A Great Start

Our Last Summer

"Is it supposed to look like that?"

"Huh...kinda looks like...a sheep?"


"Sure does."

"Oh my god! Would you guys shut it already?!" Wonshik yelled at the other 5 guys sitting around the table with him, a vibrant shade of red spreading from his neck all the way to the tips of his ears.

"I don't know dude. I think the look kinda works for you."

"Thank you Hyuk." Wonshik said to the youngest of the group. "It's not like I said anything when Hakyeon dyed his bright freaking red!"

"So tell me...do you baa now or has that not happened yet?" Hyuk said with a grin, dodging the fry that was thrown his way. Wonshik banged his head against the table.

"Can somebody please just kill me?" 

"That can be arranged." It was so quiet, but all five friends were so used to it by now that their hearing just automatically picked it up. Wonshik turned his head to look at Taekwoon, sitting next to him, to see the older boy poised for a neck chop, face expressionless. He jumped when Hakyeon suddenly laughed, the boisterous sound startling him.

"Aw, I guess we can leave you alone. After all, the baa baa look is growing on me. Taekwoonie, let's let him live for now." Taekwoon shrugged, going back to his food, blank expression never leaving his face. It had always been this way. The six friends had been together, attached at the hip, for pretty much as long as they could remember. And every week, they'd always end up at the same burger place, eating the same thing, and joking around. Why? Because it was tradition. But tradition would soon change. After all, Hakyeon and Taekwoon had just graduated from the high school they all went to. They'd be leaving at the end of the summer for college, and then it would just be the four of them. But that was still a ways off. Before that, they had big plans for their last summer with all six of them.

"So has everyone gotten all the papers filled out for the camping trip?" Hakyeon asked. "Hongbin, did your mom ever sign it?"

"Oh yeah. I turned it in the other day so I'm all set. Just have to go pick up some last minute stuff. Hyuk?" The dimpled boy turned to the youngest.

"Huh? Oh yeah. No I'm good. I do need to pick up a sleeping bag though. Mind if I tag along when you go get your stuff?" Hyuk asked, stealing a fry from the other's plate.

"Yeah that's fine. Did they finally announce where exactly we're going?"

"Some camping spot way up in the mountains. Apparently, we're going to be, and I quote, roughing it." Jaehwan said.

"Ugh. I hate this. Why can't we just go to some island resort like every other high school. No...our school thinks that it's a great idea to go live without running water for a week!" Hakyeon complained.

"You're just mad that you can't bring all you face care stuff with you." Jaehwan teased.

"Hey, you don't become this awesome overnight!" Eventually, after a few more fries flew through the air, the six boys left their separate ways, pairing off since they all lived in relatively the same area, just different streets.

"Hey Taek?" Hakyeon asked, walking beside his friend, swinging his arms through the air.


"Do you think they'll all be ok when we leave? I mean, I know they aren't that much younger but still...what if something happens and we aren't here?" Hakyeon said, a frown on his face. "Hyuk still has two years left. He's the youngest and by the time he graduates, everyone else will be gone! He'll be all alone, and what if he gets picked on? And Hongbin! There's always old guys staring at him. Not to mention the girls! Don't even get me started on Wonshik. Jaehwan-"

"They'll be fine. They aren't kids anymore. They can protect themselves. And if anything does happen, it's not like we're moving to another country. It's only a bus ride away. It'll be fine." Taekwoon said. He gave a small wave to Hakyeon before opening the gate to his house. Hakyeon sighed, walking to the house next to it and entering.

"I guess you're right...We all had to grow up sometime."


"Do you have everything? Sunblock? Bug spray? Rain coat?" Small, worried hands patted down Hakyeon's hair.

"Yeah Mom. I got it. It's two weeks, not a year. Plus, all the other guys will be there. Whatever I forget, I'm sure someone has extra."

"You can't blame a mother for worrying." Hakyeon pulled his mom into a hug. Ever since his dad had died when he was young, it had just been the two of them. He honestly didn't know how she was going to handle him not being home in the fall. Hell, he wasn't sure how he was going to handle it. College sounded great but it meant leaving behind a lot of the people he loved. And he honestly wasn't sure how he felt about that yet. The only blessing so far was the both him and Taekwoon were going to the same school. It helped to have at least one friend there with him.

"I'll call you when I get a chance. They said cell reception is crap up there but I'm sure there's a pay phone."

"Ok." His mom said, releasing him from her grasp. "Love you. Be safe! Have fun!" Hakyeon waved to her as he got on the bus that would be taking them to the camping site, quickly finding a seat with his friends. He didn't miss the snickers or whispered insults that came his way, simply chose to ignore them. It had been this way for a really long time. The group of friends stuck out amongst the other students. Quite simply, they were just different and that seemed to bother some people. Hongbin couldn't help his looks, a fact that elicited jealousy in a lot of their male classmates. It wasn't a big deal that Taekwoon didn't talk much, choosing to listen more than speak. But it made them stand out, easy targets for the bullies. And it was no secret that Hakyeon was gay. He didn't try to hide it. It was part of who he was and none of his friends, or their families, had ever had a problem with it. Just everyone else apparently.

"Oooohhh. Such a momma's boy. Tell me, does she know you're a too?" Shin Yooncheol. School's top bully and permanent pain in the . He was relentless. Hakyeon had grown accustomed to ignoring all the jokes and harsh words. But that didn't mean his friends had.

"What did you say?" Wonshik said, turning to look at the other. Hakyeon was pretty sure the only reason Wonshik hadn't kicked Yooncheol's yet was because his mom would kill him for getting expelled for fighting.

"Just leave it. It's no big deal. He's just being stupid." Hakyeon said with a tense smile, sliding into the seat next to the blonde, putting a warning hand on his thigh to keep him seated.

"Yeah, why don't you listen to your boyfriend. Wouldn't want to start something you can't finish." Yooncheol said with a sneer, which was promptly replaced with a yelp as he was doused in what appeared to be fruit punch.

"Oh wow. I am so sorry. I'm such a klutz." Hyuk said as poured the rest of his drink on top of Yooncheol's head. "I would go change now. That is so going to stain." Taekwoon quickly stood as Yooncheol lunged at the blonde boy.

"Stop." He said, louder than most the students had heard him talk before, effectively startling Yooncheol into pausing in his attack. Hyuk quickly scurried back behind the older boy. "Teacher." And sure enough, the teacher walked on the bus, telling the driver to go ahead and leave. Everyone returned to their seats, but not before Yooncheol made sure to leave the lingering threat of "This isn't over." Oh yeah, this summer was off to a great start.


Alright! Chapter 1 is up! This isn't going to be super long. Maybe around 5 chapters??? We'll see. Let me know if you liked it! Comment and subscribe if you want. I'll try to get chapter 2 up soon but it depends on my other story (Pandora's Box) (You should check it out!) Ok Byes!


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bts_98 #1
Chapter 7: hakyeon and leo are simply too adorable, I love this story!
darkmochecoffee #2
Chapter 7: Awwww that was so cute. Usissjbdksksb
Todiclycute #3
Chapter 7: ❤️❤️❤️ So cute
Chapter 7: ^_^ aww~it's adorable and sweet♡
rose22 #5
By far one of the best and most wonderfully written stories I have read! I can't believe I just found this but I am in love with this story and it's plot.
Why I just found this? ??
Chapter 7: It's so good....TT.TT
bluefrenchfries #8
Chapter 7: All I can think now is how I can imagine Hakyeon's unmanly squeal in Taekwoon's arm omg lol author-nim:3
i cried /sniffs
SaraYun #10
Chapter 7: A really good story