Chapter 6

Identity Crisis

A/N - Last chapter you guys!! I'll just say, "prepare the shoes."

“If I can’t have you, I will just live for you

If it’s you, I’m ready to get hurt as much as I can

Look carefully at what I’m going to do now

If it’s you, I don’t care about saving my body

Just say the name, whoever it is, I will bring them all here

Tick tock tick tock, may it all be fulfilled” – VIXX ‘Voodoo’

The first thing that occurred to Baekhyun was the fact that he wasn’t wrapped up in his ‘Supernatural’ blankets. Instant alarm bells rang in his head. What the hell was going on? His eyes shot open and he instantly recognized the thick array of cobwebs on the ceiling. Everything that had happened the night before rushed back into his mind and he sat up in horror, scrambling for the mini digital clock on the dressing table to check the time. He should have been at the café an hour ago! But why was he alone in bed? Baekhyun seemed to stop breathing as he heard the expectant tap-tap of a shoe on the worn, wooden floor. He slowly turned.

The taller male sat on one of the chairs by the bed, observing him with dark, dispassionate eyes. Baekhyun’s mouth went dry. The male stood up and made his way over to Baekhyun. Baekhyun shrank away in sudden fear. His chin was grabbed by an index finger and thumb and he was yanked forwards to look at the male in the eyes. Baekhyun felt cold and all he wanted to do was to run away, scramble up the bed and jump out the window into the overgrown yard below.

“Morning Princess, how are you feeling?” the deep voice asked.

“I have to go to the café and you know it, why did you bring me here?” Baekhyun asked, shakily.

“It seems we still have things to sort out, isn’t that right, Baekhyunnie?” he hissed at Baekhyun, eyes cold and unusually hard. Baekhyun had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling about that day. His mind was screaming at him to run, but his body was paralyzed in fear. Baekhyun was almost never wrong when it came to bad feelings. His mind tried to shake him awake, but he couldn’t even breathe. Just as he was about to bolt and run, he was struck across the face. “You are nothing but a and a -! You hear me?” the male shouted.

Baekhyun curled up on the mattress, crying and whimpering as blows rained down on him. His hair was grabbed and he was dragged off the bed, landing painfully on the ground. He was kicked repeatedly and violently. The back of his neck was grabbed and he was pulled up to face the male, crying, his swollen eyes squeezed shut as tears rolled out incessantly.

“Tell me Baekhyunnie, how many times did he touch you?” the male hissed in Baekhyun’s ear. Baekhyun tried to struggle away, silently crying. He was punched in the face. “Didn’t you hear me, you ? I asked you, how many times did you let that er touch you that he left marks that I can see?” the shout was followed by kicks and pained cries.

Baekhyun curled up into a tiny ball, shielding his head.

Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol…

“Evidently you refuse to open your mouth.” Baekhyun was pulled up and shaken violently. “Who is it that you love, huh, Baekhyun?” the male shouted in his face.

“You! I love you! Please, please…I love you!” Baekhyun cried.

“ing-lying-, I’ll teach you who to lie to!” Baekhyun was thrown onto the bed.

“No please, please listen to me! Please!” Baekhyun cried.


“Bloody hell, Xi Luhan, today is my off day, let me sleep in,” groaned Kris when he picked up his phone to hear the blonde screeching on the other end. Kris tried to pull his blankets over him more in an attempt to secure the warmth that was escaping. Hopefully, as soon as Luhan was done yelling at him, he could go back to sleep, wake up late and take a nice, warm shower.

“Are you even listening to me, you giant oaf? Baekhyun is missing!” Luhan shouted again.

“So you want me to go and search for him again…” Kris sighed.


“Maybe Chanyeol and he were at it again and both of them refuse to wake up…” Kris was really trying to sleep.

“They aren’t answering their phones, you dimwit!” Luhan snapped.


“Get out of your bed and go find Baekhyun before I march over to your house and strangle you to death!” Luhan shouted. Kris sat up, rubbing his head, a pout on his face as he tried to wake up from his half asleep state.

“Wait a moment. Is that even fair? You’ll kill me when it’s not even my fault?” Kris whined into the phone.

