He is Back

He is Back
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June 14, 2014


Finally, my bestfriend and I's most awaited day... The Lost Planet or more like The Lost Galaxy to me... Anyway, it's just hours away~ 

When I woke up, I thought about Chloie and that we would meet at 12. I got my phone to check the time... OH MY GOSH! IT'S ALREADY 11 AM! CHLOIE AND I ARE SUPPOSED TO MEET AT 12 OUTSIDE THE VENUE! OMO! OMOOOO! OMOOOOO! I OVERSLEPT! UGH! WHYYYY?! OF ALL THE DAYS IN THIS YEAR WHY NOW?!

I charged my phone and hurried to the bathroom to take a bath. As soon as I finished, I wore my galaxy designed shirt and my ripped jeans. I unplugged my phone from the charger, picked up my bag from the floor, and hurried out of my room. My mom saw me panicking and said,
"Oh! Good morning you~ Chloie called an hour ago and asked me if you're ready to go. I told her that you're still sleeping and I'll wake you up."
"Oh my gosh mom! Then why didn't you wake me? Moooom I'll be late! I bet there are a lot of people there now." I quickly replied.
"Well, I tried. But as soon as I entered your room, I forgot the reason why I was there so I just came back here. Haha. I'm sorry!." She said.
"Oh, nevermind mom. I'll go now. See you later~  Bye!" I went to the kitchen, got a slice of bread, quickly wore my shoes, and rushed out of our house. 

Luckily the place is just one ride away from my house and there wasn't any traffic so I got to the venue on time. I saw Chloie and waved at her. She also waved as I quickly ran towards her. She spazzed and told me many things, like how excited she is, how she hopes that she's the lucky girl that EXO's gonna pick to be with them onstage, and she's hoping that Chanyeol will fall in love with her and ask her to be his girlfriend and marry her someday. I tried to be just as hyper and excited as her, but everytime she mentioned EXO, I automatically thought about OT12 and Kris. I still can't be fully happy. I'm trying to make it not show in front of her because I don't want to ruin her mood. 

Time passed and they are now letting the fans go inside the concert hall.
"OH MY GOSH you! THIS IS IT! KYAAA! You should ready your ticket, lightstick, and banner now! WE'LL FINALLY MEET OUR FUTURE HUSBANDS!" She excitedly said.
"Everything's already here in my bag. My lightstick, my banner, my phone, and my..." I looked inside every pocket of my bag, "...my..." inside my wallet, "my..." but it is not there.
"Hey you! Your what? Money? You left your money? I'll just lend it to you, don't worry!" Chloie smiled at me.
"No... No... NO!" I shouted. "Gosh you! You don't need to shout just because you don't want my money." Chloie said as her smile faded.
"No, I have my money but... MY TICKET IS MISSING." I cried.
"HAHAHA! Stop joking and let's just go inside." Chloie said as she pulled my hand and walked towards the entrance.
"No Chloie! I'm not kidding! Do you think that I would joke about this kind of thing? Maybe it fell out of my wallet when I paid for the taxi earlier." I sobbed.
"Ugh! Why am I so dumb? Anyway, you should go inside now Chloie. Just take pictures and videos for me. Also, keep me updated." I said as I pushed her slightly.
"I don't really want to miss this concert but... I don't want to leave you here alone." She said frowning.
"It's fine. I don't want to ruin your day because of my stupidness. I'll wait for you here because my mom will be mad if she finds out that I just lost a ticket worth a lot of money. Just don't tell her that, okay?" I tried to smile. I envy her, but I don't want to pull her back. I pushed her to the entrance.
"I'm so sorry. I'll just treat you to some official EXO merch. I feel bad because I'm leaving my bestfriend here." She frowned.
"Take care of yourself and don't talk to strangers!" She added. I nodded and tried to manage a smile as she went inside. 

I walked around, found a bench, and sat there as I tried to stop my tears from falling. I'm so careless. I should've taken care of my ticket. I was so close to meeting EXO. 

I was playing with the lightstick and banner when I realized that it had been 30 days since the rumors about Kris spread. I wondered how he is now. I really really miss that cold guy. I was in these deep thoughts when a man's shadow loomed over me. I was so frightened because there are only a few people at the place where I am and suddenly there's a guy behind me. I'm too afraid to look back. I was about to run away when the guy spoke.


Hearing a familiar voice, I stayed and waited for another word from the guy behind me to confirm if he really is the person that I think he is.
"Hello. Would you mind if I sit beside you?" the guy said. His voice cannot be mistaken. It really is him. I looked behind me and saw the guy that I was expecting...

"KRIS?!" His name flew out of my mouth before he could even stop me from saying it.
"Shh!" Kris said in a hushed voice as he put a finger against my lips. Then, he sat beside me. Seeing him here, outside the venue of EXO's concert, alone, my tears just fell uncontrollably.
"Hey, don't cry. I don't want to see girls cry." He said thoughtfully.
"How? How will I stop crying? Most of us fans just want EXO to be whole and complete while performing and fulfilling their dreams together with 12 members. But where are you now? You're here, outside, with me, while the other 11 members are performing inside. How will I stop crying?" I sobbed.
"Can't it be just like before? Can't you be with them? I want you to be happy and I don't want to be selfish but..." I became so lost in the words inside my head that I was not able to finish my sentence. He looked at me, smiling, and said, "That's why I'm here now. I realized that I'm happier with my members and my fans. You are all my family. After staying at home and reading my fans' opinions about this matter, I realized that I can still fix this mess."
I looked at him as I tried to calm myself. "Are you sure that this is what you want?"
"Yes. I can't stand seeing my members and my fans cry. And it is why I am talking to you right now." He said.
I was so puzzled. I wiped

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omg i'm back ajfjsjfja 21 year old me is cringing on my grammatical errors. are there any of my subscribers/readers who are still active here on aff?how are you guys doing?


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anchelita #1
Chapter 4: Thank you
Chapter 3: Woah! Awesome. I didn't expect my username haha. Great job ^~^. hehe fighting! it's really great! Looking forward to more.
Chapter 4: cool :D i was a little shocked when i saw that you used the username > < i really love it !! Good job ♥
it really didn't made me bored~~it's sooooo cool that i can't even say with words..good job once again
qistina16 #4
Chapter 4: love this fanfic so much...
qistina16 #5
Chapter 3: daebak...nice one..my name came out...so hppy...thnks
MapleSquishies #6
Chapter 3: Wow!! I didn't know you used my username
galaxy_fanfangirl #7
Chapter 4: daebak. wait my username... haha nice nice
anyway it was such a greeeaaat story. congrates for the featured and forever, that wuyifan is always be in our hearts <3