
“our LOVE story”_____ Idol Scenario Compilation ⎿CLOSED | HIATUS⏋ft.OHSEHUN
〈 the stories;


 ▷Title; Don't Mess With My Love You B*stard
 ▷Genre; love, angst
 ▷Date posted; 15 Jun 2014
 ▷Requester; my_caffeine


 ▷Title; When Chenyeol is Real
 ▷Genre; whatever
 ▷Date posted; 8Apr2012
 ▷Requester; you
 ▷Title; When Chenyeol is Real
▷Genre; whatever 
 ▷Date posted; 8Apr2012
 ▷Requester; you
Title; When Chenyeol is Real
▷Genre; whatever
▷Date posted; 8Apr2012 
▷Requester; you
 ▷Title; When Chenyeol is Real
 ▷Genre; whatever
 ▷Date posted; 8Apr2012
 ▷Requester; you
 ▷Title; When Chenyeol is Real
 ▷Genre; whatever
 ▷Date posted; 8Apr2012
 ▷Requester; you
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#OLS [Pickup] Calling my_caffeine


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Chapter 3: Junhong mati?? seyes??Waii??waii you leabe me alone baby..i'm still..still loving you~/slapped/ ; o ; ...ayat Sehun wat aq cair ngan sehun ;; second man always lose.. cite yg menarik! mle2 tu aq gelak sakan..then ending bru tergagau2 cri tisu.. huhu.. adek aq pun pndg semacam je kat aq u w u nice story author-nim! :D
jap jap ak try.

Requestor's name : cookiesmoonstah

Story title : So this is our ending ?

Genre : haaa angst(?) orz . tp pastikan kejam !

Characters : Krystal. Chanyeol. Baekhyun

Beginning of the story : aaa .. hg buat la mcm krystal dgn baekhyun ni kwn rpt. then krystal suka chanyeol. baekhyun pun tlg ah krystal. tp dlm pd mse yg sama baekhyun suka krys. then chanyeol ni mendua kan krys. pastu dorg break. then krys bru tau yg baek suka dia. tp krys lambat sbb baek kena bertunang dgn org lain. then..hg pandai pandai la sambung XD

Ending of the story : ak pun tk suka happy ending. jd kau buat ah krys mcm menyesal gila kedberi sbb tk prnh nmpk baekhyun. XD

Poster (?) tpyh ah poster pister. org nk baca story bukan poster XD

Author that you want : mana mana je ah tk kesah :3

pass: tkprnh bercinta .o./slapped XD . 240610 ;;

^mokcik faghah ! mcm ni ke ??? ;O
Nampak menarik~ nk cube joing boleh?? /flip jiming/

>Requestor's name >> my_caffeine (

▷Story title >> Don't Mess With My Love You B*stard!!

▷Genre >> I was hoping something really angst with a bit of fantacy :D

+▷ Characters >> Park Tira, Choi Junhong, Oh Sehun

▷Beginning of the story >> Leave it totally to author-nim :D

▷ Ending of the story >> Something really cruel and make me cry like a madwoman xD

▷Pictures link >> Terserah kat author-nim kalau ada ide yg lebih menarik.. ni suggestion je :3

+▷Author that you want >> Unicorn Yixing juseyoo~~ malay fanfic <3

+▷Password >> I don't really remember.. OTL
... When did you meet your first love tue... Hurm?