
Don't Be Afraid of Me




I frowned at the heavy tromping of boots behind me, turning slightly to glare at Luke behind me. He had none of the stealth I had grown used to from being around the wolves, and his close, heavy footsteps were annoying me. He shot me a look, cocking the pistol he was holding, and I rolled my eyes.

He had stayed mostly quiet until I had volunteered to go with the other wolves to Chanyeol, Tao and Xiumin back. Then Luke had jumped up, announcing he was going too, to keep me safe. The wolves had allowed it grudgingly, secretly thankful for another skilled fighter.

Now, we were following Baekhyun, leading the way through the undergrowth. It was only me, Luke, Kris, Suho, Chen, and Lu Han. The others had stayed back at camp, ready to send help if we hadn’t returned by tomorrow.

"Here." Baekhyun came to a stop after several hours of walking, leaving us to crouch down in the bushes. A swampy bog was in front of us, stinking slimy water swirling by. On a rounded mound of dried mud, a stone structure stood, half crumbling.

"That’s where she is." Baekhyun said. "It’s half underground."

"We should’ve brought Kyungsoo..." Suho murmured softly. Kris nodded in agreement, looking over the structure. He stood, half-stooped, and stepped forward. His feet sunk into the deep mud, making it hard to walk, but Kris kept going.

Soon, everyone else followed. I was kept firmly in the middle, and I rolled my eyes at their protectiveness. The length of chain I had found was curled around my wrist like a whip, and Luke had given me a pistol.

"Remember, she’s a master of manipulation and illusion. Don’t trust anything." Lu Han whispered back to me. I nodded, continuing on.

Suho focused for a moment, parting all the swamp water in two so we could walk along the dry bed to reach the building. We paused outside the structure, crawling along the side so we couldn’t be seen.

"Skye, Chen, you come with me." Suho whispered. I nodded, and shook my head at Luke.

"Go with Kris and Lu Han." I said. We split off before he could protest, going in separate sides of the building.

I followed Suho, looking around. A sudden flash of movement made me wheel around, shocked as a dagger barely missed my face. The young man holding the dagger swung limply, stumbling forward another few steps towards Suho. Chen shot a quick bolt of lightning towards the man, and he jerked in pain. His foot moved randomly, arm swinging limply towards Chen.

"Chen! Stop!" I said, seeing the man’s face creased in pain. His body was covered in cuts and blood, broken glass sticking out jaggedly from his arms and chest. His eyes were a dull gold green, laced through with panic and pain. Chen jerked back, and the man threw himself up in the air, crashing down just a foot away from Suho.

His mouth opened, moving mechanically. A woman’s voice came out, adding to eerie scene.

"Have you come for me? Then come and get me!" The woman’s voice purred, ending abruptly. The man opened his mouth again quickly, giving us a panicked look.

"Brother wolf, you have to help us-" The man’s mouth locked shut and he fell, sprawling sideways. Chen and Suho stared openly, Chen checking his pulse.

"He’s dead." Chen whispered quietly. I covered my mouth in horror, looking down at him.

"We have to move." Suho said, Chen guiding me forward. We passed through the narrow hallway we were in, reaching a circular room. I looked around, seeing 10 cells all around the walls.

Three were occupied, and I rushed forward towards Chanyeol. He was hanging from the ceiling, like Xiumin in the cell next to him, separated from me by a wall of chain link fence.

"Chanyeol!" I called. He raised his head weakly, giving me a fluttering smile. He heaved his shoulders, swinging in his bonds. Suho appeared next to me, using a whip of water to slice through all the leather methodically. Chen was next to us, struggling with Xiumin’s bonds, and Kris’ team had appeared in the room as well.

I rattled the chain link fence, slowly tearing it from its roots in the ceiling. It slammed down with a clang, and I ran forward. Reaching up, I cupped Chanyeol’s cheek and kissed him fiercely, my hands tangling in his hair. He tasted of blood and salt and metal, deliciously warm against me. He moaned against me, and I pulled back to look at the broken glass embedded in his neck and side. He couldn’t heal until it was taken out, but I could see the remnants of a newly healed burn on his chest. His shirt hung in scorched tatters, and Suho helped support him as he took off the rest of the leather and metal.

I turned back, seeing the others helping Xiumin and Tao as well. We met in the middle of the room, looking down at a tray of metal knives and needles, along with broken glass. There were two doorways out of the room, and we froze when blocks of stone slammed down, blocking them both.

"Silly wolves. Have you forgotten how long I’ve lived? I’m not going to let you just take what I’ve worked hard for, and I’m not going to fall for any other tricks." A tall young woman jumped down from somewhere above us, long black gown billowing around her.

"Mistress. We only ask to take our packmates back home. Don’t make this more trouble than it’s worth." Suho said. She tilted her head to the side, black hair falling down, and tapped her cheek with her long black fingernails.

"What’s to stop me from taking you all?" Mistress asked. Kris growled low in his throat, and she produced a small doll. She held it lovingly in her hands, looking around.

"You know what, I’m feeling particularly social today..." Mistress smiled looking around at all of us. A prickle of unease shot through me, and I hovered by Chanyeol, helping him stand.

