⇢ typography edits

w4pNMBF.gifLEojhVH.gif"she's my black pearl~~"

Me has got that last song syndrome. And I only sing up to that part xd


so we made another work in our graphics subject, and we were tasked to do typography edits and a wedding invitation!! :DDD this was one of my favorite activities because it's typography! i'm just so in love with typography but i barely make it good anyways. =(

are you ready to throw up see it?


OKay, so this first one. our professor told us to make a quoation poster. honestly, it's always hard to make a poster without an inspiration. i though first, "what quotation am i supposed to do that i can relate to?" first thing that came to my mind was music. and so that poster was born mehehehe xd
This next one was a poster for an essay writing contest, but in a typography style. and i was like "how?" hahahaha my best friend google images helped me. hahahaha

we always make posters in this class. like, event posters, advert posters, movie posters and contest posters. so in the outside world, when you talk about "posters", it's not really the ones you see here in aff. but those of like a marketing poster, like the ones i've mentioned above.
hahahah this is honestly my favorite. don't judge me.

so wedding invite. our professor told us to use our names and the name of someone you want to get married with. being a kpop fan, I was like "yay! i'm going to live the dream of being married to my bias. but then which one??!!!" hahaha my friends actually laughed at me. i also laughed at myself. just in exo, i already have to choose from 12. choosing from the whole kpop fandom is death. hahah xd 

so i resorted to "eenie meenie minie mo". my finger stopped at baekhyun hahah xdd he's not really my ub. i love exo. all of them. so they're all equal to me. just imagine the pain i have to go through in that eenie meenie. ;a;

lol and so there is that!
i'm gonna show you more next time when we do another one :D
hahahah come to my wedding okay??!!! xd
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The fact that Everlast was recommended here extremely flatters me O_O Anyways, I'm doing a designer shout out at this portfolio and I was wondering if I can share some of my favorites from your collection of posters? Thank you and hope to hear from you soon (:
Chapter 5: By 'GD' I thought you meant G-Dragon. (-.-)"
Chapter 12: Please make a Cute or RomCom tutorial. I am really not good on making a RomCom genre poster eerr. >.<
Chapter 11: wow, the animation is actually really smooth.
I like it.
and the graphic is so cute.
and that is not okay.
star_x #5
and dara ; u ; she is so lovely<333
star_x #6
Chapter 10: * O * I like your cute posters the most! the pink version of oh my angel is so pretty!!! /pink biased XD
fyehxn #7
Chapter 7: This is so awesome *^*
star_x #8
Chapter 9: aww the baby ; u ;
i love the soft vibe in that too!<3
Chapter 7: the eyes look beautiful~