
Forever , Together

so this is like one of the lifetimes where they meet again. im trying to tell it to details (?)

im not sure yet..so read and give me your thought (?)




Myungsoo jolted awake from his sleep . His hair messy and mapped to his forehead as his erratic breath make his chest rise and down. His hand keep clenching and unclenching the fluffy comforter of his. This time , he’s woken , yet again by the same dream of his death. The one that start since a few months ago. It was so strange , as he remember he had dreams of getting kills but each death is different . It was never same . He couldn’t see who kills him in those dream , but whoever it is , is making him awake rather early and he couldn’t fall asleep again , those dreams sometimes make him scared , because in those dreams , he was killed , always dies in the same way –killed by not a human being but a vampire.

However , the thought that vampire is not exist in this world , sometimes , make him feels a slightly better . Able again to sleep . But not since a days ago, there’s another problem bothering him apart from the dreams.

Myungsoo inhale another deep breath , back resting against the headboard. He glance at the clock on his nightstand.

Another day waking up at 3AM. His psychiatrist had comes to the conclusion of him having an insomnia few months ago , but Myungsoo doesn’t want to admit it. He slept well , it’s just that the dreams always wake him up in the middle of the night. He never told anyone about the dreams though , he know , because , that will just make his parent , his psychiatrist and all his friends thinking that he might have a mental issues. He was so scared because maybe , he do , with all the dreams getting killed by a vampire , he slowly believe , that maybe , maybe , there is something wrong with him.

But almost two months ago , he had dreamt a beautiful dream , of a guy , older than him. In the dream , he was walking down the street , stumble over air –like he always do , and falls in the stranger arms , where the stranger attempt to catch him from his downfall. He still remember the brown orbs that stare into him and the soft brown hair , shining under the sun. He could never make up of the guy’s look , it was blurred and the only things he could remember is that brown orbs and brown hair. That’s all.

Myungsoo slipped himself from the tangled comforter and lift himself off of the bed. He made his way out from his room to the kitchen , drinking a glass of water before going back to bed , only to stop in his track as he glanced out the glass window and see a girl , staring straight to him. His heart beating fast again. He climbed up the stars and run for his room , slamming the door and lock it.


‘what was that ? who is she ?’


Myungsoo’s life is hectic ,he slowly losing the strength to trust anyone around him , to even trust himself. There’s too many thing in his life doesn’t make sense. It cause his grade to drop sometimes , it cause him to worried , it cause him to get not enough sleep , and it make his friends leave , slowly.

With a tired steps , he made his way to his bed , but again , he was stopped , as his eyes land on a note , rest on top of his Physics textbook.  His eyes widened as he read the notes.

‘sleep Myungsoo , I’ll be there for you’


Now he’s getting more scared , just why all these weird things happen to him. With a frustration , he crumpled the notes and threw it in the dustbin , throw himself onto the bed, pulled the comforter and try to fall asleep.


And he did fall asleep . It was a best sleep he had in some times , because , again , he dreamt of that brown orbs , and that brown hair , and he know , it must be the guy that was once appeared in his dream.



i didnt proofread yet , i'll do later.

i hope you understand this chap..

kindly point my mistakes.

carpe diem !

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Chapter 1: poor sungyeol his love for myungsoo is so pure! ^-^
take care of your life yeollie dont let any vampire kills u so that when the time comes u will always there to met the love of your life again and again and again.