The New Kid In School (Zico) | AleexLeeMiller

Do U Wanna B? Block B - Oneshot Request Shop (Not Taking Requests)

Alex's POV

"Mom, do I really have to go? What if people make fun of me because I look different?" I said, as we were driving to my new school, in Seoul, South Korea. We just moved here from Los Angeles because of my dad's job.

"Don't worry honey! You'll be fine! After they see you, they'll want to stay out in the sun forever." She smiled at me. I was scared because I knew from some of my dad's coworkers' children, that the students are very judgemental about looks. I also knew from history class, that people in the Eastern world treasured pale skin.

Being my family was orginally from Latin America, I was born with a honey skin tone, something that many of my friends were envious of back home. However, here I stood out like a sore thumb.

"Okay, we're here. Good luck, sweetie! You'll be great!" She gave me kiss on my cheek and I got out of the car.

The second I entered Seoul High School, everyone's eyes were on me.

I walked through the crowd, trying to ignore the pointing fingers, whispering, and laughter.

I was stopped when someone stepped in front of me. In front of me was a beautiful brown eyed, black haired, pale skin girl, who was a few centimeters shorter than me.

She looked me up and down, and smirked. She said something in Korean. The only words I can pull out was 'foreigner' and 'american'. When she was finished speaking, everyone laughed.

I ran into the office, and saw a middle-aged lady there. She smiled and introduced herself in fluent English, "Hello, my name's Choi Yuna! You must be the new exchange student from California! I was born and raised there!"

I smiled and bowed to her, "Hello!"

She got my schedule ready, and before I left she said, "Don't worry about those kids out there. You're a very beautiful, young girl!"

I smiled and thanked her. However, the rest of the students didn't agree with her opinion. For the rest of the morning, people stared at me and kept whispering.

I went inside the cafeteria, and it suddenly became quiet. I slowly walked to get my food, and was about to take my seat when my tray was flipped over.

I looked up to see the same girl, smirking at me. I was about to yell at her, when another voice beat me to it.

"Hwang Hyoyoung!" a guy yelled out to the girl. The girl automatically smiled, "Ah, oppa! Annyeong!" She waved cutely, and I felt like I wanted to gag.

He started yelling at her in Korean, and her face slowly saddened. She ran away with her friends following her.

He turned to me and said in his cute accent, "You okay? Sorry about her, she's a , right?" I just chuckled at him.

"Hi, my name's Woo Jiho! You can call me Zico." He said. He looked down at my food, and said, "You can share with me."

I shook my head and started, "No, I can't possibly do that---" but was cut off when he took my hand and led me to his table.

"Yo, guys! This is Alex Rodriguez!" He said, and the unfamiliar guys all smiled at me.

"How did you know my name?" I asked him surprised. He smirked and replied, "I'm the most popular guy in this school, I should know these things."

I sat down and one of the guys said, "Hi, I'm Kyung! Don't listen to those robots! You have very nice skin! Not to mention, you're very pretty."

Zico turned to me and said, "Say 'ahhh'". He fed me his food, which caused me to blush.

"And don't worry about those girls. They won't bother you anymore." He smiled, while the other guys smiled as well.

"What did you say to her?" I asked him, curious of what caused her run out crying.

He shrugged and gave me another spponful of food, "Nothing really... Just to stop teasing my beautiful, future girlfriend. Also, that she was looked like a ugly ghost with her almost white skin." This caused all the his friends to laugh out loud, while I just let my mouth hang open.

What did he just say?, I asked myself.

He brought his hand up to my chin and closed my mouth, "Honey, food is meant to be chewed." He winked at me, and I slowly began to chew the food.

The bell rang, and he got up and said, "I'll meet you after school, okay? We'll be going out for ice cream later." He smiled and left me.

For the rest of the day, nobody dared to make fun of me. I'm beginning to like this school, I thought to myself and smiled.

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Chapter 22: OMG P.O Oppa..
hahah.. ur so lame.. XP
Even it's hot, why you gotta
do that to her?? Tsk tsk tsk..
Chapter 22: aww so freakin cute
hope you understand my plot! :)
Character name: Kim Hana

age: 17

Plot: Kim Hana and Zico fought after the incident that had happen, but she didn't want to tell zico that she has heart cancer, the day she died, she told her omma to give him, the letter she wrote and the letter was full of opoligy and confession....
Chapter 21: OMG!
Finally an update!! :D
I was so happy to see you update.. ^^
And awww;
i love the oneshot..
it's so cute!
I'm so glad that the boys are back too!!
Words cant explain what I feel right now..
hahaha.. :D
Are you still doing requests?! Well if you are!
Character Name: Dang, Kim (Last, First)

Age: 18

Plot Summary: I was hoping for a P.O. fluff sorta fic. (:
kpop_luv #8
Character name: Lee ______ (the reader)
Age: 20
Plot: it's about b bomb and how he got jealous when ______ was talking to her guy friend and b bomb got jelous so later that day they went home (they live together) When he asked her what's going on and she's like nothing (in a defensive way) and they started aruguing and and he slapped _____ and u think u can make a not sad ending ending?
Author nim, can u do a P.O oneshot for me? I'm dying of his fanfic nowadays.Any fluffy and lovey-dovey should be. Kekeke