The Reign of Prince Luhan

Secret In The Stars { Luhan }
Secret in the Stars
Chapter Two: The Reign of Prince Luhan

She walked with little grace towards the large school, consciously smoothing out her plaid skirt, hoping that her appearance was at least partially pleasing to the eye. If not, at least average. She was no supermodel, no natural beauty, and she was not so caring of her appearance, however, being inadequate would draw more attention than considered necessary. She walked with uneasy steps, nervous of what would happen at the school. As soon as she walked inside, she witnessed the hoard of zombie like females, uttering words of affection as they crowded the 'Prince' observing his every move with eagle eyes. "Prince Luhan, do you want me to carry your books?" one girl chirped, Lina widened her eyes, rolling them gently as she moved towards her locker, the young woman gave a soft sigh, pulling out the books of which she needed to utilise for the lessons that were to follow the morning.

"You can't be serious" a voice rang through her ears, the soft sound like silk to her skin. Beautiful. She turned, to find Eunmi standing there, a broad smile plastered on her skin as she wrapped her arms about the young woman’s figure. Lina took her time to admire her best friend’s beauty. Long, brown hair, a thin face, thin figure. She was beautiful and complied with all requirements that society had to offer. And yet, she opted for the quiet life. Hoping for ease within society. Impeccable beauty and brains, a quiet life. She had almost everything. With the right amount of will power she could easily take charge of the school, being that one it girl at school, that all girls wanted to be. 

"Eunmi" her voice chirped with a sense of euphoria, jumping up to her, arms wrapping instinctively about her waist, the reply was similar to that of which she had given her, squeezing the smaller girl's fame until she was certain that all life had withdrawn. As she pulled away, someone dare utter the word 'Lesbians' as they galloped past the pair of comrades, earning a well deserved glare from the young women. 

"Stupid, anyway... what are they fan girling about now? Has he had a millimetre taken off his fringe? Has one of his hairs fallen out?" the scoff which followed the snide sentences formed a smile amongst Lina's lips. So little did she get to enjoy her friend’s witty jokes without some form of consequence.

"I don't know, it's like this every stupid day, I'm tired of this" Lina's face had changed; now showing her utter discomfort of the matter. The conversation was no longer a actual form of conversation for the two, the topic was merely a morning conversation trigger, a tradition since they had been placed in Luhan's class at the age of six. When children could develop a sense of attraction, Luhan became invaluable to the females around him. Girls would ensure that they were transferred to the same school as him in order to lay within his prescience. Ridiculous. 

"Luhan, you're so cute" a shrill voice stabbed at the girl's ears, cringing at the voice, the voice of the fan clubs honorary president, Yumi. She had come from Tokyo to Korea on a voyage of expansion for the father's company. Somehow, instead of admitting their daughter to some sort of institution, private of course, she had been sent on a tiresome track down to a community high school. It was a cruel and saddening fate for the girls, in coincidence of her father bringing her to this establishment, 

"I-thanks" the male showed his discontent and discomfort with his current position with the potently fake smile of which he had forged upon his lips. He glanced away, alone, his eyes screaming for help as he glanced at the few within the crowded hallways as if it were a plea for help. 

"Come on, Oppa, we can walk to class together" though his face screamed that he was more than unwilling to join her as he wondered to class, but no inch of him had been summoned to be impolite to young women. His upbringing with an elder sister had taught him that. And so the young man nodded his head, glancing around once more, no doubt in search of his best friend's presence. However, it seemed he was absent from school today. Really, Xiumin, today? was the only thought to cross Luhan's mind as the fact that he was alone was the only reason to which he was more venerable today of all days. Easy prey for the vulture's that remained within this building.


The voice of Professor Kim droned like a siren, continually uttering about the theories of scientists. Lina had struggled to keep up as she scribbled continually on the page of her notebooks, making notes of what the male had been teaching her, on the desk over to the right, Eunmi seemed to show no sign of struggle as she wrote with ease, words flowing from her pen like a waterfall. Even then, the young woman seemed to have no struggle in holding back, enabled to decipher what information is necessary to note down and which of it was not. She immediately took to glancing around the classroom, observing the other members. Most were a mix between Lina or Eunmi's state, however, when her eyes met 'The Prince's' desk, she discovered that the young man had no struggle what so ever, in fact, it seemed as if he were bored with the class. Information, he seemed to already know it. And when the teacher noticed, calling out to the young man, he would answer all questions with such ease, it caused Lina a sense of sickness in her stomach. Stupid smart people, she immediately realised the error of her mental statement. It made no sense that those of which are smart, may also be mentally incapacitated. "Lina, Lina!" the hollow voice of Professor Kim sent chills down her spine, all eyes remained focused on her as she gazed into thin air, seemingly, staring at 'The Prince' who's eyes lingered on hers for a small second before dismissing this mishap as a common, 'girl staring at Oppa' moment. 

"Yes, sir?" she poked her head upwards from her palm, closing her eyes in shame as her cheeks glowed a harsh shade of red. His eyes glowed the same shade, anger. The male seemed to have an issue with the girl, however, she was saved, by an unusual figure. Stumbling into the classroom, shirt half buttoned, eyes still full of sleep. Almost an hour late to class, Minseok or 'Xiumin' as he was also referred to, stumbled in. 

