In the Dark of the Night

Our Last Summer

 “Thank you for coming back.”

“Where am I?” Hakyeon asked once more, trying to get his bearings. Even in his confused state though, comforting his crying friend came first. After all, Taek wasn’t one to cry for just anything. But Hakyeon found that he couldn’t because as he went to lift his arm, it felt weighed down. He looked down to find it covered in a cast, and a soft, dull ache spreading from the current weight on his chest. “ hurts.” The other boy jumped backwards as if burned, a frantic look in his eye.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Hold on ok?! I’ll get the doctor!” And he was gone before Hakyeon could even get another word in, quickly coming back with what seemed like the entire staff of the hospital.

“Can you tell me your name?” A doctor asked him, leaning the bed up and shining a light into his eyes.

“Cha Hakyeon.” He answered, doing his best to keep his focus on his friend who moved further away, the massive amount of people rushing around him making him nervous.

“And do you know where you are?”


“Good, good.” The doctor seemed satisfied and put away his flashlight before fixing Hakyeon with a stare. “Do you know why you’re here?”

“Why I’m here? What…” He fell. He remembered now. He’d fallen off the cliff. He thought for sure he was going to die, never see his mom or friends again.

“Sir, his heartrate and bp are rising.” Hakyeon sat up in the bed as his memories assaulted him.

“Hakyeon, you need to calm down.” He remembered the pain as his wrist broke, how his body had refused to move any further, so cold…he’d been so cold. So afraid. He couldn’t catch his breath, his chest aching from his injuries. “Get 5mg of diazepam ready. If he doesn’t calm down, he’ll re-injure his ribs.” He was so sure that he was going to die. He’d given up. They would never find him. But then someone had. “Ok start the injection. We have to calm him down.”

“Taekwoon.” Hakyeon reached out to the figure across the room, and through watery eyes, watched his friend walk around the doctor to sit on the bed, before being grabbed with Hakyeon’s one good arm to latch onto him. He sobbed into the other boy’s shirt. “I-I was so s-s-scared!”

“Shhhh…I know.” A warm hand, closed over his, unclenching the fingers from the shirt material. Taekwoon shifted so that Hakyeon was more comfortably situated in his lap, his arms lightly around him, and one hand rubbing the sobbing boys back. “You’re safe now. I promise.” The sobs soon calmed down, the drug doing its job as the boy fell back to sleep once more, safe in the arms of his friend.

“We’ll need to keep him calm. If his ribs get re-injured, it’ll just prolong the healing. I’m going to go call his mother now and let her know that he was awake.” The doctor moved to help Taekwoon out from under the sleeping Hakyeon, but the other boy simply laid Hakyeon back down in bed, stretching out beside him.

“I’ll just stay like this. That way when he wakes up again, it’ll help to see a familiar face.”

“Suit yourself,” the doctor said, exiting the room with a sigh. Damn, that kid was stubborn.

                Taekwoon laid in the half-light, studying his friend’s face. Had he never noticed how smooth his skin was, or the way that he looked so child-like in sleep? They’d slept in the same bed dozens of times over the years, but had he ever really stopped and looked? Why not? Hakyeon had been there for Taekwoon during every life event that had happened over the last 13 years. Had he taken that for granted? These questions had plagued his mind for the past few days. When he stopped to think about it, Hakyeon was perfect. He was caring and sweet, fiercely loyal and protective. All the qualities Taekwoon would want in a girlfriend. So because Hakyeon wasn’t a girl, he wasn’t worthy? Did that make sense? If anything, shouldn’t the fact that it was his best friend, the one person who knew him inside and out, count more? Hakyeon had never judged Taekwoon for being who he was, simply accepted and loved him. He was comfortable to be around, even if he did nag way too much. With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Taekwoon drifted off to sleep.

“Hakyeon…how long are you going to lock yourself in here crying?” Taekwoon asked with a sigh, looking at his miserable friend. His friend’s mom had called him over, concerned about the 16 year old.

