The Bet; Bet 2 - Kai

The Bet

Your Point of view

So it's almost lunch. I told Suho to meet me in the basketball court where we usually hang out. Not long after, the bell sprang across the whole school. 

"Hey did you packed your lunch today or do you need to get food from the canteen?" Suho said turning his body to face me.

"I have to go to the canteen. Don't worry, this time i defo get the food" i smiled 

"Alright, want me to come with you? Im worried those new guys will come bully you.." he said concerened. It's true that Tao has been looking at me the whole lesson.. 

"Please?" I pleaded. 

As me and Suho was about to go out from our classroom, Kai stopped me from leaving the room.

"Show me." He said plainly

"Excuse me?" I said while Suho looking at both of us probably enjoying the scene

"I said, show me. Are you deaf or something?" He smirked

"Well, if you give me a specific question, i shouldn't have make you repeat your sentence." I crossed my arms

"Fine. Can you show me where the cafetaria is?" He said but his face were red. I guess he was embarassed. 

"Sorry, i think you forgot something else there" i smirked. For some reason i wanted to see his embarassed face. 

"Don't push it" he said glaring at me 

"Fine, go ask someone else." I said with a sarcastic smile 

As i was about to go, Kai grabbed my arm 

"I want you to show me where it is. Please?" He said giving up

I smirked at his replied.

"okay, fine." i smiled 


Kai's point of view

The first, second and third lesson was spent by the teacher talking rubbish. I don't understand any of what she says. Probably because i don't pay attention to the class but seriously though, no one else was. I noticed Tao wasn't even paying attention instead he was looking at this girl called ________ the whole time. Why was he paying attention to this girl? Whatever, none of my business. 

Oh just so you know, i sat behind Tao which is next to the girl whereas Suho sat next to him. haha i know, "lucky" me. couple minutes have passed and now it's Lunch break. I overheard this _____ girl wanted to go to the canteen or something. Since im new here, i didn't know where the canteen was. I stood up and went to the exit door, luckily i saw _____ and grabbed her hand.

"Show me" i said plainly. Damn it, that came out really wrong. Great, now she thinks im a jerk. 

"Excuse me" she said 

"Show me. Are you deaf or something?" i smirked. Oh my god, why am i behaving like this. Why am i acting like a big douche on the first day of school, no, why am i acting like a douche to a girl i barely know. 

"Well, if you give me a specific question i shouldn't have make you repeat your sentence." she said crossing her arms. Oh my god, okay, fine. i admit. im a okay but wow, this girl has a big s and when she does that crossing her arms thing, i can't help but getting myself .

"Fine. Show me where the cafetaria is." i said hiding my red embarassed face. 

"Sorry, i think you forgot something there" she smirked

"Don't push it" i said glaring at her. I got to keep it cool, calm and collected. That's my charm. 

"Fine, go ask someone else." she said in a sarcastic tone. 

Great. Now you've done it Kai. Well done for being a bag full of jerk douchey personality. What to do now? i really want her to be my tour guide. what, tour guide? scratch that , i just want her to show me where the canteen is! ...Ok... why do i sound like i really really want her so bad...? Weird. As she was about to go, i grabbed her small petite hand. 

"I want you  to show me where it is. Please?" I pleaded. I NEVER plead to anyone before. why am i so weak against this geeky glasses girl. 

"Okay, fine" she smiled

She smiled. She just smiled at me. Oh my gosh~ i've never been so pleased and happy in my life before. wow, it's amazing how she can makes me feel like this. What is this feeling...? 


Your Point of view

Satisfied with Kai's answer, me, Kai and Suho made our way to the Canteen. Strangely, every girl at school stare at the three of us weirdly. I wanted to complain about it before Suho took my hand. 

