Chapter II


When Luhan opened his eyes, Minseok wasn't by his side. He stood up suddenly, surprised by the absence of his love. He was suddenly affected by a horrible headache.
Okay, now he remembers. How he had aa fight the day before with Minseok. How he ended his day with alcohol, trying to drown his problems. He finally went to the couch to sleep.

Minseok, him, had spent the night in their room, as always. Luhan wanted to run to see him. To throw himself into his arms and apologize for saying things he didn't think. He loved him and blah blah blah ..
But he was too ashamed to go see him now. Too ashamed of what he have done. Too ashamed to be an idiot.
Then he sat on the couch where he had spent the night.

He glanced at his phone which was in the middle of some empty bottles. 6 missed calls. Lay, of course. He was too drunk to remember he had promised him to pick up. Good.
5 new messages.
"Are you serious ?! Answer meee ! " And 3 other messages like that. The last message he received was different "Okay so it's super important and you don't answer me so I'm coming " "I'm coming ? What ? " Panicked Luhan. So he's coming? here? now ?!
Oh no no no. He would probably be more obstinate than yesterday and would not want to stay in front of the door this time.
After a short reflection, he decided to call him, hoping it is not too late.
Bip bip
"Answer please ! "
Bip bi-"Hi, I'm not here for th-"
Oh god. He tried again, it's the only thing he can do anyway.
Bip bi-"Hello ?"
"Lay ! Where are you now ?"
"I'm coming, I'm down the street"
"Oh no no, hum.. I'd rather you don't come, I .. I didn't had time to clean .. and it's all a mess and-"
"Eeeh- I don't care haha. It's too cold here for us to stay outside"
"But .."
"There's something you don't want me to see ? The girl from the last time is still there? It's okay. Anyway I'm here.»

"Oh my, don't panic Luhan" he whispered to him. He was panicking. He hastened to lock the door of his bedroom, tried to hide a few bottles lying on the floor and quicly cleaned his face before opening.
"You took your time man ! "Exclaimed Lay before inviting himself in his friend's the small apartment. He walked near the room where Minseok was.
"What's that smell ? Oh god ! "He said, placing his hands over his face to cover his nose.
"Oh uh .. it's just an old pile of dirty clothes that I forgot to wash"
"Really ? It really sinks ! It seems more like you're collecting dead rats there, "he jokked. "You'd better take care of that before the neighbors go tp complain" he finished as he walked into the living room. Luhan followed quietly.
He prepared him a cup of tea, then came to sit in the chair beside him, still without saying a word.

"Are you okay? .. "Lay broke the silence.
"Huh? er .. yes I am" Luhan said, surprised by the question.
".. Really ?" Asked the younger. He had seen the bottles that Luhan didn't hide. "You'd tell me if you had problems right ? "
This conversation was so boring.
"Yes of course," he replied, trying to show a more or less sincere smile.
"Uhm .. Anyway, I guess you don't know yet, although I'm surprised because he's your best friend .. but .. Minseok has disappeared" He pronounced these last words much more slowly than the others, as if he didnt want Luhan to hear them.
"What? "Luhan took a surprise look. "What do you mean ?"
"Well, it's been almost a month since we have no news from him, and he-"
Luhan interrupted him "Aah, don't worry, he just went on a trip"
"Huh ?"
"Yes, he told me he would spend some time in Beijing"
"No. .. I don't think so Luhan .." said the youngest.
"But it's true ! "He replied, standing him up. He tried to not show how much he was panicking.
"So he would leave without locking the door of his apartment, leaving all his stuff as if he was still here and without telling anyone, not even his own parents ?"
"But-" Lay was right. This wasn't credible.
"You shouldn't lie to yourself Luhan. I know it is not easy, but something happened to Minseok"
Luhan remained silent and motionless. So that's it? Like this? So Minseok had officially disappeared. The world knew.
Lay approached his friend and put his arms around him to comfort him.
"I know he's okay, don't worry. We'll find him'

"I'm sorry, I would much rather never had to say such a thing .. but you know that I'm here for you if you need anything" He went away quietly, head down. Blaming himself to inflicted this pain to his friend.


"I should have put the death in his tea .." sighed Luhan.

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Chapter 3: this is getting interesting
Chapter 3: What the
im like
Chapter 3: So Min is dead? Hmm.
Chapter 2: wait what??
Chapter 2: This is reminiscent of 'A Rose for Emily' by Faulkner, but like the inside story to it.
troubleawker #6
Chapter 2: Why luhan cry? :(
Really interesting! Im excited for more ^-^