“If I kill you, it will bring less harm to my café, now get out of bed and find Baekhyun for me, now,” Luhan sounded scary over the phone. Kris scrambled out of bed and was in his car in record time. First stop, Seoul Forest. It was closer anyways. Baekhyun wasn’t there. Second stop, Baekhyun’s apartment. Kris got to Baekhyun’s floor and froze. People were outside of Baekhyun’s apartment and peering inside.

“Move out of the way!” Kris demanded. He got to the front. Baekhyun’s door was wide open. He ran into the house. Baekhyun’s phone was on the bed. Kris’ eyes widened. What was happening? He ran back out to the neighbors. “Where is Baekhyun?” he asked. The neighbors all started to walk away. “My name is Detective Wu Yi Fan. Someone tell me what is going on right now before I take all of you in for investigation!” Kris shouted. Everyone hesitantly looked at him.

“We don’t have CCTV here, but my son last night saw someone carrying Baekhyun out of the apartment complex, he says Baekhyun was struggling. I wouldn’t pay much attention to that though, my son was drunk last night,” said one woman.

“!” Kris hissed. He ran out of the apartment complex and got into his car. He started driving away while phoning up Luhan.

“Well, did you find him?” Luhan snapped as soon as he picked up the phone.

“Luhan, Baekhyun has been kidnapped by the guy who abuses him. We need to find him fast. More than that, I don’t want you to utter a word to Chanyeol. He can’t know.” Kris said.


Baekhyun lay there, crying. He was very close to falling into a state of unconsciousness and he didn’t want to faint, he needed to run away. Baekhyun was kicked in the stomach. He curled up, whimpering as the man quickly cleaned Baekhyun of all evidence of . He gathered everything into a small plastic bag and threw it into the open drainage system on the side of the road. Baekhyun started to crawl away, slowly and weakly. The hair at the back of his head was grabbed and he was yanked backwards.

“I enjoyed you while I could, Princess, but now you’ll have to say goodbye,” Baekhyun tried to wriggle away, shivering in fear as he saw the row of pearly, white teeth glow in the dark. Baekhyun’s eyes widened in horror as he saw a knife glint in the dark.

“Please, no please! Tell me what you want! Please!” Baekhyun cried.

“Hello? Baekhyun hyung?” a voice gasped.

Baekhyun choked on his tears.

“No! Jongin, get out of here! Now!” Baekhyun cried trying to struggle free.

“Baekhyun hyung!” Jongin ran at the man that held Baekhyun in an attempt to help Baekhyun escape. The man easily evaded Jongin, tripping him. Jongin let out a cry and fell on top of Baekhyun. Jongin looked down at Baekhyun with scared eyes. “Hyung…” Baekhyun saw the man stand up behind Jongin and raise the knife.

“Jongin! Watch out!” Baekhyun screamed. Baekhyun heard the sickening sound of the knife being plunged into Jongin’s side. “No! Jongin, Jongin!” Baekhyun screamed. Jongin staggered to his feet and he was kicked in the face, landing on the ground and there was the sound of a painful crack. “Jongin!” The man walked over to Jongin raising the knife. Baekhyun stumbled to his feet and ran at the man, sending him to the ground. “Jongin, get out of here! Go the hospital!”

“But hyung-”

“Get out of here! For Kyungsoo!”

Jongin got to his feet and ran off, clutching his side as Baekhyun was pinned to the ground again. Baekhyun cried and tried to struggle away as he was hit without rest. Baekhyun felt himself slowly slipping away. And then the light of a flashlight was trained on them.


“I’m sorry, the café is closing because of a certain emergency,” Luhan bowed to the customers and ushered them out. A tense and frantic Kris stood by the counter as Luhan very politely threw his customers out of the café. Sehun looked at Luhan with wide eyes. “I’m sorry, Sehun, but you need to go too,” Luhan nodded. Sehun looked like a kicked puppy.

“I can help with whatever is going on,” said Sehun.

“Let him stay,” Kris sighed, rubbing his forehead.

They locked the café doors and Luhan hurried over to Kris, Sehun following him in concern. Luhan looked up at Kris, worry etched all over his usually pretty features. It was raining outside and people were running around frantically. The air inside the café was boiling over with tension.

“What’s going on? Where’s Baekhyun?” Luhan asked.

