To be or not to be...

The Unconventional Matchmaker

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Zoey’s POV

My mind was totally stumped. Jonghyun...and Key? And what about Nikki. That was my wake up call. I sat up straighter and glared at Onew. “Dude! So you’re telling me that your best friend is using MY best friend to make his BOYFRIEND jealous?” I hissed. I resisted the urge to punch him in the arm...that was a ‘Nikki’ thing to do. Onew shrugged. “I don’t know. Sometimes you don’t choose who you love.”

“But why Nikki?” I asked. It seemed to me that Nikki genuinely liked Jonghyun. I didn’t want to see her get hurt. Onew shrugged again. “I guess she was right there?”

“Ugh,” I said. I scratched at an itch on my arm, losing myself in my thoughts. Suppose Onew was wrong? Of course he would know better...he was Jonghyun and Key’s friend. Still…if Onew was looking out for his friends then I could do the same. Suddenly I was thinking of Dean...and Nikki.

Nikki hugging Dean.

Dean helping Nikki whenever he can.

Nikki snuggling with Dean when they were watching a horror movie.

Dean calling Nikki ‘Nika’ when everyone else calls her Nikki.

Nikki staring at Dean that one though he was her only support…


I squealed and jumped up, my hands on my cheeks. Onew jumped up too, looking alarmed. I heard a few people in the cafeteria titter but I ignored them as I grabbed Onew’s hand. “Omg! She’s in love with him!” I said, grinning from ear to ear. Onew gave me a confused look. “What are you talking about?”

“Just come with me,” I said as I pulled Onew away.


Dean’s dorm was a five minute walk from where we were but it felt like forever! It didn’t help that I was dragging Onew with me and he kept on tripping on branches, rocks...his own feet. We finally got to Dean’s dorm room and I banged on the door.

“What the Fu-Zoey? What the hell-” Dean opened the door and I pushed my way into his place with a very confused Onew trailing behind. I placed my bag carefully on the couch (it had my laptop in it after all) and turned to face the guys. Dean, who was wearing a black wifebeater and sweatpants, crossed his arms over his chest and gave Onew the once-over, his eyebrow raised.

“Dean, you remember Onew? Onew, this is the solution to your problems,” I said. Onew turned his attention to Dean while Dean’s eyes narrowed at Onew. “Zo, what the hell are you talking about?” he asked suspiciously. Onew nodded at Dean. “Yeah, I guess he will have to do,” he said casually.

“Woah! I ain’t doing anything with him!” Dean exclaimed. My eyes widened. Oh for goodness sakes Dean. I opened my mouth to tell him off.

“Unless he pays me,” he continued. “And this does not come cheap,” he said, motioning to his body. I slapped my hand against my forehead. To his credit, Onew looked more amused than disgusted. I decided to take control of the conversation. “Hey, can we focus ert? We’re actually here on IMPORTANT business,” I said. I heard Dean mutter something about ‘Pleasure being very important’ but I decided not to comment. I sat down on the couch and looked at the guys. “Dean has a crush on Nikki,” I said matter of factually. Dean’s eyes widened. “What the fu-Zo shut up!” he said, glaring at me.

“It’s okay Bean-”

“It’s Dean,” Dean said, staring at Onew incredulously. He gave me a ‘where did you pick up this idiot’ face. I rolled my eyes. This was not going well. “Guys, can we focus? Dean, it’s okay. We all know that you love Nikki-”

“I bloody do NOT-”

“Yeah you do! Stop lying!” I said exasperatedly. I was running out of patience. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The three of us stared at the door. Dean sighed. “What am I a butler or something?” he muttered as he went to answer the door. Onew gave me a look.


“Nothing, he’s really pleasant,” Onew replied, smirking. I smiled. He really was.

“Dude! Why weren’t you in class? Did you eat?” Nikki’s shrill voice cut through the quiet. I turned to see Nikki push herself through the door while Dean stared at her incredulously. “Hello to you too,” he muttered. Nikki rolled her eyes. “I hope you weren’t playing video games all day,” she said. Dean rolled his eyes. In all honesty, they were the perfect sarcastic couple.

“Hey guys, what are you doing here?” Nikki asked upon seeing us there. I smiled and waved. There was no way I was going to tell her why we were really there. “We’re just making sure Dean’s actually doing work you know…” I asked casually.

“Riiiight….” Nikki said, her eyes flickering to Onew. I shrugged.

“ there a reason why you’re here besides playing mom?” Dean asked. Nikki glared. “Listen here mister! I don’t care a flying fudge what you do. I’m just a good person okay?” she said stiffly. Dean nodded sagely. “As you wish Swami Nikkinandana,” he said, bowing. Nikki slapped his shoulder. “Ugh, shut up Dean!”

“What’s the big deal? You have a nice name,” Onew said. Nikki’s mouth opened in shock as Dean started to laugh. Onew looked confused. He was actually pouting, his eyes wide. So cute! I smiled kindly at him. “That’s not Nikki’s real name, it’s-”

“Dude if you tell him I’ll hit you!” Nikki warned. Dean chuckled. Onew still looked confused. “I’ll explain later,” I promised. Onew smiled at me. He had one of those charming smiles that could make any girl weak. He should be on commercials for toothpaste! I hesitantly smiled back.

