The Light [Kim Myungsoo x Lee Saeyeon (OC)]

Last Romeo Series

Today was the day. Today was the day for my girlfriend, the most beautiful black haired girl, Lee Saeyeon’s first piano concert. It was her solo concert. Today was the day that we had been waiting and the day where I promised her to come to the backstage before the concert then watched it from right in the middle of the first row seat. I dressed up in a black tuxedo with grey dress shirt and a white tie. I also styled my hair up for this event. Not forget, I also used my perfume. The leather shoes which I wore also had been polished. I was like doing everything to make sure that I looked good in her very first and meaningful concert. I even bought a bouquet of flowers already.

I decided not to call my driver today. I decided to drive my own car by myself. I was driving calmly until suddenly I felt my car was shaking a bit. I looked on my left as it happened and turned out a car was colliding with mine. I then pushed the klaxon of the car and the right turn signal, telling the other car to park at the side of the street. I immediately got out of the car and so did the driver’s of the car which collided with mine.

“Didn’t you see the street while driving?!” I asked the driver after I checked the car.

“You’re the one who didn’t see!” The man yelled at me back.

“It’s obvious that you’re the one who didn’t see!” I told him. I then gestured him to follow me to show the scratch. “You made this.”

“No. My car has it too!” He then brought me to his car. “It’s longer. The one on your car is nothing.” At that moment, I almost punched him in the face. I almost lifted my hand. Right, the scratch is longer but that wasn’t my fault at all.

“Let’s just meet my boss because I’m not the owner.” The man said.

“Cool.” With that, I went back to my car, so did that man.

The man brought me to a nearby coffee shot. We were sitting there while drinking a cup of Americano and waiting for the boss. It didn’t took a really long time until the boss came. I stood up as I saw him to introduce myself. Turned out that the boss’ name is Mr. Hwang.

“So, Mr. Kwon. What happen?” Said the boss as he sat beside that man who turned out to be Mr. Kwon, his driver.

“This kid wasn’t taking attention while driving which made our cars collided, Mr. Hwang.” Mr Kwon explained to the boss.

“Sorry, sir. I was driving safely but your driver drove in a high speed. It passed the limit.” I tried to explain.

“No, he was the one who is wrong. He should’ve see the street and the surroundings.” Mr. Kwon didn’t accept and made that argument.

“I’m not saying that one of us is wrong but, sir, logically, if the other car is slower or even stop then it caused the faster car to get more scratch.”

“May I see the cars?” Mr. Hwang said.

“Sure.” I answered. The three of us then went outside the coffee shop to see the cars. We coincidentally parked the car side by side but it made it easier to compare both cars. Like we saw, Mr. Hwang’s car had a longer scratch than mine.

“I actually agree with what you said and I need to apologize. What you said is right. Let’s go to the bank. I have to change it.” Mr. Hwang then said and bowed in apology.

“Thank you, sir.”

The three of us then went to our car and went to the bank. When we were done, I thanked Mr. Hwang and immediately headed back to my car. I checked my wristwatch as soon as I got inside the car. The show should be starting in 5 minutes. 5 minutes and I was still here. I only could reach the venue in 30 minutes. Screwed. I was really screwed. I promised her to meet her backstage before the concert and I couldn’t make it. It was all because of that insane driver and it made me upset. If he didn’t bring me to his boss then it wouldn’t take that long. If only he apologized as soon as we went out of the car, it would be easier and faster.

When I arrived at the venue, the concert had passed about 30 minutes. It was such a relief that there wasn’t a severe traffic jam. If there was, I didn’t know what would happen to me. I held the flowers I bought with my left hand and took my phone from my pocket with my right hand while I was entering the building. What I saw on the screen once I unlocked my phone hit me. There were 15 missed calls already and they were all from Saeyeon. I didn’t silent my phone, but I didn’t hear it. I was too angry and busy that time so I couldn’t check on my phone and forgot to tell her what happened. Once again, I could say that I was screwed. Because the elevator hadn’t arrived yet, I immediately run to the emergency stairs and took two steps a time on each step. Inside the emergency stairs, I could hear the sound of the piano already. As I arrived at the certain floor, the 3rd floor, I went straight to the audiotarium. Once I opened the door, I could see her from afar. I walked to my seat calmly, trying not to bothering the other audiences, eyes kept gazing on her.

I finally reached my seat then sat on it. The view in front of me was amazing. It was more beautiful than the night sky. The spotlight made her shone and it made Saeyeon more dazzling. I mesmerized with the view. Her long hair was loosed beautifully. She was wearing a dress which was familiar to me, which was my gift for her that I gave her yesterday. It fitted perfectly on her. And then I could see her fingers were moving smoothly on the pieces. I forgot what had happen right away as soon as I saw her. When she finished her song, she stood up and bowed to the audience. Seemed like it was her time to talk to the audience because a crew handed her a microphone. Before she talked, she scanned the audiences and she met my eyes. I was very afraid if she would be mad or how but her smile made me feel a pang of relieve. She mouthed a thank you before talk loudly with the microphone. When she was done with her talk session, she continued her concert in the next minutes. Just right after she pressed the last note, I stood up and got out from the audiotarium to head to the backstage. Her manager told me to just wait inside and I told him to not telling that I was inside. There was nobody else there. Only me inside. I purposely waited behind the door. A moment later, I heard Saeyeon’s voice and then the door was opened. I then positioned the flowers beside the door so she could see it but not me.

“Kim Myungsoo, I know it’s you.” She said as she took the flower. I then showed myself from behind the door.

“Did your manager tell you?” I slightly pouted. She giggled then kissed my cheek which changed my pout became a smile.

“Let’s have a sit.” She led me to a couch at the corner of the room. “I thought you wouldn’t come.” She said as soon as we sat.

“I’m sorry. I’m late.” I lowered my head, didn’t dare to look at her.

“It’s okay.” I turned my head at her, surprised with her respond. Since the time when she smiled at me during the concert actually. “At least you’re here. What happen?” She rested her head on my chest as I wrapped my arm around her.

I then told her all of the accident which happened earlier. I told her about how the insane driver collided, I told her about he didn’t want to be wronged, I told her about he brought me to his boss, all of it. I told her as detail as I could.

“You must be very upset.” She said as I done.

“I am. But thanks to you.” She looked up on me confusedly as I said that.


“The dazzling you swallows all the darkness of the world. And that light blinds me.”

“What does that mean?”

“I mean, you are the light. When I see you, I feel like nothing happened before I saw you on the stage. When I watched you, it was like I was the only one inside the audiotarium. You are the light. You are my light.” I explained. She suddenly already kissed my lips as soon as I finished my sentence. I kissed her lips softly in return.

“Thank you.” She said as we broke the kiss. “Those words.. I can’t believe that I would hear that from your lips.” I only smiled as I heared that.

“You’re welcome.”

“You light up my world like nobody else.”

Most likely, when I talked about light, that was like that quote. She was the light. She lighted up my world like nobody else. And it was too bright, until it made me blind, blind for my problems, blind for my surroundings.

But not for her.



Hello! Thank you for those who read this fanfic. Sorry for the slow update /bows/. I'll try to update as soon as possible!

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