
Don't Be Afraid of Me


"Baek, slow down!" Jaeshin called up to me, fighting through the air to match my speed. I looked back briefly, shooting him an apologetic look, and tucked my wings tightly to my body.

"Something’s wrong, I can feel it!" I called back, diving through the air. The trees below sped by in a blur, and I tried to swallow down the feeling that something was wrong with Chanyeol and Skye. I had left the meeting, much to Kris and Suho’s despair, and Jaeshin had quickly followed me.

I looked down, the scent of smoke and metal in the air, and recognized the ring of trucks. I pulled my wings in, dropping down, and skidded a few feet on my back through the snow from my hard landing. Jaeshin soon flapped down awkwardly next to me, and we looked around.

There was a fire reduced to embers in the center of the trucks, and a strange crate next to it that wasn’t there before. I stepped forward, before seeing Skye. She was lying on her side, hands clasped to her stomach, her face as pale as the snow around her. I stopped in my tracks, in a breath, and felt Jaeshin clasp my hand gently. I looked down at him and he nodded at me encouragingly, his eyes wide with worry.

I walked forward again, stopping in front of Skye, but turned towards the crate when the scents of silver and blood hit me. Jaeshin walked over to the crate, covering his mouth and beckoning me over. I stood, almost falling in the snow, and stood next to him. Chanyeol was stretched out, covered with pine boughs and burns. His eyes were closed and he was as pale as Skye, my heart thumping in my chest as I checked for a heartbeat.

"You have to heal them!" Jaeshin said, nudging me. I nodded, hearing Chanyeol’s heart beat faintly in my ears. I stretched my hand out, laying it on his chest and forcing life back into him. His heart gained strength, beating solidly, and the burns started slowly melting away. When I was done, Chanyeol was sleeping softly, the only reminders of his ordeal were a few red scars on his hands and arms.

"Chanyeol, wake up." I nudged his shoulder. He frowned, his eyes fluttering open slightly, then rolled away.

"Chanyeol, what happened?" I asked, shaking him. His eyes opened and Jaeshin helped him sit up, propping up his head.

"What happened?" Chanyeol slurred, looking around. He was exhausted from the silver, and I motioned for Jaeshin to set him down. I strode quickly over to Skye, placing my fingers on her neck to check for a pulse.

"Come on, Skye." I mumbled, rolling her on her back and putting my arm under her back. I lifted her up until she was almost sitting on my lap, her head rolled back against my wrist.

"Oh god." I whispered, looking at the gunshot in her stomach. Her skin was ice cold, pale with a grey tint, and I listened hard for a pulse. I placed the hand not supporting her on her neck again, searching hard for a pulse. When there was none, my hand slipped down to her cheek and I bowed my head, pulling her close to me.

My breath shook in my chest and I cried, rocking her back and forth on the snow. It was stained pink with her blood and I looked away. A soft hand on my shoulder surprised me, and I looked up to see Jaeshin standing by me. He dropped to his knees, wrapping Skye and I in a hug, then pulled back.

"Use me." Jaeshin said. I lifted my tear-stained face, looking up at him confusedly.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered. Jaeshin shrugged, looking at me solemnly and resting a hand on Skye’s stomach.

"Take some of my life, and give it to her. I know you can." Jaeshin said, looking at his hand, stained red with her blood. I shook my head, not believing he would suggest this.

"No! I would need to take all of yours. It would kill you." I said, unable to even think of killing Jaeshin.

"This girl? She has friends and a man who loves her. I have lived my own twisted life, I’m willing to give it up for her." Jaeshin said, holding out his hand for me to use.

"No! Jaeshin, you have friends and someone who loves you! There has to be another way, I won’t take your life." I said, pushing his hand away. Jaeshin sighed, standing up and smoothing Skye’s hair out of her face with his free hand.

"You have to tell Chanyeol." Jaeshin said, striding away with a serious face towards where Chanyeol was resting. He built the fire back up, looking over at me. I sighed, knowing he was right, and carried Skye into the truck.

"What am I going to do?" I whispered, looking down at Skye’s still face. I sighed, turning away and walking back outside. There had to be a way to fix this.


I looked down, pulling my phone out of my pocket and unlocking it. Hoya and Sungjong looked over at me, sitting with the others in our living room. I shrugged at them, not sure who would be calling me at 9 pm.

"L, I need your help." a frantic voice said over the line. I sat down on the couch, crossing my legs and tilting my head.