"I don't like this." He said giving me a worried look

"You don't like...what?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and look around 

"This! Every girl got their eyes on you like you're the victim of something" he said 

"Eyes on me? Suho, i spent 16 years of my life looking like this for a reason you know that right?" I sighed 

"I know.. you don't want to be the centre of the attention blah blah blah but we now live in the generation where girls and guys doesn't care of what the victim looks like. Once they found out she/he walks with good looking guys/girl they start targetting them." He said still worried

"What are you saying? Girls are going to bully me because im walking with Kai and you? Dude, we're just walking to the canteen!" I stated

"Look ______, Kai is the hot guy here and im the pres. Not sounding to be gay, but Kai is very attractive. Even to guys! I don't want to brag about it but i won last year good face modelling championship" he crosses his arms

"Guys, sorry to interupt but i really need to know where the canteen is. I really need food okay?" Kai said. I don't know whether he's pissed off or annoyed since i can't really tell. 

I look at Suho one last time before i followed Kai behind. Geez, i don't know why Suho suddenly told me those things. Why would the girls want to bully me? What have i done wrong to them? Seriously, if they give me a stupid unreasonable reason, i won't let them off the hook easily. 

"Sorry Kai.. i was talking to Suho and forgot about you.." i said quitely. Kai only gave me a scoff. 

"Whatever. Just take me to the canteen" he said not looking at me. Geez, that was rude. 

So we made our way to the canteen and reached there in no time. Still, the girls were giving these death glares and whispers. Im not used to this stuff so i let them be. Just then we were cueing, Tao saw us and made his way towards me and Kai. For some unknown reason he looked pissed. 

"Hey Kai, why are you with _______?" He faked smile 

Kai was silent for a second then smirked. Why did he smirked?

"Oh, i wanted her to show me where the canteen is." He said not looking at him

"You could've asked other girls. Why specifically her?" Tao said still looking pissed. 

"Oh, she's mignonne." Kai smirked. Seriously, mignonne? Kai called me cute? What's happening?

Just before Tao and Kai was about to have an argument i interupted them. Yeah, they should thank me for this. I don't want to get our whooped by mrs. Less who is staring at us like a bull. 

"Kai just.. pick your food. Tao, calm down. I don't know what your problem is but please don't take it here okay?" I said. Kai was looking straight at the line and Tao was still looking at him.

Seriously. What is their problem? And why do i have a feeling im involved in this? 

"So.. i'll just see you guys later then?" I said backing away from them. I turned my body to walk back to Suho who probably is now sitting in the basketball court. The walk could have gone smoothly until this random girl grabbed my arm

"Hey there. _____ right? Can we talk?" She said. Looking at her uniform, she must be a senior

"Sure, go ahead" i said plainly

"So... what's your relationship with Kai and Tao?" She asked. Okay, what's her problem? Why bringing Kai and Tao into this? She did say she wanted to talk to me but i didn't know it was about this stuff.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow in annoyance 

"Well, i just saw you with both of them so what's your relationship with them? Are you sleeping with both of them?" She faked smile. 

"Um no im not sleeping with them" 

"Okay good. You better be not lying about this." She said and went 

Ugh. Annoying. Why did she assume im "sleeping" with both of them? That's disgusting. I shrugged off the thought and made my way to Suho. Luckyly, Suho was there preparing the lunch. Wow, why did he bring an awful lot of food today? 

"Hey" i said. He looked up and smiled. 

"Where's your food?" He said. Wow, what a friend. 

"Um.. i forgot about it" i said scratching the back of my neck. 

"Seriously?" He sighed "sit down here. I called my butler to bring me a huge lunch. That guy sure knows your appetite" he chuckled.

"Aw, that's cute. Suho, you're my saviour! I love you!" I said as i gobbled the kimbap

"I love you too..." he said patting my head. 

"Oh Suho.. um im sorry about what happened earlier" i pouted 

"It's okay.. just eat your food and we'll talk later okay?" He said picking up the rice from my cheek. Gosh, i eat so messy...sometimes. 

Like that, me and Suho ate our lunch while watching the basketball players play. It was usual lunch date we both have. I need to tell him about what happened... but after i gobbled all these delicious food.

Ok, so how was my fanfic so far? :) 
keep reading it guys! and i'll try to update! 
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Chapter 2: Update soon!! ><
ChocoNicx #2
Chapter 2: @AngelMinMin hello! and you're welcome! please stay tune for more ^u^
AngelMinMin #3
Thank you for updating ^o^ I love the story so much already! continue to update soon. ^^