Dirty Work

Between the Lines

Dirty Work

Seungri is sitting in his favorite spot and drinking his coffee when somebody slaps him up side the head. He almost chokes on his drink but he doesn’t say anything when another smack lands on the back of his head.

˝You should work on your communication skills.˝ Seungri says as he watches Seunghyun sit across from him.

˝You should learn to do your dirty work yourself.˝ Seunghyun grabs the coffee Seungri already ordered for him as a peace offering.

˝That wasn’t dirty work.˝ Seungri says cleaning up the coffee he spilled when Seunghyun smacked him.

˝Than what was it?˝ Seunghyun asks glaring at the younger one.

˝It was a business deal.˝ Seungri answers before pulling out the book he plans on reading. But before he opens it he looks at Seunghyun with am mischievous smile ˝Did you want it to be something else?˝

˝No.˝ Seunghyun looks at the book Seungri is opening and snorts ˝You are really going to read that?˝

Seungri glances at the book ˝Of course I’ll read it. I didn’t buy it to just stare at it.˝

˝You will read CL’s I Don’t Need a Man.˝ Seunghyun doesn’t even try to hide his disbelief ˝I honestly thought I will see pigs flying before that happens.˝

˝I read.˝ Seungri argues.

Seunghyun snorts ˝Comic books don’t count as reading.˝

˝Whatever.˝ Seungri rolls his eyes ˝How did the meeting with Bom go?˝

Seunghyun shrugs ˝Fine I guess.˝

˝But…˝ Chaerin tries to protest afraid that something might happen to her friend but Bom interrupts her.

˝Please, we need to discus something important.˝ Bom’s tone clearly says to do what she says or somebody (probably Chaerin or Minji) will get yelled at.

When Chaerin leaves the office and closes the door behind her Bom smiles at Seunghyun. ˝I’m glad you made time to meet me.˝

˝Well, it’s my job.˝ Seunghyun says moving away from Bom’s chair and sitting on the one across the table.

˝Then let’s start the meeting.˝ Bom’s voce isn’t as cheerful as when she greeted him but Seunghyun doesn’t notice it.

They spend the next fifteen minutes discussing about how the first press conference of Chaerin’s new book will be held in the book store where Seunghyun works. Seunghyun can’t stop himself from smiling when he notices that Bom waves her arms around when she gets a little too excited while she talks. It’s surprisingly charming.

When the meeting is done Seunghyun gets up but before he can leave Bom calls out his name. When he turns around he sees that Bom is fidgeting and looking around. He doesn’t understand why she is acting like this when they were talking comfortably just a second ago.

˝Well…I…I…˝ Bom bites her lover lip before she continues ˝I thought Seungri was going to attend today’s meeting.˝

˝Ah,˝ Seunghyun smiles ˝He had some other business to attend so I came instead.˝

˝I see.˝ Bom smiles. ˝Will you come to the meeting next week?˝ she sounds hopeful and Seunghyun suppresses a laugh.

˝If Seungri isn’t to busy.˝ with that Seunghyun exits the office smiling from ear to ear. ˝It was nice to meet you.˝ he bows to the two girls that are in front of the office before walking to the elevator.

He thinks it’s cute how Bom is worried that Seungri didn’t come to the meeting. In his opinion that’s the sign that she really likes his friend. Seunghyun is also glad because Bom is a wonderful lady and if she and Seungri got together they would make a cute couple. And the fact that she is hands down the most interesting girl Seungri showed interest in is definitely a good thing.

Bom giggles to herself as she stares at her phone and Chaerin looks at her questioning if everything is all right with her friend. Ever since that meeting with the mysterious guy yesterday Bom didn’t stop smiling. It worried Chaerin but as soon as she would ask the older what the meeting was about Bom would somehow change the topic.

˝Why are you laughing?˝ Chaerin asks trying to dig up any information she can before she goes out looking for this guy.

˝No reason,˝ Bom shrugs ˝I just feel happy today. Do you know that feeling when nothing special happens but you are just happy?˝

˝Yeah, I know.˝ Chaerin nods trying not to show to Bom that she is worried about her meeting.

They talk about Chaerin’s new book and nether of them mentions anything about the mystery meeting or the mystery man. Chaerin wants nothing more than just to ask Bom about it but she knows that her friend doesn’t talk about guys unless they are her boyfriends and knowing Bom if that guy was her boyfriend she would already be bragging about him to everybody. When they are done Bom is still smiling just as brightly as she did in the beginning.

