Poster#9 - My Big Fat Pinoy Wedding - fizz-peaze [by SH]

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Poster #9


fizz-peaze_- My Big Fat Pinoy Wedding

Message/Comment/Specific Request:*:Please make it wedding themed. Thank you.And for the pictures of Yunho. I'm so sorry I couldn't find a picture that was that HQ with only him in it. Ignore the guys in it.I really love your posters which is why I am looking forward to this one and there's no hurry ;)

Comment: Seriously, it took me an hour just to make this one, not because I'm lazy doing it or such but because I'm having a hard time with the 'wedding concept'. First I tried white=failed, then pink=failed. In the end I use Green. IDK why... I just randomly chose a color. keke. And when I'm half way finishing it, we had a black out and I waited for another hour~ now it's finish! I hope you like it. Not that 'wedding-ish but It's kinda sophisticated. Message me of any conflicts! ^^

PS. I really love the photos you gave me. I did not had a hard time at all. XD And I'm waiting for ya story KABAYAN! :))

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I have requested a review. A heads up that it's not completed. Please and thank you.
I requested a review (again). :D
incubus #4
I requested a review, thank you! =D
I have requested! :D
I requested for a review of my oneshot... :)
requested for review~ :)