“I got dumped! I think that’s a perfectly valid reason to cry, Mister Emotionless!” Hakyeon wailed, before throwing the pillow he’d been crying into at Taekwoon’s face, only for it to be dodged.

“Is he seriously worth all this drama? I mean, what’s so great about him?” Taekwoon asked, sitting on the bed and adjusting the fluffy projectile behind his head as he leaned against the wall.

“He was older, mature, and handsome. Plus, he was in a band! How cool is that?” Hakyeon said with a dreamy expression, before once more breaking down into sobs. “And now he hates me!” Taekwoon rolled his eyes at the theatrics of his friend, used to the waterworks. It was no secret that Hakyeon was a giant cry baby.

“Why’d he dump you? Did you nag him too much?” Hakyeon’s face flushed, before he grabbed the pillow back once more to try to hide his face in, Taekwoon’s head hitting the wall with a thud.

“Ow! What the hell?” Taekwoon said, angrily grabbing the pillow back from Hakyeon only to be brought up short by the expression on his friend’s face. “Hakyeon?”

“I wouldn’t do it.” A small whisper, as tears steadily rolled down Hakyeon’s cheeks. Wouldn’t do what…!

“ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!” Taekwoon shouted, shocking an “Eep!” out of Hakyeon. “That bastard dumped you because you wouldn’t sleep with him?! What an ! Good! You don’t need to date someone like that anyways. Trying to get a 16 year old to sleep with him…what a creep…” Taekwoon fumed for a minute before the silence was broken with soft chuckling, which soon turned into full blown hysterical laughter. “What? Why are you laughing at me?” Taekwoon asked, confused. “I’m seriously pissed off right now.” Hakyeon just kept laughing before he eventually could stop long enough to talk.

“I’m sorry. Just who knew that one of the few times you raise your voice would be over my ity.” And there went the giggling again.

“Seriously?!” Taekwoon exclaimed, staring at his friend incredulously, “At least pick someone better next time ok? Not some creep only after you for…ya know…that.”

“Ah but Taekwoonie, there will never be anyone that matches up with you. After all, you’re the best.” Hakyeon said with a teasing grin. Oh, this kid.

“The best huh….oh really?” Taekwoon said with a smirk.

“Taek…why do your eyes look like that… you wouldn’t…” Hakyeon said with a gulp, trying to scooch away to the other side of the bed, but too late.

“I would.” Taekwoon pounced on the other boy, straddling him, and attacking him with his dreading tickling might. No matter how much Hakyeon squirmed, he couldn’t get free.

“I give up!” Hakyeon laughed, trying his best to catch his breath in between attacks. “Taekwoon! Taekwoon-ah!”

“Taekwoon-ah…” Something soft was poking him in the cheek…annoying…”Taekwoon!” Taekwoon tried to bat away whatever was messing with his sleep. “YAH! Jung Taekwoon!” Oh my god that was it, whoever was waking him up best pray to their maker. Taekwoon opened his eyes to be met with the playful ones of his best friend, his red hair sticking every which way. “Are you awake now?” Hakyeon asked, staring at him cutely. Taekwoon slowly nodded his head, the other boy a sight for sore eyes.

“Hakyeon…are you ok now?” The boy nodded, a small smile on his face.

“The doctor said it was mostly likely shock from my brain trying to catch up with what happened. My mom went downstairs to try to find us some breakfast. She didn’t want to wake you up.” Hakyeon yawned, before his stomach let out a rather loud grumble, extra loud in the silence of the room. Both boys started to laugh.

“Oh. Guess you woke him up then.” Hakyeon’s mom said with a smile, walking into the room with a tray of food. “Good thing too. Look what I found on the way up.” Jaehwan, Wonshik, Hongbin, and Hyuk all shuffled in the room, the first two carrying additional bags of food, which were promptly dropped at the sight of the awake redhead.

“HYUNG!” Three of the boys rushed Hakyeon’s bed, being brought up short by the snarling, glaring boy who had just sat up.

