Romeo's Box

The Green Giftbox


  • charismatic.jpg

Mahwiii's corner


1.    What do you like about Jungmin?

  • No no people, the real question is… what NOT to like about Jungmin?
  • Yeah Youngsaeng is my bias and everyone probably noticed my biasness but come on Jungminnie this guy that always smile and bully the little baby XD
  • The one who always makes us laugh and the one who always manage to get the right atmosphere for SS501.
  • He is too lovable XD  


2. What's your favourite moment/quote from Jungmin?

  • "For me, all fans are the most precious presents" 
  • "If I will choose to be a movie star or to be a forever SS501 member, I'll choose the last one. Because no roles in this world will make me a happy man but a role to be their friend."
  • “On our first debut concert, Jung Min dropped the mic on the floor, first stage performance. When the mic dropped, he danced over to pick it up. He said it’s the choreographer’s fault. Always making mistakes but he never admits it.”
  • — Kim Hyung Jun (Star Golden Bell)


3. Is there a time you ever felt bad/ashamed/sad for Jungmin?

Hmmm not until recently when my twin made me realize that he was working on the Japanese market because the Koreans aren’t much interested on him anymore… I felt bad because he is such a great singer it’s a waste and he must have felt sad.

And this… >.<

4. What's your first impression of Jungmin? Did it change afterwards?

  • It was back then on the thank you for waking me up thingy… he was… violent XD omg he was cute and violent it was fun to watch him kicking them while they wake him up and everyone is just so scared XD
  • It turns out he is playful and well still violent (and evil) but meeeh xD he is fun \o/


5. Describe Jungmin in Five Words/Adjectives and your reasoning.

  • Evil – cause he is XD
  • Bully – bullying other members specially that baby hyungjun XD
  • Playful – he is fun and playful *-*
  • Amazing voice – his voice sometimes gives me goose bombs
  • Unique – cause he is Jungmin :P


6. What do you think of Jungmin's solo career? How much has he changed from his SS501 days?

  • I think his songs are the best from SS501 maybe cause he started earlier but I liked his solos XD
  • Hmmm, nope, he is still the idiot playful evil Jungmin ^^


7. What's your favourite solo song/performance from Jungmin and why?

8. If you can request three wishes from Jungmin, what would it be?

  • 1. Jungmin, sing me a song xD
  • 2. I hope you go together with hyungjun in the military and bully uh I mean take care of him xD
  • 3. Can I ride you? (slapped)




1. What do you like about Jungmin?

Nothing. He's evil and annoying. Haha. Ok not funny, never really see anything evil abt him seriously. Let's see. His music, his music, his music. Voice. Personality. Passion in whatever he does. Uhm...let's stop there. Yes, more or less, those are some.


2. What's your favourite moment/quote from Jungmin?

All his moments with Hyungjun *_*

they're born to be my otp

he said something about not wanting to ever sing a song written for someone else again, which is why he rather write his own. and also about how he's always been with Hyungjun n find it beautiful n how he want to go to army together /coughscoughs/ and he said about 'why bother other people's opinion' when Hyungjun was worried listeners find them boring...but i really don't think he doesn't care abt it from the way he acts or talks, probly just acting like he don't care so people can't take advantage of weakness.


“The four of us are watching television and Jung Min started his busy schedule early in the morning. So he was tired when he came home and he lowered the volume to the lowest. Then the four of us squeezed to the front of the TV to watch.”
— Kim Kyu Jong (like boss, lol)

“Q: Is there anyone you want to go hiking with?
Hyun Joong: Yes. Jung Min, so I can ride him.”