˝Chaerin,˝ Bom says while covering up her smile by clearing ˝Can I ask you to do me a favor?˝

Chaerin thinks about it for a moment and comes to a conclusion that getting information about the mystery guy will be easier if Bom is in a good mood. ˝Sure.˝ she aggress not knowing what she is getting into ˝What do you need?˝

Bom’s smile gets even bigger and Chaerin is afraid her face will brake from it. ˝I need you to buy a book for me.˝ Bom says.

˝That’s it?˝ Chaerin is a little surprised because Bom’s favors are usually driving across town to buy her the perfect coffee or going around ten stores with Bom to buy a perfect pair of shoes only to return to the first store and buy the first pair she tried on.

˝But it has to be from this book store.˝ Bom gives her a post it note with an address scribbled on it. Surprisingly the store isn’t too far away.

˝I’ll get it done as soon as I can.˝ Chaerin says before exiting not noticing the smirk on Bom’s face as she texts someone.

As soon as Chaerin exits the office Minji asks ˝Did she say anything about that guy from yesterday?˝

˝No.˝ Chaerin shakes her head ˝Did you find anything about him?˝

˝Oh,˝ Minji mockingly makes a surprised face ˝You want me to do your dirty work Mss. Lee. Don’t you know that that is all kinds of wrong? Didn’t your mom teach you about manners?˝

Chaerin rolls her eyes. ˝When are they meeting again?˝ she asks knowing that Minji wouldn’t be giving her the pointless lecture if she didn’t find something.

˝Well,˝ Minji starts whispering in case Bom decides to come out of her office ˝She told me to clear all of her meetings for next Friday. She didn’t say why but I’m guessing that it’s another meeting with the Handsome Stranger.˝

Ignoring the nickname Minji gave to the guy Chaerin gives Minji a bag of her favorite chips to show her that she s thankful for the information the younger gave her. ˝If you find out anything else you know where to find me.˝ Chaerin says as she watches Minji open the bag.

˝Of course,˝ Minji waves the bag of chips in front of Chaerin’s face ˝As long as you keep getting me these.˝

˝It’s pleasure dong business with you.˝ Chaerin takes out her planer and writes down the information Minji just gave her.

Ignoring Minji’s munching Chaerin tries to figure out what to do next but nothing comes to her mind. She only saw the man once and who knows if Bom is meeting with him this Friday. Chaerin looks at the paper with the bookstore’s address Bom gave her. She figures that the best thing she can do is to buy the book for Bom first and then focus on finding out who the mystery guy is.

˝What are you smiling at?˝ Seunghyun asks as he catches Seungri smiling down at his phone ˝Who’s phone number did you get this time?˝

˝Nobody’s,˝ Seungri shakes his head and puts his phone back into his pocket ˝I was just texting a friend and she told me some good news.˝

˝Aha,˝ it is obvious that Seunghyun doesn’t believe him but he doesn’t say anything else about it ˝Just get back to work before you get fired.˝

˝All right.˝ Seungri goes back to work but he can’t stop smiling because of the message he got.

From: Park Bom

Second stage of the plan is done. Chaerin will be there today or tomorrow.

Thank for sending Seunghyun to the meeting :)

A/N: In the end the mystery man is Seunghyun. I hope that it surprised you. I’m so happy that all of you are enjoying this story. Please comment what you think. See you in the next chapter.

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Chapter 4: Owh, it's surprising :O but it's cute too, curious with the next chapter, what will happen when Seungri meets Chaerin, update soon
Chapter 4: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh seunghyun is so clueless !! haha and its so cute !!! :> cant wait for the update !! :>
Chapter 4: hahahahaha omg so it was seunghyun who met up with bom!!! kekekekekeke very nice.... this is getting interesting XD
Chapter 4: Riri is so happy~~~~ xD cant wait to know what will happen next ><
Chapter 3: Hahaha rin is just so pathetically cute XD Ah curious abt the deal bom and ri closed between each other kkkkkk ^^
Chapter 3: It's the way Seungri get closer to Chaerin? Meeting with Bom and mention Seunghyun to her, I think Seungri have a big plan? Haha, next chapter juseyo
Chapter 2: Kekeke, this story is cute... I love it authornim, next update please