“Quietly.” The soft, scary whisper sent chills down their spines. All three heads quickly nodded, fear in their eyes. “Gently.” More nods.

“Oh, come on Taek. Let the poor kids come see their beloved hyung.” With a roll of his eyes, Taekwoon got off the bed and went to help Hakyeon’s mom as the kids mobbed their hyung, very quietly and gently of course as to not anger the guard lion. All but one. Hyuk stood unmoving in the doorway, staring at his feet, hands shaking as he wrung them. “Sanghyuk?” Hakyeon called out to the frozen boy, causing him to jolt and shake even more. The other three untangled themselves from the elder, staring sorrowfully at the youngest. But leave it to the eldest to know exactly what was wrong without any words said. “Hyukkie, come here.” Hakyeon said, opening his arms. Hyuk looked up, his composure dissolving as he ran into his hyung’s arms.

“I’m s-s-sorry! I should h-have t-tried harder! Don’t h-h-hate me…” Hyuk sobbed, but Hakyeon only smiled, holding him closer and patting his hair.

“You did nothing wrong. I know you tried your hardest. Look at me Hyukkie.” The youngest allowed himself to glance upwards, Hakyeon grabbing his face with both hands, making Taekwoon start towards them since the injured boy wasn’t supposed to be moving his one arm too much, only to be stopped by Hakyeon’s mom. “Han Sanghyuk. I’m proud of you. You did a good job.” A fresh wave of tears poured down the boy’s face as he sobbed, the other boys good-naturedly laughing at their ‘tough’ maknae.

                It was hours before the other boys were eventually kicked out of the room and told to go home. His mom had promised to come back in the morning, assured that Hakyeon was in Taekwoon’s more than capable hands. Hakyeon even managed to convince Taekwoon to go home to shower and change clothes, with the promise that he was still allowed to stay overnight. His friend had been remarkably…well, clingy. He guessed that was only to be expected but still…not even the others had been this protective. He wondered what was going on inside that beautiful mind of his friends, not that he’d ever open up about it. A talker, Taekwoon was not. Hakyeon just trusted that he’d open up when he was comfortable talking about whatever was on his mind.  A soft sound interrupted his thoughts, a smile forming when he saw Taek leaning against the doorway. “Hey.”

“Well come in dummy.” Hakyeon said teasingly. He noticed that Taekwoon had already changed into sweats and a t-shirt to sleep in, his muscles nicely filling out the clothing. Shut up brain! Not the time for those thoughts! It had been increasingly hard for Hakyeon to control his feelings with Taekwoon acting the way he was.

“You’re sure it’s ok to sleep up there? I can just get the cot back.” Taek asked, looking uncertainly at the bed.

“Of course it’s fine. It’s not like we’ve never slept in the same bed before.” Taekwoon nodded, turning off the overhead lights before dropping his duffel bag on the floor by the bed and climbing in. It was so quiet, only the soft beeping of the machines heard. The two stared at each other, before slowly closing their eyes, and drifting into sleep.

Faster. He had to run faster. He could hear the shouting in the distance as he cursed himself. His legs felt as if he were running through molasses, muscles burning. He hit the clearing, pushed himself harder. He had to make it, if he didn’t… Punch. Punch. Hyuk screaming. God go faster. But no. It wasn’t enough. His eyes met with Hakyeon’s as his friend’s body hit empty space, the earth gone beneath his feet. And in his mind he heard the whisper, “Why didn’t you save me?” Taekwoon sunk to his knees, the rest of the world fading away to nothing. He felt a weight in his arms, looking down to see himself holding Hakyeon’s still body. “Hakyeon-ah…wake up.” Taekwoon whispered, tears streaming down his face, pleading with his friend, but the other’s head simply lulled to the side, air no longer filling his lungs. “Hakyeon. Hakyeon! HAKYEON!”

