♘ prefects

✕ nycto academy, a supernatural universe roleplay ; semi-para { 060514 - 091314 }
Incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized. Impenetrable.
kim sunggyu.
Being Red's prefect, Sunggyu takes it as his responsibility to make sure that everyone in his house conforms to both the school and house rules. He is also prompt in correcting others' outward appearances to make them look more presentable. Otherwise, there is a certain punishment waiting for those who aren't simply "cut out to be a red". Although he seems formidable and strict, the older Kim actually is quite laid back once in the comfort of the prefects' room, also breaking a few rules himself and getting a good sleep whenever he can. Sunggyu shows extreme fondness for the Black House as Kim Myungsoo is his younger brother, keeping an eye on him at all times and on the other hand, also holds a strange animosity towards the Silver house and its students, especially prefect Nam Woohyun who seem to make annoying Kim Sunggyu his favourite hobby.
nam woohyun.
Woohyun reeks of sweat almost all the time - which he insists as the smell of adventure. Known to be reckless and a risk-taker, he is often seen either doing crude stunts with his silver housemates (or sometimes with gold prefect lee sungyeol), or following kim sunggyu around, seemingly annoying the older. He is never seen with a book in hand, nor doing anything productive at all. little did anyone know, he harbors a secret. something the rest of Nycto may frown upon.
lee sungyeol.
Having one of the bubbliest personalities on camp, Sungyeol finds it simple to communicate and make new friends. Once you get to know him a little, he will start behaving like a kid. However, if you ever mess with him, you'll discover two sides of him; his weak, or his mean self. Being good friends with Woohyun, they made a promise to great each other with a 'Noot Noot' every time, no matter where.
kim myungsoo.
It is indeed puzzling to see Myungsoo as the prefect in charge. With the Red Prefect as his older brother, Myungsoo isn't supposed to be "blacklisted". However, he has his own reasons as he does not want to be bothered by the rest of the houses. He lets the students do whatever they want, but if they cross the limits they will be dealt with. He's usually away, but he watches your every move regardless. Close to the Red house, they are they only ones he doesn't mind. Be careful, Kim Myungsoo doesn't bark - he bites.
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Markjacksonyounjae #1
Nhsjobshiia hjai
Hello, would you mind being affiliates with us?
Name: Kentaro Sakaguchi
Timezone: UTC -4
House: Black
Species: Human (with the power to teleport)
Background/Description: Being the youngest son of a Korean businessman certainly had its perks. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Kentaro was used to getting whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. The pressure of taking up his father's company was solely placed on his brother's shoulders, leaving him free to do absolutely nothing. All that was expected of him was to finish school and keep out of trouble. Easy enough, right? But Kentaro could never shake off the feeling that something was missing.

His monstrosity of a mansion was exactly that - just a building, empty and bitterly cold. The truth was, he had no home. His Chinese mother left and paved the road to an endless line of mistresses. His father didn't spare him a glance unless it was to shove bills into his hands. And his brother, albeit not on purpose (which made it even worse), outshone him in every aspect of his entire existence. Somewhere along the way, Kentaro learned not to care.

So what if he was just a mere shadow in his family? He understood Trouble and wanted it, craved it, begged for it. Kentaro chased excitement like it was his drug because it was the only thing he allowed himself to feel.
Name:Tiffany of SNSD
Background/Description:Tiffany is usually described as strange and unexplainable by many.That is mainly because of her attitude and how her moods fluctuate often.If she's in good mood she's like a light bulb in a dark room but if she's quiet and moody don't even try to talk to her.She was born into a wealthy family therefore the importance of studies was high.Her parents made sure she was an A* star all the time.Outside of studying she liked singing and reading and at the start when she arrived at Nycto Academy she read many books before she decided she needed to make some friends so she wouldn't become a loner.
Chapter 8: I was about to ask the same question Ekanmi6 asked, but then I saw the replies and I won't deny that I ended up laughing rather loudly whilst reading those screencaps. I hope that I'll have a good time here. :)

Character: Son Sungah ( Nine Muses )
Timezone: GMT + 8
Subjects: Musical Studies

Son Sungah was a dedicated member of the choir ever since she was in High School. Even when she finally graduated that stage of her education, she stayed to be a part of them, and if it wasn't for her parents forcing her to move to the city, she would have stayed there forever. Forced to take Education as her program, Sungah struggled for four years in that field, however; she was lucky enough to have chosen Elementary Education as her major, so she was heavily surrounded by notes and melodies meant to be listened to by children. Although, she was not one who was fond of being surrounded by kids, Sungah found refuge because of music itself. After graduating and taking the licensure exam, Sungah applied in many schools to be a music teacher, however; not all school was interested to have such a simple subject taught in their school. Nycto Academy was an exception. Upon receiving her call of acceptance, Sungah packed her bags and went away from the suffocating territory of her parents.

Personality: Not overly happy; not overly sad. Sungah is just the right mixture of normal and polite. She greets people with a kind smile on her face -- all the time -- and makes sure that she would make a good first impression. Watch out, though. Such smile would never stay long on her countenance as it would turn into a different smile if you're the stubborn type of person -- or student. Her patience is quite . . . let's say, akin to a strand of hair. Though, that doesn't mean that she's easily annoyed or angered. She believes that there is a difference.
actually can i know how this roleplay work? cause i saw alot of roleplay in aff...but i just dont understand how they work...
I just checked out your roleplay and I'm actually really interested to be honest...but I just wanted to ask if you guys are a serious roleplay or a lighthearted one where people can troll a bit? And are you allowed to show some screenshots of your interactions? Because I'd like to see one....
Chapter 3: Siwon's account was disabled. But I will be back
Chapter 8: Character: Goo Hara 
Timezone: GMT + 10 in summer GMT + 11 during winter 
Subjects: Mythology and Martial Arts (taekwondo)
Background: Being an orphan made Hara love mythology more than anything. She was always in her little magical world for a long time. Hara learned taekwondo as self defence and became black belt in no time. After realising her skill, her teacher taught her some extra skills. After nine years, she is now a mythology 'dictionary' and professional taekwondo player. After hearing from her friend who heard it from her friend who heard it from one of her relatives that Nycto Academy, one of few best Korean Academy was looking a teachers and staffs. Knowing that she'll need to find a job which would make her lifestyle better, she applied to the school straight away.Eventhough she never thought she would become a teacher. 
Description: She is a curious soul. Hara is bright and overall fun to hang out with. Being an orphan and growing up in a place with no love or adults, she loves to get attention and understands when someone gets into trouble. One thing bad about her is, that if she doesn't like someone she'll hate them forever.
sinrie #10
umm, Minnie here. Account disabled ;-; i'll go make a new account