
Graduation Song

The orange rays of sunlight slowly seeping trough Minseok’s room as her phone strats blasting with Super Junior’s Blue World. Minseok groans, shutting her phone’s alarm off with closed eyes before she snuggles back in her bed comforters. The room goes silent again and Minseok could finally sleep again. Well, at least that is what she planned to do.

Her covers were suddenly yanked out of her reach as Baekhyun’s voice fills her room. Minseok groans and rolls over on her stomach, ignoring Baekhyun’s “Unnie, wake up!”s. Baekhyun puff her cheeks out. Waking up Minseok was the hardest part of her mornings to be completely honest. Why did she even agree to do this? “You’re the loudest in the house. It can’t be that hard to wake her up.” Baekhyun huffs. Well, guess what Junnie. It is hard to wake her up.

Baekhyun comes closer to the elder’s bed, shaking her body back and forth. “Unnieeeee, come on. Wake up!” Baekhyun tries but only earn a grunt from Minseok, not even the slightest of her eyes had open up. “5 more minutes…” The elder mumbles in her sleep. “No, c’mon unnieee! You need to wake up!!” Baekhyun tries yet again, only earning a “Get the out, Byun.” From Minseok, making Baekhyun’s face twitch annoyance. . Then a smirk went pass her lips when her brain’s light bulb lit up as an idea suddenly came to her head. Baekhyun stands straightly and let out a heavy sigh. “Aww, bummer. I heard BoA’s concert is getting nearer,” Minseok’s ears immediately perks up when her idol’s name had been spoken by the other girl. “And Wooyoung sunbae called me to ask you if you want an extra ticket. I don’t know. I guess I’ll tell him that you’re not interest –“

“I’m awake, I’m awake! Baek, give me your phone –“ Baekhyun’s laughter suddenly cuts her, filling the elder’s room with her high-pitched laughter as she clutches her stomach and hitting Minseok’s bed repeatedly. The elder gives the younger a nasty look, how dare you tricked me. “Oh my god, you should’ve seen your face! It was like –“ Baekhyun stops her sentence and mimicking Minseok’s previous expression which, Minseok refused to believe that her face could make such an expression. Baekhyun continues laughing and Minseok puffs her cheeks, cheeks going pink as she grunts a “ you.” Before storming off to the bathroom.

Junmyeon didn’t know a thing when she sees her unnie stomping towards the bathroom and slams the door, hard. Though the bark of laughter that is coming from Minseok’s room could tell her what had happened. Junmyeon sighs and shakes her head before continuing drinking her unfinished glass of milk. She needs to get taller for goodness sakes.




Minseok was the eldest among the three of them, unfortunately. She’s in her 11th grade of high school while her two idiots –erm, best friends slash housemates are in their 10th this year. So yeah, Minseok is all alone. Well, unlike her two best friends, Minseok doesn’t have that many friends. She isn’t a social person you could say. Minseok is quiet and shy –unless you put her with two girls who are named Byun Baekhyun and Kim Junmyeon of course.

Junmyeon is the school’s council president despite being a sophomore. Almost everyone in their school knows her and Junmyeon was a natural on making friends. And Baekhyun –well, Baekhyun isn’t anything special like Junmyeon but at least she can make a conversation with people. Not to mention her good sense of humor and her good looks.

Unlike the two, Minseok was different. She couldn’t even talk to anyone without blushing and stuttering. She also has a habit on hiding herself with loose and baggy clothes and covering her eyes with her long brown bangs.

“Stop wearing those horrible clothing would you?? Look, you should wear something like this!” Baekhyun says as she points at the clothes that are in her fashion magazine. Minseok takes a look and immediately snorts. “No way,” she says while shaking her head. “It’s too revealing Baek.”

“But unnie! It’s cute! You’re cute! It’ll suit you more way better than this.. thing.” Baekhyun says while motioning at the elder’s outfit. A pair of sweatpants and a big, black hoodie. Minseok flushes at the complement. “Oh shush you. It’s comfortable okay?”

Minseok sighs. She’s envy at her two friends, really.

“Unnie, stop hiding your face with your hair would you? You’re really pretty. Don’t hide and let everyone see you.” Junmyeon says with an assuring smile.

Minseok turns her head, looking towards a girl named Minah if she isn’t mistaken. Minseok snorts. Yeah right, Minseok shakes her head. Me? Pretty? You must be kidding me, Jun. It seems Minseok was too absorbed in her own thoughts as she didn’t noticed that the school’s bell has rung and the class room was already empty.

She didn’t even notice the boy who is walking towards her desk. “Hey,” the boy greets, his voice seems have managed to snap Minseok out of her dazed and she immediately looks up, blinking at the blonde boy that stood in front of her. Is he talking to me? Minseok turns her head to her right and then to her left before looking back up to the boy. “M-me?” Minseok stutters while pointing her index finger at herself. The blonde boy laughs, making Minseok flushes in embarrassment before he nods his head. “Well yeah. Do you see anyone else in here?”

