Sweet Thing

Sweet Thing


Cho KyuHyun didn’t like sweet thing. No, scratch that, he hates sweet. His tongue can’t tolerate sweet food, so when his best friend, Kim RyeoWook, dragging him to the most popular café in the town, he nearly throwing up.

Yes, that bad. KyuHyun can’t stand to smell the sweetness of cakes, strawberry, chocolate, cherry, blueberry or anything that categorized into the line of sweet that lingering on the shop. Plus, add pink everywhere. Everything decorated in baby pink and white. Starting from the the wall, table cloth, till the menu cover.

Thank you lord, they are wearing white and black as their uniform instead of pink and white.

His head spin wildly. KyuHyun runs his hand to cover his mouth. Fight the urge to throw up.

“Are you intending to kill me, Wook?” He asked in muffle voice.

RyeoWook rolls his eyes comically. “Overreact as usual~! Tasting sweet thing won’t hurt you.”

“But it’s hurt me already. Every part of my body ached. Enough is enough.” KyuHyun almost storm out the cake shop if not because a soft voice interrupted them.

“Good Afternoon~ I’m your waiter for today. My name is Lee SungMin. Are you ready to order?”

When KyuHyun snapped his head to the source of sweet voice, his heart beat rapidly and suddenly his brain can’t work. His stomach is still aching, but now in a very different way. He can feels a thousand butterfly there.

Now right before his eyes, standing the most attractive boy KyuHyun ever see. The boy has a petite body, (much) smaller than him, with glossy raven hair and pair of doe eyes. Something about him radiated sweet and cute aura.

“Errr… Are you okay? You looked so pale.” The boy, SungMin, asked, tilted his head a bit in an aegyo manner.

The latter barely register the question because of too busy to admiring those pouty M shape lips when the owner talked.

SungMin divert his question looks to RyeoWook who got the message and start to shake KyuHyun’s frozen body in the brutal way. Don’t you ever underestimating Kim RyeoWook, he maybe seems petite but sometimes he can be violent if it needed. And now he needed to be violent.

For his BFF’s sake that lost in his own world.


“Huh? Huh? What? Stop shaking me, Wook.”

“Thank you for return back to earth.”

“What are you talking about?”

A giggle escape from SungMin’s lips and KyuHyun found it adorable.

“You’re drowning, Hyunnie.”

“Ah, I’m sorry. I was thinking about something.” He said to RyeoWook but his eyes never leave SungMin. He checked him out from head to toe.

KyuHyun never believed that such thing called love at the first sight were existed, due to he never feel it before and he not going to believed anything that can’t be proved. But now, after meet this cute waiter, seems like KyuHyun have to take back his words.

Love at the first sight does exist.

“Vanilla latte and strawberry cake please.” RyeWook said as KyuHyun found himself already sitting nicely, he never knew since when.

“And for this lost kid…” He pointed his index finger to KyuHyun, “Black coffee and a baguette please.”

SungMin scribing the orders with a genuine smile decorate his cute face. “Alright, then please wait for a view minutes.”

“I want this choco mousse.” Suddenly KyuHyun blurt out, desperately didn’t want loose the sight of SungMin yet. “But I think this opera cake also tempting. Do you have any recommendation?”

Patiently, SungMin explain the menu and lean closer to his customer and his milky white neck exposed freely to KyuHyun. It takes all of his self restrain to not jump on SungMin and kissed those tempting neck.

Hmmm… He smells like vanilla… Sweet but not sickening me, at all.

KyuHyun keeps on asking small thing, ignoring the knowing grin that spread across RyeoWook’s face after the latter recovered from his shock. Well, Cho KyuHyun not the talkative type and he never ever will ask about sweets. So those sign is enough to inform RyeoWook that his best friend has something towards the cute waiter.

After a long asking and explaining session, KyuHyun finally choose a choco mousse. With a polite bow, smile and promise that everything will serve in an instant, SungMin head to the cake display. KyuHyun’s dark brown eyes never leave him since then.

Out of blue, RyeWook singing “Love~ love~ love~” But KyuHyun didn’t even notice or listen since SungMin come and serve their food at the same time.


“Huh? Yes, Wook?”

“I think somebody had fallen. Neh, Hyunnie~?”

KyuHyun didn’t reply. His eyes fixed to RyeoWook but his ear and brain registering a certain soft and sweet voice that taking order for another table behind them.

“Oh Hyunnie~~~~”

“Huh? What? What did you said?”

“I said, let’s eat.” RyeoWook changes the subject with a grin and his grin grew wider when KyuHyun choke by his own picked sweets. Immediately he takes a sip from his cup. The choke turns vigorously because the thing on the cup not a black coffee that KyuHyun loved but turn into a sweet hot chocolate.

What the….who the hell-

As can read through KyuHyun mind, RyeoWook saying, “If you wondering who’s dare to order another sweet stuff for you, the culprit is your self.”

“Aigooo~ Are you okay?” That soft voice coming from the cute waiter’s lips, who initiatively bring a glass of water and pass it to the still coughing boy.

“Nah~ I’m okay….”

A cough.

“Are you sure?”

Another cough.

“He just love sweets too much till chocked.” RyeoWook said while playing with his fork.

