Prince Charming's Box

The Green Giftbox
  • baby.jpg



1. What do you like about Hyungjun?

When I first discover SS501, it was Hyungjun that held my interest to look out for the group. I think it was through Never Again or Warning and as you SS501 fans would know Hyungjun has a lot of parts in those songs and he's like the first to sing, so naturally if he sound good then he secured interest for the group. And I thought he's good, and his voice was interesting. So yeah, I like his voice kind of especially paired with the fact that he's the maknae lol(even if i usually dont like maknaes much)..., n even if not his music preference.

He's also the adorkable pabo silly idiot maknae who has the effect that make you want to slap him for whatever. I'll stop there. xD


2. What's your favourite moment/quote from/about Hyungjun?

All his moments with Jungmin *_*

there are thousands but for example: 

“Where we’re with our members, we joke around and may lightly curse. But as soon as a woman star comes in, Hyung Jun’s voice changes. He changes to a shy, smiling young man. A gentleman.”
— Kim Hyun Joong (see? what a pabo)

“Hyung Jun is really aggressive. If there’s something he wants to do, he has a style that does it no matter what others say. Also, he’s good at voice imitations.”
— Kim Hyun Joong

“Jung Min’s palms are always sweating and he wears strange socks!”
— Kim Hyung Jun (ok so it's abt diff member but it shows who knows someone's palm so well.../coughs/)

“Hyung Jun is the youngest. He looks like a turtle.”
— Park Jung Min

“Hyung Jun is an indispensable one in SS501. He always acts like a spoiled child and often cheers us up.”
— Kim Kyu Jong

“Hyung Jun is very lively, you will not feel bored with him around.”
— Heo Young Saeng

“Our youngest is Hyung Jun. He has a lot of interest in dancing and singing. He choreographs dances and composes songs. From a music standpoint, he is a very hardworking member.”
— Kim Kyu Jong

“After my first solo stage, I think of Hyung Jun the most. Of course also our members.”

— Park Jung Min (that's a sign. a sign)


“Not too long ago, Hyung Jun told us he had no money. But on the plane, he bought all this tax-free stuff with ready cash.”

— Kim Hyun Joong


Hyun Joong: “With Hyung Jun, I can casually joke around. Locking his neck under my arm, playing around like this.”

Hyung Jun: “He treats me as a toy, really.”


“My signature is the one that Hyun Joong hyung made for me five years ago, but I’m still using it.”

— Kim Hyung Jun (what a pabo..but at least loyal n honest? lol)

3. Is there a time you ever felt bad/ashamed/sad for Hyungjun?

Whenever he's bullied by his hyungs. lol.

4. What's your first impression of Hyungjun? Did it change afterwards?

My first impression? Matured for a maknae? Cool, charismatic, good vocals. But then...i realize how wrong I was n how he's just kiddy silly kid who likes to pretend to be cool and matured. Not that that's a bad thing. But yeah. xD


5. Describe Hyungjun in Five Words/Adjectives and your reasoning.

Silly - yes. no need explanation.
Westernized? - well, not really but from his songs i feel that's what he aim for n likes.
Actmaturedbutnotreallymatured - yeah, consider that one word
Nicevoice/tone - cuz it's nice i guess?
Diligent/dedicated/competitive - i just feel so? he n youngsaeng definitely have that strong competitive feels

6. What do you think of Hyungjun's solo career? How much has he changed from his SS501 days?

Like I said, I'm not too fond of his music direction but at least he knows what he wants. And I can appreciate that. I still sort of like his voice. Though I feel from watching his performances, that he's running out of it strength or power in his song delivery? Hyungjun...I don't care if you can dance well or not, but singing should be the priority. Sorry I'm a little strict and I'm not fangirly to defend everything. But he's done everything too, singing, collaborating with other singers in various music projects and acting in dramas and musicals and DJing and whatnot. So i guess, it's good for him? and he compose music too, he's done that since back i hope h'd develop his talent n grow.

7. What's your favourite solo song/performance from Hyungjun and why?

^ well, i just listened to it today(in fact, for most members i've just listened their songs recently since i'm too lazy) but...i like it^^. it's nice. maybe soon i'll love it. or maybe kinda already...

^ nice i guess. uhm, even if i just listen to it today? lol.

^ cuz it's happy happy :D

^ another cheerful song

^ to give you more choice. not crazy bout it but it's alrite i guess.


8. If you can request three wishes from Hyungjun, what would it be?

i. Give me moree MinJun moments and collabs and bobos please *_*

^ even though this is Jungmin's song but who cares? minjun can appear anywhere...

ii. Please sometimes sing music that i like /bricked/ lol kfine sing whatever u want. and need to act cool okay, you're cooler when you don't try to act cool...xD

iii. Please get married to my twinnie and go live happily ever after with her/and come visit me sometime cuz omg who wouldn't want to meet him>. see down there? she even loves Kibummie...they'd so make a happy family...xD and keep being ur happy dork self.



Mahwiii's corner


1. What do you like about Hyungjun?

His idiot-ness xD no really, he is just an adorable cute idiot. Who doesn’t love idiots anyway xD

2. What's your favourite moment/quote from Hyungjun?

xD his brother taking the video

  • This is too cute XD “this is the first time he kisses me”
  • “Hyung Jun is really aggressive. If there’s something he wants to do, he has a style that does it no matter what others say. Also, he’s good at voice imitations.”
  • — Kim Hyun Joong 
  • “Briefly describe Hyung Jun : Coquetry (like a little kid asking for favors)
  • Describe Hyung Jun with a color : Green
  • 1st impression of Hyung Jun : Cute
  • Describe Hyung Jun as an animal : Female lion”
  • — Kim Hyun Joong
  • " The affinity that’s fated to be forever in my life
  • The five brothers in SS501,
  • Hyun Joong, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Jung Min, and… me!
  • Even when we’re older and aged, we still want to stand onto the stage together,
  • We must keep the promise…
  • Really love you (guys) very very much,
  • We must keep and guard our brotherhood no matter the passage of time.
  • That’s not all~! For the many, many Triple S,
  • the five of us will work hard to reunite and come together,
  • Please, all of you, do not forget that, ya,
  • There will be rewards, so please believe in us!
  • We will be together, for sure." 

