
A streak of lightening arched across the night sky as dark, ominous clouds rolled in. The wind blew violently, rattling the windows of the castle. A young woman sat, cowering in a corner of her room, her child sleeping peacefully in her arms. The doors burst open and her husband stormed inside. “Hyun Suk! What’s happening?” The woman ran into his arms.


    “Eun Joo, your brother has formed an army. He plans to strike the castle tonight. He’s after her.”


    “What?! Let me talk to him. Maybe I can change his mind.”


    “No! It’s too dangerous. Eun Joo, The Prophecy states that our daughter will become his ultimate downfall unless she is influenced by Darkness. Your brother does not want to reason, he wants power.”


    “What do we do then?”


    “We need to hide her...in the Human Realm. I will leave her with Jin Young. And when the time is right, we will send someone to guide her and train her. For now, she needs to be concealed where Soo Man will not find her.”


    Eun Joo nodded, tears streaming down her face. She raised a shaky hand to gently touch her daughter’s cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open slightly, revealing her abnormal but beautiful violet colored eyes. “You are certain she will be safe?”


    “I promise. We will watch over her as well. I’ll take her now. It’ll all be ok.”


    Hyun Suk gathered his daughter in his arms and shimmered away. He soon found himself in front of a large door and knocked briskly. A moment later, a man emerged from inside, disheveled and confused. “H-Hyun Suk? What’s going on? Why are you here?”


    “Jin Young, you once told me you owed me a favor for saving your life those years ago. I am here to follow up on your promise.”


    Jin Young’s expression turned serious. He knew Hyun Suk never ventured to the Human Realm, nor did he ask for favors unless it was absolutely important. “What is it?”


    “I need you to watch over my daughter. She is terrible danger in our realm. Soo Man is after her. We will hold him off as long as possible until she is of age. Can you watch over my daughter for me?”


    “O-of course. My wife and I always wanted a child. She will be safe here, Hyun Suk. I give you my word.”


    “Good. I know I can trust you.”


    Hyun Suk handed his daughter, his only daughter to Jin Young and smiled sadly. Jin Young looked at the small bundle in his arms and sighed. His brows scrunched together upon seeing her eyes. “Her eyes...I’ve never seen such a color. People will know she is different, Hyun Suk.”


    “For the time being, I will conceal her powers until she turned eighteen. While she’s here I want you to teach her thing I cannot. I want you to teach her human kindness and compassion. I want you to teach her how to LIVE. Can you do that for me?”


    “I will. What am I to tell her when she grows up?”


    “Tell her that we love her and that soon she will be home. Love her as I do, Jin Young. I must go back to Eun Joo now. Keep her safe. ”


    Jin Young nodded as Hyun Suk bowed. “Wait, what is her name?”




    Sandara…Jin Young smiled, already forming a connection with the infant. He looked at Hyun Suk and returned the bow. “Be careful, Hyun Suk.”


    “I will. Thank you, my friend.”


    Hyun Suk then turned into an orb light before disappearing into the night. Jin Young stared up at the night sky before turning around to walk back inside, a smile still evident on his face. Sandara...Park Sandara.  



Eighteen Years Later…


    “Dara! Wake up! Yah!” Dara groaned as someone shook her. She gripped onto her blanket and pulled it closer to her in attempt to make the person go away.


    “Tired. Wake up later…”


    “Come on, Dara! We’re going to be late!”


    But Dara wouldn’t budge. A devious smirked curved upon the doll-faced girl. She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. “Dara, I’m going to burn all your ramen.”


    “WHAT?!” Dara jumped out of bed, whilst getting tangled in her bed sheets and fell to the floor with a loud thud. “Ah...what the hell, Bom?”


    “Love you! Now, get up, we’re going to be late for school.”


    “Do we have to?” Dara groaned. “It’s so boring and honestly, no one goes to class anyway.”


    “Well, that’s because those people are sore losers who will probably end up working at McDonalds. We, on the other hand, are mature, responsible adults that must attend school and get good grades.”


    “I already have good grades. Those classes are so easy, it’s tiring and boring.”


    Bom rolled her eyes. “Well, not all people can be as intelligent as you are. You’re lucky you have such a gift with academics.”


