he was able to sneak out, he couldn't get happier.


That is, until his phone rang.


He glanced at the device and let out a heavy sigh. He signaled his car and swung it carefully to one side, stopping there and pushed the hazard button.




"Lee Donghae! Where are you?! Yesung hyung's coming today and you're supposed to discuss the new business proposal with him!"


Donghae immediately pulled the phone away when he heard his secretary slash best friend's voice shrieked from the other line. He didn't even let him finish his hello.


"Henry chill okay? I'm sure you can handle Yesung hyung well."


"Handle him?! Just... Where in the world are you right now?"


"I'm.." The elder bit his lip. He moved his brown fringe to one side and stretched his neck carefully out of his window.


Haeundae Beach, 3 kms.


"I-I'm on my way to H-Haeundae and I'm a-almost there."




He gulped. You should panic more if Henry will be silent. He's like a volcano ready to erupt if he's being this quiet.






With wide scared eyes, Donghae looked at his phone with his finger pressing the hang up button. Well that was scary. To make sure that he won’t get such calls again, he turned off his phone and placed it inside a small pocket of his bag, readying himself on not touching it for a few days.


He took a deep breath to calm himself. He's almost there. He'll just worry about Henry, Yesung and work once he's back at Seoul but right now, his main priority is the beach where he'll spend his vacation at.


A bright toothless grin appeared on his face as his mind once again started planning the things he'll do there, with zero idea on what's in store for him.





It was a sunny summer day, and the best way to spend it is to have fun outdoors. Hyukjae was once again walking aimlessly by the beach, eyes scanning the numerous people around him with his adorable gummy smile.


Ah, he saw those stares again; the stares of love and admiration. He sure loves to observe people. Yes he's aware of that little thing called love but really, why fret over that matter? Why do people have to make a big deal out of it?


He shook his head at the foolishness of the humans.


The blond angel looked down as his feet played with the white sand that was rather rough against his skin yet it seemed to relax him. He doesn't even know why he was getting fond of coming back to that beach. What's special about it anyway?


He snapped his head up as he heard people gasping, giving out sounds of amazement. He saw them looking at the direction of the sea and noticed the sun was already setting. The beach really is the best spot for a scenery like this. The day was nearing its end again and soon, it will be night then a new day will come. But even though a new day's coming every day, why is it that his life is always the same?


Love. If he'll experience it, will he be happy? Will it give his boring life a twist? Will it live to his expectations or just disappoint and hurt him in the end? Is he even prepared to feel such emotion?


As foolish as it may be, he's seriously curious about it and is very willing to give it a try.


A try won't hurt right? He thought.


Well, that's what he thought.



It was one chilly night when Hyukjae decided to once again spend his time at the beach he has grown accustomed to. He first scanned the area to make sure that he was alone until he decided to make himself visible to the eye. His long hair became short, eyes turned from golden to hazel brown, and kept his wings hidden of course but, with his beauty plus his unusual clothing of white robe with blue silk linings, flowing freely with each blow of the wind, he sure still stands out. He smiled fondly as he sat down near the water and stretched his legs, his feet being touched by the water every time it will hit the shore.






Cold wind hugging his form, the moon shining over the water like a scene on a fairy tale, Donghae gave out a contented sigh as he walked alone by the shore wearing his beige thin pajamas folded up to his knees and white wifebeater, his flip flops secured on his right hand.


He mentally patted his shoulder for a job well done in choosing a vacation house by the most popular beach in South Korea. It may be a bit pricey, yes, but the satisfaction he got was no match to the money he paid for the house. It was his dream after all; to live by the sea with the one he loves, spending their peaceful and lovely time together.


The problem is, he hasn't found that person yet. He's very busy with his work and love never once hit his mind. With those big expectations from his subordinates and his family, who is he to disappoint them? But then, he doesn't rush this kind of thing. He knows, love will come to you unexpectedly and well, he'll just have to wait for that unexpected time.


He kept on walking, thankful that the area was wide and quiet with no one around, thinking that he was all alone until he spotted something, or rather someone, a few meters away from him sitting by the shore.


He blinked a few times, analyzing the figure before he cautiously took baby steps towards it. Ah, it's a man around his age, if not, then younger, he thought to himself. He has blond hair and pale white skin. He's currently closing his eyes with a small smile on his red plump lips Donghae found himself smiling as well. The man will sometimes giggle every time the water will hit his feet, from the coldness maybe.


It may be crazy for Donghae but, the first word that hit his mind when he saw the man was 'angel'. The man was so angelic he even doubted that the word was enough to describe him. As his eyes took in everything about the stranger, he failed to notice how his feet kept on going closer and closer to the said man. Donghae literally jumped on his feet when the stranger whipped his head towards his direction, equally surprised with his presence.




