The Makeover and Yoo Rin’s Problem

I love you, you love her

Nobody’s POV


“Yah! I said her hair will be straightened!” Key yelled as he heard Yoo Rin instructing the hairdresser to jut cut Chae Young’s wavy long hair.


Yoo Rin’s gaze flew back to Key. Chae Young just stared at the two in front of her.


Yoo Rin glared at the hairdresser, “Kindly put bangs on her, and give volume to her hair. Maintain the burgundy color of her hair. Do it now.”



Yoo Rin put her right hand over Key’s mouth to shut him off. “Oppa, you’re so noisy. I’m in-charged of the look; you take care of the dress, arasso?”

“Hmff…” Key struggled from her grasp. She just leaned closer to him. His eyes bulged at the proximity.


“Let me do my thing, okay? After this, your turn,” she whispered. Little did she knew, Key was panicking inside of him.


She let him go, while he turned away and put a handover his chest. She approached Chae Young who’s patiently waiting seated in front of the wall-to-wall mirror of the salon.


Yes, Chae Young decided to change, even if thinks it’s a bit late.


She knew she should have done this a long time ago, even if before the heartbreaking news.


And now, she pulled her brother and her best friend’s sister to help her.

Being with the two closest persons to her today gives her headache due to their constant arguments…but these two can help her.


Their first step—salon.


As soon as the class is over, they rushed to their cars and made way to Key’s hairstylist’s salon.


“Why do you ever think of transferring here? This should have been our bonding,” Chae Young heard Key said. She just shook her head.

Key-oppa’s pathetic plans to get Yoo Rin’s attention—she thought.


Yoo Rin smirked. “Unnie loves me. And I transferred so I can see you,” She answered, making the guy feel uneasy.


Darn this girl, Key thought. He always gets weak whenever it’s her.


“So you’re saying, you like me?” He asked, unsure and full of anticipation.

She turned to him, smiling.


“I’ve told you that I like you before…”


He can feel a BUT on that.


“But I have gotten over you already, oppa.”

He felt like his world collapsed on him.



Chae Young’s POV


Okay, my hair is done.


I have to get used to letting it down and taking care of it.


I have bangs and my black burgundy hair was given volume so that it won’t look flat. And they advised me a lot—like conditioner and other blah blah blah.


I never thought that being pretty have to be this meticulous.


And now—sigh.


I feel like I wanna back out.


Oppa said I can have spa treatment at home because we have one (OMG, I don’t know huh.)—so we skipped that step. But we definitely can’t skip SHOPPING.


I told him that I have tons of clothes at home—but he said I need some other dresses…and shoes…make-up (what the?)…accessories (oh no!).

He bought me 10 pairs of shoes already from different stores—and most of it is either new arrival or limited edition.

I think I already have more than twenty bags of clothes—and he already called our bodyguards to hold on to that while the three of us (me, Yoo  Rin and Oppa) kept on going in and out of the stores.


He’s currently selecting dresses for me—and he said we’ll also choose on the latest winter dresses and coats.


DAMN. He’s really taking it to his heart to DRAIN his CREDIT CARD.

For sure, he’ll ask for my card later.


“Unnie,” Yoo Rin pulled me in the corner. “We should go to your favorite too—we should buy Victoria’s secret too, “she whispered.



This is why I hate SHOPPING.

The walking.

Too many people.

The companions kept on dragging you everywhere.






Why is Key-oppa looking so serious?


And Yoo Rin looks like she’s keeping her distance…


Did something happen again?


“There, I purchased you nice winter dresses,” huh? Already done? I peeked at his back and OMG.


Our bodyguard is holding another ten additional shopping bags!

I have to stop this. So over the top already!


“Oppa, I guess we should stop buying dresses for now,” tsk, I haven’t even seen what he bought. He just gets the dress and put it over me and then he’d say, ‘I’ll buy this’. I should really stop him.


“But we haven’t bought you some accessories to match with the clothes,” he complained. Huh? Do we really need to do that?


“One more round, Chae Young, and then we’re done,” he promised. Hmm… What’s with the serious tone?


“Okay,” Damn…my feet are already sore.



At home at last.


Yoo Rin and I slept in the car already on our way home. I felt like I can’t drive anymore so I allowed one of our bodyguards to drive my convertible.

It’s almost 2 in the morning.

As expected, oppa made a RAID on the mall to shop.


We filled the car trunks with shopping bags and boxes.


That was so exhausting.


