Failure [Kim Sunggyu x Nam Taehee (OC)]

Last Romeo Series

It was a bright Saturday and I was waiting for the person who changed my life. The person who made my life better. It was no other than Nam Taehee, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever know. Today, we were going to celebrate our 1st anniversary. I already texted her to dress beautifully and gave her the clues so she could get to this place where I was sitting now. My reason for not picking up her was to surprise her. Also, I thought it would be more fun if I did it like that.

To make the place more beautiful, I already decorated it with lamps, hanging the balloons, put the red and white checkered table cloth on the table, put the white candle at the center of the table, also not forgetting the roses in the vase. Yes, I decorated it all by myself. I used to never could hold an event like this. It was my first time so I took so many effort of it. I hoped this wouldn’t disappoint my Taehee.

As I was done with the preparation, I checked my wristwatch to see the time. It was already 5 to 7. It meaned that she would come soon. She wasn’t the type that like to get late. She was that kind of discipline girl. Since it was already 5 minutes before the invitation time, I went to the railing to look down at the entrance of the building since the place which I chose was an open one. It was the rooftop of the building. She once mentioned that she would love it if we were having a dinner on the rooftop.

I looked down at the busy streets. The lights from the cars were flashing back and forth. Just for you to know, the building wasn’t that far. Only consisted of 5 floor so I could see the people and the cars down there. When I was scanning on the pavement where pedestarians walked, I could see that familiar figure. Her short wavy hair was bouncing beautifully as she walked and she wore her favorite tosca coat so I couldn’t see her dress yet. I knew that was definitely Nam Taehee. I was keep looking at her when suddenly a scene caught my attention. I could see the cars were speeding and then.. the worst thing happened. The cars were directing to the pavement’s direction and it was near Taehee’s direction. It was still far so I immediately rushed inside the building and went downstairs as fast as I could. As I arrived downstairs, I went directly to the entrance and just after I opened the door, the car was already on the pavement. Since it was too speed, the pedestarians couldn’t avoid anymore then it crashed to some pedestarians.

And turned out that Nam Taehee was one of them.


she hit the wall of the building where supposed to be our 1st anniversary’s celebration place

because one of the car was crashing directly at her.

I immediately approach her. She was laying down under the car’s bumper. She was trying to move, but I immediately stop her by putting my hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t. Please, don’t.” I said. She then met her eyes with mine. The shine of her eyes wasn’t there. The eyes were full of pain. I could see blood at the corner of . I slowly put my thumb on it. She winced a bit so I pulled my thumb back. “I’m sorry. You’ll be okay. I’m sure.” She didn’t respond anything. I was keep looking at her worriedly, and kept telling her that she would be alright.

“I love you.” Was all she said before she closed her eyes. I was a bit panic but then I still could feel her breathe so I was kind of relieved even though it was only a bit.

Not so long after that, I could hear the sirene were surrounding the place. They started to bring the pedestarians to the ambulance, including Taehee. After they took Taehee from my arms, I went to my car so I could follow them.


It had been hours for me to wait Taehee who was having the surgery since she had a little bit severely broken bone caused by the accident and blood loss. I was sitting desperately in the waiting room. I never expected that something like this would happen. We were supposed to be celebrating our 1st anniversary but now we were here. It was failure. A big failure. I was waiting for her, I was praying for her. I really really hoped that the surgery would done perfectly.

I moved my hands to my hair frustately. I was kinda blaming myself. I should had save her from the accident but I was too late. 60 seconds was all I needed for this story. I mean, to save her. 60 seconds wasn’t enough to save her. I needed her. I supposed to make sure that she was safe since her parents told me to before they departed for their business trip. It really was a failure. I failed. I promised them. I didn’t want to lose her. It was all my fault. If only I was faster. If only I was there in time. If only –

“Are you Ms. Nam’s behalf?” I saw a glimpse of the long white vest beside me. I immediately turned my head to see that it was the doctor.

“Yes.” I then stood up.

“We already did our best. The surgery went smoothly.” I felt a pang of relieved as I heard the doctor’s statement. “She is still in coma. But when she wakes up, I’m not sure if she will immediately remember herself.”

“What? What do you mean by that, doc?” She couldn’t be loss her memories. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. It wasn’t right. She had to remember me. I couldn’t  –

“There was some problem with her brain because of the accident. But don’t worry, it was momentary. Not permanent. And she may not or she may immediately remember herself. I can tell you that.” Another pang of relieved for me but it was still worrying.

“May I see her now?”


“Thank you, doc.” With that, I went to the room where Taehee had been placed. My steps were not light, but not heavy too. I opened the door slowly then entered the room. She looked really pale. I hoped she was really alright. I still hoped that she would remember me right away.

I took a seat by her side. I reached her hand slowly and cupped it with mine. The hand felt really lifeless. I already missed her living hand. I missed everything about her. Hours seemed like years.


It was almost a week and she still hadn’t wake up yet. I was still waiting for her. I hadn’t get back to my home. I kept waiting her here, patiently. I left her room only if it was urgently. I wanted to be the first person she saw right after she woke up. I always hold her hand.

I even doubted myself when I felt her fingers were brushing with mine. I kept staring at it and I thought that I was hallucinating since I was lack of sleep but I felt her fingers were tightening on me. I moved my eyes to look at her eyes. It was still closing but I knew that she blinked her yes. It was positive. I was sure of it. I brushed her fringe as I waited her eyes to really opened. When they did, she looked confused. She then turned her head and found me. I remembered about what the doctor had said and kept looking at her, waiting for the first words she would say.

“You’re here.” She smiled. That was her first words. She remembered me. She really remembered me. I could feel suddenly my tears were coming out. “Why are you crying?” She asked me that but I could see that her eyes were teary too.

“I was afraid of losing you. I’m really happy now.” I said. She suddenly moved her head up even though she was too weak. I knew what she wanted so I leaned closer to plant a kiss on her  lips.

“I wake up because I know that, and I don’t want that to happen.”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t save you in time. That was my fault.” She shook her head even before I finished my sentence.

“No, it’s not. At least we’re here now.”

”No other reward is stronger than this, I only need you. I love you.” There was no other reward was stronger than this. Even if I got what I had dreamed since younger. All I need was her. I couldn’t imagine my life with her.

“I love you too.”

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