“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to surprise you.” Donghae immediately apologized when he saw the panic on the blond’s eyes. He took a few steps backwards giving the other his personal space and let out an apologetic smile. “Really I’m sorry. It’s just that I thought I was the only one living around here and the beach was closed for public during this time so I was surprised to see someone here.” He explained carefully and his explanations somehow caught the other off-guard.


“I-I s-see…” The blond muttered, the moonlight gracing on his skin enough for Donghae to see the blush on his cheeks. He couldn’t see his reaction anymore though since the stranger decided to bow his head down low.


“Uhm..” The brunet cleared his throat. “I’m Donghae. Lee Donghae.” He awkwardly introduced himself as he slowly reached out a hand to the blond, his body slightly stretching as he tried to make his hand went nearer as possible without leaving his place. The latter eyed his hand curiously, clearly confused on what he should do he reminded him of an innocent child.


Donghae chuckled. “You have to take my hand and shake it lightly.” He instructed with a small smile. He felt the blond’s eyes on him making him look up as well and smiled assuredly and warmly when their eyes met as to not scare the other even more.


He saw how the stranger reluctantly grabbed his hand and shook it lightly. “I’m H-Hyukjae.” The other introduced and immediately let go of his hand, much to Donghae’s disappointment, and stood up. He dusted the sand off his robe and bowed a little towards the brunet then turned to his heels. He walked away fast that Donghae got no chance to talk to him or to even ask him if he’ll see him again.


The brunet sighed as his eyes focused on the lovely moon that seemed to kiss the sea. He felt it. Something’s different with that blond. He doesn’t know what it is but, that something made him feel light, and he really liked the feeling.


“Hyukjae huh? A perfect name for an angel-like guy like him.” He muttered in amusement and decided to lie on the sand with his hands placed behind his head, his gaze now on the dark sky above him as his mind kept on picturing the beautiful blond he just met.


The next day, Donghae purposely woke up early as he decided to find the blond. His interest got the best of him and he swore to himself that he won’t rest until he will see him again. Once he stepped outside his house, his feet immediately led him to the beach and beamed with hope building in him when he saw people starting to crowd around. He felt a hunch that one of these people know Hyukjae, or at least has an idea about him.

He started asking around, giving Hyukjae’s description as accurate as he can but unfortunately none of them knew such guy. He even asked some of the lifeguards there only to be left in disappointment.

He furrowed his brows from too much thinking until an idea hit him. Donghae ran back to his house and fished out his phone from his bag and immediately turned it on. He waited for a while and when finally okay, he searched for the number of the agent who sold his vacation house to him.


“Hello Mr. Bang?”

“Mr. Lee? Is there a problem?”

He bit his lip, hesitating if he should ask him about Hyukjae. He’s not even sure if he will get something out of this but asking won’t hurt right?

“Mr. Lee?”

He snapped out of thoughts when the agent called him.

“I’m sorry Mr. Bang. Uhm, I just wanna ask you if there is someone who’s living near here besides me?” He slowly asked, uncertainly lacing in his voice.

“None that I remember Mr. Lee. As far as I know, you’re the first one to buy a house there and none followed as of the moment. Why?”

“A-Ah n-nothing, just curious. Thank you Mr. Bang and sorry for disturbing you.” He said and finally ended the call with a sigh.

So no one’s living around here except him and no one knows who Hyukjae is. Then, is he just a form of his imagination?

He shook his head.

It’s impossible. He’s not the type to believe in such ghosts or mythical beings plus they freaking shook hands! He was able to physically touch him so he’s 100% sure that he’s real.

“But really, who are you? Or specifically, what are you?” He asked no one in particular, millions of thoughts running through his mind and yet he couldn’t grasp that one possibility of who the blond really is.



Siwon and Leeteuk were discussing matters, walking side by side when they spotted the usually bubbly Hyukjae staring at nowhere, his expressions blank. The two paused on their feet and looked at each other. This was the first time they saw him like that. Still worried, they approached the other and sat beside him placing the blond in the middle.


Leeteuk called softly but received no response.


This time it was Siwon but also got no reply.

Sighing, the eldest among them placed a hand on the silent angel’s shoulder surprising him.

Hyukjae jumped on his seat and stared wide-eye at his two companions that he never felt sitting beside him. “Hyung! Siwonnie! When did you get here?” He asked them.

“Just a while ago. What’s wrong? You’re exceptionally quiet today. Did something happen?”

Hyukjae bit his lower lip. Nothing important exactly happened in his point of view. Meeting that Donghae guy was nowhere special but he couldn’t deny to himself that it stirred something inside him. But then, how can he explain it if he doesn’t exactly know what it was?

