
That Bright Person

Walking through the school halls, Myungsoo couldn't help but wince. It's been two days but even now his injuries hurt like hell. 

'What am I going to do about the marathon?!?' he thought miserably, his ribs might- were- broken but he can't tell anyone about it. And Myungsoo didn't think he could run with his body in such a state. 
Opening the door's to the photography room, he was slightly surprised to find it empty. 

'I guess everyone is busy practicing for the marathon....'

Sighing, he flopped into the couch, body screaming in pain. Thinking back to Friday, the boy couldn't help but chuckle. Not the usual cheerful, Myungsoo-style chuckle. Oh no, this was completely different from his usual image. It was a lifeless laugh of a person who was tired and about to give up. Staring up at the ceiling, he repeated to himself, body weary, expression tired, already feeling himself to be at the limit.

“Endure…. Endure…. Endure….” As he muttered to words to himself, a woman’s voice in his head hissed venomously,

You think you have the right to be like this?! You made him like that. It’s all your fault..

It’s all your fault…

It’s all your fault.

It’s all your fault.

It’s all your fault!!!

“…it’s… my fault….”

The darkness engulfed the boy, as a woman’s satisfied laughter rang through the room.

….or so it seemed to the broken boy….


Strolling through the hallways, Chanyoung was feeling quite satisfied. He had been preparing for the school’s annual marathon and he had become quite certain he wouldn’t be last. He shuddered at the thought of the poor person, who would be hated by life enough to come last.

The marathon was quite famous around the kids of the high society. After all, during your 4 year stay in Jeguk High, the students dreaded that damn thing and the headmaster, while knowing about the cruel traditions made by the students themselves to torture each other, had announced it to be compulsory starting from when you come into 2nd year. The freshmen were allowed to race too but nobody was crazy enough to do that as far as he knew.

Walking straight to, as his friends liked to call, “their hideout” (seriously, Choi Youngdo and Jo Myungsoo were dangerous when they were together, both to a person’s sanity and body), he walked in to find it strangely quiet and the whole room gave out a very somber vibe.

Turning around in confusion, his eyes locked on the figure on the couch, in a very uncomfortable position, too. Upper body lying, neck craned slightly back, while his feet were still on the ground, Myungsoo appeared to be sleeping.

That looks quite painful…’ the boy thought to himself, walking up closer. But his eyes trained on something more surprising peaking out of the neck of the sweater,

“Are those…..bruises?!?!” he asked aloud, eyes widening. The marks were barely noticeable, masked  well with a hefty amount of concealer, and if it was any other person than him, they would’ve most probably missed it. Carefully pulling the clothing down a bit, he revealed Myungsoo’s neck fully, finding more marks. 

What on earth has happened to you?!?

While he may not be the best of friends with Myungsoo, he did consider him a good friend.

Although the boy might look hyper and was an all-around prankster and joker, he was quiet smart. Everybody in their circle of friends began to notice the rapid growth in ranks of Myungsoo, and now he actually was in the top 10. And whenever they asked him about it, the boy just laughed it off or just joked about how he cheated from Chanyoung.

Who could've done this?! While Myungsoo was a crazy party-goer, he never even once gotten into a serious fight. 

Could it be at home? But that's not possible, either. The boy talked fondly, although with slight irritation at times, about his parents and it was clear they had a good- as good as it can get if you're the son of a famous lawyer of course- relationship. 
'I don't think there's any...' All his thoughts came to a halt, remembering something. 
Myungsoo had once talked about his brother, although it was vague as hell. And he remembered reading an article about him, too. 
"The elder son of the Jo family". 
'It can't be, right??'
A boy walked to the photography room, with sweat glistening on his skin but a sinister smirk on face. 

As Youngdo walked, he felt very confident and accomplished. 

'Those es won't even get close to me! The throne is mine now!!' 

As he barged in, all motions came to a halt. 
'Yoon Chanyoung?....' Seeing the normally aloof class president with a very concerned expression raised immediate flags in Youngdo's head. He walked over and saw the boy sitting crouched in front of... Myungsoo?.. 

The president motioned for him to be quiet as the boy was clearly asleep. Crouching down beside Chanyoung, Youngdo finally saw what it was. And he felt a hurricane of emotions sweep over him. But most of it was an overwhelming amount of blind, brutal rage. 

Seeing the bruises, he could clearly see it was from a person, the fingermarks standing out proudly despite the cover-up. 

Who dared? Who dared to hurt his best friend?!!!! and so bad nonetheless?!  

Eyes narrowing dangerously, he thought of what he would do with the person. 

Whoever the it is, he's dead!!!

Seeing Youngdo's expression, the class president shuddered involuntarily. That was the same expression the raven-head had, whenever he saw Kim Tan and Cha Eunsang together at the start of last year and it usually meant he was pissed enough to do some serious damage, even more than his usual ones. 

The silence was broken by the seething male, voice harsh,

"How did he get those?.." Although his voice was leveled, it still made the brunette shift uncomfortably as he could do nothing but shrug. 

But then the two boys' quickly averted their attention to the sleeping boy, as he let put a weak whimper, whole body shivering noticeably. 

Soon his breathing became slightly ragged, face twisting in pain. 

Youngdo put a careful arm on his shoulder, trying to calm him, his rage completely forgotten. 

He had not often seen this side of Myungsoo. And it felt wrong. Like something important to him was slipping away. 

Myungsoo seemed considerably calmer after Youngdo's touch, as his eyes flickered open. Eyes a bit out of focus, he at first didn't realize there were two people in front of him. But as soon as he registered his surroundings, he pushed his body back involuntarily and let out a small cry of pain as he felt pain jolt through his entire body. 

Locking his eyes with his best-friend, the boy cursed inwardly, as he clearly felt his neck was exposed . 



'They must've seen it.... !!'

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I'm a horrible horrible author, I'm SORRYYYY!!!! I'll update after my SATs, I promise!!!!!


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Apadogwaencha #1
Chapter 6: You won't update anymore, will you? ??
I'm waiting...
Wxnieyy_19 #2
Chapter 6: Please update TT ..its so long~
Matoutagada #3
Chapter 6: Please Update ! There so few fic about myungsoo !!! and I'm so caught up in your story !!!! Pleaaaaaaaaase author-nim update soon !
Annie_phan70 #4
I love young do and myungsoo together! Their fics are rare to find and this one is just amazing!! Please update! Or at least recommend me any more fics with the same pairing??
shindiyoung #5
Chapter 7: woho what with this ?

ur such a tease author-nim ,,

naughty naughty author ,, please just update already ,, ^^
puppetmeister #6
Chapter 6: I fell on love with this, please update soon~!
shindiyoung #7
Chapter 6: hehe ,, u update ,, glad to see it ,,

but ,,

it,s shorttttt ,,

I know it must be hard ,, but please write more and soon ,,

and ,,

thanks for this update n.n

u know ! I always here waiting for ur update ,,
chanbonafan #8
Chapter 6: Nice...can't wait for more updates :)