Part 2/3

Just One Day - 하루만
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Warning: This part is very raw and unedited at the moment. Please excuse my laziness, spelling mistakes and bad grammar. Okthnxbye <3 Also this isn't the last part of the fic (see A/N at the end for details)

“Jimin!” the orange haired boy ran down the stairs. “JIMIN!” he screamed his lungs out, his deep voice echoing in the empty stairway.

“Calm down. I’m not dead… yet!” Jimin slowly tried to get up from the floor he was previously occupying with his entire body.

The boy quickly grabbed a hold of Jimin’s arm, pulling him up gently while supporting his back. “What happened? You made me so worried!”

“Nothing… I was just running down the stairs.” He replied like all this was no big deal. Him passing out, falling down a few stairs and ending up almost dead on the cold, hard surface. It was as if this was nothing big for the boy.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” the orange haired male was now helping Jimin walk out of the stairway and into the main hospital building.

“Yah, Kim Taehyung, I’m your hyung. Now stop with the questions.” Jimin weakly knocked his head with the orange haired boy.

Taehyung gave Jimin a nasty look, scoffing, “yeah right, hyung my ! You’re only older by a few months, you know.”

“By 2 months and 17 days to be exact!” Jimin pointed out, earning another scoff from the latter as he rolled his eyes.





Yoongi was really starting to think that the whole starving to death thing was not working out in his favor. It was either he would become too hungry and just end up eating something or that annoying brat, Jimin, would somehow end up making him eat the junk he snuck in from outside. Yoongi couldn’t just let his hard work go to waste, or so that’s what he told himself.

"Egg sandwich or triangle kimbap?" Jimin lifted the bright yellow bag towards Yoongi's direction.

The latter glanced at the bag and quickly averted his gaze and set it back to his cell phone, trying not to seem interested in whatever was in the bag. "I'm not eating!"

"Okay, kimbap it is!" Jimin took out the triangle shaped kimbap and tossed it to Yoongi. The thing landed right in the elder’s lap.

Yoongi looked at it with clear disgust on his face. "I said I'm not eating!" He threw it back to Jimin who was just beginning to settle down on his own bed.

"How about the egg sandwich then?" Jimin took the sandwich out of the yellow bag and placed it on his hands, showcasing it like some sort of priceless artifact at an auction.

Yoongi gulped at the thought of soft, tender bread and mashed eggs mixed with creamy mayo and the thought of it drove him crazy. But he couldn't give in to the devil's bribe. He knew Jimin was after something, otherwise he wouldn't risk getting caught with the forbidden sandwich. Everyone knew how much the doctors hated refined white bread with no fiber value what so ever. It would give constipation to patients for days. Once you got caught with such a thing, it was good bye to anything you held dear.

"What do you want?" Yoongi asked, trying not to sound desperate or show any interest in the offer.

Tossing the egg sandwich aside, hands behind his head, Jimin leaned back on his bed, kicking his feet in the air and resting them back on top of each other. "Hmm... I think you already know what I want" teasing Yoongi was, Jimin had to admit, very amusing indeed. He smiled to add to the elder's annoyance.

Yoongi knew what Jimin wanted. It was answers. He wanted to know how, when, where and why. However Yoongi had no intentions of doing so. It could have been that he was terribly annoyed by the stupid questions Jimin kept asking or the fact that he could barely speak a proper sentence without stuttering let alone give long answers to all of Jimin's damn questions. "Keep it!" Yoongi turned around, facing the same wall for the nth time. He could almost feel Jimin frowning behind his back.




"When do you think we should tell him?" Doctor Seokjin grasped his phone tightly as he sighed.

"I think he needs more time Jin... It's too early, we can probably do something about it."

Dr. Seokjin let out another sigh, making the frosty air fog up, "I really hope so! You know, whenever I see him, my heart just hurts. I really want him to be happy... out of everyone, he has suffered the most."

"But he still learned how to smile," said the other on the line.

"And he really does have the best smile, don't you agree?" Dr. Jin said, grinning widely.

"Agreed" replied the voice.




"'Why am I still here?'" Yoongi scribbled down furiously as Dr. Seokjin read his previous note out loud. "You can't even ask me a simple question in words and yet you're asking me why you're still here?" he looked sarcastically at the pale boy, dressed in white hospital gown marked with thin blue stripes and 'Bangtan Hospital' written on every inch.

Yoongi glared up from his notepad and straight into Dr. Jin's eyes, an annoyed look on his face. He ripped the freshly written note and passed it to the doctor.

"Yoongi... you have to get the surgery! Why don't you understand?" Dr. Jin's voice stressed each syllable as to express the urgency in his words. "You must!"

It was a while before Yoongi started slowly writing something again on his notepad before throwing the whole thing in the doctor's direction. The doctor patiently picked it up and read out loud once again, only to quietly end the sentence, or rather the question.

"I... I'm not allowed to say." Dr. Jin looked down at the note, holding on to it tightly. "It's confidential. But in your state, you cannot legally refuse." Yoongi was clearly not happy with the answer he got but doctor Seokjin was not one to give in easily either. "I'll give you some time to think it over but we

get this surgery done by next month, okay?"