He glanced at his friends and shook his head, giving them a faint smile. He decided not to tell them anything unless he’s finally sure with what’s wrong with him and telling them what’s bothering him will only burden them. Leeteuk is the head of the angels and Siwon is his assistant.

Oh Hyukjae?

He’s the adorable younger brother of the two. He was not given any task at all making him free to roam and play around.

Although in doubt, the two just nodded at him but stared with eyes telling him that he can consult anything and they will be willing to help him in any way that they can.


The day passed and the whole sky finally darkened welcoming the summer night with Hyukjae doing nothing. He doesn’t know why but he never had the urge to go down to Earth during the day. Instead, he waited for the night time to come.

He shook his head.

Why should he wait for the night?

It’s not like he’s anticipating on meeting Donghae right?

He suddenly felt his cheeks heating up at the image of the smiling brunet inside his mind. He messed his hair in slight annoyance and stood up from his bed. He slowly went out of his room, careful not to make any sound that would catch Siwon and Leeteuk’s attention. Yeah, the three of them live together in their small lovely home surrounded by white and fluffy clouds.

He tiptoed his way towards the door and smiled triumphantly when he was able to go out. He spread his wings and set off, not aware of the two pairs of eyes looking at him.

“Is it right to let him go just like that?” Siwon asked Leeteuk who was standing beside him, also staring at the blond who gracefully flew away. The latter looked at him and smiled reassuringly.

“Don’t worry too much. Nothing bad will happen to him, only things destined to be done.” The elder replied. He once again stared at the area where Hyukjae set off and prayed inside his mind. Yeah nothing bad will happen but he cannot shake the worry away because of the blond’s simple-mindedness. That characteristic of him will surely bring him confusion with what he’s facing right now.



Hyukjae landed gracefully by the seashore, soft sounds of wings flapping being heard against the silence of the area. He folded his wings behind, made his self visible and looked normal as his eyes travelled around looking for that particular being that’s the main reason for his confusion.

His breath hitched when he saw Donghae sitting on top of a high rock facing the sea, the moonlight illuminating the whole area giving him a better view of the human’s handsome face. It was laced with seriousness as if he’s thinking of something so important. As if on cue, the brunet turned to his direction and when he saw him, he flashed him his breathtaking smile.

The angel smiled back shyly, taking small steps towards the other and settled beside him, careful not to slip on the rock. But of course, he’s not a clumsy angel for nothing. His left foot slipped that he squeaked and only closed his eyes, waiting for his body to hit something quite hard when he felt nothing but tight protective arms around him. Slowly opening his eyes, he stared up and saw Donghae hovering over him, his arms hugging him with those brown orbs looking worriedly at him.

“Are you okay?” Donghae asked him. He immediately felt his tongue got tied on how close their faces actually were he could feel the other’s breath on his face.

“I-I’m f-fine.” He stuttered, feeling the heat overflowing from his face that he couldn’t help but hide his face from the human by pressing it against the brunet’s broad chest.

Donghae, though surprised with the sudden action, only smiled gently and patted the blond’s hair affectionately. He doesn’t know what the other was currently feeling but he couldn’t deny that he found it really adorable plus the warmth that spread throughout his whole system. It was a very unfamiliar feeling but he surely loved it.

“There there, don’t worry nothing happened.” He soothed the other as he kept his arm around him, not intending on letting him go unless he wanted to.

Hyukjae slowly pulled away, his face still hot from his blush. Peeking through his blond fringe, he stared right through Donghae’s brown orbs and shyly mumbled a low ‘thank you’.


The whole area was very peaceful, the wind slightly chilly but none of them minded. After the incident, Donghae purposely acted nonchalant about it as to not make their atmosphere awkward much to Hyukjae’s relief. He’s still new to this kind of interaction with other people or angels and he’s definitely sure he doesn’t know what to do with this kind of situation.

They both stared at the sea, feeling serene with the way the water will gently hit the shore making relaxing sounds plus the way the moon was reflected on the blue water. The sky was dark but the moonlight and the generous amount of stars were enough to keep their surroundings bright.

It was after a few minutes that the two started to talk about random things, well, mostly about themselves, but Hyukjae was cautious enough not to reveal much about himself.

“Your hobby is to watch other people?” Donghae asked in disbelief and Hyukjae nodded innocently at him.

“Yeah. I have been wondering since I was a child on why everyone’s lives revolve around love. What’s so special about it anyway?” He explained, his brows furrowing adorably that the human could only look at him in awe.