“Kidnapped. Luhan, I need you to tell me everything you know about the man Baekhyun’s attached to,” said Kris in worry.

“I don’t know if Baekhyun’s emotionally attached or not, but with the way he keeps going back there, there probably is some kind of weird emotional involvement,” said Luhan putting his hand in his hair as he tried to remember anything that Baekhyun had told him. “I remember that they had a set of rules before. He wouldn’t mark Baekhyun in visible places so that Baekhyun would carry on with life. He would call Baekhyun only when Baekhyun was at home, which meant only in the evening and they had certain days arranged. But it seems like all those rules were broken one by one and Baekhyun did nothing about it,” Luhan said.

“There is probably some kind of sick deal. I bet you that he’s holding some kind of threat above Baekhyun’s head that Baekhyun can’t deal with,” said Kris.

“Emotional attachment,” Sehun spoke up. “It can’t be a deal. You’re his friend and you’re a police officer. He has that advantage. If this has been going on for a while then there must be some kind of emotional attachment. I have a friend named Yixing who was abused by his step-father. He’s the guy that was here with me that first day. At first he wanted to tell everyone, but he couldn’t, for his mom he kept quiet, sooner or later he developed an emotional attachment to his step-father very similar to the Stockholm syndrome. But after I found out, I told the school counselor to report it to the police. Everything is fine now. ”

“How did you…” Luhan looked up at Sehun in awe.

“I’m a psychology student,” Sehun shrugged.

“Good. Luhan, tell him everything, I’m going to go ahead and hunt for Baekhyun. Sehun, why don’t you hear the story and then Luhan, you can send him over to Baek’s house to search for clues,” Kris said.

Luhan nodded.

Kris ran out of the café and got into his car. He phoned up Tao.

“Yes Yifan-ge?” Tao asked into the phone, happily.

“Can you wait outside of the police station for me? We need to go to Dongguk University.”

“Dongguk University?” Tao cried in surprise and Kris heard something fall.

“My best friend’s missing, I think it has to do with the stalker issue that he had three years ago. I need your help,”


“Baekhyun is the kid who’s always here with me behind the counter, remember him?” Luhan asked Sehun, pacing back and forth, nearly panicking. Sehun caught Luhan’s arm and pulled him close, gently rubbing his thumbs on the back of Luhan’s hands.

“Yes, I do remember. But I need you to relax first, OK? Relax and then tell me what’s going on, you got that?” Sehun asked with a gentle, reassuring smile. Luhan breathed in deeply, trying to calm himself.

“Right. Baekhyun’s boyfriend is a goofy and cute looking guy named Chanyeol. Before they both got together, they were in the same class together and they both liked each other. Baekhyun had a stalker issue and one night he got and there was even a murder involved.” Luhan looked up at Sehun who was patiently and expressionlessly listening to him. “Chanyeol suffered from trauma after the incident because he’s the one that rescued Baekhyun and he forgot everything that happened. After that Baekhyun started seeing this unknown guy who he had an unhealthy physical relationship with. We all said that the guy abused Baekhyun, but Baekhyun kept telling us that the guy loved him. Chanyeol knows about Baekhyun’s relationship, but then both of them love each other so much that they just you know…are in a relationship. But it seems like Baekhyun was kidnapped by that guy last night. We need to find him. Earlier it wasn’t much, but now he’s even started hitting Baekhyun,” said Luhan.

“Got it, give me Baekhyun hyung’s address and I’ll go and take a look around his apartment for clues,” Sehun said.

Luhan sighed and quickly texted Baekhyun's address to Sehun. Sehun smiled at Luhan.

“We’ll find him, don’t worry,”

Sehun got into a taxi and arrived at the apartment complex. It was a little shady and definitely meant for those who didn’t really have that much. Sehun got into the building and climbed up the stairs to Baekhyun’s floor since the elevator was broken. He chased a couple of neighbors out of the house and checked their pockets to make sure they hadn’t taken any valuables. Sehun shut the front door and started searching through Baekhyun’s things, very carefully putting them back into place. This was a situation where Luhan needed him and he couldn’t afford to screw it up.