3. Is there a time you ever felt bad/ashamed/sad for Hyungjun?

(in our fic) hmmm, he is such a happy kid… no matter what I will always cheer up somehow…

This day really makes me cry T.T

4. What's your first impression of Hyungjun? Did it change afterwards?

  • A cute idiot who is bully able xD
  • Since I already said that the first thing I saw was the waking me up thingy… it was also the first time seeing him and… how he was bullied by a sleeping person (coughs Jungmin coughs) xD
  • Hmm… nah, he is still a bully able idiot XD


5. Describe Hyungjun in Five Words/Adjectives and your reasoning.

  • Idiot – but not the bad one… the good one (and now because of the fic it just.. xD)
  • Bully able – thanks to the evil Jungmin for that
  • Baby – like really… he is such a kid (who is older than me by 7 years) how can he be such a kid >.>
  • Cry baby – it just…. Idk… it just is…
  • Unique – where will you find another Hyungjun? (ki bum doesn’t count)


6. What do you think of Hyungjun's solo career? How much has he changed from his SS501 days?

  • I think it’s ok… he is doing good, maybe not the best out of all of them… but good :D
  • Well, I’m not sure. I guess he gained more confidence since now he is in his own and taking care of things on his own, but he didn’t change much. He still is an idiot ^-^


7. What's your favourite solo song/performance from Hyungjun and why?

There was a close fancam but idk where it went…


8. If you can request three wishes from Hyungjun, what would it be?

  • 1. Can you be with my twinnie? I ship you both xD
  • 2. Win over Jungmin… I’m rooting for you :P
  • 3. Stop making us ruin ur image in our fic (it’s twinnie fault though)
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we surpassed 5010 number of views...xD i wonder if we can get 501 subs or 51 comments to share your wishes/feelings for SS501 at least...xD


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dapurbased501 #1
Revisited here cos .. somehow .. today .. i miss them, SS501.
Thanks for the story .. the gift.
Ypsyl0n #2
Chapter 9: Thnx,
This is so touching.
Love all the members together. But love KJH the most ( sorry for that ;) )
Waiting for their comeback...
Happy 9th anniversary, SS501!
KimTaein #3
Chapter 2: LoL I liked Mahwiii's three wishes from Hyungjoongie. And yes he is very blunt! I understand that when I watched WGM. How he said he doesn't like(not comfortable with) couple things(stuffs) made me like him more than ever. I'm a hardcore SONE. So when I was watching videos of their fanboys. I saw Youngsaeng. And I thought he was very cute. So I started exploring SS501's world. The first video I watched was 'A song calling for you'. I love that song!
While watching I was like 'Is that Jihoo from Boys Ovet Flowers?' I was shocked. And I was even more shocked when I knew that they sang the OST 'because I'm stupid'. And even before I knew I was a Triple S already. That's my story ^-^
KimTaein #4
Chapter 1: WoW. I was going to cry while reading this. Why do you have to make me cry everytime?T-T
Seriously, my tears are endless for SS501. Gosh I think I'm crying...
I'm frustrated . They make me laugh like an idiot. I even fell off from my bed sometimes
And make me cry a river(ToT) . And Jungmin I hate you b'coz everytime I see your face I smile like some creep and everytime I hear your voice I just melt like a snow@_@ gosh what am I saying? Okay the first chapter is making me react like this. I'm afraid to read the next chapter―,.―
huiqiloves_ian #5
Chapter 9: 9 years, they brought us tears, laughter and happniess.
Thankyu for compiling all these <3
These are good memories for us to treasure.
sshineexo501 #6
Chapter 9: I loved it...Happy 9th anniversary SS501. I came to know kpop because of them and started to love them because of Kim Hyun joong...Just like every other tripe s, I want to see their comeback as soon as possible.. And I really appreciate it that you wrote this and it must have taken a lot of hard work for this....So thank you for givin us this wonderful update...

Once a Triple S, Always a Triple S.....I will love you always, my lovely Princes...SARANGHAE..<3
Eustacia #7
Chapter 2: This is so touching. Love all the members together.
Waiting for their comeback...
Happy 9th anniversary, SS501!
SS501 will forever have a place in my heart. My Kpop love started all because of them. I love all of them and I really miss my baby Kyujonggie! I appreciate this story so much and I hope both wonderful author-nims know how much your work is loved and cherished. SS501, saranghaja! <3

Happy 9th Anniversary, our beloved princes.
Chapter 4: SS501 was the group that got me into kpop and Kyu has been my ultimate bias since then. Just like you guys said, he's too good to be true. It would be hard to find a guy like him, like an exact replica, since I know I can't have Kyu, haha. I will always be a Triple S and most importantly a ThanKyu! Thanks for putting up this thread! It's rare to see SS501 these days.
Happy 9th Anniversary to these gentlemen and I hope they can promote once more in the future as five! SS501, Fighting! Triple S, Fighting! Yay!
Chapter 9: AWWWW~ Seriously, I'm gonna cry because of this! SS501 is the very first group that I was hooked with! Kyujong is my bias but I learned to just love them all! I just wish that they will have their comeback because I know that many Triple S just like me are waiting for such event! If that happens, I'll be as happy as hell! Kyujong will be out of the army this year! I want them to be together again! XD
Triple S forever!