    “It’s really not that hard. People just make it more complicated than it needs to be. But, because I know you are relentless and won’t let me go back to sleep, I’ll go.”


    “Good! Hurry up!”


    Dara sighed and picked herself off the floor to get ready. Once she was ready, she grabbed her backpack beside her desk and jogged downstairs to where Bom was waiting. “Well it’s about time.” Bom tapped her foot impatiently.


    “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get going. Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!”


    Dara called out as she left. However, Jin Young appeared and placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked at him in confusion. “Yes?”


    “Come home right after school, ok? We have some things to talk about.”


    “About what?”


    Jin Young sighed. “About your family…”


    Dara just nodded. She already knew she was adopted, her foster parents had told her so. She would always ask them about it yet they would give her the same response each time. “We’ll tell you when you’re older” or “you’ll find out when the time is right”. She hated being clueless but she understood and didn’t pry. And now, suddenly, her father was willing to tell her the truth. It was strange but she was happy. “Sure. I’ll be back as soon as school is done. Bye, Dad. Love you.” She kissed his cheek before running out the door to catch up with Bom.


    Jin Young watched as the two girls drove off. He turned away and heaved a heavy sigh. It’s time…  




    A boy, wearing black, sat upon a branch in a tree, his back pressed against the stump as he stared at the clouded sky. He sighed and closed his eyes for a few seconds. However, he was disturbed when he sensed someone nearby. His eyes flashed open and he peered down from the tree. “You better be here to tell me something important, Rat.” His voice was cold as always.


    “Actually it is...I...well, you got orders from the Master of Light.”


    At the mention of his Master’s name, his eyes narrowed and flashed down from the tree. He stood in front of his friend and raised a brow. “What is it, Seungri?”




    “Kwon Jiyong…” A voice sounded from behind. Jiyong lifted his gaze and saw a tall man dressed in white standing before them.


    “Master Hyun Suk…”


    Jiyong bowed respectfully. Hyun Suk smiled and nodded. “Hello. It is a pleasure to me someone such as yourself. I normally would’ve sent one of my men for this but this task is important and I felt I should be the one to present it to you.”


    “What do you mean? What task?”


    Hyun Suk’s smile broadened. “It has come to my attention that you are a Hybrid, are you not? A child born of Darkness and Light…”


    Jiyong eyed him suspiciously now. His hands clenched into fists. Being what he was, he was always ostracized and humiliated. He was an abomination to both Whitelighters and Darklighters alike. He didn’t fit in anywhere in their realms. “You are perfect for a task such as this.”


    “That being?”


    “You will be assigned a Charge. It is very important that you train her well and bring her back here when the time is right.”


    Jiyong took a step back now. The last thing he wanted was a Charge. He didn’t work well with others and he most certainly did not want to be stuck babysitting someone. Everyone knew that Charges usually had no control whatsoever over their powers and normally, it took a while for them to get the hang of it. Jiyong didn’t have the patience to deal with it. Since he was teenager, he lived alone. His father died in battle against a very strong Demon and his mother was killed by Darklighters, leaving him to fend for himself.


    As a child, he struggled to survive on his own but as he grew, he learned to depend on himself and himself alone. He gained control over his powers and they grew every single day. If he could do it, anyone else could do it too without his help. “With all due respect, sir, I don’t think I’m up for the task. Wouldn’t you rather give the task to one of your men? As you said, I’m a Hybrid. I don’t feel I’m worthy for this.”


    “Not worthy? If I didn’t think you were worthy, I wouldn’t have chosen you. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with being a Hybrid.”


    Jiyong scoffed. “Tell that to everyone else. They all hate me.”


    “Well, I can assure you, I will take care of that. Please, consider this task, Jiyong. You are the only I know capable enough to fulfill it.”


    “Why? Why me? Look, I don’t mean to be rude but no. I’m not doing it.”


    Jiyong sighed and turned away. Hyun Suk shoved his hands into his pockets. “She’s just like you, Jiyong. She’s a Hybrid.”