From what he could see, Baekhyun was almost never at his house. He shifted through everything and folded the particularly appalling ‘Supernatural’ blankets. Sehun was confused, what could possibly have happened? Baekhyun seemed to be very adept at hiding his darker life. Sehun sat down on the bed and thought.

A lot of people who went through such things never revealed them because they were ashamed and scared. More than often it was brainwashing during the abuse, they actually started to believe that they were weak and needed the other to survive; they needed someone to depend on. But Baekhyun’s case was different. Baekhyun lived in his own apartment, made Ramyun for himself, watched ‘Supernatural’ and seemed to enjoy drinking, going to party and midnight snacks. They were all the signs of someone who lived independently.

It wasn’t a threat or deal like Kris suggested. Baekhyun didn’t seem to have anything to hide from his friends who seemed to accept anything from him. Unless Baekhyun was protecting someone else. If Baekhyun was protecting someone, why was he kidnapped instead of someone close to him being threatened? Baekhyun didn’t seem to have many friends. From what Sehun had heard of Baekhyun, he liked to isolate himself. So it was probably just Kris, Luhan and that Chanyeol guy.

Sehun was so confused.

He sighed and stood up, the back of his legs were kissing the mattress. And then he felt something poke the back of his legs. Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, he bent down and noticed a card sticking out from in between the bed frame and the mattress. He pulled it out and his eyes narrowed.

Dr. Kim Min Seok

Expert Psychiatrist

The card was worn out like it had been used several times. What need did Baekhyun have of a psychiatrist? Sehun studied the address and then ran out of the house, hailing a taxi and heading over to the private clinic. He entered and told the receptionist that he urgently needed to meet the doctor. The receptionist led him into the room. A red headed, round cheeked male in a doctor’s coat sat in the chair behind a large white desk.

“Yes Oh Sehun, how can I help you?” Minseok smiled.

“Byun Baekhyun. How do you know him and why did he come here?” Sehun asked.

“I’m afraid I don’t give away the personal information of my patients,” Minseok said, smile slipping off his face.

“For heaven’s sake! Baekhyun’s been kidnapped!” Sehun snapped, slapping the worn out business card onto the table with alarming ferocity and strength.

“You won’t understand it, boy, Baekhyun himself had the most tough time understanding it,” said Minseok. Sehun smirked and sat down across from Minseok, crossing one leg over the other and folding his hands together, glaring at Minseok.

“Try me, I’m a psychology major at the top of my class.”

“You asked for it,”


Kris dragged himself back into the café where Luhan rushed over to him and sat him down on a seat, peering at his face in concern. Kris looked up at Luhan who looked at his face hopefully. Kris shook his head and sighed in exhaustion and distress. Luhan closed his eyes and released his pent up breath, falling back onto the chair behind him. Kris bit his lip and stared down at his hands. He had tried so hard, he really had. But the only information he got was that Baekhyun never talked to anyone except for Chanyeol so no one knew anything. Tao had left him, promising to do his own searching through street CCTVs.

“Where could Baekhyun be? This is so frustrating!” Kris cried.

“You haven’t told Chanyeol yet, have you?” Luhan asked Kris.

“No, I really don’t think we should. Chanyeol could panic and go into a fit, and that is much more than we can handle at the current moment,” said Kris, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. “Plus, it’s not like we can tell him. He’s in Busan right now for a promotion and he won’t be back till tomorrow. He left this morning.” Kris leaned back in his seat. “Any news from your kid?”

“I sent Sehun off about an hour ago, he probably is still searching. We all know how good Baekhyun is at hiding stuff,” Luhan said.

“A week before the statute of limitations for his case ends and he disappears!” Kris cried.

Luhan sat up straight and Kris realized what he just said. He straightened up and looked at Luhan with wide eyes. Kris felt horror crawl into him and Luhan looked like he was going to throw up. Kris wanted to bang his head against a wall repeatedly for not thinking of this earlier.

“What did you just say?” Luhan whispered to Kris.

“Damn it, Luhan……”

“Wu Yi Fan, why didn’t I know about this?” Luhan asked.

“I didn’t think you would need to know this…” Kris said softly.

“Are you ing insane? Are you trying to get Baekhyun killed?” Luhan shrieked. “You should’ve told everyone around Baekhyun!”