“Well,” Donghae started as he shifted a bit to his side to fully face the other. “Love huh? How can I explain this..” He mumbled and chuckled when he noticed the curious and anticipating look on Hyukjae.

“Love itself is unexplainable. No one actually knows how to explain that four-letter word with the right words. It makes people crazy and even the most intelligent people goes dumb because of love. Of course you always use your head but in love, whether you like it or not, most of the time you follow your heart rather than your brain.”

Donghae looked at the angel and amusedly shook his head when he noticed Hyukjae just got more confused than before.

“To fully understand love, you need to experience it yourself. It will make you feel new things but none of them is regrettable. That I assure you.”



That particular meeting had been followed by even more meetings it became their habit. Donghae practically told Hyukjae all about him and, much to his glee, the other finally opened to him little by little but of course, the angel always excludes his true identity. Both noticed how they relatively grew closer with each meeting, their small wall of awkwardness slowly crumbling down.

The human always anticipates the moment the sun will set indicating the coming of night time where he will meet his newfound friend once again. Who would have thought that things will turn out this way? He went to the beach all the way from Seoul to enjoy the summer under the sun but instead, he was waiting for the night to see the one that makes his life brighter than the summer sun itself. He couldn’t deny that even though he still knew so little of the blond, he was already falling for him and although he’s still inexperienced when it comes to love but of course still knows more than Hyukjae, he decided to take things slow as to not scare the other away.

Hyukjae on the other hand couldn’t explain what he was feeling all because of that particular human. At times he will find himself smiling just when the smallest thought about Donghae will hit him. Like when he was flying above the sea and his eyes will catch a small fish and it will automatically remind him of how he teased the brunet of looking like one. Or when he will stroll around the beach and will find a small boy enjoying a cone of vanilla ice cream, suddenly hitting him that it was the human’s favorite ice cream flavor.

Those feelings make his heart flutter and his stomach churn giddily he’s feeling more alive and happier than before. These fluffy feelings didn’t go unnoticed by Siwon and Leeteuk who from time to time will catch him smiling while staring at a distance, the two knowing that look too well. They will ask him what’s happening and instead of answering, he’ll just shake his head, his face blushing beet red and will run away from them.

Even though it is a good feeling for him, there is still that part of him that was confused and scared. He likes and is getting used to this feeling he’s scared if one day it will all be gone. Everything is so foreign to him he couldn’t even give a name to it.


Hyukjae snapped his head to the side and looked incredulously at Leeteuk who calmly sat beside him, a gentle smile on his face.


Still with the smile, Leeteuk turned to the blond and affectionately ruffled his hair feeling the soft strands between his fingers.

“When you were still a little kid you kept on asking me what is there about love and why every human is striving hard for that word. I don’t know what to say that time since you’re still very young to understand it and I believe in the saying ‘Experience is the best teacher’.”

Hyukjae kept quiet and just let the elder continue speaking.

“I would want to meet this human some time.”

The blond’s eyes went wide suddenly running out of words.

Leeteuk noticed his expression and chuckled. “Even though we’re not talking to you about your escapades doesn’t mean we don’t know about it. I just want to talk to him and thank him.”

“T-Thank D-Donghae? W-What for?”

The older angel looked at him straight in the eyes, his own orbs shining but no words came out from him.



Donghae held his phone between his ear and shoulder as he beat the eggs on the small bowl.



There was a brief silence on the other line.

“Who’s this?”

Donghae pouted. “Yah did you erase my name on your phone?”

“Oh so now you still have the decency to ask me something like that after vanishing into thin air?” His best friend retorted back, annoyance dripping in his voice.

“Look I’m sorry okay-“

“You better be.”

“-I promise I’ll make it up to you once I came back.”

Another silence and Donghae stopped making his breakfast, anticipating on what the younger would say.

“What’s the problem?”

He sighed. He walked towards the refrigerator and after pouring himself a glass of cold orange juice he settled on a high stool and started narrating everything, his breakfast long forgotten. He may be older than Henry but two heads are always better than one. He’s sure of what he feels about Hyukjae but he barely knew anything about the other and he’s a mysterious puzzle for him still waiting to be solved. He should at least know what to do or how to handle the other. And lucky for him, despite his best friend’s lack of experience in love, he’s rather good in giving advices, one of the reasons why he is his secretary.

“So.. you mean to say that you’re only meeting him during night and when you tried finding him during the day no one knows who he is even Mr. Bang?” Henry concluded.

Donghae nodded then sighed since he remembered the other couldn’t see him. “Yeah.”

“Why don’t you ask him then?”

Another sigh. “I can’t do that. He’s rather.. hmm how should I put this? Naïve? Yeah, naïve. It’s like.. he’s not from this place.”