“Jung Min is SS501’s Hitler. When we lived together, we played video games. But we can’t turn the sound loud. Not even by one click. Jung Min says we can’t have it loud, so we’re like “Ok, fine. He’s our member, so let’s be understanding and turn it down.” We turn it off, but he goes to his room and does karaoke!”
— Kim Kyu Jong

“Jung Min is usually very thrifty, but he is willing to splurge on food. And most people would be more or less not used to food in a foreign country, but he has no problem in any country, he really does know how to enjoy eating.”
— Kim Hyun Joong

“There was once when I wanted to wake Jung Min up, but realized that he had disappeared. He was actually hiding under the blanket eating!”
—    Kim Hyung Jun

“y charisma Jung Min. Very good at bringing up the atmosphere. Because very good at that, so has a lot to say. It’s not saying that he is talkative. Like his curiosity level is pretty high. He is very lively. The atmosphere gets warmed up really fast. He is this kind of friend. Wherever Jung Min goes, the atmosphere at that place and our band atmosphere will become lively pretty much at an instant. This is just Jung Min.”
—    Heo Young Saeng

“Amm… Jung Min is very handsome (Jung Min is staring at Leader), always makes us laugh, for this point I would like to learn from him. (Jung Min looked satisfied)”
—    Kim Hyun Joong

“Jung Min has a strong touch of humanity, he is very warm at heart.”
—    Kim Kyu Jong

“Jung Min is extra friendly. Not meaning that his face/appearance is extra friendly, but his personality is very friendly and mature. At home, he often washes dishes. In dorms, he also cooks for everyone. He usually offers to help others and takes good care of everyone. He is a very outgoing and interesting friend.”
—    Kim Hyung Jun

“Kyu Jong almost left the group before they debuted. During his trainee years, one of his singing coaches discouraged Kyu Jong from pursuing a career in singing and asked him to leave the talent agency. Thankfully, fellow member Jung Min told him to persevere.”
—    KBS Kiss The Radio Interview (i think this shows a lot about what kind of a person he is)


3. Is there a time you ever felt bad/ashamed/sad for Jungmin?

Everytime people talk bad or make fun/ as if he's that bad. I know it's just for jokes, but every group has this kind of member, the one whose image is to be completely sacrificed with all bad adjectives. And it makes me feel really bad that it's these kind of members who actually seemed to be the nicest. Or else they wouldn't willingly let their image be sacrificed, right? Anyway, i know it's just the entertainment business thing. But I still feel bad for him anyway. Just the way i do with other group's destroyed-image reps. And i'd like to add when he cried n refused to face the audience in X-concert, but oddly, i think someone who could confront his own feelings are stonger than say members who insisted to not cry like the two hyungs. besides he's the most beautiful crier anyway. /slapped/ lmao.

4. What's your first impression of Jungmin? Did it change afterwards?

I think he's the second one i noticed when i first watch them. As you know, everyone or mostly people will know SS501 by Hyunjoong. I knew Hyunjoong's name and maybe seen his pics before i start watching SS501, but didn't draw my interest since I'm not into reallllllyyyy popular ones. So i curiously look for the rest. Hyungjun was the first i noticed cuz he sings first lol, n has nice voice(no need to talk bout looks since they're all obviously goodlooking i mean DSP always has amazing looking peeps n voices). But it surprised me that this another member, also has interesting voice. Which at that time i would say, very rare in kpop groups to have this kinda voice. And his performance outfit for that one perf i watch has uhh weirdly arranged straps thingy so I remembered his outfit. lol. But first impression...uhh, charismatic? If you watch Warning, he definitely has different air than the rest of them that seems like goodie fresh boys. He's kinda scary for a newbie. Then i learnt he's the crazy-image-destroyed-funny-evil member of the group. Then i learnt he's a probably really nice person. Then, i also find him frightening. If there's one thing i leaned, it's that there's always something new to learn about him even though he already seems to have open outgoing personality. But it seems there are still more unseen sides of him. I think he's very smart in diplomatic way though. But he still get into mess and stuffs. so yeah, no set lasting impression, there's always sth new. 

6. Describe Jungmin in Five Words/Adjectives and your reasoning.
Survivor - i just feel he's been through a lot, probly worst out of the members, and everytime he got up stronger. so...yeah..survivor.
Intimidating - he just has that vibe. the perfectionist side that expects highly n stuffs. n that's scary.
BorntoSing - Dat voice n vocals.
Split-personality/multi-faceted/layered - not just because of Romeo. lol.
Passionate&Compassionate - just cuz he is.

