
That Bright Person

Myungsoo was skipping around hallways after a night of clubbing. It was early so students were nowhere to seen. Nobody was dedicated to the school enough to come this early.

Fools, missing out on the best time of the day.

The only ones who came this early were either having some kind of problems at home or were there to plot something. Or were crazy, like Kim Tan and Cha Eunsang. They thought having a date at a big empty school when the sun wasn't even up was romantic. Just as the boy was walking towards the school building he saw two people sitting on a bench the secluded area of the park. 

Speak of the devil

Myungsoo thought against disturbing them. Something about them snuggling to each other with those happy smiles made the raven-haired male feel... miserable. He quickly shook the thoughts away and turned to go to his workplace a.k.a the photography room. 

He looked around to inspect the pile of photos on the wall. 

I should change some of them with more recent ones. 

He took his camera out and starting fixing and checking the lenses. It was a good day so he thought going photo-hunting on his friends was a good idea. If he would be lucky he might even take a picture of Rachel and Youngdo laughing and talking to each other. Thinking about the two of them made Myungsoo want to squeal in delight. Scratch that he already squealed gazillions of times watching them interact as he was always beside Youngdo.

‘So cute.’

The boy went through the halls in hopes of bumping into something interesting, limping a bit, each movement causing painful pulsations run through his body. He walked towards the school garden, camera ready in front of him. Looking forward at the sight in front of him he pulled the camera close to his face and clicked on the button.


Myungsoo smiled gleefully. It was a perfect picture. The lighting was perfect and the main highlight was on the two people in the middle, kissing, passionately but gently. Looking at it Myungsoo felt uncomfortable. Maybe even a bit jealous. 

He quickly shook the thoughts away and walked back to the school building. 

He didn't want to dwell on these thoughts but his mind was already going haywire and it was impossible to stop. The thoughts were fine but questions weren't. He found himself asking the same questions he asked himself on a daily basis. Useless questions. Questions that didn't need answers. 

Was it too much to ask for happiness? 

Myungsoo let out a bitter chuckle. 

Of course it is. Happiness is not for the likes of me. I have done too much to even ask for it. Think about the people you have hurt. Think about her.

You killed her.


As he was daydreaming away Myungsoo failed to see the figure in front of him, causing them to collide. 
And because he was a klutz, he was sent flying to the floor. The boy braced himself for the fall but was yanked back by a strong pull on his wrist. He looked up in surprise to see his best friend standing in front of him, one eyebrow raised in confusion. Myungsoo broke out in an automatic smile. After all, the other hated it when he was sad. 


If it was any other thing Youngdo would've not even bat an eye but the fact that Jo Myungsoo of all people was sad or depressed made him see red. Zeus Hotel's heir was known for being a violent ruthless but he took care of the people around him with a tender heart. 

Even if they don't know it, thought the male. 

One of the things that Youngdo hated seeing was the frowning face of Myungsoo. It wasn't the expression that bothered him, no. Myungsoo was never vocal about his problems. At least not about his real problems. It was just the way his eyes dimmed a little and the sides of his mouth tightened a bit more when he smiled that left Youngdo unsettled. 

Though he knew that Myungsoo just didn't want to worry it was still irritating that he had to force everything out of his best friend. After all he knew the other took "revenge" on the people that hurt him. And being a sadistic bastard Myungsoo was, he made the victims unable to sleep for days and maybe a bit paranoid for the rest of their lives. But  even till the end he never got to know what exactly Myungsoo told them, that was so scarring. 

The only people that didn't have that fate were Youngdo's parents, Kim Tan and Cha Eunsang.  Maybe it was because Myungsoo knew he still cared about them, no matter how betrayed he felt. He chuckled at the thought. That bastard knows me well, even better than myself. 

As he walking he spot his best friend walking in his direction with a frown on his face. And he did the only thing that came to his mind....


...Youngdo crashed right into the boy. Just as his friend was about to fall back he wrapped his hands around his wrist and yanked him back. Truthfully, he felt a bit guilty for  manhandling him like that but there was nothing logical he could think of at that situation. Trying to get his attention with a cough or a nudge would be useless, not to mention awkward, and just running away would hurt his pride as a friend (though he highly doubted he was a good friend to Myungsoo). 

Youngdo sensed the raven-haired boy tense at his touch but payed no attention to it. His friend looked up and gave him a smile and while it a was a truly forced one, Youngdo was relieved at the thought that his friend had the mind to smile at him to ease his worry. 

He observed his friend from head to toe and noticed that Myungsoo was deliberately avoiding putting pressure on his one leg and that his hands were slightly shaking. Now that he recalled, the lawyer's son had been losing weight lately. Youngdo worried if all was well with his best friend. 

He would tell me if there was a problem right? 

It was doubtable but he decided he would trust his bestie just this once. Youngdo knew that if things went too far he would just squeeze it out of Myungsoo. He just hoped things won't go that far.

I'm trusting you on this, Myungsoo-ah.  


The lawyer's son was babbling about everything that came into his mind. It was his futile attempt to distract his friend from himself. Myungsoo noticed his friend looking at his limping leg with curious eyes. If things got there then he knew he and Youngdo would get into a nasty argument and in the end Myungsoo would end up spilling the truth to him. That would be dangerous. For Youngdo and him alike. 

I can't afford to let Samuel know about Youngdo. He'll kill him. 

He playfully shoved his friend. 

"Yah, dumbhead! Are you even listening to me!?!"

Youngdo grumbled in response. The raven-haired boy just laughed at him. 
"What? Are you still sleepy? Didn't get enough beauty-sleep? Aren't the normal 8-hour sleep enough for you?" 

He got a glare in response. Typical. 

Myungsoo stared at the other. That slightly older grumbling bear along with the other people in this school were the only things that gave him a sense of normalcy in his life. The things that kept him afloat. 
Who knew the happy virus Jo Myungsoo would depend on his friends so much?

Maybe this was the price of his crown? But then again the raven hair knew that it wasn't that. 

It was the price he had to pay for hiding the truth...



okay so i dont really think boys think about each other so randomly like, besties or not.  I just wanted to show that YD and MS are truly best friends who care about each other a lot. Like a lot lot. Even to the point they would lie to each other. Yeah smth like that. 

The reason i havent been updating is cuz i dont have internet and i think i have writors block. So yeah. 




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I'm a horrible horrible author, I'm SORRYYYY!!!! I'll update after my SATs, I promise!!!!!


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Apadogwaencha #1
Chapter 6: You won't update anymore, will you? ??
I'm waiting...
Wxnieyy_19 #2
Chapter 6: Please update TT ..its so long~
Matoutagada #3
Chapter 6: Please Update ! There so few fic about myungsoo !!! and I'm so caught up in your story !!!! Pleaaaaaaaaase author-nim update soon !
Annie_phan70 #4
I love young do and myungsoo together! Their fics are rare to find and this one is just amazing!! Please update! Or at least recommend me any more fics with the same pairing??
shindiyoung #5
Chapter 7: woho what with this ?

ur such a tease author-nim ,,

naughty naughty author ,, please just update already ,, ^^
puppetmeister #6
Chapter 6: I fell on love with this, please update soon~!
shindiyoung #7
Chapter 6: hehe ,, u update ,, glad to see it ,,

but ,,

it,s shorttttt ,,

I know it must be hard ,, but please write more and soon ,,

and ,,

thanks for this update n.n

u know ! I always here waiting for ur update ,,
chanbonafan #8
Chapter 6: Nice...can't wait for more updates :)