“Bloody hell!”

“You’re telling me, that the murderer is still out there and you left Baekhyun unprotected?” Luhan almost crawled over the table to claw Kris’ face off.

“I didn’t think that-”

“That what? That he wouldn’t come back for Baekhyun just because Chanyeol showed up just in the nick of time! What if Baekhyun’s dead right now?” Luhan screamed.

“His stalker is still after him!” Kris cried. “The man Baekhyun is in a relationship with is his stalker!” Kris cried. Luhan froze and looked at Kris with wide eyes, suddenly pale in the face. Luhan looked very, very sick out of the blue. Kris stared back at Luhan, wondering what was wrong with the sharp tongued Chinese blonde.

“What are you talking about?” Luhan whispered.

Kris blinked.

“Don’t you get it? The man Baekhyun has a physical relationship with is his stalker,” said Kris.

“Didn’t Baekhyun tell you?”

“Tell me what? Heck, Baekhyun never told me anything!” said Kris.

“You’ve been after his stalker this whole time?” Luhan whispered.


“Kris…Baekhyun’s stalker…” Luhan stuttered. “Baekhyun’s stalker was his Biology Teacher. Bang Yong Guk.”

Kris started to his feet.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Kris shouted.

“I just said it! Baekhyun told me with his own mouth that his stalker was Bang Yong Guk!” Luhan screamed, getting to his feet.

“But Bang Yong Guk is dead!” Kris shouted.

“Exactly!” Luhan shrieked.

“Who the hell killed Baekhyun’s stalker?” Kris shouted.

“Do I look like I know? Nobody knows!” Luhan shouted.

“Kim Jongin knows,” said Kris, gritting his teeth. He marched out the door and drove to Dongguk University once again. He asked where Jongin was and then stormed into the class. “May I please speak to Kim Jongin?” Kris politely asked the teacher. A wide eyed Jongin followed him out of the class and into an empty hallway. Kris grabbed his collar and shoved him against a wall. “Spill it, kid,”

“What?” Jongin asked.

“Not so nervous anymore, huh?” Kris hissed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, let go of me,” Jongin snapped.

“Now that I think about it, you’re the kid from the hospital aren’t you?” Kris asked.

“Let go of me!”

“Baekhyun’s been kidnapped, I need to know what happened three years ago.” Kris said. Jongin stared at Kris with wide eyes.

“Baekhyun hyung’s been kidnapped?”

“So spill before Baekhyun gets killed!”

“OK, OK, I only know some things!” Jongin took a deep breath. “Baekhyun’s stalker was his Biology Teacher named Bang Yong Guk. Yong Guk completely hated Chanyeol because Baekhyun was in love with him. Yongguk tricked Baekhyun out of his house and Baekhyun ran towards Chanyeol’s house when Yongguk caught him on the street, dragged him into a small alley and him. Yongguk was going to kill Baekhyun, but I was coming back home from the library and I tried to stop him but I got stabbed, OK? I was going to continue helping but then Baekhyun hyung told me to get away, he convinced me to. When I woke up at the hospital and you guys were questioning me I was going to tell you. But Baekhyun hyung shook his head at me, so I kept quiet. I asked him later why he made me do it. He said that Yongguk was killed and he didn’t want it getting bigger.” Jongin said. “He didn’t want to tell me whether he knew the killer or not though,” said Jongin. “He said he wouldn’t say anything because, technically the killer did save his life, right?”

“Oh no,” Kris said in realization. He let go of Jongin and ran out of the University. He got into the car and drove off. Just as he hit the highway his phone rang. He picked it up.

“I found out who it is!” Sehun shouted.

“I know!” Kris shouted back.

“Dissociative Identity Disorder! Bloody hell! I didn’t even think of it! It’s the Dissociative Identity Disorder!” Sehun shouted.

“I’ll call you later,” Kris cut the call and then phoned up Tao.

“Yes, Yifan-ge?”

“Track this number for me, will you?”