Minseok flicks her bangs down, hiding her eyes as she tries to cover the blush on her face. “R-right. Erm, no. S-sorry.” Luhan smiles, amused by her cute actions as he takes a seat on the chair that is in front of Minseok’s desk. “So,” The boy props his elbows on the girl’s desk as he leans closer to her face, trying to find the girl’s face between those brown strands of hair. “Aren’t you going to grab lunch?” he asks.

“Uhh,” Minseok her lips. Also one of her habits when she talks to people. “M-maybe.” She answers. When Minseok looks up to face the boy, she was greeted by the boy’s face, eyes staring right at her while a small smile was playing at his lips. Minseok flushes. “Erm, i-is there something on my f-face?” She asks. And it seems Luhan was out of it and Minseok’s voice managed to snap him out from whatever he was thinking. His cheeks suddenly goes pink and he purposely coughs while fixing his collar. Wait, is he blushing?? Minseok immediately looks downwards as she blushes more at the thought. “Uh, no. Nothing. It’s nothing.” The blonde boy says.

“Luhan,” the boy suddenly says. Minseok looks up at the boy, immediately feeling her heart tugged by the boy’s friendly smile. The boy has delicate features on his face yet he still manage to look manly or rather, boyish. He offers Minseok his hand. “My name’s Luhan.”

Minseok looks at him hesitantly, looking back and forth between his face and his offering hand. Minseok eventually takes the other’s hand. “M-Minseok.” She says or rather, squeaks before retreating her hand from the boy because the tingly feeling was too much for her. Luhan chuckles before giving her a smile. Dear God, help me!

“Well then Minseok,” Luhan suddenly stands up, casually putting his hand in his pockets. “I’ll se you later?”

Minseok would’ve scream at him because, Of course you . We’re in the same class for ’s sakes but unfortunately, she’s shy as . “O-kay.”




Baekhyun was walking normally through the hall ways of their school, planning on finding her boyfriend, Chanyeol and maybe giving him a kiss but no, Junmyeon just had to drag her out of no where. Junmyeon drags her friend to Minseok’s class.

“Yah –What the hell, Jun?!”

“Sssttt! Keep your voice down you !” Junmyeon hisses. “Look,” She motions Baekhyun to the class’ window, urging her to take a peek on what’s going on in the classroom. Baekhyun raises her brow as she throws the other girl a look. “What? If it’s Chaerin and Jiyoung ing each other again, I rather not.” Baekhyun says, earning a hard smack from the other girl. “No, pabo! It’s Minseok unnie! Look.”

“What are you –Oh.” Baekhyun says as two figures come in to her sight. Minseok. Their Minseok. Talking. To a person. To a boy. And it’s only two of them.

“Yeah, oh.”

“Who is he though? I swear he seems familiar.”

“I don’t know but damn, look at his eyes.”

“Ew, gross. I could practically see the giant hearts in them.”

“Well, you should probably see yourself with Chanyeol.”

Smack. “Don’t. Bring. Chanyeol. In. This. You er.”

“Geez, sorry.”


“ –see you later?”

“Oh shoot, Jun. He’s going this way!”

The two immediately ducks their heads from the window, waiting for the boy to walk away and Junmyeon swears she saw him grinning like a maniac.

Junmyeon and Baekhyun look at each other. A smirk was playing on each of their lips. “Let’s go.”




“Care to explain who’s the blond boy you were talking to?”

The three of them are in their usual spot, under the blossom tree in the school’s yard. This place was the place where Baekhyun gotten her first kiss from Chanyeol and ever since that day she declared that this is where the three of them should meet up. Minseok and Junmyeon couldn’t say no to be honest. Minseok blinks at Junmyeon, her sandwich hangs in the sky as Minseok flushes immediately. “W-What are you talking about, Jun?”

“Don’t play dumb with us,” Baekhyun butts in. A smirk plastered on her face as she leans closer to the elder, stealing a bite of Minseok’s sandwich ignoring her “Hey!” before sitting back straight. “Your face says it all.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Unnie,” Junmyeon suddenly places her hand gently on the elder’s thigh. “Please tell us who he is. So we can slice him up like salami and fries him or something. Just in case he hurts you.”

“Yeah!” Baekhyun nods in agreement. “If he dares to touch without my permission, I’ll show him my infamous karate chop.”

“Since when you do karate, Byun?”

“Since three hours ago. I watched it on youtube. Look!” Baekhyun excitedly demonstrate her move, accidently (not really) hitting Junmyeon’s neck. “Oops. My bad.” Junmyeon gives her best friend a nasty look. She doesn’t even feel sorry for hitting her. .

Minseok snorts and let out a soft laugh. Seriously, Minseok swears she must got the weirdest, dumbest pair of best friends that you could get. Though, she can’t find herself complaining about that.

“Thanks. That means a lot.”

“So, are you going to tell us or what?”