7. What do you think of Jungmin's solo career? How much has he changed from his SS501 days?


That's it.

Ok fine, his musical direction is just my style with some rock edges etc. He already jump start as first SS501 member to debut with solo singing career n with full mode awesomeness at that, with Not Alone which is a song with message and great MV and also cool sound and it didn't stray far from SS501...while adding new's like he's very certain of his music direction and not afraid or try hard to show new side abruptly...but rather, develop it. okay, i don't want to sound biased or against other members, but this is my honest opinion music wise(i'm not biased, but i do have music preference). I think one thing very noticeable about his difference from back then and now is his Vocal quality. Back then he's good too. But now, it's like, he doesn't have to think to perform, but he just feel his performances, and does so very effortlessly. Even when his concert schedules in a day were beyond crazy back to back, the passion for the stage and singing and performing is truly amazing. I dare say his live vocals is the best now out of them all. Even though he's not their main vocals. Also, i think he grows, first he wants to write his lyrics, he wants to write his songs(but probly not that good with technology stuffs lol) he even write his lyrics for his Japanese songs, then he co-produced his own album, now he has his own company to manage n produce his album. Sure, of all the members, he seem to be getting into most trouble and scandal whether career wise or personal. But you can't deny he's been really amazing. i don't know what or how else to describe it. And I think it's good that his trials n tribulations keeps him humble. Well, as far as I see, the members are all humble and rooted to their yeah.

oh, and his acting...seems pretty good...or funny. i've only seen like 1ep of this, the one he become homeless or sth n go leeching at the girl's place who bosses him around or sth... n help some guy...ahh idk but it's funny


8. What's your favourite solo song/performance from Jungmin and why? no particular order...

^ bcuz this is just awesomeness. lyrics both by him.

^ bcuz this is just beautiful n can make you cry...even though he didn't write lyrics for this one.

^ i didn't like this at first. lol. though i always imagined he'd go into this type of music...but surprisingly...most of his music were very different than this n he only has like a couple songs like this.

^ i didn't like it in first listen but i love it afterwards.

^ i fking love this O_O /kicks-self/

^ this is awesome though i like the Korean ver too, but Japanese ver seem to have more emotions in delivery?

^ i think i prefer the Korean ver...but hey this one already have subs so why not? the lyrics are just beautiful

^ i think the Korean version is more passionate n not restricted in delivery so go find it n try...xD...just that Japanese ver already has translation.

^ i like this version i think...xD

^ i initially didn't like it that much but eventually grow to like it.

and then...

it doesn't stop there...cuz we can't leave Romeo out. lol. Romeo is Jungmin's Japanese vampire alter-ego. cuz he's just crazy anyway.

^ Fav perf from Romeo. this is so badass..i love the change of arrangement n the rock-added. aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

^ this is kinda quirky...xD

^ not really my fav song from Romeo though this is what everyone knows. but i love the hair /bricked/

^ this time it's not the hair...i love the's so....other worldly...well, most Romeo's songs do sound other

^ though idk how can it be believable when Romeo says he wants to protect you cuz like whut?

^ this is just beautiful

^ i didn't like it much at first. then i start listening to more of it for fanfic idea sake n bam...i love it...T^T...

^ this is so jpop-rock...xD...n that's not a bad thing...

^ this is very other worldly too...><

^ i even love his solo in SS501 time...

^of course this too. psst: i love Loveholic too....aaaahhhh

^ and this...

^ and my dream collab ><

but lo and behold...make way for my fav

^ the live band n rock-fied ness of the music made me love it waaaayyyyy even moreeee than i already do...><.

ok let's stop before i remember more...bye.

ps: don't ask question abt music for this guy, cuz it's like death question to choose a few songs.


