Damsel (not so) in Distress

Kiss With A Fist

Apparently, I was stuck with Aeri, because here I was, sitting at the ing front of the class next to her while Mr. Ahn talked his off about the viscosity of a liquid. I made notes here and there, since I had to at least try and get a decent grade, even if this isn't the subject I wish to pursue. 

"Miss Song, I understand you're new to the school." He bellowed to the class, more a statement than a question.

"Yes, sir." I answered as politely as I could as a bored-out-of-my-mind student.

"Since we're going to be doing an experiment this lesson, how about you familiarise yourself with the resources cupboard and get me mercury, sulphur and bicarbonate of soda, hm?" He basically orders. 

I nod my head once and slide out of the classroom, searching for the room named 'resources' which was obviously at the very end of the ing corridor. I sneered as I entered the room and immediately got to work on hunting down the substances Mr. Ahn wanted. The man obviously didn't do a background check on me since considering my history I was probably the worst student he could have picked for this job. Talk about irresponsible. Even though I was going to do as I was told. He didn't know that though. 

I had collected the sulphur and the bicarbonate of soda, now all I needed to find was goddamn mercury. 

The sound of the door opening tore through the silent air like silk, making me jump fifty foot into the air and hide every chemical I had collected behind my back until I realised that I wasn’t actually doing anything wrong. And that the person who had just entered the room wasn’t a teacher or person of any authority, for that matter. In fact, the person who had entered the room was one of the five boys I saw loitering around the cafeteria earlier with Aeri.

So this is one of the jokers, hm? He was good looking, I must admit. His hair was bleached and looked like he had just tumbled out of bed, although I’m guessing that was intentional (unlike my bleached messy hair, which was the result of a dare and waking up an hour before school started) his face was slim with a sharp jaw. Unlike me he had his top buttons fastened and his tie was pulled up to the top of his shirt. I smirked. The cocky jerk.

“Oh. Hey.” He gave me a dismissive smile and disappeared behind trolleys of different substances.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to looking for the final chemical my teacher had wanted, mercury.

“Damn it.” I heard him swear under his breath.

Turning my head in his direction slightly I saw that he was by the ‘S’ column, probably looking for the sulphur which I had.

“Hey, do you know where the sulphur is?” He asked, walking over to where I was standing.

“Yeah.” I replied simply as I found the mercury and pulled it out of the tray.

“Where?” He asked again, a hint of annoyance in his tone as he stood next to me.

I picked the small jar up and shook it a little, a smug smirk pulling at the corners of my lips as I collected the other jars into my hands and began to walk out of the room.

“I know you like pranks, right? We’ll let you join in on this one.” He said with a smirk of his own.

I had to hold back a scoff. As if his pranking squad is totally exclusive? Please, I don’t need a whole posse to carry out a prank.

“We’re gunna set off a stink bomb. Luhan’s a chemical genius and the headmistress’ face will be priceless, I promise you.” He tried to sound nonchalant.

“What’s your name?” I ask politely.



Kai bows and I mock a curtsy, pulling my skirt out with my free hand. He lets a light chuckle escape, his eyes glistening with amusement and mischief.

I knew his game. There’s too many of us to avoid getting caught so he’ll push the blame onto me, and since I’ve had a bad history with pranks and he has influence the teachers will believe him more, leaving me to get into trouble and them being able to get away scot free. I smirk and extend my free hand, which he happily takes and shakes. This bastard is going down.

“Welcome to the crew.” He chuckles again.

I just smile and tuck a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. Feign innocence, Makaria, always feign innocence. 

"So... Can I have the sulphur?" He prodded, obviously getting impatient.

"Sure." I smiled and handed him the jar, placing the other substances on the counter behind me.

"Great! Let's go." He chirped and fled the room, leaving me to follow after him.

I rolled my eyes and followed him out of the room and to a courtyard where four other boys were sat on a wall pushing each other around. Haha. What jokers.

"Hey guys," Kai shouted, giving them all a smug smile. "This is Macarena-"

"Makaria." I immediately corrected, glaring at him.

"Whatever. She's going to be helping us out with the stink bomb." He announced to the guys, a glint of mischief sparkling in his eyes. 

The boys immediately caught on since their playful smiles soon turned into smug grins. Haha. They have no idea. 

"Luhan," Kai yelled as he launched the jar of sulphur in his direction. "Go do your magic." 

The doll-looking Luhan saluted in response and took out his bag, collecting various different equipment and ingredients to create this damn stink bomb.

"Makaria, this is Bakhyun, Sehun and Chanyeol." He introduced the boys from left to right, who waved at me.

I gave a half-hearted wave back, not too bothered because really, I was just here to teach them a lesson.

It was about five minutes that I was standing there for, watching the other four boys piss around as they all waited for Luhan to complete his 'chemical genius-ness'. Kai had since joined the boys on the wall while I had preferred to stand. All the boys were good looking so it was no wonder that they were the Kingkas, but the word conceited comes to mind. They were show offs. 

"Done!" Luhan's high pitched squealing jolted the boys from their joking around and had grabbed my attention.

The boys all cheered while I just stood there, looking at them like they were a bunch of toddlers who had just made a rocket out of Lego. Was I supposed to be impressed?

"Who's setting it off?" One of them, Baekhyun I think, asked.

"I'll do it with Makaria." Kai responded with a smirk. 

I smirked too. This was it. This was where he was going to try and get me in the .

Not today, son. 

"Let's go." I encouraged as I spun on my heel and headed towards the front of the building. 

