We're in heaven

We’re here in heaven(ONE-SHOT)


Listen to this :


it can add the effect ... 



The sound of the life machine muzzles to the whole room…


Kyuhyun was now admitted in the hospital, lying lifelessly on the bed while his girlfriend Sungmin, was looking at him with a wide smile painted in her face, trying to hide all her sadness.


Sungmin’s Pov


I need to be strong. Be strong Lee Sungmin. Be strong for Kyu.


“Come on babe, eat some more.” I try to convince him again. He just shakes his head and lies on the bed again. He’s getting stubborn again.

“Come on kyu. Please eat. Just one.” He just stares at me, looking at me then he patted the empty side of his bed.

“Arasso. After this you will eat okay.” He nodded. I put down the bowl to the table and lie down beside him. I was facing the other side means that my back was facing his front. I look at him, His eyes were getting teary now … I could feel I was tearing up right now…

“Sungmin-ah” This is the first time he called me by my name again. He said in a weak voice


“Do you know how much I love you right?”

“k-k-kyu,” He place his right index finger on my lips.

“Shh. Let me finished first.”

“Ever since we met, You really captured my heart Sungmin and no one can replace you here.” He points to his heart

“Just keep smiling babe because when you always smile at me, the pain lessens. I know it hurts when you see my suffering every day, but still you keep those smiling face. I WILL MISS THAT.” Oh god whats happening to him. I-I what does he’s trying to say…

“I will miss you warm hugs, you’re sweet strawberry scent that I loved. The way you cared for me when I got into a fight, the way you nagged at me when I bully someone. And mostly I WILL MISS YOU LEE SUNGMIN and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH.”


“a-a-at least not yet.” I was crying now. He place his hands on my shoulder and he made me turn to face him.

“Sungmin, I’m not leaving you.. didn’t I told you that? I will wait for you in heaven. Death is just a short break for us. But when we’re in heaven, we will stay together forever there.”

“I-I-‘m sorry th-that I will leave you first. I-I’m sorry that I was never be a good boyfriend to you.”

“NO. That’s not true.” It’s my turn now, I place my index finger on to his lips.

“Let me.”

“It’s not true. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met and you’re the most important person in my life. No one dares to be with me but you did. I thank god that He gave me a most handsome, most understanding and a bravest boyfriend in my life. You open the gate to my heart kyu. You thought me how to love and what’s the feeling to be loved and cherished. THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING ME FOR WHO AM I AND FOR NOT BEING SCARED THAT YOU MIGHT GET INFECTED.”


The following day, the doctor agree that Kyuhyun can go out in the hospital, They immediately went to their favorite spot.

They were sitting under the tree, Sungmin was lying down infront of Kyuhyun while hugging her.

“I miss the old days.”Sungmin said.

“This is where you said your first “I Love you” to me”

“yeah. I remember that.”



“Thanks for being here. Thanks for being a part of my life. Thanks for those memories. And Thanks for loving me. I love you”

“I love you too. Very much”  He just hug her tight letting her girlfriend cried for the last time…




It was smoggy smoke that wake me up. Where am I? Why does every one wearing white.


Am I in heaven now?


“yes babe, I think were in heaven now.”

“bu-but how..?”

“look.” He pointed at the blank space later on it shows the scene where me and him sitting under the tree


“That’s our last day, we both died, never woke up again.”



authors notes: 

:( its it nice its my first one shot ! 


So please bear with me, I really tired my best :( 


but I guess I failed :(((( 

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Chapter 1: Criessssssss :'(
naznew #2
They still together even after die....
huhuhuhu you said it's fail? i dont think so, hehe XD<br />
i like it, i like the music :)<br />
i hope you always put music at your story hehe so it's make more interesting ^^<br />
miss you :)
congratulation!!! u have succeed in making me cry...
minimini #5
uwaaaaaaaaa ~ so saaad ~<br />
huhuhuhuh T.T
CinqLuna #6
sadddd... here some mix-up when you open the music the open a new tab then search rainymood on youtube, click the first one and you'll cry just like me :)
this .. T^T<br />
so sad T______T<br />
until they die, they keep together omg
that was nice!