
My Jinki, I Love Thee
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At first, it seemed like Minho silently agreed to leave Jinki alone. For the next few days, whenever they ran into each other in the hallways, Minho would simply glance at him once, and then mind his own business. He also was like that during their tutoring sessions, speaking only when it was necessary for him to do so.

It was killing Jinki.

Jinki knew it was his own fault because he’d asked the younger to protect Jinki from him, but he didn’t realize the younger would go to such an extent.

But then Jinki knew for sure that Minho had only started talking to him in hopes of achieving something more, and it made Jinki feel a bit betrayed, but as the sap he knew he was; Jinki would have let Minho play him exactly how he wanted to.

“Don’t tell me you like him.” Taemin deadpanned as they drove toward the school that Friday. Jinki had stupidly told Taemin about what happened, even though he knew the younger would show no compassion towards Minho’s efforts.

The elder squirmed in his seat and contemplated throwing his head against the steering wheel. “I don’t know, Taeminnie. He’s just so confusing… I mean, he only really started talking to me because of tutoring, but then he says something like he “couldn’t help but notice the person eating alone”. He stared at me when he was walking with that girl, and he practically forced Donghae to leave me alone. I have no idea what he wants from me.”

“He wants you.” Taemin said simply, but when Jinki tilted his head in confusion, Taemin let out a sigh and pointed to Jinki’s crotch rather dully.

“Oh” That was the only response Jinki could think of, but his head was still unsure. Yes, Minho could just want Jinki’s body, but if that were true, wouldn’t he have already made a move on Jinki during their tutoring sessions?

He’d gone through the entire school day wondering about how he could help the younger, and almost hadn’t noticed the same person he was thinking about behind the school in the basketball court.

Jinki liked sports, but he only played on days where he knew the courts would be empty, so he could have more freedom to play as he wanted. Seeing Minho there, Jinki pondered to himself if he should just leave Minho alone, but it seemed his feet had minds of their own.

“Minho.” He called out softly, and the younger male paused from making a shot and turned around, his face covered in sweat and his confused expression softening when he saw Jinki. Then, just as quickly, his face hardened and he returned to making his shot.

Jinki decided he didn’t like having Minho ignore him, even if he was trying to pro

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 13: I hope you will update this story soon ^_^ I'll patiently waiting for this fic ❤ i love it so much ❤ fighting (\^.^/)
YukiiOnna #2
Chapter 13: Omg i really really hope that you will continue this story one day! I cried when they were at the grave my god the tears just shot up .. Such a good story! I really hope you will continue it.. Hwaiting author-nim \(^_^)/
Chapter 13: Hope you will continue this story. I love it so much.
Soulights #4
Chapter 13: will you continous this ?
Sidhe21 #5
So will this be started again?
satsueki #6
Chapter 13: I cried ,_,
this is beautiful. I hope you will continue this story
Chapter 13: I m hitting my head on the wall. How did I miss reading your stories earlier???? You are so very good. This one superb story. Wowwwwww
faniee #8
Chapter 13: I read this again. Please update authornim. I'm waiting for the next chapter. Jinki is so cuteee ^^
hunhan_enthusiast #9
Chapter 13: oh, please update!
yeahonho #10
Chapter 13: hahhaa.... so cute