Chapter 2.

Horrible memories with a new life.

Good News and bad news.. with a nice suprise. 

As soon as Luhan stood out of bed he immediatly was thinking about you, How you stranded on the beach & how you ended up in the hospital, He was even thinking about how your rest has been as he entered the bathroom to finish himself to come & meet you

As soon as he arrived at the hospital he went to the room you, where you we're laying in with even ignoring the nurses & doctors that asked him what he was doing there. 

He didn,t know your name so he would found it awkward to explain it to others, as soon as he opened a door the doctor called at him. 

Oh carp... He thought that was going right into him as he turned around but he spotted a very familiar face; The doctor from yesterday and he had some good news & sadly some bad news. 

"Bad news first please." Luhan said as he signed.
"The bad news is that she has it very deeply so she maybe won,t even remember what she was doing the're or even to who she is related." 

Luhan sighned founding it bad & a little bit angry that he coulden't save you a hour earlier because he taught that it could maybe help. 
"Okay... so now the good news please? & it better be good." Luhan asked, looking at the doctor with hope in his eyes. 

The doctor chuckled & nodded. "Don,t worry.. We contacted her hospital where she is registrated in and they told her that she goes by the name of Kang Hanmi" 
Hanmi... Don,t i know her? Luhan asked himself & smiled a bit, "and?" Luhan asked.

"And.. you weren,t the only one that was worried, her parents as well they said that they will come & visit her this afternoon." The doctor continued. 

Luhan brightend and almost felt like hugging the doctor for the good information. 
"wait.. do they also know wich school she is in?" 

"Eh?" The doctor replied & looked in his map, "Ah! She's from the Seoul Top High school." The doctor said reading what is in his map. 
Luhan's eyes widened "I-i'm also in that school!" Luhan said & looked at the doctor in disbelieve. 

"Then you know how much more happier it will make us if you take good care of her." The doctor said with a chuckle as he nodded, bid luhan goodbye & walked away. 

Luhan coulden't get any more disbelieved as he entered your room, He smiled as he saw you sleeping peacefully as he took a seat. 
The dork self known even tried to wake you up but knew that it would be waaay more better if you just kept on sleeping. 

So he just sat there looking bored on his seat playing games untill his phone rang on & took it up ofcourse with a lowered voice & answered with a annoyed voice. "Yes? what do you want?" "Wow! is that how you talk to me? to your most awesome money making leader?" Suho asked as Luhan sighed. 

"What do you want Hyung?" Luhan asked again, "Wow man! whats up with you? Are you with someone or something cuz you seem pretty damn secretive." Suho asked with a flirthy voice. 

Luhan rolled his eyes & felt like hanging up. "Just tell me where you are okay? we we're all waiting for you to come remember?" Suho asked with a stern voice this time. 
"... that plan we had on sunday..." Luhan whispered to himself as he got caught of guard when kris got the phone. 

"Yo.. where are you?" "At the hospital okay? You happy now?" "No! what the hell?! What are you doing there huh?! You broke your arm... AGAIN?!" "Wtf?! No! I am there for someone else!" "Your lil brother broke his arm again..?" "No!" Luhan felt now annoyed & just blurred it out. 

"I am here for a girl in our school beacuse she got badly injured god dammit!" Luhan cursed & with that you woke up & the members all oooh'ed in a flirty tone. 

"A girl huh? Well... WE would like to see that girl! Right guys?! Lets go!" Kris said & hung up as they came to Luhan's direction, Luhan faceplamed himself & sighed. 

"Good job idiot." He scolded himself & looked at you that was looking back at him with a questioning face. 

"Oh... Good morning! heehehe" Luhan greeted & putted his phone away. "Ummm hello.. who are you?" You asked, Luhan looked at you with a questioning face. You kidding me? he tought & introduced himself & started to tell you about the good information but not about the bad one. 

"So my name is Hanmi..?" You asked & looks outside. "Sounds like a fun name.. i must be lucky!" You chuckled and looked back at Luhan. 

"YEAH & WE must be lucky to meet you as well don,t we guys huh?!" "YEAHHHH!!" Luhan faceplamed. Yes... the 11 orther members arrived at the hospital with a phew nurses behind the're back questioning & telling them that they should be quiet. 

They all came in like it was a big party and all took a seat. "M-my excuse gentlemen's but maximum 8 people here in this room" The nurse warned. 

Kai sighed & stood up "don,t you worry nurse, ma'am, nurse ma'am. As long as you don,t tell the doctors & any other employees that we are with 12 of us the're won,t be any problems okay? Byeeeeee." Kai said as he closed the door right infront of the nurse face as the nurse walked away with a flustered face.

