Spice of Life

INTRODUCTION =/ (gahh,feels that even kid 5 yrs old can do this better than me >< *hide under blanket*), i still didn't make out the 1st chapter yet so i'll just introduce u guys the characters in this story,i guess :/


Lee Haeri (you) - 16 years old,normal teenager who have a big dream like other teenagers dream of (i guess x3)

Son Dongwoon - 17 years old,a popular students,have a foreign-look-like face,hold a big secret (how big it is?? 0_0)


Yong Junhyung - 17 years old,a popular student,have these chick(?) style (nahh,i dunno how to figure it,just let it be :p)

Jang Hyunseung - 17 years old,4Dness overload,friendly

Park Sera - 16 years old,your best buddy since kindergarten,have a sense of humour but sometime annoys you,have a crush on....

Kim Lena - 16 years old,your best buddy n your ally,give the best advices when you are in problems,doesn't have an interest to have a boyfriend until... 

[the other member of B2st,i'll add later on..and fyi,Park Sera n Kim Lena is just my creation,doesn't have anything to do with the real one..and again,i know i have a LOT of grammar mistakes but i do hope that no bashing (really don't want that to happen ><) and comments are <3 to motivate me,hehe //peace no war//] -bow 90 degree-


I'm a b2uty,a loyal one and the characters above will just related with Beast and B2uty by using any information that i know so far,but if you want me to add another idol,i may consider it for u guys ^-^


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son nam shin mode-ON xDD sometime,i can be like him too,y'know *flips hair*


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khaleedapark61 #1
Chapter 1: Great <3<3<3