The other laughed at him. “Hyung you still couldn’t let go of your alien fantasies?” Henry asked as he continued to laugh at him.

The brunet pouted. “Aliens do exist Henry but that’s not the point here. Actually he’s far from being an alien.”


“He’s just like an angel and no I’m not describing him like this because I like him. He really does look like an angel.” He explained but of course, he couldn’t help but let out a dreamy sigh.

“I don’t think I’ll ever see this day.” Henry sighed.

“What do you mean?”

“I never thought my best friend who is so busy with his career will fall in love.”

Donghae smiled. “Yeah, me too.”





Donghae bit his lip unsure if he should already tell the blond or not. They’ve only known each other for more than a month and he will just be on the beach two months max because he has to return to his work at Seoul. He turned to his side and immediately felt himself melting into a pile of goo when he saw Hyukjae looking adorably at him, confusion written all over his face. He cleared his throat. He must do this now while he still has the courage to do so or else he’ll regret it.

The brunet raised his hands and held the angel on his shoulders.

“Hyukjae..” He breathed.

He felt how the blond tensed. With the rapid emotions flashing before his eyes, he knew many thoughts were running on Hyukjae’s mind and he knew he must not let this drag for so long.

“I… I know we just met for a while but..” Donghae let go of Hyukjae and ruffled his hair in frustration.

“Aish this is harder than I thought.” He mumbled to himself and the blond smiled gently on how cute the brunet was acting. The former was caught off-guard though when he was once again held by the human on the shoulders, his eyes staring straight into his.

“I like you. No, I think I love you. I.. honestly I have never felt this way before so I know I big time with confessing but.. please remember that my feelings for you are sincere and, I’m willing to take things slow.” Donghae said in one go and felt his whole body relaxing when it finally sank into his mind that there, he finally said it. He closed his eyes, not daring to look at the blond for any signs of rejection.

Hyukjae visibly froze on his seat as his cheeks started to feel hot. He admitted he felt really happy like thousands of flowers bloom inside him making him feel lightheaded. This is the first time someone had confessed to him and he couldn’t compare the way he’s feeling at the moment.

He was about to say ‘Donghae I like you too, a lot’ when like a wave violently crushing against the shore, he was suddenly awoken up by the harsh reality. His blushing face turned pale. He cannot be with Donghae. He’s an angel and the other’s a human. The other doesn’t even know that single fact and he knew that if he will tell him now, Donghae will surely freak out and end everything between them that very instant. And even though the human might accept that fact, how can two personas from different worlds be together?

Donghae kept his eyes closed. He’s greatly anticipating what Hyukjae will say. Will he reciprocate his feelings? Or will he be rejected? He knew it was so soon but he felt it. He felt that connection from them the very first moment he saw the blond sitting alone by the shore. Sure he doesn’t date before but, he met persons that he hoped will be the one for him but the connection he wanted to feel was nowhere to be found that’s why he remained single. And now that he found it in Hyukjae, he doesn’t think he will let this guy go. He will wait no matter how long Hyukjae wants or needs. If he wanted more time to think about it he will willing give that time until the other will finally give him the permission to be his.

Minutes passed as he waited for a reply but all he got were sniffles. Opening his eyes and taking a closer look at the blond, he noticed how he was biting his lip, his eyes getting red.

The brunet felt panic rise in his chest as he immediately went closer to the other, his left arm wrapping around his shoulder. “Wait.. A-are you crying? Oh my Hyukjae I’m s-sorry I didn’t m-mean to upset you.” He stuttered as his mind frantically cracked his mind for words of comfort at the same time mentally hitting himself. Maybe he was being too straightforward even though he knew the other was obviously new to this, even more innocent that he is when it comes to relationships. Having excellent businessman skills isn’t a blessing all the time.

“I-I’m sorry I..” Hyukjae whispered and finally broke into tears. He felt how Donghae comforted him that he unconsciously turned to his side and nestled against the brunet, subtly inhaling the other’s scent and much to his surprise, it calmed him down.

Hyukjae himself knew why he was crying. Leeteuk’s words repeated inside his mind. Love. Yes. Finally after those rather torturous minutes of reflecting he was able to grasp his current situation. He now finally understands the word and couldn’t blame the humans for holding it so close to their hearts. The feelings were making him overwhelmed he could only cry harder against Donghae. But these feelings are not enough for them to be together. Their relationship is against all odds. He had never heard of an angel falling in love with a human he’s sure he is the first. What will happen to them? Or him? What if he will be not permitted to go down to Earth anymore? What will happen to him and Donghae? He knows he won’t be able to take it. What about Donghae? Maybe the human will eventually forget about him and meet another person to fall in love with. Although the thought must let him feel at least a bit relieved, he will be joking to himself if he will tell him that it really does make him at ease. Donghae may move on but he never will. He will forever live with that love he has for the human and the loneliness that comes with it.