    Jiyong stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened as he tried to soak in what Hyun Suk had told him. A Hybrid? Just like me? Impossible. As far as he knew, he was the only one. How could it be possible for there to be another? Slowly, he turned, his eyes still planted on the ground. “Sh-she’s really just like me? Where is she?”


    “Human Realm. Her powers will start to show soon. It is her eighteenth birthday today. Will you accept?” Hyun Suk looked at him hopefully.


    “What...what’s in it for me?”


    “I will grant you one wish. Any wish you so desire.”


    Jiyong pondered his choices. If he should accept, he would have to actually interact with another being but if he declined, he may lose his only chance of getting his parents back. He knew what he had to do. “I accept the task. When should I bring her here?”


    Hyun Suk just smiled. “When you feel she is ready. It is important that you keep her safe, Jiyong. She is very special.”


    “Right...I won’t pry for details. But can I at least have some type of visual identification of her so I know what she looks like?”


    With a wave of his hand, Hyun Suk conjured up a mass of white mist and soon an image of a girl appeared. Jiyong stared at the girl in disbelief that she was actually the age Hyun Suk had claimed her to be. She looked like she was still thirteen years old! Her face was so flawless and youthful that she didn’t look her age. She also had a different glow to her that made her undeniably beautiful. “Who is she?” Jiyong whispered.


    “Her name is Dara. She is a high school Senior. She is very intelligent and bright. She is stubborn but I think you’ll be able to get through to her. Take good care of her, Jiyong. I’m trust you with her life.”


    “You speak as though you’re giving her away to me. But I promise, I will keep her safe. No harm will come to her.”


    “Good. I trust you.”


    Jiyong nodded. With a sigh, he flashed away, leaving Seungri and Hyun Suk behind. Seungri cleared his throat and looked up at his Master. “Um...with all due respect, sir, are you sure it’s a good idea to assign Jiyong to the Charge? He is a bit….well, rough around the edges.”


    “I have faith in him. Besides, what’s better than having a Hybrid train another Hybrid? This will be beneficial to both of them. I know the sorrow and anger he feels, Seungri. I am not blind. I know of his parents and his struggles. He is an injured soul and I know that my daughter will be able to repair him.”


    Seungri eyed Hyun Suk curiously. “You daughter...sir?”


    “Yes. His charge is my one and only daughter.”


    “B-but...what? I thought you and Lady Eun Joo never had a child---”


    “We did. The Prophecy speaks of my daughter. A child born of Darkness and Light. She is our only hope and Jiyong is the only one who I know if capable of fulfilling this task.”


    “Your daughter...is a Hybrid?”


    “Yes. My wife is a Darklighter turned Whitelighter. You seem so surprised.”


    Seungri shook his head. “No, I just had no idea. But are you certain Jiyong is the only one capable of completing this task? Why not send someone more in control?”


    Hyun Suk chuckled. “You’re right. Seungri, watch over him, will you? Take the other boys along if you need to. Have a nice day.”


    Seungri just nodded instinctively, until he realized what his Master had just said. He did a double take as Hyun Suk strolled away. “W-wait! I didn’t mean me! M-Master!” But Hyun Suk had already gone.

    Seungri groaned he walked back to the village where his friends were. Damn it...why do I have to have such a big mouth?  


So, hope you guys enjoyed that. :) More to come later this week.

Also, if anyone is willing to make a poster for this fic, that would be greatly appreciate it. Please do leave a comment below and subscribe. THANK YOU. 

-Reiya :) 

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mayflower262 #1
Chapter 4: If Dara and Jiyong had a kid, would that make the kid full Darklighter, full Whitelighter or another hybrid? Please update this story is very interesting.
tntmorales #2
Chapter 4: I like your story a lot..great plot and hoping for next update...
Haroro_xD #3
update soon okay :)
mihyun84 #4
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update
mihyun84 #5
Chapter 3: I like this story!
Chapter 3: wow i am so glad for the updates!! the action scenes are fabulous
Chapter 3: This is cool^^ update soonnnn >,<
Chapter 2: i wish there was a thumbs up option. anyways, it is a great story i can't wait for the next update
xxAiX009xx #9
Chapter 2: More... More...
Chapter 1: ooooohhhhh.....Interesting,I like it!!! Hope to see more chapters...^U^