Even Yoo Rin found it hard to make her way to her room. I saw Key-oppa helping her to her room.


I think I should check on her. Yoo Rin has the tendency to roll over her bed. Her room is just two doors away from mine.



 Huh? The door’s open? Yoo Rin never do this.

And the lampshade on? She can’t sleep with lights on.

I think I should peek a little…




Key-oppa’s sleeping next to her!

Did they do it?


No, they can’t. Key-oppa turned 18 this year… and he’s legal. But Yoo Rin?

She’s just 15…

I think I should take a look closely.




Thankfully, they have clothes on. So I conclude they didn’t do ‘IT”.


But why?


Why is that oppa’s sleeping next to her?


Did they just fell asleep?



Whatever. I’ll just ask them tomorrow. I’m sleepy.


Yoo Rin’s POV


I can’t open my eyes.

I can hear my phone beeping. It’s the alarm.

Time for school. But I feel like I want to be absent today.


My feet and legs feel sore all over…imagine me walking for many hours in heels.

I feel like it was put under many hollow blocks and got pressed all together.


And why does my bed feels narrow?


Slowly opening my eyes, found the greatest shock of my life.


Key…Key-oppa’s with me in my bed?!


“Ahh!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs…but he just pulled me closer to his chest, muffling my voice.


“Hmm…let’s just stay this way, Yoo Rin-ah…I miss you.”


Was he sleep-talking?

‘Cause if he is there’s no way its true.

Did…he really miss me?


“Don’t leave me again, Yoo Rin-ah…it’s so hard for me to bear,” he said, closed eyes.


Darn. If he’s trying to make my heart skip a beat, he just did!


I looked at his face. It’s still the face of the guy I liked three years ago.


But he’s the same guy who told me that he only sees me as his little sister.


For three years, I’ve carried that word in my heart and in my mind.

And now, he’s doing this to me?


“Yah, Key-oppa, wake up,” I need to wake him up and myself too.

I shouldn’t dwell in the past just because someone made me reminisce about it.

I’ve already told him that I’m over him.


But…I don’t know if it’s true.


“Yoo Rin!” Damn. That was Dara-unnie. And she’s just outside my room! What am I going to do? Key-oppa’s here!


“Oppa, wake up. We’re late for school,” you need to wake up so that you can hide in my bathroom!


“Hmm?” . You don’t need to be y right now. If Dara-unnie catches us, I’ll be doomed. She’ll think I’m an easy girl—


“Yoo Rin! What is Key doing here?”


. Dara-unnie saw him.







Chapter 21

“Noona neomu yeppeo~~~”




It’s a gift from me…you’re so pretty…”


“So the girl who’s fighting the urge to fall in love with me recognizes my voice?”


Chapter 22

“I’m just a friend who wants to help…”

“I don’t wanna be your friend.”


“I loved someone too, oppa… I love him, but he loves her.”


“You wouldn’t want to be my girl?”





Author’s note:


Mianhe for the lame chapter. Blame my busy schedule for not making a polished chapter. And for making this in rush....

And sorry too for the previous chapter, for the grammatical errors and ughh…errors. When I was re-reading it I was like…OMG. I posted a shame. Really sorry. I’ll check on that next time. Right now I’m just so busy at the office, hehehe… I’m glad ayways that I get to post another chap…and I hope I’ll get to post on Choi Min Ho’s birthday…huhu. Though I still have another chap before Minho’s birthday…work, give me a break so that I can update my fic! Hahaha.


Thank you for appreciating my work, hihi. You just made me so happy…like the others… and I love the comments… :D

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Its a very impressive one.Keep going.^^
Chapter 1: Why do I suddenly feel a heavy thug in my heart as I read Chae Young's POV about her friends?
High school love story. :D
Chapter 37: Shiet man. I need an update soon. Your story is amazing!
Chapter 23: Hahahahahahahahaha! Cold shower lol
Chapter 16: Their pairing name should be ''ChEw''! Haha
Chapter 6: Jonghyun ftw.
Chapter 3: I love that manga/anime. I'm a big fan! L is my fave character. <3
ZeRynna #9
Chapter 37: AWWWW!!! This is such a sweet gooey chapter you got there!
I hope these couple will have more storyline to their relationship.. I was missing Jin Ah and Minho couple~ And Jjong express his feelings to Sun Joo!! I guess it was never a one sided love.. :)
onewswifey #10
Chapter 37: Waaah..this is just so cute! Finally, an understanding of hearts for the two couples..:D