Baekhyun woke up to find himself wrapped in the same arms that he passed out in. Everything hurt, he couldn’t move and he really wanted to cry. Baekhyun had gone through this before, when Chanyeol first showed up to run after him. He had had a lot of trouble, but it had gone away. At least, Baekhyun had thought so, but apparently not. Baekhyun wanted to fall back into the black world of sleep. Just as he was about to doze off he heard pounding footsteps. Baekhyun sat up, dragging the male next to him out of his slumber. The male next to him sat up as well as the door slammed open.

“Don’t any of you dare to move or I swear I will shoot!” Kris shouted, holding up his gun.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened and the next thing he knew was that he was crying.

“What the is going on here?” Kris shouted.

“Kris, Kris please, please,” Baekhyun started crawling towards his best friend, sobbing.

“Baekhyun, get back here,” the deep voice behind him ordered.

“Don’t you dare move!” Kris shouted at the male behind Baekhyun. Baekhyun continued crawling towards Kris, crying.

“Please, please, please…” Baekhyun sobbed.

“Baekhyun get back here, now,” ordered the male behind him. Baekhyun paid no attention to him. “Get back here if you love me!” the sharp statement cut through the air and Baekhyun paused for only a moment before he continued crawling towards Kris, pleading with his best friend to listen to him. “Byun Baekhyun!” the male behind Baekhyun launched himself at him.

Baekhyun’s heart stopped for a beat when he heard the gunshot and then a limp body fell on his lower body. He spun around to face the male.

“No! No! Oh God! Please no!” Baekhyun screamed. He pulled the male closer and quickly tried to stanch the bleeding with his hand. “No, no! Look at me! No!”

“You-” blood was coughed out of the male’s mouth and landed on Baekhyun. “You don’t love me,”

Baekhyun let out a scream of agony and put his head down on the male’s chest crying.

“I told you, I love you and only you,” Baekhyun sobbed, his face getting smeared with blood. “I love you…” Baekhyun cried even more as Kris sank to the ground, gun slipping out of his hands in utter horror. “I love you…I love you…I love you…” Baekhyun repeated over and over again as if it could save the dying man.

“Baekhyunnie? Why are you crying?” the male asked, only this time the tone was different and more innocent. “I feel numb and tired,”

Baekhyun’s head shot up.

“No, no, no…Chanyeol look at me! Look at me please!” Baekhyun cried.

Chanyeol raised his hand to Baekhyun’s face and he it.

“Don’t cry,” he smiled brightly, the first genuine smile Baekhyun had seen on Chanyeol’s face in days. And then Chanyeol’s hand slipped from Baekhyun’s face.

“No! No, Chanyeol! Chanyeol please! Look at me! Chanyeol! CHANYEOL!”


Kris put the file down on the desk, his skin was ashen.


“Accused, Park Chanyeol. Killed in action. Victim, Byun Baekhyun. He is under six months house arrest. Baekhyun was stalked and by his Biology teacher Bang Yong Guk three years ago. Baekhyun was fooled out of his house and he went towards Park Chanyeol’s house when he was attacked and . Witness, Kim Jongin. He has been fined heavily and will be doing duty for the police for three months. Jongin was Baekhyun’s tutee. He tried to save Baekhyun but got stabbed in the process. Baekhyun convinced him to run away. Yong Guk was going to kill him, but that was when Chanyeol came into the scene. Driven by panic and the desire to protect Baekhyun, Chanyeol accidentally killed Bang Yong Guk. Chanyeol suffered from severe trauma and forgot the incident. Baekhyun cleared his name because they both were in love with each other. Due to the severe trauma, Chanyeol also developed a mental disorder called the Dissociative Identity Disorder or the Multiple Personality Disorder. In simpler words, he could think he was two different people. With the help of Xi Luhan, Baekhyun’s colleague and friend and Oh Sehun, a Psychology Major, I found Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun. There, Park Chanyeol was killed in action,” Kris said.

“Well done Detective Wu,” the officer said.

Kris smiled weakly.

“I’m to understand that Byun Baekhyun is your friend?”

And so was Chanyeol…

“Yes sir,”

“Take care of him,”

“I will sir,”

Kris walked out of the office. Tao was waiting for him anxiously. Kris walked past him and went straight to the rest room where he threw up. Tao watched him with eyes filled with sorrow and sympathy. Kris straightened up. He walked towards the door to the main building.

