
Jiyong stood in front of a large wooden door, a stoic expression on his face. A part of him debated about actually following through with this or just ditching this task all together. Finally, he sighed and raised his hand but just as he was about to knock, the door swung open. Jin Young stood before him now, discreetly scanning him from head to toe. “You must be Kwon Jiyong. I am Park Jin Young. Hyun Suk informed me that you would be coming.”


    “Then you know that I’m here for someone named Park Sandara.”


    Jin Young nodded. “Please, come inside so we can discuss this in private.”


    Jiyong followed Jin Young into his house. It was a large two story house with strictly black and white furniture with the exception of a few fruit displays and portraits around the house. It was a very elegant and simple house. Jiyong was at least in an environment where he felt comfortable. He hated color. “Have a seat.” Jin Young gestured to the black leather sofa.


    “Thank you.”


    Jiyong took a seat while Jin Young sat on the single seat sofa across from him. He cleared his throat and placed his hands on his knees. “Hyun Suk tells me that you’re a Hybrid. Is that true?”


    “Yes. I’m told that the girl, Dara is a Hybrid, too. How can that be? I can sense that you are a Whitelighter...unless your wife is a Darklighter?”


    Jin Young chuckled. No, my wife is not a Darklighter. She is a *Guardian. And we are not Dara’s biological parents. Hyun Suk did not tell you about her?”


    “No. I didn’t pry for details. Why? Is you’re not Dara’s biological parents, then who is?”


    “That will all be revealed in time. So...Tell me, Jiyong, have you ever been assigned a Charge before?”


    Jiyong shook his head. “Dara is the first. I never thought I was worthy of such a task, with tainted blood such as mine. I don’t know why Master Hyun Suk chose me.”


    “There is nothing wrong with being a Hybrid, Jiyong. It’s what you are. It makes you special...different from the rest. Embrace it.”


    “Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude but we’re not here to talk about me and my stupid insecurities. We’re here to talk about Dara. I’m aware that it’s her eighteenth birthday today.”


    “Yes, it is. I told her to come home right after school so that we could talk. I knew this day was coming. Hyun Suk only sealed her powers so that she could live normally until she turned eighteen. I don’t know how well she’ll take this…”


    “She will be scared and confused. Things will be different from here on and she will most likely be in a state of denial. But I promise, Mr. Park,  I will keep her safe and help her understand.”


“Thank you, Jiyong. Would you like me to register you at the high school so that you can monitor her better?”


    “There’s no need for that. I can take care of that myself. But thank you anyway. I’ll go tomorrow. For now, what should I say to her or what are we going to tell her when she comes home?”


    “I’ll just tell her that you’re a distant relative and you’re going to be staying with us for a while---”


    “Oh, no. I don’t want to impose. I can just find my own place.”


    “Jiyong, my boy, don’t worry. We would love to have you here. Besides, it’ll be easier to monitor and get closer to Dara. And you don’t have to be so formal with me. You can call me Jin Young. Just be yourself.”


    Jiyong grimaced. “I don’t think you’d like that very much. Mr...I mean, Jin Young, you are a Whitelighter, aren’t you?”


    “I am. Why the question?”


    “It’s just...if you’re a Whitelighter, then why are you here? I mean, why do you live in the Human Realm? Wouldn’t you rather be in the Light Realm where you could live freely?”


    Jin Young smiled. “I am free here. The Human Realm isn’t as bad as people perceive it to be. It’s rather nice. It’s nice to feel human. Besides, my wife’s job is here in this realm and I chose to stay with her.”


    “I understand. I can’t say I’m crazy about the idea of living among humans but if it’s what you love then I don’t have anything against it. Though, I know I’ll probably dread being here…”


    “You’ll learn to love it.”


    Jiyong arched a brow. “Is that a promise?”


    “It’s a reassurance. It’s actually very---”


    Jin Young was interrupted when they heard the front door open. Jiyong sensed a powerful presence and frowned. Jin Young laughed lightly. “It look like the girls are home. Shall we?”


    “After you.”


    Jiyong stood up and followed Jin Young to the front door. Two girls walked in, happily chatting. Immediately, Jiyong’s eyes flickered to the girl he recognized as Dara. He watched in silence as she smiled brightly at Jin Young and gave him a big hug. A cough suddenly snapped him out of his daze and saw a doll-faced red headed girl staring at him. All eyes trailed to him now. “Oh, right! Girls, this is Kwon Jiyong. He is a distance relative and will be staying with us for a bit. Jiyong, meet Bom and Dara.”


    “Nice to meet you both.” Jiyong faked a smile and shook Bom’s hand first and then proceeded to shake Dara’s hand.


    However, as soon as their hands touched, he felt a small jolt of electricity shook up his arm and quickly withdrew. Dara furrowed her brows and dropped her hand. “So, Dara...I heard that it’s your birthday today…” Jiyong started.


    “Oh, uh...yea. I completely forgot about it.”


    “You forgot about your own birthday?” Jiyong laughed causing Dara to blush. “Silly girl.”


    “Well, it’s just that I’ve been really busy with school and---”


    Jiyong kept his gaze on her as he reached behind his back and conjured up a white rose. He pulled it out from behind and held it out to her. “Here, this is for you. Happy eighteenth birthday.”


    Dara froze for a moment and stared at the flower. Her jaw hung open slightly in amazement and wonder. “H-how did you…”


    “Magic.” Jiyong winked as Dara took the rose from him.


