
April Fool's Day

Listen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQwEM6W9kUI


I fought back the tears that were unknowingly prickling my eyes. I didn't even know why they just suddenly came. Aish, I shouldn't be like this.

"Oh, really? She never told me! And I didn't know you guys were so close. Hahaha, but how come you look so sad?" I tried to energetically say and mentally cringed at my bad acting. I hoped Key wouldn't notice.

He looked at me intently but didn't say anything about it. "Just tired," he replied.

"You should go home then! Sorry for keeping you out so late," I apologized.

He shook his head. "I'm the one who asked you to come out. But I actually do have to get going, I have a schedule in an hour."

He sadly smiled and ruffled my hair. I pouted in disappointment. "It's okay, we can meet again soon," he assured me.

"Hold on, when do you meet Hara when you hardly have time to meet me?" I asked. He looked alarmed before replying. "It's a secret."

I humphed and crossed my arms. "I think you and Hara make a good couple. I wish you two success," I forced myself to say through gritted teeth. Key just slightly smiled before walking me to my waiting manager's car.


We were eating like cows. Literally. Our meals these days consisted of leaves, leaves and water. Our company wanted us to maintain our 'Mister' bodies.

But even though our salads were starting to taste like nothing, we ate none the less. Our day was full of practicing. In idol world, a rest day just meant no schedule. We still had to practice our dancing and singing. I think I gained about 10 new blisters. Doing the dance everyday is not easy. I decided to ask Hara about Key later.

"I think I failed my exam today." Jiyoung whined to no one in particular. "It was so hard!"

"You have to work harder! Once we get older and won't be idols anymore, you'll be dumb and have no job," Gyuri, lectured her.

"I know," she huffed. "But I'll be rich by then," she muttered after.

"Who are you texting?  You're smiling so wide, unnie! It's unnatural," Jiyoung caught Seungyeon who was smiling to herself as she texted under the table.

"It's probably Onew!" Hara laughed. I guess she forgot about what happened this morning.

Seungyeon blushed and quickly denied it. "No, I wasn't! It was uh...my mom! Yeah, my mom was asking me if I ate yet."

"You told us your mom doesn't even know how to work a cell phone," I pointed out. She glared at me for exposing her.

"Just give it up, we all know it's him," Gyuri said.

"Fine but how about you, Jiyoung! I see how you are when you look at Taemin," she countered.

Jiyoung began to have a coughing fit and I lightly patted her back. I smiled, this was getting interesting. She drank some water before calmly replying. "And how do I look like?"

"A girl in love!!" Hara cheekily answered. We all laughed, it was so fun teasing the maknae.

"I don't love him, I just think he's cute, that's all. Don't you guys think he's cute?" she defended herself.

"Haha, it's okay, we know your feelings. I think he has a thing for you too," assured Seungyeon.

Her eyes widened.

"Really? Omo, how do you know know?!",

Gyuri smiled. "It's pretty obvious."

"And so is your relationship with Jonghyun!" Hara exclaimed.

Gyuri flipped her soft waves. "Well, I'm not going to deny it, although it isn't official yet."

"As expected from the goddess," Seungyeon smirked.

"I'm happy for you, and I approve of Jonghyun," I said.

"Me too! Speaking of which, we haven't talked about Key and Nicole yet," Jiyoung bounced.

I froze.

"Ehehe, so who's going to do the dishes?" Gyuri changed the topic and I gave a small sigh of relief.

"Oh look, Onew texted me again!"

"I wonder what Taemin's doing right now."

I laughed at their silliness.

Gyuri's POV

Jiyoung was making things worse! Hara explained what Key told her when Nicole left. It definitely shocked us but we were happy he finally decided to do something about their relationship. We were supposed to help Nicole realize her feelings for him but Jiyoung was just making her hurt more than she really had to.

It was decided that Seungyeon would wash the dishes and once we finished eating, Nicole dragged Hara to Hara's room. The three of us went to eavesdrop on the other side of the door.

"Key told me you guys are dating. It's true?" Nicole's normal energetic voice was low.

"Yeah...he asked me a few days ago, sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

I saw Jiyoung trying not to giggle at Hara's cringe worthy acting.

"Oh, well congratulations! I think you two look cute."

"Thanks, Cole-ah! We're going to meet tomorrow. Want to come?" Hara innocently asked.

"It's alright, I wouldn't want to be a third wheel. You two have fun," Nicole replied. We heard her coming to the door and I pushed the two girls who had their ears pressed to the door to get up and run. We all scrambled away at the speed of light. I jumped on the couch and tried to look interested in my phone. Seungyeon returned to the kitchen and continued washing the plates she left behind. Jiyoung ran inside the washroom.

Nicole walked with slumped shoulders back to her room and shut the door. We made sure she wasn't going to come out again before going to Hara. She was sitting on the bad, hugging her knees and her head resting upon them.

"You should have seen her face! I feel so bad," Hara cried.