"... I.. I'm sorry sir, I over slept" he stumbled towards his seat, eyes heavy with dark rims, anyone's guess was that he probably had not slept at all. It was a wonder what that boy got up to. When questioned by the fans of the school, he would dismiss their questions with a simple waver of his hand, uttering the words "nothing" as if it were a valid answer for every question he was asked.

Lina's mind began to travel as she continued with taking notes, reminiscing of the younger Minseok, he had lived on her street when they were young children. At the age of five, his mother left, and his father subsequently moved both him and his son out of the house. As children, the pair had been good friends, consistently playing with one another, she assumed that after this incident, was when the Prince and he had became friends. Ever since, the male has shown no sense of recognition towards Lina, however, he had often spared the small glance or smile her way. Though she had misconceived this as a kind gesture to show that, despite his popularity, those who were out casted by all social cliques, were still human too. 


The day had travelled on with little events, nothing ever changed within the dynamic of the school day, Lina and Eunmi would sit behind the bleachers at the multi-purpose sports field, avoiding the crowds in the cafeteria as they scrabbled around, mostly shuffling to attempt to catch Luhan's attention, or at a stretch, at least his friends. The noise there was unbearable. They sat, legs crossed, blazers under their legs to shield their skin from the blades of grass, packed lunch boxes before them. Lina stared into her lunch box. Rice. She had packed very little of it, portioning her meal out to ensure that she had enough left for the rest of the weeks meals. When she got paid, she would buy another large bag in a vain attempt to satisfy her need for nutrition. "On a diet?" a voice sounded a small laugh, Lina glanced up, anger dwelling within her as she attempted to say something, however, upon closer inspection, she discovered two students. They weren't familiar, though they seemed to be the same age as them. The girl, was of African origins from what Lina could tell, and the male, his accent reeked of Seoul. Busan kids rarely ventured to such a place. "Hi" the male nodded towards them both, a small smile playing on his lips. "We're new, we're both from class 2-B... I'm Jongdae, but please, call me Chen, and this, is Kennedy" he struggled with a harsh tongue to pronounce the English spoken name, though he executed it with partial grace. 

"Can we sit with you?" the girl gave a small smile as she spoke, her voice was like a diamond, it cut through every inch of your being, it could cut through anything, however, nobody minded, as this rich material was so beautiful that nothing else could compare to it. Eunmi returned the smile, nodding with enthusiasm.

"Of course" Lina spoke, still full of rice. Whilst she was not too fond of such an intrusion at a time where she should be comfortable with stuffing her face with food in the most un-fetching of ways, she was exhilarated at the prospect of the possible ability of acquiring new friends. 

"I'm Choi Eunmi, and this is Lee Lina, it's nice to meet you both" her smile was warm and inviting, a demeanour of which complied well with her words and her voice. Her radiant beauty shone so bright that the sun seemed to be belittled in her presence. The two students sat, speaking fondly between one another until their lunch hour was over, consuming their home packed foods.


"Jongdae!" a voice called out, Chen gave a small smile as he turned around, the hallways partially empty par the students of which were scurrying, late to their lessons. "Jongdae wait up!" his cousin bellowed, his voice loud as he dare it to go. Chen stopped in his tracks, rolling his eyes at the males expression.

"Luhan..." Chen chortled, poking at the flushed cheeks from the exercise of which he had just endured, spiriting down the corridor to catch up with his beloved cousin. The doe eyed boyish looking male shone brightly, a rose in a field of thorns. He played perfectly to the flower boy stereo type. 

"How's your first day going?" he questioned him with such enthusiasm it seemed unrealistic to the male that would be encountered in the hallways. Cold, distant, unwilling to speak to anyone. 

"Well, I'm not as popular as you, but I do believe I've made three friends..." Luhan's face dropped at the first half of the statement, a seemingly small grimace presented on his lips, however, when the male spoke of the second sentence, his smile only seemed to grow brighter. He thought so fondly of his cousin, if they were really supposed to call it that. The truth of the matter was, they shared the same nephew. His brother had married Luhan's elder sister, Mei, presenting them with a young Nephew. Luhan had instinctively grown to care for Chen as they grew closer through their connection, and though Luhan was respectively older than the male, their ages were still close, and Chen cared for Luhan more than his chirpy personality would let on. Though, their secret adoration for one another did not stop both competing to be the best uncle to Minwoo. 

"I'm sure they're lovely. Hey, do you want to hang out with my friends and I after school? We're going to the coffee bar and then to that Karaoke bar, next to that shady strip joint..." Luhan's words lingered for a moment, he glanced around to ensure that nobody was there to witness the information of his ware bouts later on that day. Chen responded with a simple nod, reluctant to continue the conversation any longer in fears of him being a little 'too' late for his first day. 



Authors Note: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please, check out my friend's stuff. They're lovely and their writing is amazing! Princissglory  

layout by dream_keeper88 | gifs by duragonfurai@livejournal
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Found you on Tumbl(r). Hehe, I'll be reading this soon! Oh, I'm on mobile and I'm having a hard time reading it because of the layout ): I really like the layout though, sorry! D:
It reminds me a little of the fault in out stars (the name). Looking forward to this!
I hope I will see another update soon! This story is very nice.