“Yifan-ge,” said Tao. Kris froze, he wanted to cry. “I’m sorry,”

Kris was out the door, grabbing the tteokbokki he had bought for Baekhyun and sitting in his car. He drove to Baekhyun’s apartment complex and went to Baekhyun’s door. A police officer stood outside of it. Kris flashed his ID at the man and he was let in.

Baekhyun’s house was an utter mess. Kris stepped over a fallen chair and walked into Baekhyun’s room where Baekhyun sat in a corner. Baekhyun looked sick and pale, tear tracks covered his face and his skin was covered in scratches and cuts. He was covered pathetically by the ‘Supernatural’ blankets that Chanyeol had bought him. Kris walked over to his friend.

“Baek…” Kris reached for the trembling boy’s shoulder.

“Don’t touch me,” Baekhyun’s voice was hoarse and wobbly. Kris’ heart clenched painfully.

“Baek I-” Kris put his hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder.

“I said DON’T TOUCH ME!” Baekhyun screamed, shoving Kris away and crying. To Kris’ horror, Baekhyun began to scratch away at the skin he had touched as if trying to get rid of it. Blood seeped out as skin was scraped off, Baekhyun cried more.

“Baekhyun stop!” Kris cried, grabbing Baekhyun’s wrists to stop him.

“Don’t touch me!” Baekhyun screamed, shoving him away. Kris landed on the ground, a broken piece of glass cutting into his palm. “Stay away from me! I hate you! I hate you so much!” Baekhyun screamed. His sobs intensified. “Why did you shoot him? You could have arrested him!” Baekhyun screamed. “I hate you!” Baekhyun glared at Kris. “I loved him Kris, I loved him so much! He was my life and you killed him! I hate you, you heartless, sick bastard!” Baekhyun screamed. He curled up even more, crying.

Kris slowly got to his feet, shocked by how far Baekhyun had been pushed to the brink of insanity already. He picked up the bag filled with delicious street food and held it out to Baekhyun.

“I got this for you,” he said dully.

Baekhyun threw it across the room where it hit the wall with a wet smack. Kris stared down at his ruined best friend.

“I’m sorry Baek. I thought he was going to hurt you,” Kris whispered.

Baekhyun looked up at Kris with wounded eyes, filled with such loss, Kris felt his knees get weak at the sight. Baekhyun was more than just heartbroken. Baekhyun was lost and Kris could do nothing to pull him back to the world of the living. Baekhyun was devoid of his soul. The only emotion Baekhyun knew now was pain and Kris didn’t know his best friend anymore. He didn’t know the broken creature that had taken over his best friend’s body.

“Chanyeol would have never hurt me,” Baekhyun whispered.

Kris swallowed hard and then turned and walked out, ignoring his bleeding palm. He stopped his car outside the closed café where Sehun was comforting Luhan. Luhan looked at him with large swollen eyes. His nose was red and his face was bloated.

“How is he?” Luhan whispered.

“Bad,” Kris answered sitting down.

Silence reigned in the café which was interrupted by the crackle of Kris’ walkie-talkie.

“Byun Baekhyun under surveillance at Sunshine Apartments jumped off of his balcony. Instant death.”

Luhan fell to the ground, a gasp escaping his mouth.

“Idiot,” Kris hissed, punching the display. Following the sound of breaking glass was a stream of curses as Kris’ wrist bled dark red blood all over the pink and chocolate cupcakes.

“Just seeing you smile once is enough for me

I’ll do everything that you want, for you

Even if my remaining life decreases

Whoever it is, look carefully, don’t make her cry

I have nothing more to lose

The sadness in my heart that no one knows about

Tick tock tick tock, may it all disappear” – VIXX ‘Voodoo’


A/N - aaaaaand~ it is done. OH MY GOD. I have been working on this since April. This is insane!!!! It's finally done **holding up the shield for deflecting shoes**. Yes, I killed Chanyeol, sorry you guys...I love Chanyeollie, I really do. It just happened...I would've killed Kris or Luhan if it had hit me too!!! Oh, another thing...I have noticed that I have A LOT of silent readers...come on you guys!!! Say SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! I want to feel happy. I want to know if this story drove you insane or not. I will not be doing a sequel, no thank you, and I don't even see how there possibly CAN be one. I may write something suggested to me by the first person that spots an idol in here that is not apart of EXO and is not Bang Yongguk or Seohyun. Anyways, Chen here shows how I feel right now, isn't he so sweet?