9. If you can request three wishes from Jungmin, what would it be?

i. Give me moree MinJun moments and collabs and bobos please *_* this,hahahah:

ii. Bcuz all and yes i mean ALL his music has been nothing but amazing, everytime he comes out with something new i get extremely scared that i'd be disappointed bcuz of heightened expectation. So, just....please keep being awesome n be your self. Never cave in to the lame music industry stereotyped sounds/concepts. and please sell your albums for overseas fans too-_-...even ur old albums can't be found.

iii. Please do a show in Malaysia(including Romeo bcuz he's amazing too), last year it was cancelled T_T TT_____TT TTT____________TTT how cruel is this fate! i just don't know what other word to be used psh.../bangs head on air/and someone better not take this wrongly, psh. and no matter what, Be Happy.






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we surpassed 5010 number of views...xD i wonder if we can get 501 subs or 51 comments to share your wishes/feelings for SS501 at least...xD


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dapurbased501 #1
Revisited here cos .. somehow .. today .. i miss them, SS501.
Thanks for the story .. the gift.
Ypsyl0n #2
Chapter 9: Thnx,
This is so touching.
Love all the members together. But love KJH the most ( sorry for that ;) )
Waiting for their comeback...
Happy 9th anniversary, SS501!
KimTaein #3
Chapter 2: LoL I liked Mahwiii's three wishes from Hyungjoongie. And yes he is very blunt! I understand that when I watched WGM. How he said he doesn't like(not comfortable with) couple things(stuffs) made me like him more than ever. I'm a hardcore SONE. So when I was watching videos of their fanboys. I saw Youngsaeng. And I thought he was very cute. So I started exploring SS501's world. The first video I watched was 'A song calling for you'. I love that song!
While watching I was like 'Is that Jihoo from Boys Ovet Flowers?' I was shocked. And I was even more shocked when I knew that they sang the OST 'because I'm stupid'. And even before I knew I was a Triple S already. That's my story ^-^
KimTaein #4
Chapter 1: WoW. I was going to cry while reading this. Why do you have to make me cry everytime?T-T
Seriously, my tears are endless for SS501. Gosh I think I'm crying...
I'm frustrated . They make me laugh like an idiot. I even fell off from my bed sometimes
And make me cry a river(ToT) . And Jungmin I hate you b'coz everytime I see your face I smile like some creep and everytime I hear your voice I just melt like a snow@_@ gosh what am I saying? Okay the first chapter is making me react like this. I'm afraid to read the next chapter―,.―
huiqiloves_ian #5
Chapter 9: 9 years, they brought us tears, laughter and happniess.
Thankyu for compiling all these <3
These are good memories for us to treasure.
sshineexo501 #6
Chapter 9: I loved it...Happy 9th anniversary SS501. I came to know kpop because of them and started to love them because of Kim Hyun joong...Just like every other tripe s, I want to see their comeback as soon as possible.. And I really appreciate it that you wrote this and it must have taken a lot of hard work for this....So thank you for givin us this wonderful update...

Once a Triple S, Always a Triple S.....I will love you always, my lovely Princes...SARANGHAE..<3
Eustacia #7
Chapter 2: This is so touching. Love all the members together.
Waiting for their comeback...
Happy 9th anniversary, SS501!
SS501 will forever have a place in my heart. My Kpop love started all because of them. I love all of them and I really miss my baby Kyujonggie! I appreciate this story so much and I hope both wonderful author-nims know how much your work is loved and cherished. SS501, saranghaja! <3

Happy 9th Anniversary, our beloved princes.
Chapter 4: SS501 was the group that got me into kpop and Kyu has been my ultimate bias since then. Just like you guys said, he's too good to be true. It would be hard to find a guy like him, like an exact replica, since I know I can't have Kyu, haha. I will always be a Triple S and most importantly a ThanKyu! Thanks for putting up this thread! It's rare to see SS501 these days.
Happy 9th Anniversary to these gentlemen and I hope they can promote once more in the future as five! SS501, Fighting! Triple S, Fighting! Yay!
Chapter 9: AWWWW~ Seriously, I'm gonna cry because of this! SS501 is the very first group that I was hooked with! Kyujong is my bias but I learned to just love them all! I just wish that they will have their comeback because I know that many Triple S just like me are waiting for such event! If that happens, I'll be as happy as hell! Kyujong will be out of the army this year! I want them to be together again! XD
Triple S forever!