The pair of doe eyes glinted brightly. “Really? So, how it is?”

“Awesome.” KyuHyun responded rather too quick.

The beauty before him still not convinced, so KyuHyun take another spoon of the choco mousse, trying hard to swallow in order to show that he loves the sweets. His throat aching but he made it.

He finish all in one minute.

“It’s really nice.”

And there, He rewarded by those genuine smile of SungMin.

“Thank you, sir.”



“My name. I’m too young to be addressed as sir. Just call me by the name.”

“Ah, Thank you, KyuHyun Ssi.”

After another minute small chit chat, KyuHyun drag RyeoWook out of the café. He then collapse to the nearest park bench.

“You didn’t have to eat all of them in one way.”

“Stop it Wook. Don’t need to listen your advise now.”

“Okay… Wait a moment, I’ll buy black coffee for you.”

“This is too much. I think I’m gonna be sick.”

So, the almighty Cho KyuHyun emptied his stomach because of the sweets that he hates so badly but yet he still visiting the cake shop regularly. Everything running well, In an slowly but sure steps KyuHyun started being friends with SungMin.

Day flies to week but KyuHyun still can be found in the café but amazingly only when SungMin are in. He sounds like stalker but KyuHyun didn’t give a damn, as long as SungMin not push him away. And so far, the raven never showed any inconvenience sign. Instead, SungMin always so eager to assist him, serve him and joking around with him.

Once, on hard raining night, KyuHyun waited until SungMin shift were over and walked him. To makes sure SungMin won’t get wet.

“KyuHyun Ssi? Why are you still here? I though you already gone.” KyuHyun stunned, he never knew that a guy can looks so hot in a pink T-shirt. "Hallo~ KyuHyun Ssi~ Are you still there?"

“Ah... Hi… Drop the Ssi. Now I’m not a customer, I’m your friend. Wanna walk together?”

“Sure. But I forgot to bring my umberella.”

“No worries. I bring mine.”

Actually, KyuHyun already at home when it started raining, so he get back to the café to pick SungMin up.

They walked side by side, under the same red umberella. Talked randomly and when they arrived at the apartement of SungMin, and before they parted, a sweet kiss was planted to KyuHyun’s pale cheek. Earned multiple shades of red painted in the messy brown hair’s face.


“KyuHyun, what’s wrong?”

! Why he’s the one that caught me throw up here! I should had to lock the rest room!

SungMin’s small hands travel to KyuHyun’s spine, giving a massage. “Hey, Are you allright?”

“I think I can’t stand it anymore.” He said while washing his face and mouth, a few dropled of water escape to his collar bone.

“You mean can’t stand sweets thing. You hated sweets yet you eat them nonetheless.”

“How do you-“

“I know from the beginning. Your face can’t lie, at least to me.”

Yes, ‘cause I used to be stoic… Well, but not with you…. You can read me like an open book in a short time. Even Wook need few years to understand me. Maybe this is what they called soulmate?

“Say it, Kyu… Why did you do this? Why you had to torture your self when you know that sooner or later you’ll fall out?” The pet name that rolls from those cherry lips sent shiver through KyuHyun spine.

SungMin walking closer by each word and now their face almost touch. KyuHyun can smell the sweetness of vanilla from SungMin’s body.


“Say it…”

The sweet fragrance, the velvet voice sent KyuHyun to the edge.

“Because I falling in love with you Lee SungMin.”

The doe eyes that KyuHyun adore so much, shine brightly. “Thank you. I was waiting the day you’ll said it out loud. I love you too.”

Slowly, SungMin closed his eyes as indicating something. And KyuHyun got the message, he kiss those pouty lips that he had been longing for so long. SungMin open his mouth gladly and allow KyuHyun skillful tongue exploring his warm caven.

The kiss remain sweet yet passionate. KyuHyun can taste strawberry and chocolate on SungMin tongue when he it greedily. They parted when the needed of oxygen can’t be tolerate anymore but both face still stay close.

“Now we are official.”


“I love you, SungMin.”

“I love you too.”

“You are right. I hated sweet thing. Hated, I used past here. But there is one sweet thing that I’ll never able to hate. I can’t hate the sweetness of you. Your aegyo, your sweet voice, your sweet smile and this sweet lips.”

SungMin giggle and feels giddy but can’t help to feeling that KyuHyun really loves him. He knew KyuHyun won’t admit it in front of others because inside the stoic exterior, he actually a shy boy. So this confession is precious.

“I also love every part of you, Kyu~”

And then once again, their lips dancing in harmonize.




So… How is that?

Another fail fic I guess…  ( >////<)


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Chapter 1: this was cute!
little-dreamer #2
Chapter 1: >////< cuuttee!!!
Cutee ~
So sweets!! I love it!
ladyrhen #5
love the stroy.<br />
nice job.
khairana #6
Love at the first sight does exist. <33333333
Gyaaaaa kyuhyun is so sweet!!!!!! XD<br />
Love the cheesy line on ending XD<br />
Kyumin is so sweet^^
loveSungmin #8
omoooo it's so sweet <3<br />
kyuhyun is a stalker part is the best lol
ELF13sara #10
Ooh so sweet and cute fic <33