Slave To The Truth

Secret In The Stars { Luhan }
Secret in the Stars
Chapter One: Slave to the Truth

Eyelids were eventually pried open to reveal a pair of chocolate brown optics to match her hair, a timid smile threatened her lips as she caught a glimpse of her younger sibling, curled up within her duvet, having crept into her place of slumber in the dead of night. Her vision was slightly obstructed by her hair being strewn about her face. She emitted a soft sigh, cooing gently the words "wake up" in order to coax the child from sleep. Once the two year old eventually revealed her soft hazel orbs, she was scooped into the girls arms, leaving her baffled. Her raven hair was long, the exact spit of her elder sibling. 

"Lili?" the youngster uttered, holding onto the young woman’s night shirt, a smile graced her lips at the term of which was used to address her.

"What is it?" she cocked her head to the side, her voice as soft as a rose petal. It was sweet, to see the youngster so attentive, so grown up, and yet the thought of the youngster having so fastly grown. Her mind began to race, at all the things the child would have to face, but right now, there were clearly some other issues to attend to.

"I did an accident" her cheeks suddenly flushed red, though Lina's face stood blank, too often was this a common occurrence. Having been her sister's main carer from the age of two weeks old. Their father having disappeared, leaving the family in financial turmoil, and then, her mother, became so deathly ill that Lina was faced with being Mother to Mina. The medical bills were horrendous, however, they had been lucky enough to have their Grandfather around. Mr Lee. He was an honourable man, incredibly caring, having taken in Lina and Nina and taken care of the bills that they were left with due to their mother's ill health.

"That's okay sweetie," she bowed her head, unamused of the girl's mishap. It was a common issue that the child had, to soil herself in the mornings. She'd try her uttermost hardest to with hold the temptation, however, luck was not bestowed upon her. Uniform hanging over her shoulder, a clean set of clothing for her younger sibling clutched in her free hand, wondering into the bathroom to change the girl's outfit. 

"Mimi take pyjamas off" the toddler followed through with her actions, miserably attempting to pull her night gown over her head. A foolish attempt, and yet done with such glee and determination. A truly inspiring move. Lina cast aside the clothing, placing them on the work top before aiding her younger sister. First her nightgown, followed by the child's undergarments. The toddler aided as much as she could when her elder sibling attempted to dress her, unaware that it was doing more harm than good. However, her attempts were highly appreciated. 

"Well done" and with that exclamation, the transition was completed, sitting on the edge of the bath, Lina pulled Mina onto her lap, a thin child's comb, running smoothly through the partially knotted locks, smiling to herself as memories unfolded of her own childhood, sat on her mothers lap as she combed and styled her hair for the day. The beam growing wider as she reminisced how she would always come home from playing outside with the other neighbour hood children, hair matted, tights ripped, the white dress tarnished with grass stains and mud. Though her demeanour would never change, she'd simply laugh it off and continue to fuss over Lina until the time for bed commenced.

Lina took her time to admire the beauty she had created, soiled clothing dumped carelessly within the laundry basket, tailored specifically for the child's clothing of which took to that state. The small pink gown was dressed with crisp white cuffs, a collar to match, followed by a pair of white tights. to shield the girls legs from the vile cold. 


"Lina, come on you're going to be late," Grandfather uttered, his voice was kind, and yet it held a sense of warning. Lina fell around, a clumsy mass of skin, blood and air, attempting to pull on her tights as she hiked up her skirt along with it. A shamefully embarrassing affair. She took the comb to her chocolate locks, yanking it through until her hair seemed moderately tame. 

"I'm coming!" tooth brush muffling the words, lodged between her cheek and teeth, she spat out the contents of , closing her eyes before glancing at her appearance in the full scale mirror. Her figure wasn't perfect, in fact, it was anything but. Her hips were slightly larger than the rest of her, she had no thigh gap, her s were mediocre at best, her cheeks were relatively chubby, and she had no desirable . She was average. An average girl. Nothing about her shone 'attractive' though she could not deny that she adored her eyes, how large they were. Usually, they were framed by a large pair of prescription glasses, however, her after school activity at the local coffee shop left her with a little extra cash this month, enabling her to purchase contact lenses. Her eyes remained slightly watery, and partially blood shot. Leaving her longing for her glasses more than anything. It was a shame, to spend so much money on something that left her tear eyed, constantly.

"Lina, you'll be late for your shift" the voice called, more aggressive this time. The male seemed slightly aggravated by the thought of the girl being late to her job. Exasperated and unwilling to pull herself into any trouble with her care giver, she scampered through the door, waving gently at the young girl in the high chair, stuffing chopped apple pieces into with a wide grin.


"So, how are things at home?" Eunmi's head was cocked to the side, blinking her eyes with a small smile playing on her lips. Inquisitive of her well being, Lina gave a small nod, a counterfeit smile forming on her lips, motioning that things at the household of Mr Lee were substantial enough to bring a smile to her lips when she thought of it. However, the truth was, the thought of calling the dreadful place home was little more than disheartening.