“Ugh. Fine.”




Junmyeon got Art for her last subject of the day. Which is lucky because the teacher is one of her and Minseok’s and Baekhyun’s close friends. Baekhyun was also in the same class as her so yeah, she isn’t gonna be that lonely unlike somebody. Though, she wouldn’t even suspect that Kyuhyun wants her to be in the music room after school ends.


“Yes, sir?”

“Ah, please be in the music room after school ends okay? I need to tell you something.”

Junmyeon blinks. Questions was popping here and there in her head but she nods anyways. “Okay.”

And when school does ends, she would be lying if she isn’t surprise to see a fidgeting Minseok in the same room as her.



The two of them says it together, just standing there as they stare at each other in shock. “What are you doing here??” Junmyeon speaks up.

“I don’t know… Mr. Jung told me that Kyuhyun oppa needed me here.”

“Really? Me too.”

A knock on the door managed to grab their attention and the two girls whips their head to the direction of the door. There, stands a grinning Kyuhyun, leaning casually on the door’s frame. “Hello, girls. Grab a seat. I have something to tell you.”



“So, you know that your seniors are going to graduate, right?” Kyuhyun starts as the three of them had been seated in their own respective chairs. Minseok and Junmyeon nods their heads. “Well, the school decided to hold an event for their graduation. It’s like celebrating for them I guess? And there would be various of performances on that event.”

“So, what does that have to do with the two of us?” Minseok have a bad feeling for this event. And Minseok thinks Junmyeon is thinking the same thing as she is. Kyuhyun smiles. The two girls have already known him long enough to know that that smile isn’t a good sign for them.

“Well, the principal asked me to pick out some of the students to perform in case there is no one would willingly to do it. And yes, I picked the two of you to sing in front of everyone at the event and the principal was pleased to agree.”

Junmyeon blinks. "What??" 


The two girls says it together. Kyuhyun smirks. "You heard me,"

Kyuhyun suddenly stands up from his chair, and slowly walks to the door. "You got only a few months to prepare the performance. People expecting you two to be amazing." He grins and gave the girls a final wave. "Toodles."

When the door finally closes, Minseok and Junmyeon immediately let out a frustrated sigh as the elder slumps lifelessly on her chair. "Junnie... I can't do this. We can't do this."

"I know."

"We're gonna mess the whole thing."

"I know."

"We're going to be like Baekhyun in her 7th -"

"Minseok, i know. Can you not bring up 7th grade?? I was there too y'know."

"Sorry." Minseok mumbles. The two just sit there silently, waiting for Kyuhyun to comeback and tell them that this whole thing was cancelled or he found someone else to replace them or--

Oh, what do you know. Kyuhyun does comeback. "Oh! Minseok, Junmyeon. I forgot to tell you that your going to sing in a 4 member group. The other two can't be with you right now but they said they can on Friday. Good luck!"

Well damn, that's not what they expected to hear.


A/N : I swear the real thing is way more longer than this crappy chap urrgghhh

I ing hate my pc.

Like sriously.

I have writing for 5 ing hours and there were like 3.5k words for this chapter

But no, the ing mouse just had to click the x button and why the hell didn't i save it before

urrrghh i had to rewrite the whole thing and i'm sooo sleepy rn

sorry for my rant

See ya

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Laulaura #1
Chapter 4: I like this story
fem! Suho and Sehun is too much for me I can't even.............<3
lyra89 #3
Chapter 4: Oh my - what happened to my precious Suho?
Well, Sehun good luck with Suho. I'm sure you're going to get a punch XD
Aww Xiumin is so cute and so does Luhan kekeke~

Can't wait for your update. Gimme more Seho moments, please? XD
flottemo #4
Chapter 4: Luhan and Minseok be pairing tgt yaay and what happened with suho? Did sehun had just hit her with his basketball?
please update soon and make it more longer
flottemo #5
Chapter 3: I wanna see minseok and junmyeon dancing ma boy infront luhan and sehun, I bet luhan will nosebleed lol, luhaaan you're fallin in love really deep to minseokkie huh please update soon
Chapter 3: Luhan falls so deep for minseok. So cute ><
Cant wait to see xiuhan practice together.
Chapter 2: I love baekhyun character here. Bickering couple is my favorite too. And xiuhan mansee!!! And minseok will get a make over for their perform later? I'll wait your next update :)
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next update :)
booilikeyou #9
Chapter 2: My xiuhan feels! What a great story, can't wait for the next chapter:D I'm so glad I've found another great SeHo author, yaaaay!!^^<3 Update soon, author-nim!
flottemo #10
Chapter 2: silly baek is silly. How could you thought your unnie was pregnant. And Sehun-Junmyeon too, they're so childish. Too old for fight. Just dating you two.
Luhan is a nice guy, he's really sweet to Minseok. I love shy Minseok, and I love this fic. I hope there'll be so many xiuhan seho fluffy fluffy moment xD
Update ASAP please~