I will always care

Lost in a Galaxy

Star's POV

Still feeling dazed I asked, "Are you okay?" It was the common thing to say in that situation but it had meaning to me. The poor guy looked up at me with the saddest face I had ever seen. My hands crossed over my mouth, fighting back the tears. We just studied each other's faces for a while. Then, I asked again, "Are you okay?" His eyes stared at me with a mixture of confusion and sadness. The disbelief on his face had began to send chills through me so I spoke up, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" He just continued staring at my panicked face.

Quietly, he posed a question to me, "Don't you hate me?" At this point I was completely thrown off.

"What are you talking about? Why would I hate you?"

Simply he replied, "Do you not know that I am Kris from Exo?" My eyes scanned over his body, trying to see if that could be true. His dyed hair and muscular shoulders... Sure enough he was Kris from Exo, but I was still confused as to why I should hate him.

"Yes, I am aware that you are Kris but answer me one question."

Kris surprisingly looked more disappointed and depressed, "You want to know why I left right? I can't believe I thought you were different."

Leaving me with those stinging words, he shook a bit and stood up, "Why would I ask that? I just wondered why I should hate you?" I tried arguing but he seemed hardly affected. He began to leave but then turned around to look at me.

"Everyone hates me. Don't they? They think I am giving up. I am overwhelmed by their hatred for me" he barely got through saying that before he began to cry again. So many emotions must be coursing through his body for him to break down like this, especially in front of me, a complete stranger.

"No, Kris, they don't hate you. They just are confused and don't know what is going on. When people don't understand but they also are angry for not getting answers, they begin to want to put the blame on somebody. It just so happens that they put the blame on you. But they don't hate you, they just don't understand. They are confused. Okay?" I knew it wasn't smart to speak so informally to a pop star, but no matter how hard I tried, I could only think of him as a normal person. Kris just stared at me in disbelief, again.

"Don't you care who I am? I am a person that used to give autographs all the time and had to run from the paparazzi."

I cut him off, "And you still do! They all want to see you!"

He suddenly seemed angry, "No! They don't want to see me! They just want to blame me, just like you said." Now a feeling of helplessness stirred in my head.

"Kris, that's not what I meant..." The true meaning of my words were tossed out and the outer appearance of the things that I said were spit right back at me.

"No that is exactly what you meant! I am a guy who is blamed, it doesn't matter how I feel-" He was in rage but I couldn't hold my thoughts in for any longer.

"I don't care who you are!" My voice just burst out without any hesitation.

"Then why would you be talking to me if you thought of me as a normal person?" His eyebrows wrinkled together in confusion. 

"I don't care. Don't you get it? You are a normal person who needs a shoulder to cry on. So that is why I am here, I will always care." Kris's eyes stared at me blankly, as though he were trying to decide something. Slowly, he approached me. A tear trickled down his face as he embraced me, shock enveloped me in the same way his arms wrapped around my body. I just looked down at his pitiful face. His eyes were puffy and he looked drained of color. Who could leave him like that? Why would you leave him like that? I found myself embracing him back. He buried his teary face into my shirt. We stood there feeling as though time had frozen. We were there for probably about 2 minutes but it felt like hours.

Finally he pulled back, his pitiful and wet puppy eyes looked up at me. Pity was replaced with concern, he looked at me and stuttered, "A-are y-you c-crying? " A gentle hand reached up to me and brushed my cheek. He wiped away the tears that were unknown to me, I hadn't even realized that I had cried while he cried. 

"Kris, what are we going to do now?" I squeezed his hand. He glanced down at his hand but didn't seem too worried that I was holding his hand. 

He looked up at me and said "I don't know. I don't care. What were you doing before I caused you trouble?" I began to talk freely but once I had spoken, I regretted it.

"Oh I was going to my favorite club, Starships. I was going there since I was very depressed and angry about my boss firing me and then I fell..." After I finished that line, I realized how upset Kris looked, "What's wrong?"

"You were f-fired? At least I was able to leave on my own." He looked down almost in an ashamed way. 

"Uuuhh..." I was at a loss for words. What should I say? Instead of speaking right away, I rubbed his back and then asked him, "So what shall we do?"

Kris suddenly perked up and said "Starships huh? Well then, you lead the way." He gave me a bright smile which almost seemed out of place, but I just smiled back and we were off.

Kris suddenly stopped as we were walking, so I stopped too and looked at him. Panic shown in his eyes, "What? Is it the paparazzi?" I looked all around but he then started to pat my arms and legs then checked my face. My bewilderment wasn't hidden nor did I try to hide it. My eyes were probaly 5 cm wide! I was so confused that my eyes went huge.

When he saw the look on my face, he quickly explained himself, "I just remembered that you said that you fell! Where did you get hurt?" He kept checking.

"Yah! What do you think you are doing right now?! Stop touching me like we have been friends- no- dating for years!" I felt like we had skipped like 10 steps! In the beginning, we were level 1 friends, maybe you can't even consider us friends right now! We have been progressing too fast in our relationship so I was going to set things straight. "At first, all I knew was that you were a crying guy on the street. Then you were Kris from Exo. After that we were hugging! I get it, I was a bit too inviting. It was my fault we were holding hands. But now, now you are touching me!" Air came to my lungs in a rush, the lack of oxygen for my whole rant caused the sudden intake of air. Now I think his eyes were 5 cm wide too. When I had caught my breath, I looked at him and saw his eyes were huge too. "Ah! Sorry!" I freaked out and apologized like crazy. 

Kris then, trying to be calm, said, "No, you are right. We hardly know each other. Well you probably know me a little from TV... no! That doesn't count! That isn't the real me, so let's get to know each other." Right after he finished talking, he looked around frantically.

"What is it now?" His head snapped back in my direction.

"Paparazzi. I forgot about them while I was wallowing in my sorrow." Considering what he had said, I came to a decision.

"Oh... then I don't think that it is a good idea to go to Starships because it is highly populated." 

"Then where?"

"My apartment," I replied innocently. 



I hope you will continue reading! ^-^

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ChoHee2552 #1
Our poor little dear was crying.....!!!!! Nooo. when r u gonna update I have to see what happens... ugh the stress -_-
Chapter 17: Finally u updated..!!!!
Lolzzz that revenge....XD
Update soon
Chapter 16: Yahhhh.....why u hurt kris?? u star's dad..!! Asfdkshsbsj..lolzz
Update soon..?.!!!
Chapter 15: Hahaha.....what will happen??? So curious..!!
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 14: Haha nice plan..!!!
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 13: *crying* :'(
Update soon....
Bruh :/ why you gotta do us like This
Chapter 12: So sad,,,,.:'(
Update soon....!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Oh no..!!!! :(
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 10: Ehhh...lolz kris.!
Update soon