“Ugh, okay if you guys are done, I really want my beauty rest,” Dean said. Nikki hit him again. “Girl what is your problem! You want some Dean lovin’?”

“Ew! Gross!” Nikki exclaimed, wrinkling her nose. Dean laughed. “Then don’t touch me or-” he made a grab for her and Nikki was running out of the house. Dean chuckled. I stood up and the three of us watched Nikki leave. I took a chance to glance over at Dean. He was staring intently at Nikki.

“Palat, Palat…” he whispered. Turn around. I looked back at Nikki’s retreating form. She didn’t even look back. “Palat, Palat, Palat nah!” Like a mantra...suddenly Nikki turned around. There was a moment when she looked like she was looking for someone. That was only for a split second and I was sure I imagined it. Dean waved and blew her a kiss. Nikki made a face and stomped off. I shook my head.

“Wow! She does have feelings for you! Congrats bro!” Onew said, grinning at Dean. Dean grinned back and did some sort of weird guy hand shake with Onew. “I know riiiiight? She wants me.”

Ugh, guy logic. I shook my head and said good-bye to the guys. They barely glanced at me as Onew went on to vow that Dean will end up with ‘his girl’ and Dean saying that Onew was his new ‘bro.’



When I came home, Nikki was on the phone. She waved to me as she said “hmm’ and “yeah.” I placed my bag on the couch and sat down. “Hmm...Alright. Yeah I’ll talk to you soon Oppa...K Bye,” Nikki hung up on the phone and stared at it for a few moments.


“NIKKI WHAT THE HELL?” I yelled, staring at her in shock. Nikki got up and began to pace. I stared at her worriedly. “Nikki, what’s up?”

“I need Dean,” was all she said as she started to dial his number.


When Dean came over a few minutes later, he gave a ‘WTF’ look. I shrugged. Nikki beamed at Dean. “Omg I’m soooo glad you’re here,” she said.

“Are you drunk or something?”

“Very funny,” she snapped. I giggled. Nikki sat down on the couch, her head bent. Dean gave me a worried look and went down to sit beside Nikki. “Nika, what’s up?” he asked, concerned.

“Ugh, it’s stupid to be like this...but Jonghyun wants me to meet his parents and I’m worried….” she trailed off.


I bit my pinky nail and watched the scene before. I prayed that Dean won’t say something totally insensitive...something he was famous for.

Instead, Dean wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she rested her head on his shoulder. I saw the look on Nikki’s face. For a split second, there was an unguarded look on her face and she gazed up at Dean.

I quietly left the room.


I picked up Nikki’s phone book and looked up Onew’s number. I dialed his number and waited eagerly on the phone.



“NO! THIS IS KEY!” Key yelled on the phone. I flinched. “I’m sorry Key-”

“, you can call me Mr. Kim.”

“Okay...Mr. Kim, can I speak to Onew please.”

“Dunno...can you?”

Are you kidding me?

“MAY I speak to Onew please?”

“Fine.” I heard the phone being placed down. “YA! HYUNG!!! YOUR GIIIIIRRRRLLLFRIEND IS ON THE PHOOOOOONEEEE!!!!!! AND SHE HAS NO MANNERS!!!”


“Key...really?” Onew said resignedly. I contemplated hanging up. “Hello?”

“Hi Onew! It’s Zoey. Is it a bad time!” I squacked, mentally face-palming.

“Zoey! Hey! I was just thinking about you!” he said cheerfully. I blushed. His voice sounded a lot more deeper on the phone. I quickly pushed that thought out of the window. “So about the plan…”

“Oh don’t worry, I got it all figured out.”

“Really?” I asked curiously. I could practically hear Onew nod. “Yes. In a few days time everything will be back to normal.”

“That’s good. You know that Nikki will be meeting Jonghyun’s parents?”

“Yeah...but don’t worry Zo...I know just what to do. We’ll initiate the plan tomorrow.”


“Ask her what’s she’s wearing!” Someone whispered on the phone.

“Ugh! Jjong!” Onew yelped. I blushed.

“Who’s the girl?”

“No one Jjong!”

“Let me talk to her! I’ll be your wingman!”

“Noooo! Zoey I gotta go!”

“Woah! Zoey! Nikki’s Zoey! That’s y! My girl and your girl-” Luckily Onew hung up and I didn’t have to hear the next part of that sentence.

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Okay bye!

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Chapter 2: Daebak... loved this chapter. The way Dean kept saying Palat and Nikki's mom mode was truly scenic. Love the story is starting to play out *.*
Chapter 1: Omg u put in the yo guy.... snnaaaapppp!!! Loved how u brought the jongkey situation and also nikki's calculative mind. Wonder what in store next ^.'
Noooo problem! LOL! I'm glad you like it and continue to read <3
Omg... this is amazing. Thank u so much for the dedication. I was laughing silly during the Dean chocking on water part and Omg Zoey sounds just like me ^.^