I heard some hushed whispers from behind me and soon enough Kai had fallen into step beside me. 

"We're going to set this off by the reception, that way we can clearly see the old hag's reaction." Kai informed, still smirking.

I was actually beginning to think that maybe the headmistress' name was Old Hag, since that's all I've heard students refer to her as. I shrugged. 

It didn't take long for us to reach the front reception, and when we did, Kai had pushed me behind a bookcase. His hiding place of preference was behind a trophy stand. The thing was made out of glass. And he chose this as his hiding place. I couldn't help but chuckle at his idiocy. He literally knew nothing. 

This is where he learns something about trying to get girls, specifically me, in his .

I stood up from my hiding place and strutted over to his with a scowl that could curdle milk. Pushing him, he stumbled slightly and then stood up straight, giving me a confused and angry glare seeing that I was about to spoil the whole operation.

You got that right. 

I then started crying.

"I can't believe that you did this to me! I'm trying to set myself straight and you pull me into something like this?!" I yelled at him, tears streaming down my face.

His eyes bulged and it looked like he didn't quite know what to do in that moment, questions were filing into his small mind and he was damn confused. It was quite evident that he had also dropped the stink bomb since we were both wrinkling our noses in disgust.

"What is going on here?!" Old Hag's stern voice intervened.

She practically teleported from her office to our location as she glanced at me with sympathy and then at Kai with fury. Then her nose started wiggling too, obviously catching the stench of the damn cause of all this commotion.

"Kim Jongin, what is the meaning of this?!" 

I wish I could have taken a picture of Kai's face then and there because it was absolutely priceless. His mouth was gaping open and his eyes were as large as saucers. He was still crouching, but rather than trying to be hidden, I think he was now trying to escape the wrath of Old Hag. The stink bomb's smell was also travelling further, getting stronger, and boy was it disgusting. 

But soon enough we were out of that stinky lobby and inside of Old Hag's stinky office and by now, the damned stink bomb had travelled across the school, made evident by the loud protests and groans of the students in the hallway. 

I was sat opposite Kai, Luhan, Baekhyun, Sehun and Chanyeol, next to Old Hag as I continued to dab at my eyes with a soaking tissue. Old Hag was a raging storm as she told them off 
for trying to bring the new girl into their 'foolish pranks'. 

I glanced at Kai, who had his head hung low and his hands in his lap. He lifted his gaze from his feet and our eyes met. I smirked behind the tissue and my eyes glistened with smugness. His eyes immediately narrowed and his brow creased, and I could almost see the anger bubble up inside of him like boiling broth. That's what you get for trying to take down a pro. And a girl. Jerk.

I could tell that in that moment he was refraining from yelling every curse in the English, Mandarin and Korean languages and then sacrificing my kind of body to Satan.

"Miss Song, are you sure you're okay to go back to lesson?" Old Hag asked with a sympathetic smile.

I just nodded and wiped the last of my tears.

"Yes Miss, I just want to finish the learning that had been interrupted." I sniffled. 

"Very well, I'll stay with these boys to dish them the punishment they deserve for trying to drag you into this." 

I made my way out of the office and found myself smirking as I strode back towards science. Immune my . I don't see their rich families getting them out of this mess. The only downside of this whole mission to sabotage them was that the school smelled like pure . It was really quite disgusting. Luhan was no doubt the chemical genius the boys made him out to be. This really was quite the pungent stink bomb, I'll give him that. 

"Miss Song, what took you so long?" Mr. Ahn boomed, startling not only me but the whole class as I crept into the room.

I gingerly walked towards his desk and handed him the note Old Hag had given me to which he simply nodded in response and waved me back to my seat.

"What happened? Have... Have you been crying?" Aeri whispers as she studies me carefully.

"I taught the 'Kingkas' a thing or two about pranking." I told her with a sly smirk.

Her eyes widened and she began fidgeting restlessly in her seat beside me.

"How? Did you get into trouble? Did they get into trouble?" She fired, inching closer to me with each question she asked.

"Kai tried to get me in his , I used my weak-damsel-in-distress powers and now Old Hag has them bent over her knee with a cane in hand." I told her flatly, though the smugness was clear in my tone.

"Oh, Jesus. You do realise you've started war, right?" She gasps as she packs her books back into her bag. 

I do the same and soon enough the bell rings thrice to indicate the end of the lesson, even though I had missed most of it.

"Yup." I say as I press my lips into a firm line. 

"What are you going to do?" She asks in a panicky tone as she slings her bag over her shoulder and waits for me to finish packing up.

"Win, of course," I tell her with a smirk as I pull my backpack on. "What lesson do we have now?" 

"English." She says wearily, obviously occupied with my answer to her question but she chose to leave the subject alone. 

I rolled my eyes and trudged after her. Being half Caucasian, I already knew how to speak English. I don't need these damn conversational beginners' classes.

This day couldn't end soon enough. 


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Telissa #1
Chapter 2: Lmao, damn. This girl has spunk. Although I dislike her, kind of. She seems...I don't know, overly confident. But thanks for the update, I can't wait to see what's going to happen when war starts.
Chapter 2: i can't stop laughing jeez hahah this girl is the bomb, man. ohemgee she is like the ultimate badass. prank war!!
Telissa #3
Chapter 1: I really like this. Especially the names, tbh. Since I'm obsessed with Greek mythology. Makaria seems like a total prankster and I'm looking forward to see what happens next.
iman1995 #4
Chapter 1: Update soon~~~~~
Chapter 1: ahahahahaha I love this and your style of writing. I love the main already! update soon <3 hehehe