Many possibilities kept on running inside his mind and all of them are on the negative side because he knew, he knew it will be impossible for them to be together. Those thoughts only made him cry harder against the brunet.

The latter was now panicking for he doesn’t know what to do. If only he knew it will be a burden to the angel then he shouldn’t have confessed. Carefully, he lifted the blond’s face and cupped his cheeks with his two hands. Donghae wiped Hyukjae’s tears away using his thumbs then he brushed the blond fringe away and gave his forehead a soft kiss.

Feeling Donghae’s lips against his skin, Hyukjae instantly felt relaxed, his violent sobs turned into soft hiccups. Slowly, he looked up at the brunet and found him smiling. It was a nervous smile but he was too preoccupied to notice.

“I’m sorry if I became selfish and said those things to you but I won’t tell you to forget them or act like I didn’t say them at all. Like I’ve said before, I love you. And I’m willing to wait for you no matter how long it will take.”

The blond widened his eyes in surprise.

”I’m willing to wait for you no matter how long it will take.”

His eyes once again swelled up with tears and practically jumped on Donghae wrapping his arms tight around his neck.

“Haaaeeee~” He wailed. Instead of being worried, Donghae let out a hearty laugh and hugged him back, burying his face on the soft blond hair. How can he not when all he heard Hyukjae mumble against his chest is “I love you too Donghae. So sooo much.”?

The blond eventually pulled away wiping his tears messily with the back of his hands he resembled a little child.

“So..” Donghae’s voice made him look up. He immediately regretted it though when he saw the teasing look on the brunet’s face. “You love me huh?” He pushed further it made Hyukjae blush furiously.

Too embarrassed, he grabbed Donghae’s shirt and harshly pulled him and once again buried his face against the crook of the latter’s neck.



Hyukjae peeked up and glared. “I said stop embarrassing me.”

The human chuckled and nodded. He cradled the blond in his arms and slowly swayed their bodies, humming a soft but happy melody.

He can’t believe it. Right now, in his arms, lay the one who hold his heart. So this is how it feels to be in love and be loved in return. Who would have thought this will happen to him? All those times he thought he will be stuck with his work and grow old alone or maybe with a bunch of cute puppies as his children. But now, here he is with his love enjoying a quiet time together.


The angel bit his lip in frustration. He wanted to tell the human everything but, he’s scared and he doesn’t know how. But then, he knows it’s unfair to Donghae if he won’t tell him the truth but he doesn’t know where to start.

“You know you can tell me everything right?” He widened his eyes and shot his head up only to meet the human’s reassuring smile. He looked down and pouted, his eyes now focused on Donghae’s shirt. Feeling anxious, the angel once again started to tear up. He hiccupped and messily wiped his tears away. Donghae already gave him the assurance but his case is not a simple one. They’re just beginning this wonderful phase together and he doesn’t want to ruin it too soon but he’s also aware the sooner he will come clean to the human the sooner their problem will be resolved.



He took a deep breath. It’s now or never. Whatever the consequence will be, he’ll accept it wholeheartedly. Even if it will break his heart, he will still accept the human’s decision.

“I have to tell you something.” He mumbled. Donghae adjusted him on his arms so now he’s facing the other but not really letting him go. The latter smiled and signaled him to continue.


“You’re what?”

“I’m not human.”

Surprise was evident on Donghae’s face it made Hyukjae cringe. The former blinked a few times as if he’s making sure he heard the other perfectly.

“D-Did i.. hear it correctly? You’re n-not..h-human?”

The blond bit his lip and nodded reluctantly. He heard how the other sighed exasperatedly.

“H-How.. what do y-you mean?” Donghae asked as he furrowed his brows.

Hyukjae knew it will be better to just show him than to explain with words. He slowly leaned towards the brunet and closed his eyes as he tenderly kissed him on the forehead, trying his best to tell him through the gesture how much he treasures and loves him. He let go and smiled weakly at the human.

He stood up and went behind Donghae who kept still on the sand. Closing his eyes, Hyukjae felt his wings appearing as he was engulfed with light, his blond hair growing past his shoulders up to his upper back where his wings were attached.

Few seconds passed until the light subsided. Hyukjae opened his eyes and saw Donghae still with his back him.

“H-Hae..” He softly called. He was so nervous he could feel his heart hammering against his chest. He will be true to himself, he doesn’t really know if he could take it if Donghae won’t accept him and he could only pray for the best.


