Camera. Lights. Action?


The lights were on her. 

Camera's saw through her. 

He was infront of her. 

Her mind raced as her feet were stuck like glue to the ground.

People around her were waiting for her. An obvious choice was to take the chance and dance with him, But her heart decided against it. 

The film in her head started to play....

It brought back memories. Her lost childhood memories....

"Umma? Appa? " young Yoobin yelled in the house. 

She dropped her books and ran up stairs. 

Bursting into her parent's room, she saw her grandmother holding the family photo if it was her life mission to protect it. 


The Grandmother looked up with red rimmed eyes and dried tears down her wrinkled face. 

"I'm so sorry, Yoobin-ah"-

"Why? What happen?" asked young Yoobin

"Get your jacket, we have to go." said the elder 

"No! Where is my parents??"

"Somewhere safe from here."

"I dont understand......"

"Come on, we have to go. "

"What about my friends? Auntie hong and Uncle Song?"

"I left them a letter. Now go, Right now is not the time to argue." she said sternly

When the old woman came down the steps, her grand daughter was against the door frame. 

Yoobin looked out at the children in the street. She questiones the urgent movement of her grandmother and mainly what about her parents?

"Yoobin, wait in the car as i get my purse"


Just as Yoobin walked to the car, a bike dashed infront of her.


The child's laughter could be heard and annoyed the hell out of Yoobin. 

She grabbed her bike and raced after him. 

"You!! Stop!!"

Huffing and out of breath, the boy stopped and stared at her. 



The two started bickering

Yoobin : Yah Choi Seunghyun !!What were you thinking !!!!!

Seunghyun : I have to leave soon.....

Yoobin : So, i too have to go somewhere. Where you going?

Seunghyun : Dosent matter i Dont want to go. I want to stay here, with you. 

Yoobin : Stop being a baby, and go. 

Seunghyun : i may not come back here. 

Yoobin : If you go, i wont be here too. 

Seunghyun : What do you mean ??

Yoobin : i have a feeling that i'll be leaving. Grandmother never drives unless its an emergency. 

Seunghyun : Can we still see each other?

Yoobin : Can we still be friends in the future?

Seunghyun : Its a promise?

Yoobin : How can we find each other? You know Grandmother dosent like you very much. 

Seunghyun : I'll be famous like Se7en!

Yoobin : You cant even sing......

Seunghyun : i can rap! even im going to Seoul to atte-, never mind that. I will find you or you can find me because i know ill become famou, for you. 

Yoobin : i cant let you have all the fun! Ill be famous too! 

Seunghyun : what about your grandmother?

Yoobin : If she really loves me, then she'll let me follow my dream. 

Seunghyun : i thought your dream was to be a designer? 

Yoobin : You come first :)

Seunghyun heart beated faster and faster. How could his mother make him marry someone else?

Seunghyun : Will you be alright?

and then a  black sleek car came to a stop next to them. 

A middle aged woman came out yelling at the boy and pulling his ear .

"You dare to miss the meeting with your fiance???"

"Nooo! I dont want to go to that monster!!"

Yoobin : where are you going ?

Mrs. Choi : We're going to meet with your oppa's fiance! 

Yoobin : i see. Good luck Seunghyun! Remeber - pinky promise motion-

Seunghyun : i'll make sure it happens, dont worry -

"Im so sorry Yoobin-ah , please excuse his rude behavior." said the woman as she tugged her son's ear

"and for you, You just got yourself a whole week in the house, GROUNDED!"

Just as Yoobin arrived back at her house, her grandmother was waiting. 

Grandmother : Where were you?

Yoobin : I went meet with our neighbor.

Grandmother : is that a proper for a lady such as your self to react?

Young yoobin knew she wouldnt win this round and looked at the ground to avoid eye contact

Grandmother : We have somewhere to attend to and you should stop meeting him.

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Love it..thanks for writing heedragon
yoojaesukkie #2
Chapter 13: Please author-him, I like the top thing but I think it would be cute if it was just hee dragon... sorry for hatin
eaqalee #3
Chapter 34: please, update soon! ;))
Chapter 33: Yeah an update so happy I'm loving al the heedragong cuteness please update more offtin
llynbhb #6
yeeees continueee pleaaaasseeee :))))) <3
llynbhb #7
updateeeeee :DDDD
ZyriaG #8
This Is So Cute !!! You Must Continue (:
aahhhhhh sweet moment ... yeahhh heedragon 2012.....<br />
still alive :)<br />
update soon
Patzza #10
It's good. :)<br />