
Lost in a Galaxy

Kris's POV

I hurried over to where the girl was locking the door, trying to act as casual as possible. My mission failed when a stubborn, hot tear slid down my cheek. 

"Are you okay?" The girl was staring straight at me and she had a puzzled look to her complexion. 

"I um...I" My face boiled and sweat drizzled down my forehead and was also collecting at my palms. Feeling vulnerable, my body got nervous and made me more vulnerable. 

"Kris? Are you sick?!" Her eyes widened in concern. 

"No, ah uh no, no I-I'm f-fine." Words jumbled up in my mouth and rolled off my tongue and fell awkwardly into the air. I had never been in this kind of situation before because there was always Exo there to jump in and take over for me.

"No. Please don't be sick." She looked up at the ceiling and then just barely mumbled audibly enough for me to hear, "Please umma, don't let him get sick." 

"No no I'm okay, I was just doing jumping jacks..." I was trying to decide if that made sense or not, then gained confidence, "Yeah,  jumping jacks. I need to stay healthy if I have just been crying and depressed, it always helps me think. You should try it sometime." At first she looked as though she definitely didn't believe me, but then she slowly nodded.

"Okay I will. Anyway, let's have some soju. I also bought some kimchi." We sat down and began to eat. We started to drink too much soju but it was still alright. The food tasted a lot better than it had in weeks! I had a theory about why it taste better, my little theory made me smile, "What's so funny?" Her sudden question startled me.

"Heh... what?" I attempted a fake laugh and at first I acted like I understood what she was talking about but in the end I had to give up the act and asked her what she meant.

"Haha you are so silly! I was asking you because you were sitting there grinning to yourself. So I wondered if something was wrong with me," she looked seriously towards me and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"N-no, nothing is wrong with you." 

"Then what? What is it?" How could I tell her what I had been thinking about? She was very content on getting the answer that she wanted.


"Come on, tell me!" She urged.

"I can't! I won't!" A surprising burst of voice left my throat.

At first she had nothing to say, she was shocked by my yelling, but in the end she acted very calmly about my outburst, "Kris, you can trust me, I know that I have only just met you but we have seemed to already be close. Please, tell me. You don't have to though unless you want to." Her voice was very gentle and soothing. I just stared at her like she was an angel. My dreamy staring must have made her feel very awkward because she nervously said, "Oh! Uh I bought some chicken as well, here." She was taking out a chicken container when I came back to my senses.

Arrogance dripped from my voice as I replied, "Chicken is not my style." 

She just looked at me, completely not amused by what I just said. The death stare I was getting was a bit startling as she began to speak, "Oh that's right, you cold guy." What?! Ugh that stupid show! I shouldn't have agreed to going on Exo Showtime! (Ps. I love that show. To understand that chicken reference, you should probably watch Exo Showtime)

"Yah!" The anger that overwhelmed me was undeniably because she judged me because of a TV show. Out of rage, I reached over the table and snatched the chicken away from her grasp.

"Yah! Why would you do that?" She tried to grab it back but I was too fast for her and I ran to the closest door that I could find and opened it. At the time, I had no idea what room it was. But now, if I knew then what I found out very soon, I wouldn't have entered the room.

"What do you mean 'Why'?!" I shouted angrily.

"I mean why! What did I do?!" She was angry, very angry. 

"Hah! 'What did I do'?! Funny! You know very well that you just compared fiction with reality!" My unexpectedly loud response panged throughout the room.

"What?! You set yourself up for that one! You even stated, just like in the show 'Chicken is not my style'! Why would you say anything like that if it wasn't true?! Besides, you ate it anyway!" She started to get scary to talk to, much less look at.

"Ugh! So what?! You say things that are sometimes a lie when you are famous​." I spat the word famous out into her face and continued, not leaving her anytime to speak in between, "I am not like I mostly show on TV shows! I am totally different! You haven't even made an effort to find out the real me!" I was probably beginning to scare her as well,  at least I like to think that I was intimidating but her responses were on death mode, as though nothing was affecting her.

"Hah!" Though she had tough responses, she looked as if she were about to cry. She bit her lip in what appeared to be an act to prevent the tears from coming.

"You think that haven't tried?! Well look at you! You didn't even make an effort to find out my name! And now you even have enough guts to stay at my house, eat my food, drink my drinks, and talk to me without properly addressing me!" She was began to throw a tantrum, she screamed as she cried and she just looked so fed up with life that she was going to burst.

"Hey..." She is right, I don't even know what her name is"Hey... friend..." I didn't get very far before she began screaming at me again.

"Friend?! Friend?! No! We aren't friends! We..." That's when she collapsed. Luckily for me, I was in her bedroom. So, I carried her to her bed and the regret just built from there.


Sup guys! I'm actually dancing (in my chair) to xoxo right now. You're my xo xo l-o-v-e. Haha I love this song. Anyway, thanks for reading! ^o^

So, what do you think? Things were just getting heated! What do you think is going to happen next? 

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ChoHee2552 #1
Our poor little dear was crying.....!!!!! Nooo. when r u gonna update I have to see what happens... ugh the stress -_-
Chapter 17: Finally u updated..!!!!
Lolzzz that revenge....XD
Update soon
Chapter 16: Yahhhh.....why u hurt kris?? u star's dad..!! Asfdkshsbsj..lolzz
Update soon..?.!!!
Chapter 15: Hahaha.....what will happen??? So curious..!!
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 14: Haha nice plan..!!!
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 13: *crying* :'(
Update soon....
Bruh :/ why you gotta do us like This
Chapter 12: So sad,,,,.:'(
Update soon....!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Oh no..!!!! :(
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 10: Ehhh...lolz kris.!
Update soon