Donghae gulped.  Even with his back the blond, he still felt the heat of the light that surrounded his love. He knew there is something strange about the other and though he loves him very much, he’s not sure if he’s ready to know what it is but he’s always keeping an open mind about this. He’s aware Hyukjae was taking a huge step with this confession. He knew all along that the blond is keeping something from him with the way he will avoid some of the human’s questions.

But then, he loves the blond and with that love, he knew he will accept everything about Hyukjae no matter what it is. His love for him is that strong. Sure it might take some time but trivial things won’t make him love the blond less. It’s a part of him and if you truly love someone, you will accept even the tiniest detail there is about him, positive or negative.

“H-Hae..” He heard Hyukjae called him softly. Swallowing the lump on his throat, he supported his body with his hands and slowly turned around, hoping for the worst but instead of something unpleasant, he gasped when he saw Hyukjae standing beautifully in front of him. His white wings were seen on his back placed securely there looking so fluffy and yet so sturdy and strong. His hair was still blond but it was long it disappeared behind his back. He was staring at him with beautiful golden orbs. He had always loved Hyukjae’s hazel brown eyes but this color also suited him very well.

Slowly, he stood up and approached Hyukjae. He lifted his hands and gently cupped the angel’s cold cheeks, an awed expression on his face.


He had been right all along.

“You’re a-an a-angel..” He whispered in awe and admiration.

Hyukjae blushed hard but nodded nonetheless. He expected Donghae to be frightened and his reaction was the least he expected.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” The brunet asked as he leaned his forehead against Hyukjae’s.

The latter frowned. “I’m afraid you will get scared and wouldn’t want to be my friend anymore. I’m sorry.”

Donghae shook his head. “Don’t be. And just so you know, I still love you even if you’re an ogre or something.”

The angel widened his eyes with the human’s words and on cue, tears once again streamed down his face.

“Why are you crying?” The human asked as he gently wiped the tears with his thumb.

Hyukjae held Donghae’s hand pulling it away from cheek. “You don’t understand. We can’t be together. We’re different. I… I have never heard such relationship between an angel and a human. Hae I’m afraid. I want to be with you badly but I don’t know how things will turn out for us.” He was a crying mess now. It would be better for the two of them if Donghae will just be scared of him and decided he doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.

Donghae smiled weakly. He understood what Hyukjae meant. Their case is a very complicated one and he himself doesn’t know what to do. But he has to be strong for Hyukjae, for both of them. He knows Hyukjae is the one for him and he’s willing to go all the troubles just so he could finally be with the blond.

He pecked the angel on the lips. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll find a way. Love always finds a way. I told you before right? I love you and I’m willing to wait for you no matter what or how long it will take.” His voice croaked at the end and he’s aware he’s also crying. He’s only a human so there is nothing he could really do but wait and so he will wait, be it weeks or months or even years. He will wait until he will be with Hyukjae and no one or nothing can separate them.

“I love you Hyukjae.”

“I love you Donghae, please wait for me.”

With tears and kisses did they declare their love together with an unspoken promise of fidelity towards each other. The one going to do everything he can while the other will be strong and will wait patiently for him holding onto nothing but his love for the angel.






Donghae closed his laptop and tiredly leaned on his seat, his fingers pressing the bridge of his nose to prevent his headache from worsening. The door opened and with the sound of the shoes hitting the tiled floor he knew it was Henry. He opened his eyes and glanced at his best friend looking worriedly at him, a short yellow folder on his hand.

“What is it?”

The younger placed the folder on his table. “This is the list of the materials needed for the renovation of our building at Busan. You need to check this to finalize the budget we will allot on this project.”

Donghae nodded. “I’ll check them later.”

“No. Do it tomorrow. What you need to do now is to go home and rest.” Henry said. Ever since Donghae went back from his vacation, the brunet worked harder than he ever did before and it worried his secretary to the core. He reasoned out that he needed to catch up with his work but Henry knows there is something bothering his best friend. He immersed himself with work as if he’s trying to make himself busy.

Henry let everything passed during the first month but it has been four months and Donghae is getting worse. He tried talking to the elder but all he got is an ‘I’m okay don’t worrry’ answer from him. He really cannot pry and confront Donghae more since knowing the latter, it will only stress him more and he doesn’t want that. So, the best way he could help his boss is to minimize his workload as long as he can but then, he’s just the secretary and the CEO in nature has a lot of responsibilities.

The brunet flashed him an enough-Henry look. Henry understood it so he merely sighed and went out of the office leaving his best friend alone.



Donghae loosened his tie as he threw his body on his couch. He looked around and noticed how the darkness covered his house. He had been going home really late for the last four months. He tried to keep his self busy to avoid his mind from wandering elsewhere. But as time passes by, he realizes more and more how much he missed the other’s presence if he won’t do anything to divert his attention he will go crazy.