"Why don’t you meet my friends?" Mistress smiled, giving the doll a jerk. Six shapes dropped from above, their limbs slack in their movements.

We all jumped back in shock, looking at the men who moved to stand next to her. I recognized the man from before with a start, surprised he was still alive. She turned to him specially, his cheek with a her palm, before leaving long bloody lines from her nails. He was motionless, staring straight ahead, even as his cheek dripped red tears.

"Boys, I don’t want these friends to leave." Mistress said in a sugary, pouty voice. Immediately, the eyes of the men looked at her.

"Don’t let them?" Mistress continued. They looked back at us, nodding together.

"Anything for you, Mistress." I shivered at their flat, monotonous voices. Their green-gold eyes turned to us, one of them stepping forward. Although their faces were blank and stoic, I could see the pain and fear thrashing to get out in their eyes.

Kris snarled warningly, stepping forward. One boy matched him, releasing a growl of his own. I caught the sight of pointed white teeth, and frowned. Vampires? I didn’t have time to consider it, Mistress raising the arm of the doll and making the boy do the same, swinging out towards Kris’ face.

The punch connected, sending the alpha reeling back from the force, and the boy jumped forward. I could see him struggling to stop moving, his actions delayed as he was overpowered time and time again. By now, the other boys under her control had started fighting too, unable to stop their actions.

I looked up, seeing her standing in the middle of the fight, a golden laugh on her lips as she manipulated her dolls. I felt a burst of disgust and anger, watching her bend the arm of the doll, making an answering shriek come from the vampire fighting Chen. He fell, clutching his broken arm, forced back up to his feet in a second.

Another boy was crouched over Chanyeol, ready to slash his throat, fangs out and gleaming. I shrieked, jumping forward and leaping on top of him. He sprawled off to the side, and I drove my dagger into his side. He screamed, and I realized even pain wouldn’t stop them as he leapt back to his feet. He had no control over his actions, so there was nothing I could do to stop him.

I looked over to the side, shocked as I watched one of them finally start to shift the control over him. He threw himself to the side, fighting the Mistress’ control with every ounce of strength he had. She was frowning in frustration, focusing fully on him and keeping the others still. He leapt forward suddenly, grabbing a shard of glass from the ground and rocketing towards her.

Mistress screamed, seconds before the glass was buried deep in . She cut off with a shocked gurgle, crumpling on the ground. I watched in shock with the other wolves, blood staining her pale throat and black hair fanned out like spilled ink. Seconds later, the vampires fell, all of them collapsing in exhaustion.

After a few seconds, I ran to go check on Chanyeol. He was unconscious, but other than that he was fine. Kris warily approached one of the vampires, lifting up the boy’s head. His eyes flickered open, making us jerk back, but he smiled faintly at Kris.

"Thank you. You saved us." The vampire showed his pointed teeth as his mouth hung slack. Kris nodded, helping support him.

"How did you take you and the other vampires over?" Kris asked. The boy looked around, his lips.

"Vampires? We’re demons, not vampires. We were running away after the Army lost the battle, and she caught us here." The demon murmured. Kris’ eyes widened with shock, and he bent down closer to the demon.

"What? The Army lost what battle? When?" Kris said frantically. We all pressed in, eager to listen. The demon his lips, looking around.

"There was a...a surprise attack on the Army a few weeks ago. Everyone was slaughtered from our side. The other side is laying in wait for the reinforcements to come so they can kill them too." the demon said. We all froze in shock, taking in this news.

"We need to go to the Army, we need to help!" Kris said, looking around. The demon shook his head, swallowing.

"You don’t understand, there IS no Army. It’s all gone."

Sorry for the short update today, I didn’t even think I would have to write at all! Please leave me a comment on how you like it, be prepared for more plot twists soon!

Saranghamnida, kamsamnida!



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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 64: Yay for happy ending :D
Danah_aq #2
Chapter 22: NO NO NO BRING BACK BAEKHYUN *crying*
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 64: So i just finished with this story
Ooooooh how many times haves a wished i could hurt you u just kept killing left and right, the hell *glaring hard* but since the main characters r still alive and actually have a happy ending your off the hook*smiling sweetly* i enjoyed reading the story even with the heart ache and the twisted mind*sigh*
Good job and good luck *giving u a pat on the back*
vaampiraa #4
Chapter 64: omo..sujin..ur ff is d best av read so far..i rily loved it..kamsamnida author-nim..and jebal write more, arraso?
Violet_luv #5
Chapter 64: Awwww I loved the ending!!! Sorry it's been so long, my life got really hectic for a long time. I hopefully will be around more now! You are such a fantastic writer!!!! Congrats on finishing the story :) I hope to read more by you!!! Great job!!!
Chapter 64: Can you write a chapter on skye's past?
Chapter 64: Huh... I'm confused hahahahaha
I was reading and suddenly the end was there
This was pretty good hehe
Chapter 55: Yes omg, I knew it, you never let awesome people die ;) :D
Chapter 54: I actually liked Jaeshin.
Like.. very much....
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh i didn't manage to read the past few chapters on time because i was busy and now it's gonna be over??? Uwahh..... The way Key dressed her up though.. Can totally imagine that.. Haha