Yoongi didn't say a word. He just simply left the room, head hanging low. But he wasn't the type to just give up either. He knew exactly what he had to do in order to get his answers. At this point Yoongi felt like he could sympathize with Jimin and how curious he must have felt. But that didn't mean Yoongi would give Jimin the answers... or at least not easily.


"And why would you do that?" Taehyung dropped down casually onto Yoongi's empty bed while Jimin continued staring at his phone.

"Why not?" Jimin didn't bother looking up.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the nonchalant guy who liked to be called 'hyung' but instead made Taehyung take care of him. "Is it because he saved you?"

Jimin said nothing and continued scrolling. There was a pause. Jimin stopped scrolling, wide eyed and looked at Taehyung, his lips shaping an ‘O’.


"Hoseok... he's back!" Jimin's ‘O’ was now a wide grin as his eyes disappeared and his eyebrows wiggled in a teasing motion.

"Don't try to change the subject! I'm asking you why you paid that guy's hospital and surgery fees." Taehyung got up from Yoongi's bed and walked over to Jimin's bedside, looking down at the boy. "What about your own surgery..." he said in a hushed voice.

Jimin only stared at his phone.


"'It must be nice being rich, huh?'" Jimin read aloud. "What?" he looked up at Yoongi who was continuously scribbling stuff down, ripping pages out, scrunching them up into balls and throwing them towards Jimin's bedside.

Yoongi didn't bother even sparing a single glance for the younger boy. Jimin picked up the next ball and carefully opened it, straightening out the wrinkles. "'Must be nice having rich pare--'" Jimin stopped, a lump forming in his throat making it painful to swallow down the words thrown at him by the elder. "What are you trying to get at?" Jimin voice, his tone, his eyes, expression, everything was serious. The elder only continued his throwing of notes. But Jimin was not playing these games anymore. He got up from his bed and walked over to where Yoongi was sitting, constantly ripping pages and shaping them into balls. “Whatever you want to say, say it to my face!” Jimin was not joking around. The tone in his words made Yoongi look up because for once he heard a different side of the annoying boy.

“Why?” Yoongi muttered before going back to writing something again.

Jimin snatched the notepad out of the elder’s hand, making Yoongi flinch and earning another glare. “Just say it! Don’t play these stupid word games.”

“Who the hell asked for your help!?” Yoongi finally let his words out rather harshly. He had been saving them up but he figured now was as good as ever to use them. “Who said you could decide for me, huh?”

“What are you…?” Now it was Jimin’s turn to become speechless as Yoongi continued piercing him with his words.

“I heard everything! Don’t act so innocent! You don’t control me. You don’t own me so don’t even think about paying for my bills. Let me die in peace!” Yoongi felt like he was quickly using up all his words and before he finally ran out, he wanted to let Jimin know how annoying and unnecessary everything he did was. “Showing off your wealth like some rich kid… I don’t need your damn money!” and with that, Yoongi was out of the room and Jimin was left speechless yet again.


“You can’t leave!” Dr. Namjoon said, holding back an angry 18 year old Yoongi with the help of the hospital security staff.

“LET ME GO!” Yoongi screamed at the top of his lungs before his words ran out again.

The security officers both gripped onto either side of Yoongi, dragging him back to his room where Jimin silently lay. Yoongi’s whimpering and groaning seemed to have no effect on the blank face Jimin was wearing. As the officers set the flailing, weak, pale Yoongi on to his bed, Jimin quietly got up from his bed and left the room. Dr. Namjoon came running in after the security guards. “Can you

just calm down for a minute?” he said, barely catching his breath.

But Yoongi was not in his right mind at the moment because all he could think about was leaving this god forsaken place and getting out of yet another hell hole he had found himself in. Nothing ever went his way. Not his life nor his death was in his favour. “Why…” he whispered softly, his voice giving up on him, “why do I have to stay here?”

“You have nowhere to go. And your guardian already signed for you saying that you will stay here until you are fully recovered!” Dr. Namjoon finally somewhat composed himself as he spoke.

Yoongi had settled down by this time, his pale cheeks now burning with anger, frustration and confusion. “What guardian?”

“Doctor Seok

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Chapter 4: Chapter 3: DAMMIT!! I.J.U.S.T.C.R.I.E.D.....
lluhanniee #2
Chapter 4: woah, i just read this fic and i honestly haven't been crying this much in a while. this fic is perfect and im sure, if my feels can take it, i will read it again more than twice
Chapter 4: Nooooo, I just finished reading a fic where one of them dies T^T my heart can't take these amazing works
Chapter 6: Lol~ thank you so much for this.. >_< I love vmin too ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: What the hell T____T yessss I'd like to say, don't kill jiminnie...jebaaaal...

So if you promise somehow jiminnie got his life back.. I would like to read the sequel~

No,actually I'll still read the sequel and the deleted scenes whatever happened to jimin.. bcz I love this story~ so fighting!^^
Chapter 6: I cried yo
bangxtans #7
Chapter 4: this is so sad and beautiful at the same time
Dencavitta #8
Chapter 4: It's so beautiful ;A; my heart hurts and I think I will go to the corner and sob
beck100 #9
Chapter 5: Id love to read them
Dafne90 #10
Chapter 5: I want to read them... Please post them!I really liked this story a lot and I can't wait to read the sequel too*.*