Chapter 1.

Horrible memories with a new life.

You've found me...

"Yah Hyung! Come on your so slow!" A young 3 year old boy said that was running around the beach while smilling. 

"Yah! slow down! and don,t get too close to the ocean!" The older boy applied as he catch on to the little boy that stood still. "So.. where did you saw this 'mermaid'.. " The older one asked as he pushed the word mermaid a bit too long and chuckled because of the little boys fantasy. 

"There...!" The little boy pointed as a long black haired girl was laying on the sand unconsious. "E-eh!" The older boy ran to the unconsious body that was laying on the ground with a frown on her face. "Hyung maybe if we wake her up she will grand us wishes!" The little boy said that looked with wonder in his eyes at the unconsious body. 

"This isn,t a mermaid XiaoLu this is a real persons body!" The older boy applied as he quickly picked up the unconsious female body bridal style & quickly ran to the closest by hospital with his little brother as he panted with his little brother while the female behind the desk quickly asked for back up as they caried the unconsious body on a bed to a room. 

A phew hours later the little Boy & the older boy were both nervous as the older one was tapping his foot on the ground impatient and worried what would happen. Soon the doctor came out with the result in his hands.

"And..? How is she?" The older boy asked as he stood up with his little brother that holded his hand tight and looking at the doctor with big puppy eyes. 

"well.. She's sufering from a very bad brain damge.."The doctor said as the male sighned hard. "We asked her who she was and asked her what she was doing & how it came that she ended here and she both answered all the questions with a 'I don,t know'" The doctor continued that looked at the little boy and later eyed the older one. 

"Are you her boyfriend?" The doctor asked as he pointed the pen to the male that looked back at the doctor. 

"Eh? No... i just found her on the beach when my little brother told me about a mermaid and yeah... i founded her laying on the sand.." The male replied while looking away and later facing the doctor again. 

"Erm okay.. well may we select your name? to see if the female knows you?" "Uhm.. is it really nessecary?" The male replied while scratching the back of his head with his free hand. 

"You don,t have to but, it would be nice if the Young girl knew your name, it may refresh her memories.." The doctor said & nodded. 

The young male nodded as well and looked at the number of the door where the young female was laying. "Hmm... may i say my name to her and speak to her?" 

"Yes.. But please do not ask her too much.. it may hurt her and make her feel unwell, we will contact the hospital where she is regular registrated and ask them what her name is and where she lives & her date of birth." The dctor nodded as he thanked & bowed the Little & young male for his attention. 

The male & little boy bowed back as he holded the door knob of the door and looked slowly at the number of the room. room 208. 

"Are you ready?" he asked to his little boy that looked back and noded with a little gulp.

He pulled the door knob and soon entered the door as they saw YOU... frowning at the two people came in and slowly making the're entrance. 

"W-Who are you guys?" You asked them as you tryed to sit up but coulden't, "Don,t worry.. were not bad guys heheh.." The male answered as he coughed a bit while taking a seat and helped his lil brother get a seat as well.

You started getting unsure as you looked at the older guy, "Do i know you guys?" You asked again as you frowned while looking at them.

"Eh? Oh my apologize... I'm Luhan, & this is my little brother XiaoLu." Luhan pointed at his little brother that slowly waved at you. 

"Hello.. To bad your not a mermaid.." XiaoLu said as he cutely folded his arms and pouted while looking at you. 

"A mermaid?" You replied while frowning and looking at Luhan with a pleas-help-me face, "Oh.. we found you on the beach... you really laid there in pain there & i was just worried so i had to help you."Luhan nodded and looked at you with a serious face. 

"Oh.." You said as you looked at the window and bited your lower lip, "What was i doing there?" You asked as you looked back at them & they both raised the're shoulder up. 

You groaned a little bit and holded your forehead as you rubbed a bit. 

"Are you tired?" "A little.. why?" You asked. 

"So that you can take your rest.. we can talk later about this you know? Now you need your rest okay?" Luhan said as he stood up and signaled his little brother to stand up as well and followed him on the way to the door.

"Wait.." You said when Luhan's hand was on the door knob about to make it open but looked back at you as XiaoLu aslo dragged his attention to you. 

"Who am i then...?" you asked with a hopeless voice, "We'll found out tommorow arrasso?" Luhan told you as he made a trust-me smile & exit your room with his little brother that quickly waved at you as the door closed. 

There you were laying silently in your bed as soon as a memory flashed trough. 

"Hmph! You think i really loved you? Hah! How pahetic! This is my friends revenge of you! I hope you have a nice rest cuz the rest of your life will be a nightmare you will regret!" A boy with nice brown hair said as he pushed you away leaving you with tears behind. 

"Eh..? What was that..?" You said as you holded your head with closed eyes.

Soon you fell asleep with only two names in your head. 

Luhan & XiaoLu..


ELLOW! sorry for the short chapter! i was just so excited to make this very first chapter! i'm so happy! hahhaha but i also needed to make this fast due because of how late i needed to go to bed! lmao. But i hope you like this chapter! i will quickly work on the 2nd chapter and make it even longer because i am also excited about that one! hahah thanks! <3.

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