"They're good," the simplicity of the sentence was borderline tell tail of her true thoughts, however, though the chirpy female could read how unwilling the female was to share her emotions. Much to her discontent, the raven haired female gave a soft nod, her chirpy demeanour coming back with a vengeance as she threw her arms dramatically around the girls neck, hugging her gently. The young women eventually pulled away, allowing Lina to return to tending to the customers needs, cups of coffee balanced on each molecule of her epidermis to quench the thirst of the students awaiting for her return.

"Finally, what took you so long?" a small sigh emitted from the female, the customer was less than pleasant. Regardless, the girl placed the cups gently on the table, bowing her head whilst she uttered apologies, smiling gratefully to the customers. They uttered between one another, speaking of how they despised certain football teams. the chatter was typical of males their age, football, sports, girls, anything that reeked the essence of stereotypical for teenage boys.

Upon closer examination, some of the males seemed familiar, though through fear of being perceived rude, she simply dispersed, watching as Eunmi conversed with Leo, when she returned to the group, it seemed as if there were nothing too interesting of which they could speak about, par business. However, something sparked within Eunmi. "Isn't that the 'Prince's' best friend?" she motioned to the male of which was allied with the males she had just served. Lina turned, scoffing to herself as she shrugged her shoulders. She was not all too fond of the Prince, nor his followers, and that detest was shared with her best friend. They had no real issue with the people themselves, however, the commotion that they caused, between males and females, was that of which they disliked of the group. Flower boys, with rich parents, everything handed down to them or given to them, and girls were in love with that. Superficial.

"I don't know. We should wait for the hoards of girls, then we'll know" she scoffed, a smile forming on Lina's face, her managers eyes had lit up like a deer caught in headlights. Excited so dearly with the prospect of teen girls, drowning his shop with business. Eunmi shook her head with a soft laugh, gently hitting the male's shoulder.

"Calm down, Mr. I Like Young Girls" Eunmi rolled her eyes with a soft chuckle, leaving Lina's lips to form into a wide grin, laughter drowning her reality with a small inkling of amusement.


Her breath began to hitch, heart slowing, she straightened out her attire, before stepping forwards, pushing open the door to find her Grandfather's small home, two suit cases resting against the wall of the dimly lit corridor, the walls grey, alike to everywhere else in the home, grey or brown. The décor was dull, everything partially bland, and nothing exactly screamed flamboyant, no spring of colour apart from items of clothing or sparse toys lying around that belonged to the tiny figure known as Mina. “Grandpa?” Lina called out, her neck craning around in order to attempt to see him, finding the silver haired male slumped in his armchair, nibbling on his already demolished nails. “Are you going on a trip or something?” the inquisition seemed to strike a cord with the male, his face sullen, eyes fixated on the floor.

“No, Lina, I'm not...” he paused, eyes eventually coming up to meet the large malteaser like orbs of which were intently positioned to his. He stood, grabbing the females hand, a shaky breath leaving his lips as he used his thumbs to caress the back of her hand. “Sweetie, I think it would be best, if you would move in with that friend of yours.”

Lina's eyes began to grow wide, mouth becoming dry as the realisation of who's items resided within the suitcases, hers. Suddenly, without caring to listen to any more of the man's explanation she spoke, “W-what about Mina?”

The male bowed his head in understanding to her concerns, his solemn expression spoke nothing but apologies, “She will be staying with me, until you find a substantial place of your own, where you can accommodate her. You can come see her every day if you wish to do so. I will not prevent you from seeing the little angel,” she nodded her head, having no cause to argue. This man had taken them in many years ago, having them in his home for the last two years, strain had obviously been placed upon him. Having a teen and a toddler in his home would be little more than a financial disaster for an elderly male.

“My m-” Lina's mind began to trail again, but before she could even speak of the matter, it was dismissed, settled by the male.

“I will continue to fund your mother's health care. But I can not fund you all, it's either you girls, or your mother” his voice remained soft and drained, his face displaying the same symptoms. Her tongue rallied over her bottom lip as she gave a small nod, convinced that her neck must be about ready to fall off with the amount of nodding she had done, feeling like a bobble head that people have in your car.


Legs moving, rain hammering against the ground, mud and water splashing against her leg, soiling the tights she was wearing. Her legs had lead her to the forest at the edge of town, a dirt road leading through the wooded area. Eventually, after a ten minute trek through the moist ground shrouded with trees, Lina had given in, the shelter of the leaves giving her little support in being shielded by the violent downpour. Eventually, she took a seat on one of the suitcases, exhausted. She had kept moving for no apparent reason, walking and walking until her legs eventually tired, no sense of direction. No sense of where she was even heading. She sat, face sunken, eyes glancing around, she had to turn back. Go somewhere. That's when the God's had answered her plea, just in the distance, in the silhouette of the rising moon, there stood the most wonderful view.

A cabin.

A home.

Authors Note: Please, please, give me any critism you see nececssary. This chapters song is Crazy - Diana Salvatore because it was from this weeks episode of Orphan Black and I really love that song.
layout by dream_keeper88 | gifs by duragonfurai@livejournal
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Found you on Tumbl(r). Hehe, I'll be reading this soon! Oh, I'm on mobile and I'm having a hard time reading it because of the layout ): I really like the layout though, sorry! D:
It reminds me a little of the fault in out stars (the name). Looking forward to this!
I hope I will see another update soon! This story is very nice.