
Kiss With A Fist

"MAKARIA EUROPA SONG!" My mother's piercing voice shriek rang through the house for the nth time this morning.

"O-BLOODY-KAY!" I yelled back.

It was 8am and I was still sprawled in bed, my bare legs dangling over one side of the bed while my body was angled diagonally, my hands clutching a pillow over my head. School started at 9am yet I made no attempt to move. It's not like I wanted to go back to sleep or anything, I'm just bone idle. 


I groaned in response then slowly lifted my legs off the bed and over my head so that they were now hanging over the other side. I planted my feet firmly on the carpet and completed the last step of my retarded backwards roly-poly, now standing up straight although all I could see was bursts of colour dancing around my vision. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands, trudging to my en-suite. 


"I AM UP." I cut her off and snatched my new uniform from the top of my dresser.

I really couldn't be assed for this day. After two months of doing all I now have a new school to attend to, which means having to meet new people, having to follow new rules and having to do as I'm told. Why couldn't I have been born into a rich family who could and would support me for the rest of my life so that I don't have to do anything that requires me to over exert myself? I mean, my family wasn't poor. My dad's business was doing great and my mom took up a part-time job at my dental practice because there wasn't a lot for her to do at home anymore, so we were pretty well off. But my dad expects me to go to college like my sister, Athena. She's living in the next town over and doing really well as a freaking accountant. Okay so math was not my forte but I was never gunna end up like her anyway. I'm just a walking disaster who somehow lands herself in constant trouble. 


I pinch the bridge of my nose before quickly running a brush through my messy bleached locks and brushing my teeth. I then grabbed my tattered denim backpack from the corner of my room and ran down the stairs, giving my mom a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Honey, when are you going to dye your hair? Your roots are terrible! It ruins the smartness of the uniform." She nagged while gesturing to my red V neck sweater, white shirt and tartan skirt. 

I dismissed her comment with a wave and bid her goodbye before speed-walking out of the house and down the street to the bus stop. Luckily it still hadn't come, but when it did the damn thing was packed. Ugh. I hate buses. I hopped on, gave the driver my change and grabbed a handle since all the seats were occupied. 

It felt like a long ing journey and I was glad when we had reached the ancient castle of a school I had to attend. I hopped off the bus along with a few other students who seemed to also attend this school and made my way into the building through the reception just like I was told to prior to this day.

"Makaria Song?" A wobbly, snooty sounding accent asked from behind me.

I turned around to see an older (late fifties, maybe early sixties) woman in a grey pantsuit and glasses that practically hung from the tip of her nose.

I forced a polite smile, remembering that I had to make a good impression, and bowed to the woman, who smiled back and lead me to what I presume was her stone-age office. There was another young girl, seemingly my age, sat in front of the desk. She turned around when she heard us enter and immediately a huge grin overtook her features, making her look like a 5-year-old who was just told they were going to Disneyland. I tried to smile back, hoping it looked genuine, but she was grinning so much that her eyes were practically shut so she probably didn't see anyway.

"If you'd like to take a seat next to young Aeri here I'll explain to you what you are expected of as a student at this school." Old Hag begun, I'm sure she told me her name earlier but I just wasn't paying attention.

I took a seat and tuned out her nasally voice, instead I took note of the ugly brick walls that surrounded us. Jesus, this whole school was a site for sore eyes; the place was practically crumbling down. It had to have been built in the 1950s. There's no other excuse for this poor wreck.


Old Hag’s office was furnished with old, antique looking desks and tables followed by a fancy bookcase filled with what I assumed to be Korea's finest literature. I had to hold back a scoff. I bet she hasn't even read half of these books.

"Do you understand, Miss Song?" Her voice demanded, seemingly impatient.

"Yes, Miss." I replied swiftly, not too sure of what I was agreeing to.

She began speaking again, but all I could focus on were the brown stains that decorated her yellow teeth. Evidently, from the stains (and her breath) she was a coffee drinker. Probably even a smoker. I wrinkled my nose and tried not to appear rude as she was bellowing orders in my face. That was when I caught a glimpse of the crow's feet underneath her eyes as she smiled at me. Maybe Old Hag was older than 60. I mean, you could use those bloody crow’s feet to learn your entire times table with. 