                Taekwoon woke with a start, his body covered in a layer of sweat. He opened his eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the darkness. He felt in the bed next to him, only to find the space empty. Taekwoon panicked, jumping from the bed, frantically searching the room, only for the bathroom door to open, Hakyeon emerging. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Taekwoon flew towards him, crushing the red head in a hug, doing his best to remain conscientious of the other’s injuries. “Taek?” Hakyeon asked, a little startled.

“You’re still here. I thought you disappeared again.” Taekwoon whispered, trying to calm his breathing.

“Oh Taek…I was just using the bathroom. Here, let’s go back to bed.” Hakyeon led the other boy to the bed, both climbing back in. However, Taekwoon grabbed Hakyeon’s hand, refusing to let it go. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Taekwoon shook his head, and Hakyeon let it drop at that, not wanting to force the other. He was surprised when Taekwoon spoke again.

“I was so worried. I hoped and prayed that you were fine, but…it was so high up. And we couldn’t find you. I couldn’t find you.” Hakyeon squeezed the other’s hand.

“I’m fine Taek. You did find me.” Taekwoon shook his head, as if refusing to acknowledge that fact.

“I should have protected you. I promised myself that I would keep you safe from everything. If you wanted to protect everyone else, then I would protect you. That was my job and I couldn’t even do it. You died Hakyeon.” Taekwoon said, body shaking.

“No I didn’t.” Hakyeon said, confused.

“Yes, you did. I felt it. You stopped breathing. I gave you CPR.” CPR…then Taekwoon’s lips… oh god. Hakyeon’s face flushed brightly, suddenly feeling extremely warm. He focused on Taekwoon’s face in the dark.

“Oh. Well, thanks.” There was a look in the other’s eyes that Hakyeon couldn’t quite label and it was making him a little nervous.

“Before the paramedics got there you said, well did, something that I didn’t understand.” Oh, please say he didn’t do anything stupid. Please, please, please, please. “You said ‘So this is heaven.’” Taekwoon paused as if unsure if he wanted to continue, but took a deep breath before finishing his statement. “That was after you kissed me.” Hakyeon’s body tensed, and his breathing was harsh. He’d ruined it. Everything. He’d tried so hard to hide his feelings, only to ruin it. He was surprised that Taekwoon was even still here, surprised he hadn’t been disgusted. Maybe he could blame it on the delirium. Try to play it off. He couldn’t lose Taekwoon.

“Eh…I must have really been delir-”

“Hakyeon,” Taekwoon said, staring him straight in the eyes, the rest of Hakyeon’s sentence dying out. “Do you like me?” The redhead couldn’t believe it. He’d been found out. He couldn’t even come up with an excuse.

“I-I…um…I-” Hakyeon’s eyes widened in shock. A warm pair lips were lightly placed on his, effectively short-circuiting his brain. Taekwoon softly kissed him, moving to place butterfly light kisses at the corners of his lips sweetly.

“I want you to be able to remember it this time.”




Another update! Lols. I have a new one that I want to start writing but I know that if I don't finish this first, I'll ignore it. So with that said! New chapter and probably only one more after this. It's coming to a close. And props to whoever can think of what movie I got the chapter name from! It's late, I'm tired, slightly delirious. Sue me. Ok then enough rambling. I'm out!



Oh and one more thing! Check out Amber's new album if you haven't. I'm so impressed! >.<


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bts_98 #1
Chapter 7: hakyeon and leo are simply too adorable, I love this story!
darkmochecoffee #2
Chapter 7: Awwww that was so cute. Usissjbdksksb
Todiclycute #3
Chapter 7: ❤️❤️❤️ So cute
Chapter 7: ^_^ aww~it's adorable and sweet♡
rose22 #5
By far one of the best and most wonderfully written stories I have read! I can't believe I just found this but I am in love with this story and it's plot.
Why I just found this? ??
Chapter 7: It's so good....TT.TT
bluefrenchfries #8
Chapter 7: All I can think now is how I can imagine Hakyeon's unmanly squeal in Taekwoon's arm omg lol author-nim:3
i cried /sniffs
SaraYun #10
Chapter 7: A really good story