Sweet Kiss

Sweet Kiss

You stare out the window, watching the raindrops make their way down the windowpane, blurring everything on the other side of the glass. In the distance, you hear thunder rumbling faintly.

“The sky isn’t in a very good mood today,” you murmur.

“No, it isn’t,” Minseok agrees. His arms are wrapped around you as the two of you sit on the couch, looking out. His chin is resting lightly on top of your right shoulder. You close your eyes, feeling comfort in the way his chest is against your back, warming your body.

You enjoyed days like these. Days where Minseok was free and was able to spend time with you even if it meant simply embracing each other as you were doing now. All the days where he was gone to practice or perform didn’t matter anymore at moments like this. The only important thing was that Minseok was here with you.

“Maybe the sky is crying because it’s lonely and doesn’t have anyone to be happy with,” you say quietly.

Minseok takes one of your hands and absentmindedly starts drawing mini hearts on it. He’s silent for a minute, thinking.

“Do you cry when you feel lonely?” he asks softly. You answer honestly, having no reason to ever lie to Minseok.

“Sometimes,” you confess in a whisper. You feel Minseok take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I’m sorry,” he says as he kisses the crook of your neck tenderly in apology.

You turn your face to look at him in the eye. You see his round dark brown eyes twinkle with regret. Inwardly, you melt at the sight of him. You always do. Whenever you look into his honest eyes, you can’t help but fall deeper in love with him.

“Don’t be. Because all my tears of loneliness are replaced with tears of happiness whenever I’m with you, Minseok,” you say with love laced into every word you speak. “You are my source of happiness, not my sadness. Remember that,” you say with an encouraging smile.

Minseok smiles back and gently kisses your lips. It’s a soft but loving kiss. The kind that makes all the bones in your body simply liquefy from the overdose of love.

He draws back from the kiss after a while and stares at you, studying every little feature of you.

“I love you,” he says. And you could tell that he truly meant it. You open your mouth to respond when your stomach protests with a growl.

You pause at the unexpected interruption and look at Minseok with a sheepish grin. Minseok laughs at your expression and swiftly kisses your nose.

“Aigoo, I think someone’s a little hungry,” he chuckles. He unravels himself from you and stands up. He extends his hands to you, helping you up from the couch. Minseok puts an arm around your waist and leads you to the kitchen.

He opens the refrigerator and the freezer and inspects the contents inside.

“Hm, too early to eat dinner….ramyun is unhealthy for my lady….pancakes? Why do we have pancakes? Let’s see….” Minseok mumbles to himself as he looks for the perfect snack. A minute later, he comes out of the freezer with a tub of ice cream in his hand.

“Tada~ ice cream for my one and only lady. And it’s your favorite too, strawberry,” Minseok says sweetly.

“You forgot one thing,” you say as you move toward the freezer. “Coffee ice cream, your favorite,” you say as you present a tub of coffee ice cream.

You get a spoon, scoop some coffee flavored ice cream, and hold it out in front of Minseok’s mouth.

In response, Minseok obediently opens his mouth and eats the ice cream from the spoon you are holding. He closes his eyes and sighs as it melts and the flavor fills his mouth. Once he swallows, Minseok opens his eyes and gives you a thumbs up.

Then he holds out a spoonful of strawberry ice cream towards you. Eagerly, you lean forward and take the ice cream into your mouth. The coolness of the dessert causes an involuntary moan to slip out of your mouth, causing Minseok to laugh at you.

“Your turn,” you say in a lilting voice as you hold out the spoon again. He ate it and scooped some of the strawberry ice cream in return.

You open your mouth to receive the delectable snack when Minseok unpredictably fed himself the strawberry ice cream.

“Mmmmm it tastes so good,” Minseok teased.

“But that’s my strawberry ice cream,” you protest with a small pout. Minseok just raised one of his eyebrows with a faint smile on his lips. “I want my ice cream,” you say in a low voice as you move closer to him.

Wordlessly, Minseok watches you slowly take a step towards him. His eyes never leaving yours.

You get close enough to the point where the tip of your nose is nearly touching his. Your head tilts slightly and your lips hover over his for a few seconds. Minseok stays absolutely still, holding his breath, allowing you to dictate the next move.

Then your lips come down onto his and you taste the mix of strawberry and coffee ice cream. A sigh of content escapes your through your lips. It’s perfect.

Minseok’s arms envelop around you as he pulls you in closer. And your own arms go around his neck as the two of you share a sweet kiss.

This time you are the one who pulls back. You go on your tiptoes and make sure your eyes are aligned with his.

“I love you too, Kim Minseok.”

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Chapter 1: Very-very so fluffy! Cute and romantic at one time! Great fic!
Chapter 1: so fluffy!
cute story btw~
14goingon15 #3
Chapter 1: realy fluffy and sweet yet simple love it
Chapter 1: omo,melting!!
Chapter 1: Really sweet!