"And this young girl next to you is Jung Aeri, she will be your buddy for the week. It's her job to show you around the school, introduce you to your classes and to keep you company. Any questions you should go to her." 

I had to stifle another scoff and instead smiled at the overly fidgety girl sat next to me. Apparently the grin she was wearing 5 minutes ago had never left her face.

"Hi, Makaria! It's great to meet you!" She cheered.

I just nodded my head with a smile. My cheeks were beginning to hurt.

"She'll take you now since it's still form time, I expect both of you to attend first lesson as usual. See you soon. I hope you enjoy your time here." Old Hag bellowed once more.

I nodded and followed Aeri out of the room. She was so happy she was basically bouncing rather than walking. She was like a human sized ball/sun. 

"Oh-my-god I'm so excited that I was chosen to be your buddy! I've heard so much about you and I can't believe you're here in this school!" Aeri squealed as she took me out of reception and into the main corridor. 

"I can't believe it either." I said with extreme lack of enthusiasm.

"Please don't get kicked out of this school because we can be such great friends! I know you're funny and your pranks are just hilarious but you need to stay in this school okay!" She chimed as she grabbed my arm and clung onto it as we walked.

However, my attention quickly switched from her to the five boys that were loitering in the otherwise empty cafeteria. They were laughing, teasing, and wiggling their eyebrows as if there was no form to attend to, as if they owned the damn school. Who the hell do they think they are? Good looking? Well they're right. God damn it. 

Aeri had apparently caught on to what, or who, had caught my attention since she was now glancing back at me with a knowing smirk.

"Hot, right?" She said as she nudged the arm she was clinging to. 

"Kind of. I was thinking more along the lines of arrogant. Who are they?" 

"They're basically the Kingkas of the school. They're in our year and they're a bunch of pranksters. Although they never get into trouble because they get good grades, they're rich and their families are all somebodies." She explains with a sour chuckle. 

I scoff. Pranksters. Ha. Getting into trouble is all part of the fun.

"Competition?" She chuckles again. "Just remember they're immune. Plus, even though they're a bunch of jackasses they are kinda hilarious." 

"Immune? I don't need to be immune to be a ing riot." I scoff again.

"Seriously, they've done a lot more than brought a couple of sheep into school." She tells me with an amused glint in her eye. 

"It was the last day of the year, I wanted to leave with a bang. Besides, it wasn't the bringing of the sheep that got me into trouble..." I say as I press my lips into a firm line. 

"Well, you left alright... What happened to the sheep?" She cocked her head inquisitively, her Bambi-like eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I had lamb chops for dinner." I answer flatly as I grab the handles of my backpack. 

Aeri's eyes slowly widen and forms a little 'o' as my words sink in. I smirk. O to be an innocent little prefect. The bell then chimes throughout the school and as if on cue, students file out of classrooms and spill into the hallways.

"We have science now, Makaria!" Aeri chirped, somehow managing to quickly recover from my earlier comment.

Great. Science. A subject I at. 





So, yeah this is the prologue. I just wanted to give you an insight to what Makaria's character is like and give you a bit of a set up before you know who comes in. 

*wiggles eyebrows*


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Telissa #1
Chapter 2: Lmao, damn. This girl has spunk. Although I dislike her, kind of. She seems...I don't know, overly confident. But thanks for the update, I can't wait to see what's going to happen when war starts.
Chapter 2: i can't stop laughing jeez hahah this girl is the bomb, man. ohemgee she is like the ultimate badass. prank war!!
Telissa #3
Chapter 1: I really like this. Especially the names, tbh. Since I'm obsessed with Greek mythology. Makaria seems like a total prankster and I'm looking forward to see what happens next.
iman1995 #4
Chapter 1: Update soon~~~~~
Chapter 1: ahahahahaha I love this and your style of writing. I love the main already! update soon <3 hehehe