In the Room of Meditation

My Little Taiwanese Wife ²

Sitting, cross-legged on the floor, Jaejoong scans through the Chinese morning papers on his tablet. Yeah, he can read Chinese... and Korean, and English, and Arabic, and... and every other language currently known to man. The three Jaelings made sure to equip them both with the best multilingling chip (version 2.0 powered by Jaelings... yeah, you read correctly, they even renamed it so it sounds cute).

Okay, so who is this both?

Both refers to Jaejoong and Xinling... the clones of their original counterparts.

"Xinling..." He calls to his partner, without taking his eyes off of the shiny new screen.

"Wae?" She is in the corner doing her daily squats. Mmhmm... got to strengthen that back and legs for... for... we'll talk about that later.

"Since the news of you happily dating Yu Hao got out, it's been too quiet, hasn't it..."

"Are you being a jelly donut? Are you going to start something? Are you going to make a big fuss? You know it's a cover. I mean, at my age, if I'm not with someone, it's not desirable for my image, right?"

"We don't even know our real age."

"Well, according to the age we tell people."

"I wasn't going to make a fuss. Everything's been peaceful with the media since we've been away on this project."


"They brought up plastic surgery..."

"What? For me? Again? How many times has it been?"

"Well... I have to admit... your looks do change a little in different lighting and at different angles."

"You know I'm not the most photogenic person in the world."

"They say you're trying to copy the looks of Angelbaby and Elva Hsiao."

"It doesn't matter. I've stopped caring about my looks ages ago. It's not like I was picked off the streets for my looks..."

"Are you implying that I have no other talent besides my looks?"

"Does having looks count as a talent? And aren't you being a little too sensitive? Aww, Joongie, don't be sad. You sing well, too..."

"Don't call me that." He snaps. "His wife calls him that and it's super confusing."

"But they're not here..."

"It's confusing in my head, okay?"

"Wow, there's just so much going on in your head." She finishes up her final squat and rolls herself, like a log, to where he's sitting... still cross-legged. She then proceeds in ruffling up his elaborately combed hair and probes his scalp with her nimble fingers. Yeah, such awesome techniques... she could've been a skilled pianist.

"What are you doing?!" Jaejoong drops his tablet and tries to wrestle out of her reach.

"Oh, lower your voice. I'm massaging... massaging your head... to free up some brain space."

"So silly... so, so silly... where did you read this from now?"

"Well... from this... Japanese magazine..."

"You are such an airhead, sometimes."

"No... I just have a really awesome ability to empty out my head whenever I want to. Isn't that the whole point of this yoga and meditation session? We have to be 'aloof' for Metal Heart filming, right?"

"Xinling... we're not even using this time to do yoga or even meditation... you knocked out our instructor so we can chat freely, remember?"

They both turn to the sleeping yoga/meditation instructor. Super, super deep sleep, it seems.

"Shouldn't she be waking up by now?" Jaejoong checks the time on his phone. Five minutes pass the hour.

"I don't know?" Xinling really does look like she doesn't know.

"How do you not know? You put her to sleep... did you use too much?"

"Mmm... maybe?"


Author's Note: If you don't understand what we're starting with this chapter, please go back and read the new description/foreword, thanks.

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Chapter 11: Oh my....this is one hell of an expensive project! XD lmao I especially love the interviews at the beginning two chapters (really felt as though I was reading a fashion/tabloid magazine).
Chapter 33: all of em are coming now
Chapter 31: i ought to see the jaelings and lingjaes. why no piccies of them
Chapter 29: i didnt get this at all
Chapter 26: laugh my off indeed
Chapter 21: Squeee! >_<!!!!!
Chapter 21: are they the clones or the real erted ones? the clone jaejoong was super gentle and soft while the real one was a real frisky dude...hope the jae here is a clone...
Chapter 9: Lololol! Can't wait for the 'movie'! XDD