A light flashed across the living room and when he stared out of the window he saw lightning flashing and the rain started to pour. He sighed. Is the weather sympathizing with him? He groaned as he stood up and decided to finally sleep the night away even without having his dinner. He doesn’t have the appetite anyway. He took a step and stopped when his doorbell rang. Confused, he looked at his watch and noted it was late already. So who in the world will visit him this time of the night?

Cautiously, he walked towards the window beside the door and peeked on it. There on his gate stood someone but it was too dark to really see who it is. He picked the baseball bat conveniently placed beside his main door for protection and held on it tightly. Yes he knows how to fight and he does it well but it won’t be safe for him to go outside without any idea who that person is.

He opened his door and slightly cussed when he forgot his umbrella. He slowly approached the gate blinking his eyes frequently to get rid of the rain and his grip on the baseball bat tightening. He stopped just in front of the metal gate and wondered where that person went. He stretched his neck and looked over to see that person now crouching there. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed how familiar that someone is.

His hands automatically let go of the bat and hurriedly opened his gate, his body shivering in cold when the wind passed by him because of his movements. He froze when the crouching figure stood up and faced him.


The said man stared at him, his face broke in a smile while his hands were wrapped around his body. Donghae took in his appearance and noticed the angel was wearing casual clothes now all wet and stuck to his body like a second skin.

He ran and hugged the blond tight, burying his face on the crook of his neck.

“Hyukjae. Oh my God you’re here.”


He snapped from his thoughts when he heard how the other stuttered from the cold. He immediately pulled him into his house and led him to the bathroom to take a bath while he prepared clothes for him.


The brunet took a bath on the bathroom inside the master’s bedroom. He made some hot chocolate and settled on the living room to wait for Hyukjae to come out. Few minutes later, he saw the blond walking along the corridor towards him. He was wearing Donghae’s blue pajamas that were obviously too big for him the brunet could see the pajama top sliding off the blond’s shoulder. His blond hair is short but the fringe is long enough to cover his eyes.

He flashed him a smile when the angel now human looked up and their eyes met. He ushered him to sit beside him then he handed the blond his own cup as he did so.

Awkward silence filled the air. Donghae doesn’t know what to say while the other was busy with his cup. He doesn’t know where to start. He wanted to hug Hyukjae and kiss the life out of him while he also wanted to ask him many questions. He also wanted to scream at him reprimanding him where he had been all these months and why he only showed up now.

He was cut off from his thoughts when he heard the cup being put down on the table then finally focused his gaze on Hyukjae.


His words were cut when the said man flung himself towards him, his arms wrapped tightly on the brunet’s neck.

“I’m home, Donghae.”

Recovering from his shock, Donghae hugged back as he began crying against Hyukjae’s shoulder. He pulled away and cupped the other’s cheeks and slowly pressed his lips against his plump ones, savoring their moment together.

“Welcome home, Hyukjae.”

He doesn’t know how Hyukjae did it and he doesn’t want to know anymore. What’s important is Hyukjae kept his promise. It took him months and that long period of time almost made Donghae crazy but now that he has Hyukjae in his arms, he couldn’t ask for more. They’re reunited and this time, nothing can come between them. They can now finally continue their love story together and will be making lots of memories together that they will treasure for as long as they live.


A/N: crappy ending is crappy sorry :/ this one took me too long I'm sorry.. but! the last two seasons will be up soon because they're done already! once again I'm really sorry for the delay /bows 90degrees

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Chapter 5: Reading these oneshots again because I love them so much 😭💕
Chapter 3: I badly want to know how hyuk was able to come back but as long as they’re together, then just like donghae, we don’t need to know
Chapter 2: I love this story so much 😭 I’m glad donghae was patient, they deserve to be happy
Chapter 5: I just finished reading the entire story. it was really fun to read. just reading the synopsis from the foreword made me excited to read every chapter and see how you end it. I love it. You are a good author. I really enjoyed reading your story.
Chapter 5: What I love about the oneshots is how accepting their parents are. These are so cute and light I feel like floating looool thank you for this authornim ^^
Kyattchan #6
Chapter 5: Aww.. I really liked all the oneshots, especially the last two. I wonder if it's because I'm Autumn/Winter biased? lol
Anyway.. they were all lovely! :)
Chapter 2: I cried so much in this chapter... *sniff* but it is beautiful! <3 love the ending of this chapter!
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful! I love it!
Sepanta-ruby #9
Chapter 5: Cute and beautiful stories. TnX for sharing ^_^
Chapter 5: so beautiful! amazing!