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Chapter 8: Omg that was so good a masterpiece truly.... I was hooked from start to end..... The plot,characters, suspense everything was perfect....very well written great work... Loved it
yiseulbi #2
Chapter 8: To be honest, i thought of chanyeol having a mental disorder did occur me. I still cried though at the end. Nevertheless, this story is really beautiful and well-written. It really amazed me that Baekhyun still wanted to save Chanyeol, one way or another and it kinda broke my heart when Baekhyun killed himself. I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for this amazing story, author!:)
Chapter 8: Chanyeol ㅠㅠ but oh wow this was so perfect! I really wanted to read a psychological story like this and this was just perfect! Everything was really on point and such a well formed story. You did such a good job writing it. And the plot twist was incredible. Honestly, it wouldn't be hard to figure everything out if you didn't wrap up the story so well. There were many hints in the story but then you make it seem like it isn't it. First it was pointed that Yongguk was dead and that Bang was his teacher and later when we found out that Bang was a stalker we could've figured out he died that night. Chanyeol was such a nice guy, so it always surprises me when such a twist happens. And I had some thoughts whether he was the abusive one, but whenever I had that thought I was like no it can't be. Because Baekhyun was feeling so guilty whenever he was with sweet Chanyeol and how he regreted it. But it makes sense how Baekhyun said to both of them that he loved only him. It was basically true. But then again it's the guilt again that got me thinking otherwise. There is one scene that I don't really know how it went tho... when Baekhyun was going out but then Chanyeol and the others came to dinner... when Baekhyun texted him, it should already be to the other Chanyeol since he said he couldn't meet? But the nice Chanyeol was already there so why would he text him? Sometimes I get a little confused with who is who hehe >< What attracts me with this story is especially how neither of them were in their right minds. How Baekhyun still loved Chanyeol after all of that, and how I really liked how he didn't get over his death just like that. I'd be a little disappointed if that were the case. But this was really the perfect ending. That Baekhyun had gone a little crazy too, that he really loved Chanyeol so much. That he couldn't live without him >< Damn, this story is really a whole package. I really enjoyed reading this. The characters were perfect and so on point- I liked even the supporting roles, they were all so good, the whole story just got me so absorbed in it, I just couldn't stop reading.... it's like 3am and I have to het up in like 3 hours bit I just wanted to say how much I loved this! Thank you so much for writing this masterpiece, I am so co ntent with this story. Seriously it's really perfect. I don't even wanna know how many times I've said this already ><
Honestly I didn't think I'd like it this much, but especially with this kind of ending it really suited so well. Thank you again, lots of love ❤❤❤
Chapter 7: I did not expect that ending... This story was amazing and heartbreaking ❤️ ?
Chapter 7: Scaryyyy...
Chapter 7: Oh and sorry is there are some mistakes in my comment, my phone dictionary is in spanish.
Chapter 7: O my Goooooddd, ok so since the scene of baek's "diary" I knew that teacher was the stalker cause I think it was Kris who said baek didn't answer unknow numbers, and because of that I thought that maybe the dead man was a boyfriend of baek but then it was said he has been in love with chan almost since the start of college so If he was to kill everyone with feeling for Baekhyun he could just kill chan soooo I got confused. Thennnn baek said he owed his life to that man sooo connecting clues I was like "well maybe the stalker killed the man who him" I SWEAR IT DIDN'T WHEN THROUGHT MY HEAD THAT THE STALKER WAS ALREADY DEAD, the only thing I was like supeeeerrr sure is that the abuser killed the man who him. I still in shook you have nooooo idea of how much I enjoyed this, I was craaaviinng a good fic for so long and also it make me feel embarrassed cause I just started studying psycology, sooo yeah I feel dumb jiji but honestly I think I gonna read more from you.
_modelmaterial_ #8
I really loved this story tho since im at plot twists I didn't expect that ending at ing all man I was shook af
_modelmaterial_ #9
Chapter 8: Why couldn't he get Chanyeol help ? Its not like Chanyeol did anything