In Xinling's Hotel Room

My Little Taiwanese Wife ²

"Hey Ery..." The security guard nudges his partner. "Ery, doesn't that look at little suspicious to you? Like... they killed the guy and now they're trying to dispose of his body?" He raps on the monitor two squares up and three squares to the left.

His partner squints at the screen, observing the man and the woman... she looks more like a little girl though... hauling an unconscious person down the maroon hallway.

"Nah, Surg. The guy their dragging must've had one too many drinks tonight. They're probably just helping him to his room. Seriously, you really watch too many Japanese dramas... especially those crime related ones."

"Eh, I got nothing else better to do in my free time, Ery."

"I can't blame you... I mean... just look at you."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know."

Jaejoong and Xinling manages to half carry, half lug the poor unconscious Sungho to her hotel room. They're both sweating... like... y wild boars... because they chose to take the stairs instead of the elevator. It's less suspicious to use the stairs, right? Wrong! The stairs are creepy in so many ways. Especially the stairs in five star hotels and tall office buildings. They should've taken the elevator. Yeah, most definitely.

Anyway, they are safe inside her room... the room with the princess bed! Yay! The princess bed which is now being occupied by one unconscious manager. But it's so big for just one person... and that has Jaejoong thinking. How many Sungho-ahs can he fit on the bed if he packed them all like sardines in a tin box? Yeah... he definitely needs a shower. He's starting to smell think a little fishy.

"You won't mind if I taking a shower?"

Xinling is in the slow process of removing his manager's coat and shoes. "Wait! I want to go first. I feel really, really dirty." 

Which kind of dirty?

"Or... we could shower together and save water and time."

Jaejoong can't really deny it. He's thinking the same thing, but... he's just not bold enough to suggest it out loud like she does. Just look at that innocent face. She's very good at acting the part, a laboratory-born natural.

When was the last time they took a bath together? 306 days give or take a day or two. "Okay." Jaejoong and Xinling head for the spacey, spa-like bathroom when a noise disrupts the good mood.

Damn... all nice things go to hell.

The sound is coming from the glass balcony door. Tap, tap. What could it be? Could it be... another Xinling? Well, it isn't impossible, considering they're both clones themselves.

"I'll get it!" She's quick. Too quick.

"No! Don't!"

Too late, Jaejoong! Too late! Why you so slow, bro? One, two, three, four, five of them enter. Xinling clones? Uh, no. They're boys. The boys of Boys Republic to be precise.

What the hell are they doing here?

"We're here on a mission."

Okay... stop. If you're on a mission... do you tell people you're on a mission? Aren't missions usually done in a covert manner? You don't just tell people you're on a mission!

"We're sent here by the Jaelings to retrieve an important object."

Wow... they just spilled the beans... just like that. Never let the Jaelings write an ASSASSINxIDOL story. Never let them do it!

"They're trying to force us back..."

"But... I don't want to go back. I like it here." Xinling rushes to her princess bed and wraps herself in the soft sheets.

The eldest boy of Boys Republic, Wonjun, sends out the signal. Not very secretive. "Get her, boys." They all jump her... but not before Jaejoong does. At least he's quick... at something.

And... as we all know, timing is everything in a story. So... let's have someone randomly enter the scene at the perfect moment (from the main door this time). Emily, Xinling's regular hairdresser, has come to bring her sixth favorite idol some drinks to celebrate a successful day of work.

But... What does she see upon opening the door (with her privileged key) and walking in?

Xinling's white milky leg underneath a pile of boys. She is quick to count them all. One, two, three, four, five, six (seven if she counts the unconscious manager). Oh, her heart. She drops the plastic bag full of hard liquor on her foot. No. It doesn't hurt her. She feels no pain. What could be running through her mind at this very moment?

"Harem..? Reverse harem?"

Ah... Emily, Xinling's regular hairstylist, is an avid manga reader.

"Help... help...!" The screams are muffled by the hill of boys but there's no mistaking that voice. It belongs to Xinling.

Emily changes her mind. It's not a reverse harem... it's a . But then, after seeing the way their bodies are squirming and how they seem to be focused on only one thing and one thing alone, she comes to the conclusion that it is neither a reverse harem or a .


Then what the hell is it, Emily?!

She has just entered into the zombie apocalypse. Yeah... and she better slink away very, very slowly, unless she wants to be bitten and turned into a zombie, too. "Sorry, Cyndi." She closes the door softly as not to draw any attention to herself. Xinling... she's just the sixth favorite. No biggie. Time to walk away... at max, max speed.


Author's Note: Don't even ask because even I don't ing know. Hmm... did I remember to tag this as wtf? Ah, yes, I did. Good, good.

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Chapter 11: Oh my....this is one hell of an expensive project! XD lmao I especially love the interviews at the beginning two chapters (really felt as though I was reading a fashion/tabloid magazine).
Chapter 33: all of em are coming now
Chapter 31: i ought to see the jaelings and lingjaes. why no piccies of them
Chapter 29: i didnt get this at all
Chapter 26: laugh my off indeed
Chapter 21: Squeee! >_<!!!!!
Chapter 21: are they the clones or the real erted ones? the clone jaejoong was super gentle and soft while the real one was a real frisky dude...hope the jae here is a clone...
Chapter 9: Lololol! Can't wait for the 'movie'! XDD