"So Young lady.. My name is Baekhyun & i am y not free & not single." He laughed as Luhan hitted the back of his head wich made baekhyun pout. "Aish.. what was that for?!" "Because your a idiot!" Luhan rolled his eyes as you looked at all the 12 guys infront of you, You started to get shy & took more grip of the blankets, You were shy but also scared at the same time because you hardly didn't even knew them, except for Luhan. 

"Hey.. i know this chick." Suho pointed with ninja eyes. You looked at him with a help-me face. "She is that silent girl that never seemed to talk but when she is with her boyfriend she's always so happy & hyper!" all the members ooo'ed except for Luhan he felt a little upset when he heared the word 'boyfriend'. 

"But." All the members looked at Sehun that now had the chance to talk including Luhan. "It didn,t ended that happy, rumours have been spred around the school & even Mark told me that Chunji actually dumped her in a very mean & cruel way." Sehun finished and looked at you. "Is this maybe why you ended in the hospital?" Sehun looked at you with a worried but cold look. 

Luhan was suprised at what he heard & looked as well at you, You softly shaked your head & answered. "I..i don,t know. i don,t even know you guys." "Eh?!" All the members said & lookec at you with disbelieved widened eyes. Suho stood up,"you don,t know who i am? I am Mr. money maker the leadah--" "She is sufering from brain damash!" Luhan cutted Suho off & putted his head down & sighed.

"Why the hell didn,t you told us man?!" "Poor girl is sufering from a brain damash!" Xiumin & Chanyeol said as they nodded. "I tried to tell you guys but you guys always never wanna hear the whole story!" Luhan faceplamed. Kris stood up and came to your bed & looked at you right in the eye. "what's her name Lu?" "Hanmi." "Hanmi, don,t worry.. we will help you! I SWEAR! WE will right guys?!" "YEAH!!" The boys cheered. "Luhan i didn't heared you Mr. i'm-so-mean-because-i-just-can." Luhan sighed & nodded. "Yeah..." "YEAH!!" The rest of the mebers cheered & patted Luhans back & wanted to hug you but didn,t because they were afraid they could hurt you.

A phew hours later the previous nurse came to your room & informed the members that you should now really catch your sleep & that it was dinner time. They all nodded and stood up. "w-Wait!" You said as they all freezed at the door & looked at you. "Yeeees?" all the members asked coming to your bed. "May i atleast know you guys your names?" You asked them. "Hmmm I'm Suho the money maker yeah!" he said as the rest of the members faceplamed & looked away. "What?!" Suho asked as he looked at s. "I'm Chanyeol You can call me your happyvirus." He winked as he recieved a back slap from many of the orther members especially Luhan. 

"I'm Xiumin." Xiumin smiled and looked at you with a trust me face. "Baekhyun here. & remember. y, not free & not single." He laughed & also recieved a back slap. "I'm Kris no speciality except that you can call me yours. ehehehehe YEAH!" Back slap recieved as well. "I'm Chen." Chen said & looked plainly at you & the members."what?" "No, Nothing bro. Your doing good." the members said & looked awkwardly away. "Kai here. I'll respect you as my lil sister that i never had." He nodded. "Sehun. Just like what Kai said. we will help you." He nodded & looked at you. "It's Tao." "Lay here." "I'm D.O but please call me Kyungsoo. Please stay well neh?" "Now you feel like talking?!" Chanyeol gasped & looked at Kyungsoo. "You guys are way too loud & Noisy how the hell do you expect me to talk hmm?" 

Kyungsoo asked & rolled his eyes. & last but not least... "I'm Luhan.. but i guess you already knew that huh?" He chuckled & the rest of the members eyed you & him. "And i'm a lucky girl with a nice name called Hanmi..Its nice to meet you guys." You smiled happily at them. "oh.. its nice to meet you as well beauty!" They all said exept for luhan he just laughed softly. They all bidded you goodbye & left the hospital happily. 

Outside the hospital Sehun eyed Luhan. "Mind if i speak up?" All the members looked at Sehun with a suprise. "I bet none of you guys were deaf when i told you guys about the rumours that are right now roaming around the school. ofcourse they think that Hanmi won,t say anything about it & will stay quiet. Well lets change that." "I like where this idea is going.." Kai grinned. "We are going to protect her. & i bet Luhan will agree with me right?" Sehun eyed Luhan again as Luhan nodded as quick as possible. 

"The doctor informed me that she will be this next saturday back on her feet again, We need to ask for some help." Luhan said while scratching the back of his neck." "I bet our SNSD Noona's can help us! Oh! & our SHINEE Hyung!, our A-Pink Dongsaeng's & more gangs that are our friends you know?!" Baekhyun answered happily. "Exactly!" Luhan nodded. "Let's help Hanmi getting back on her feet & making her forget those horrible memories!" Chanyeol said fist pumping the air. "YEAH! and so it will be no problem! we first need to come up with a plan tho."

Sehun replied, The rest of the members nodded as they all agreed to help you & make a plan as good as they can.

To Be Continued...

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