    “Well, thank you. It’s beautiful. Come on, Bom. We got some studying to do. Dad, we’ll talk about my parents after we study, ok?”


    Dara grabbed Bom’s hand and led her up the winding staircase to her room. Jiyong watched as she walked away, a small still lingering upon his lips. Jin Young noticed this and chuckled. “She’s quite something, isn’t she?”




    “Dara. I can see the look in your eyes. A lot of people have that same look when they meet her for the first time. There’s something about her that draws you in and you seem to have an instant connection.”


    Jiyong tilted his head. He wasn’t sure if you could call it an “instant connection” but it was definitely something. But he just pushed it all aside. There were more important matters to attend to. “You said you were going to tell her about her parents today, are you sure that’s a good idea to speak of them around the mortal?”


    “You mean Bom? She actually knows about us, about our world. It’s only Dara that doesn’t know. Bom is my niece. Her father, rather my brother, is a Whitelighter and his wife is human. Bom didn’t inherit the Whitelighter gene.”


    “I see. I’m surprised she hasn’t said anything to Dara, seeing as how close they seem.”


    Jin Young sighed. “I asked Bom to keep it a secret. I wanted Dara to live a normal life, to learn how to survive and live in the Human Realm. I wanted to be able to show her human kindness and compassion. So far, it seems to be going well. Dara is a wonderful girl and becoming a beautiful woman.”


    “Mm...how will you break the news to her? I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to dump it on her all at one time. Perhaps, I can ease her into. Show her a bit of magic.”


    Jiyong raised his hand and willed the water from a glass to rise. It formed into a ball and floated into his palm, hovering a few inches above it. He concentrated for a bit and soon the liquid started to take shape, taking the form of a rose. It glowed for a moment before dropping gently into his hand. “You certainly have a talent when it comes to conjuring roses.” Jin Young said thoughtfully.


    “Thanks. My mother’s favorite flower was a rose. I found myself always making them ever since she died.”


    “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know…”


    Jiyong shrugged. “It’s ok. It was a long time ago. I’ve gotten over it.”


    He placed the rose on the table and sighed. He hated when people gave him that look of pity. He didn’t need their pity. It’s not like apologizing and telling him everything was ok was going to bring his parents back. “Come. Let’s go back to living room to discuss.”


    Jiyong gave a slight nod and walked back to the living room with Jin Young.




    A smirk formed upon Soo Man’s face as he stared at the image in the water. He waved his hand and the image disappeared. His burgundy eyes lit up with excitement as he turned away from the basin and walked down the long hallway. His men, cloaked in black, kneeled as he passed them by.


    He stopped just as he reached the door and cleared his throat. “Chanyeol…”


    Immediately, one of the dark figures emerged from the ground and pushed his hood back. He flashed over to Soo Man’s side and bowed. “Yes, Master?”


    “I’ve heard that you have become quite skilled in tracking down Whitelighters and Darklighters…powerful ones in particular. Even more skilled in killing them.”


    “That’s correct.”


    The smirk on Soo Man’s face broadened. “Good. I need you to find someone for me or rather...find two people for me.”


    “Name them.”


    “Kwon Jiyong and Park Sandara. They are in the Human Realm. They are both Hybrids. I want you to bring Sandara to me...Kwon Jiyong, on the other hand, well, do what you want with him. He’s of no use to me. Dead or alive, I don’t care.”


    “I will find them, Master. I won’t let you down.”


    “I should hope not. I’d hate to see what’ll happen to your precious brother.


    Chanyeol clenched his hand into a fist. Damn you, Bastard. Even if he was skilled in killing powerful Darklighters, he was no match for Soo Man. And if he did kill him now, his brother would end up dying with him. “I won’t fail you. I’ll bring her back. And I will kill Kwon Jiyong.”

    With that, Chanyeol flashed away. Soo Man cracked his knuckles and neck before pushing the doors open. A storm is coming, Hyun Suk...you were foolish to think you could hide your daughter from me. I will have her and she will become your most feared enemy. A sinister chuckled escaped from his lips and echoed throughout the palace. Soon, Hyun Suk...soon.


So, just a short chapter here guys. This chapter was originially longer but I decided to cut it in half so savor the moment and keep you all on edge. ;) Yumi has been checking in on her account every so often and is really pleased with the amount of care you have for her and for the love you have for her fics. She's very greatful and thanks you all very much. 

Update on tashi/yumi status: The two are hanging in there. They're still not fully healed but they're definetely getting there. So just wait a bit, neh? ^^

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mayflower262 #1
Chapter 4: If Dara and Jiyong had a kid, would that make the kid full Darklighter, full Whitelighter or another hybrid? Please update this story is very interesting.
tntmorales #2
Chapter 4: I like your story a lot..great plot and hoping for next update...
Haroro_xD #3
update soon okay :)
mihyun84 #4
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update
mihyun84 #5
Chapter 3: I like this story!
Chapter 3: wow i am so glad for the updates!! the action scenes are fabulous
Chapter 3: This is cool^^ update soonnnn >,<
Chapter 2: i wish there was a thumbs up option. anyways, it is a great story i can't wait for the next update
xxAiX009xx #9
Chapter 2: More... More...
Chapter 1: ooooohhhhh.....Interesting,I like it!!! Hope to see more chapters...^U^