"Baekhyun?" I said, running my tongue over my fang teeth.

"L, can you come? Skye’s dead. I thought you might be able to help." Baekhyun’s voice crackled, and I nodded slightly.

"Just because I’m undead doesn’t mean I’m some voodoo master or something." I muttered, making Sunggyu roll his eyes.

"L, seriously. Come quickly, I’m begging you." Baekhyun said. I nodded, standing up and gesturing for the clan to follow me.

"We’re on our way." They had heard the phone call with our shared enhanced hearing, and the clan didn’t hesitate as we flooded out of the house. Sungjong, Hoya and Sunggyu followed me out of the front door, Dongwoo and the others leaping out of the second story windows and landing in the snow by us.

We started running towards the cliff side, Woohyun and Hoya taking the lead. We would reach the cliff in about an hour, but what we would do when we got there, I had no idea. Baekhyun might’ve called us to see if we could turn Skye and keep her alive, but we couldn’t do that if her heart wasn’t beating. Besides, I didn’t want to force this life on Skye.

I pulled my phone out, dialing I:ota and waiting while we ran. He finally picked up, greeting me with a friendly hello.

"I:ota, we need your help. Baekhyun asked my clan to meet him on the cliff side. Skye is dead. Can you come?" I asked, wanting another clan leader to be there.

"Sure. Of course we’ll come." I:ota said. I nodded, keeping sight of Woohyun ahead.

"Thanks." I clicked off, dialing Suho and hoping he would pick up. He was at a meeting, so his phone was probably turned off. I tried Kris instead when Suho didn’t answer, and had no luck. Finally, someone picked up.


"Tao! Tell Kris and Suho you guys have to get back to camp right away!" I said, hoping he wouldn’t hang up.

"L? What’s going on?" Tao asked.

"Skye is dead. You need to get back right now!" I said. I heard Tao’s gasp from the other line, and paused as we finally reached the cliff side.

"We’ll be right there." Tao hung up, and I signaled for the clan to halt. The scent of blood was thick in the air and Sungjong hissed, the youngest of us trying hard to control his bloodlust. I saw the pink snow, but that didn’t match the amount of blood in the air.

I looked around, seeing the bodies of three hunters lying around and putting it together. A fourth foreign scent lit up the air, laced with blood and leather. I looked over at Dongwoo, who had his hand on Sungjong’s shoulder carefully, and gestured with my head towards the blood trail leading away.

"Catch whoever did this." I said. Dongwoo and Hoya nodded, pulling Sungjong away and extending their fang teeth. They would find the hunter who was responsible, and they would either kill it - a female by the scent - or bring her back to face the wolves. Either way she would die, but this way, she would feed Sungjong.

I took a deep breath, my remaining clan members following, and stepped forward to find Baekhyun and Skye.

I don’t know, a vampire Skye? Hmmm...maybe? I don’t know. Either a ghost Skye or a vampire Skye...I don’t know which one yet.

Just leave a comment on what you think, arasso? I know this update wasn’t as good, but I like the Infinite guys again. XP

Saranghamnida, kamsamnida



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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 64: Yay for happy ending :D
Danah_aq #2
Chapter 22: NO NO NO BRING BACK BAEKHYUN *crying*
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 64: So i just finished with this story
Ooooooh how many times haves a wished i could hurt you u just kept killing left and right, the hell *glaring hard* but since the main characters r still alive and actually have a happy ending your off the hook*smiling sweetly* i enjoyed reading the story even with the heart ache and the twisted mind*sigh*
Good job and good luck *giving u a pat on the back*
vaampiraa #4
Chapter 64: omo..sujin..ur ff is d best av read so far..i rily loved it..kamsamnida author-nim..and jebal write more, arraso?
Violet_luv #5
Chapter 64: Awwww I loved the ending!!! Sorry it's been so long, my life got really hectic for a long time. I hopefully will be around more now! You are such a fantastic writer!!!! Congrats on finishing the story :) I hope to read more by you!!! Great job!!!
Chapter 64: Can you write a chapter on skye's past?
Chapter 64: Huh... I'm confused hahahahaha
I was reading and suddenly the end was there
This was pretty good hehe
Chapter 55: Yes omg, I knew it, you never let awesome people die ;) :D
Chapter 54: I actually liked Jaeshin.
Like.. very much....
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh i didn't manage to read the past few chapters on time because i was busy and now it's gonna be over??? Uwahh..... The way Key dressed her up though.. Can totally imagine that.. Haha