"Just remember you're actually helping her. Don't think about it too much, she'll thank us for this in the future," I patted her head in an attempt to comfort her. She nodded and looked a tiny bit more relieved.

"How is it obvious Taemin likes me?" Jiyoung suddenly asked.

I facepalmed. Geez, she's still thinking about that?

Seungyeon read my mind. "Omo, you still remember? Well, he was pretty sad when you switched partners with Hara and danced with Mingo during the special stage. And the way he looks at you, it's there. And Onew told me Taemin talks about you. A LOT."

Jiyoung turned red and started to jog around the room, squealing and looking like she was in pure bliss.

"Jiyoung, do that somewhere else, I'm tired," Hara groggily said.

"Yeah, let's go finish our mission," I ordered. Jiyoung stopped but still had a huge smile plastered on. Ahhh, young love. We bid goodbye to hara and knocked on Nicole's door.

"Come in."

I opened the door to see Nicole eating snacks. All of them. All the ones we knew she hid secretly and ate when she felt really annoyed and moody.

"What are you doing, Cole'ah! Don't you remember how hard you worked to get that body? Stop eating!" Seungyeon took the chips away from her. She didn't fight and back and simply laid on her bed.

Nicole's POV

Why am I so depressed? I should be happy for my two best friends! They match each other so well but here I am moping around for no reason. I shoved another chip into my mouth robotically. Someone knocked on my door. "Come in," I sighed. Jiyoung, Sungyeon and Gyuri came into the room and their expressions turned into pity when they saw me. Seungyeon lectured me about something and grabbed the chips away so I settled on lying down. I decided to tell them what was on my mind.

"Guys, you know I really cherish friendship, right? And that I'd never let a guy get in between us?" They nodded. "Then why am I so upset that Kibum and Hara are dating? I mean, I'm not mad that they kept it from us but I just feel sad whenever I think about them. For no reason!" Before they could answer, I continued. "Am I just jealous that Hara already has a boyfriend? No, that's not it. Maybe it's because I feel like I'm being left out. I don't know, whatever it is, I'll eventually get used to it," I ranted.

Gyuri and Seungyeon sat on my bed as well while Jiyoung sat on a beanie chair at the corner of the room.

"What if you are jealous, unnie? I mean, not because hara unnie has a boyfriend but because of Key?" Jiyoung said.

I gave her a confused look. "Why would I be jealous of Key?"

"Not of Key but because of him. You're jealous of Hara. Look, you've known him for a long time now and all of a sudden, he's chosen Hara. Not just as a friend but a girlfriend," Gyuri explained, emphasizing words.

Then it hit me. I like Key?!

"No way! What's gotten into you all? We're good friends and that's it. There's already proof he's going out with Hara," I shook my head at their ridiculous idea.

"Then give us a good reason why you're so hurt?" Gyuri said as she inspected her nails.

"I - I don't know. That's why I'm asking you but you're coming up with crazy ideas!!" I rasied my arms on the word crazy.

"Well, we're trying to help you and that's the reason we came up with," Seungyeon said.

"No, Key doesn't like me that way. You should see the way he flirts with Hessica, Tiffany, taeyeon and even Amber! Besides, I know a lot of potential boyfriends. Jinwoon, Minhwan, Minho, jaebeom, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Jaejoong," I began to name random people. The three girls smiled at me knowingly.

"It's okay, stop denying. Just admit you like Key," Jiyoung pointed at me.

"So what if I do?" I sighed and gave up. "It's not like I can do anything now. I'll forever be the best friend and no way will I ever go out with one of my friend's exes," I looked down.

"It's not the end! Just get him jealous! It's obvious he's doing that flirting to catch your attention. He probably doesn't do it when you're not looking," Gyuri pointed out.

"But he's going out with Hara. Are you seriously making up a plan to steal her boyfriend?" I crossed my arms.

"Trust us this once, Nicole. Get a boyfriend."


WOOOO!~ I'm not dead! LOL has it been 5 months already? I'm so sorry *bows deeply* I've been focusing on my infinite fanfic, I sort of neglected this one (even though I have everything written out already). This has got to be one long chapter. I couldn't find a place to stop without being awkward so I decided to just keep going to make up for my absence.

Thanks for all the comments and support!


I'm waiting for more~

Byebye, enjoy!~

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updatee soon ^o^
Chapter 4: Update soon~
hanimadu98 #3
update plss
another one :O u never told me :P
Miinii #5
Yeaahh~ You updated!!!
Please update soon again! Can't wait to read what happen next ;)
hanhernz hwaiting!!!
kimkim96 #6
New reader~~~~~
Hope you update soon!!!
Thanks for the update! I want to read more! Is Nicole going to get a boyfriend to make Key jealous? Oh....I can't wait to read the next chapter! I hope you make it long! :D I could read this all day! Keep up the good work!
please update....i wanna know what's gonna happen....thank you
Miinii #9
Awww~! Please update soon again!!!<br />
I want more :(<br />
Hanhernz Hwaiting!!!
LilyAvila #10
Waaaaah looking forward to the next chap =D